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The Wall - Game End.... no one wins?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Puzzle #2

_ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ E R | _ _ R E E

A letter has been guessed...

it is correct!


No Hetero

Jul 11, 2012
Last word either three or spree (or rupee but we're not playing Zelda here ;)).


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
I told you my play this game would be quick and rough. I don't see what you dislike about WtT so badly. I also liked their #306, especially their reads on Handorin and (obviously) Kary. Nabe, talk to me about this post and why your hydra dislikes WtT so much?

No, Kary is scummy and everyone has him as so towny and I want an explanation for it. His reasoning is ****ty, his questions either accomplish nothing OR they infer that he knows peoples alignments such as WtT and FML, and no one gives a **** about it. **** that bull****, I am not in the mood to sit around and let Kary scum waltz to victory so I'm going to keep yelling Kary scum until town gets their heads out of their ***** or until I'm lynched and people realize I'm town and Kary is the one who should die in a fire.

Agreed on Kantrip.

But Marshy, when in the hell did you even have your attention on raziek -_- I think you asked me about him but you sure as hell weren't pushing him because you were pushing me instead. Raziek hasn't done anything and he can die in a fire with Kary as far as I care but I want Kary first.

No, wtf are you saying? We are following Seph's plan which is not to oblige by Kantrip's wincon, and da fuq are you saying that he's obvtown; he could be indy, or he could still be mafia traitor messing with town's head. There is something about his claim that doesn't line up. Not that it matters because he's getting vigged toNight anyways. Since you are scum though, keep on obliging him because I'm sure that works to your wincon, especially if he really is mafia traitor.

It's lazy? Why exactly did you choose this post out of the series of posts which FML made there talking about Kantrip and their current reads. They were asking about an updated read from Seph on Kantrip after all his claim shenanigans, and Speh is generally considered town so asking him for advice on where to look now doesn't strike me as odd, not seeing ill-intent in this post either.

Kary: Scum, goddamn people.
Kantrip: I don't care how much of his role is true and what's not, he needs vigged toNight.
Seph: Town, like his leadership role and he's not running town into the ground like other people are attempting to do.
WtT: Leaning town, not understanding why everyone is so up in arms about WtT, I'm not seeing scum intent from this slot; the worst thing I've seen from them so far is they've been weak on their pushes.
No Hetero: Town, despite being blind as **** when it comes to Kary.
Raziek: Scummy, can die in a fire.
Handorin: All I remember from him is a list of vague reads, null-scummy.
Inferno: Town, despite Seph's evidence post Inferno's catch on the Kantrip thing was good and I think he's been really focused on helping town; it all reads very genuine to me.
Macman: Null, don't remember anything from him.
Soup: Lean town, not understanding the backlash against him at all and it obviously helps that he's being logical when it comes to reading me.
JTB: O_o didn't know he was in this game

Also, I have yet to guess a letter. Has anyone guessed T yet?
So I've been wondering why there has been a July push for awhile now, especially since I had to search for posts. But regardless of those even, this is pretty bad. If I summed it up, it'd basically be a bunch of outdated reads, regardless of if I agree or not, and he buddies up with some people I at least think are scum, ie. WtT or Soup. But as the game progresses, I've been getting better vibes from Soup, still leaning on the scum side though. I'll unvote for now and see where this July case is going tomorrow after my school orientation.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Puzzle #2

_ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ E R | T _ R E E

A letter has been guessed...

it is correct!


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

Ragnarock (3) - JTB, Handorin, Sephiroths Masamune
Kary (1) - July
July (3) - Kