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The Wall - Game End.... no one wins?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Yeah so Overswarm is against letting me replace out.

@FML: You must understand that my play revolved around acting like a traitor. I had to switch from crumbing it in the wall while playing sporadically to flat-out WIFOMing it in thread. My goal was to draw a Night Kill. I assumed my role wasn't really a boon to town and since I needed to die before endgame anyways and I didn't have any super special abilities. I thought one-shot lynchproof was actually pretty bad, because if I'm getting lynched it's either because I'm scummy [so I'll waste the lynch and still be around and scummy], or because scum alpha striked me [the lynch will fail and they will get a night phase and still win]. Basically I didn't see the use of the ability for me so wanted to draw a kill. Being scummy, I thought, would help in case I didn't draw a kill. Since I have two different personal win-cons I decided to go the mafia traitor route to head towards both. Obviously, that fell through. I always goof on the execution of plans that sound good initially.

But now, rather than focus on defending myself, I am going to completely ignore people's qualms with me and focus on finding scum.


Jun 7, 2012
ill hit you wit the full speil on that early tommorow Soup, but part of it is me and Orbo fleshing out our reads and tryin to idea bounce / work together to figure it all out . I could give you my personal reads later if people be interested



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Puzzle #2

_ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ E _ | _ _ _ E E

A letter has been guessed...

it is correct!


#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
vote raziek

quicklynch please. vig shoot kantplay cuz seph said hes scum. i ****ing hate kary/july/soup for drawing attention away from scumziek
Vote: Raziek
FoS: July

very drunk

kantrip why the **** did you claim unlynchable and your wincon if that was going to royally screw you over in achieving your wincon?
ignore this
think you played too much to your personal wincon, daft, but nevermind

Could we get me to L-2 please? I'm not going to die before endgame unless a vig shoots me at this juncture.
we can do this say d3/d4. don't sweat it.
right now you're obvtown which gives scum an incentive to shoot you
as they have to beat your town wincon your personal wincon is kinda irrelevant


this is the only useful thing i did this entire game and you don't even make use of it!
why would OS choose obvious letters for a hangman puzzle?
but nevermind

@July: please analyse this post for me:
What do you think about Kantrip now ?

Where should me and Orbo be looking ?

lost a big post, this'll do


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Im not even sweating the hangman. And Kantrip don't be mad. Honestly I highly doubt youre lying but if you play hard and act townie a change of fate might happen and something like you getting NKilled.



Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
I don't recall much of Julys actions. I remember some interactions between him and Kary and I don't recall anything she said as blatantly scummy. She's null atm but im willing to listen to a case.


No Hetero

Jul 11, 2012
Request votecount.

Soup, darling, I do not understand your confusion over the July wagon. Saying, "oh this wagon sucks no reasoning" is silly and I know we have both played games recently where the awful "Make a case with full reasoning/quotes!!" mentality was not necessary. The wagoners were not bad either.

What is your current reads list?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

Ragnarock (3) - JTB, Handorin, Sephiroths Masamune
Kary (1) - July
July (2) - Kantrip, No Hetero
Raziek (2) - Macman, Kary
FullMetalLynch (1) - Ragnarock
Handorin (1) - WatchedTheThrone

Not Voting (3): Raziek, FullMetalLynch, Inferno

With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch!
A deadline has been set for Friday, July 27th at 3:00 p.m. EST

No Hetero

Jul 11, 2012
raz > throne then
This is fine with me.

I have a feeling some cattle will be needed to pull a wagon. It seems a lot of people have votes lying around that are not accomplishing much. I hate to say this because cattle are so...unsophisticated. Yuck!


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
WTT HeadCombination Activate!

Looks like we're going to be doing a read list for you guys! How lucky are you that we would bring the game to light so quickly!

Scummy McCanDyersons

Handorin: Hey man, thank you for coming into the game with the single most scummy post that we've seen in this game. Your reads list does nothing but appease the power players in the game by calling them town and potentially buddying the players you know in this game. We also would like to point out your read of S v S is one of those reads that serves only to benefit mafia players because you don't have to delve into your reads all that particularly and helps to set-up mislynches on players later in the game. Thankfully with our inactive rule having each post of yours counting for a lot more then a normal post we award this read list -1,000,000 points and subtract 50 points from Ravenclaw.

No Hetero (marshy/nabe)- Marshy, Marshy the beacon of my life, how are you letting your other head even insinuate that WTT could be scum? Aren't we supposed to be number one bros? And don't tell me you've forgotten about the hardbody crew, we might need to call that in soon. Don't waste brain cells on silly things like that.
Did someone say something about appeasing players I know and buddying? Kinda hypocritical here, brah. Plus, I'm pretty sure I "appeased" and "buddied" those I don't really know and aren't "power players". I'm too tired to actually check though. Laziness wins.

ill hit you wit the full speil on that early tommorow Soup,
Spiel* just in case you care. Lol.

Forgot to swap our vote on our #306.

Time for some hardbodying

Vote Handorin

Inferno what do you think of July?
Handorin talk to me about WTT and their scumread on you.
Basically all talk no bite. Basically you have a bunch of haters and they want to lynch you because you seem scummy, but they have a hard time proving it. And then a bunch say they don't like me, but never me. Instead, it goes on the back burner cause it's risky.

So I go camping and get back, and I think the only worth while thing that happened in this thread was that kan role claimed and we decided not to lynch him. Honestly, I'd just have a vig shoot him. It covers our wifom options. It either gets rid of scum (cause he covered his butt with lots of whining and complaining (I don't think this is the case though)) or he gets his wincon. Possibly win/win. But we should also go back to our previous actions now that this fiasco has died down: lynching soup. I'm still not convinced of Raz, but I can look over him tomorrow I guess. Right now I need to sleep.


#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
actually i think id rather go throne > raz

"Handorin: Hey man, thank you for coming into the game with the single most scummy post that we've seen in this game. Your reads list does nothing but appease the power players in the game by calling them town and potentially buddying the players you know in this game"

this is just awful

also @fullgay, i'm down to go july if you want it that bad.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산

Ragnarock (3) - JTB, Handorin, Sephiroths Masamune
Kary (1) - July
July (2) - Kantrip, No Hetero
Raziek (2) - Macman, Kary
FullMetalLynch (1) - Ragnarock
Handorin (1) - WatchedTheThrone

Not Voting (3): Raziek, FullMetalLynch, Inferno

Ugh. Look at the state of this game.

Vote: July

Why are people still voting Soup? Does he actually look scummy, did I miss something?

Anyone have a townread on FML that they can share with me? I'm ok with them going right now.

Obviously I'm taking Kantrip out of my scumlist, not sure who's the most plausible replacement.

@WatchTheThrone: What''s your opinion on July? Please ask July a question which you think will help determine her alignment. Ta.

@Raziek: read on No Hetero please


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
actually i think id rather go throne > raz

"Handorin: Hey man, thank you for coming into the game with the single most scummy post that we've seen in this game. Your reads list does nothing but appease the power players in the game by calling them town and potentially buddying the players you know in this game"

this is just awful

also @fullgay, i'm down to go july if you want it that bad.
You're cool.

I actually like Handorin's last post, too.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
We have a decent number of people on the wagon? Sorry, I saw the vote count Kary quoted and assumed it was current. WatchTheThrone may be a better option to put in the cop pool anyways.

Vote: July


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
My! I did spit out some of my latte after choking on it, dearie. Town can only hope you do not react so quickly.
I told you my play this game would be quick and rough. I don't see what you dislike about WtT so badly. I also liked their #306, especially their reads on Handorin and (obviously) Kary. Nabe, talk to me about this post and why your hydra dislikes WtT so much?

Announcement to July and Kary: Please stop bickering. I don't want two of my subordinates arguing when there is justice to be served!

No, Kary is scummy and everyone has him as so towny and I want an explanation for it. His reasoning is ****ty, his questions either accomplish nothing OR they infer that he knows peoples alignments such as WtT and FML, and no one gives a **** about it. **** that bull****, I am not in the mood to sit around and let Kary scum waltz to victory so I'm going to keep yelling Kary scum until town gets their heads out of their ***** or until I'm lynched and people realize I'm town and Kary is the one who should die in a fire.

vote raziek

quicklynch please. vig shoot kantplay cuz seph said hes scum. i ****ing hate kary/july/soup for drawing attention away from scumziek
Agreed on Kantrip.

But Marshy, when in the hell did you even have your attention on raziek -_- I think you asked me about him but you sure as hell weren't pushing him because you were pushing me instead. Raziek hasn't done anything and he can die in a fire with Kary as far as I care but I want Kary first.

we can do this say d3/d4. don't sweat it.
right now you're obvtown which gives scum an incentive to shoot you
as they have to beat your town wincon your personal wincon is kinda irrelevant
No, wtf are you saying? We are following Seph's plan which is not to oblige by Kantrip's wincon, and da fuq are you saying that he's obvtown; he could be indy, or he could still be mafia traitor messing with town's head. There is something about his claim that doesn't line up. Not that it matters because he's getting vigged toNight anyways. Since you are scum though, keep on obliging him because I'm sure that works to your wincon, especially if he really is mafia traitor.

@July: please analyse this post for me:

What do you think about Kantrip now ?

Where should me and Orbo be looking ?
It's lazy? Why exactly did you choose this post out of the series of posts which FML made there talking about Kantrip and their current reads. They were asking about an updated read from Seph on Kantrip after all his claim shenanigans, and Speh is generally considered town so asking him for advice on where to look now doesn't strike me as odd, not seeing ill-intent in this post either.

Vote: WatchTheThrone

@July: I think we need reads from you, thank ya.
Kary: Scum, goddamn people.
Kantrip: I don't care how much of his role is true and what's not, he needs vigged toNight.
Seph: Town, like his leadership role and he's not running town into the ground like other people are attempting to do.
WtT: Leaning town, not understanding why everyone is so up in arms about WtT, I'm not seeing scum intent from this slot; the worst thing I've seen from them so far is they've been weak on their pushes.
No Hetero: Town, despite being blind as **** when it comes to Kary.
Raziek: Scummy, can die in a fire.
Handorin: All I remember from him is a list of vague reads, null-scummy.
Inferno: Town, despite Seph's evidence post Inferno's catch on the Kantrip thing was good and I think he's been really focused on helping town; it all reads very genuine to me.
Macman: Null, don't remember anything from him.
Soup: Lean town, not understanding the backlash against him at all and it obviously helps that he's being logical when it comes to reading me.
JTB: O_o didn't know he was in this game

Also, I have yet to guess a letter. Has anyone guessed T yet?​

No Hetero

Jul 11, 2012
Blind my ***. You saw us vote him earlier.

Well, so far we have July and Throne coming in here every other day attacking Kary and then acting like I'm ******** for suggesting that either could be scum. Lol. I miss Seph.

Anyways July I don't remember if I did focus on Raz. But if it was up to me everyone would be talking about how atrocious everything he's said in this game has been and he'dve been hardbodied crew'd days ago.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
yeah, I want to see interaction between WTT and July, this is how i'm going about it.
what do you think of FML? are they a play today?

No, Kary is scummy and everyone has him as so towny and I want an explanation for it. His reasoning is ****ty, his questions either accomplish nothing OR they infer that he knows peoples alignments such as WtT and FML, and no one gives a **** about it. **** that bull****, I am not in the mood to sit around and let Kary scum waltz to victory so I'm going to keep yelling Kary scum until town gets their heads out of their ***** or until I'm lynched and people realize I'm town and Kary is the one who should die in a fire.
so this is going to look like a stupid question:

why am I scum beyond the fact that you don't like my play?

No, wtf are you saying? We are following Seph's plan which is not to oblige by Kantrip's wincon, and da fuq are you saying that he's obvtown; he could be indy, or he could still be mafia traitor messing with town's head. There is something about his claim that doesn't line up. Not that it matters because he's getting vigged toNight anyways. Since you are scum though, keep on obliging him because I'm sure that works to your wincon, especially if he really is mafia traitor.
what about his claim doesn't line up?
oh, and uh... if the vig shoots kantrip that fulfils his wincon.
keep buddying seph though.

It's lazy? Why exactly did you choose this post out of the series of posts which FML made there talking about Kantrip and their current reads. They were asking about an updated read from Seph on Kantrip after all his claim shenanigans, and Speh is generally considered town so asking him for advice on where to look now doesn't strike me as odd, not seeing ill-intent in this post either.
It shows either that they're trying to better read seph (which seems unlikely as most people have him as town), OR a distinct lack of initiative, and plausibly, scumhunting, coupled with a bit of buddying Seph. Lazy is not a word I would use to describe FML's play.

also, @July's reads:
:surprised: the scumteam is Kary + inactives

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
by the way if you're going to guess a letter, i'm of the opinion it should be 'R'

@Soup: i feel like you should be posting. Who's scum?

@JTB, Raziek, Handorin: post something

Vote: July


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
People don't think the "I must die" win-con is fishy, they just don't want to put me at L-2 twice without lynching me as that could be a scum win-con.

Vigging me is perfectly fine.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
I'll be here tonight

im also a compulsive liar

Someone wanna tell me what's going on?



#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
People don't think the "I must die" win-con is fishy, they just don't want to put me at L-2 twice without lynching me as that could be a scum win-con.
Fair enough, but that's not how what July posted reads.

Vigging me is perfectly fine.
are you the worst townie?
you DO remember you need town to win yeah?
nevermind, don't answer this.

@JTB: decide whether you want to lynch July please.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I need town to win, yes. But if I'm going to be a huge distraction all game I would MUCH rather have vig shoot me than waste two lynches or something and give scum free extra kills.

No Hetero

Jul 11, 2012
I told you my play this game would be quick and rough. I don't see what you dislike about WtT so badly. I also liked their #306, especially their reads on Handorin and (obviously) Kary. Nabe, talk to me about this post and why your hydra dislikes WtT so much?
Hon. :smirk:

Look at their approach to the Day. Their read on Hando is off a single post (did you find Hando's post that objectionable?) and it's their largest scumread. Their vote in that direction asks calmly for a hardbody that they know they're not going to get toDay. It's a coast if not a full agenda.

Elaborate on your Raz read (you call him scummy rather than inactive, why), condense your Kary read into a post, and character claim / tell me if I'm right in thinking you have a posting restriction. Spread your love around, as yelling "Kary is scum and I'm not" isn't helping me shine to you. And take a bath with some Epsom salts, that stuff is gold.

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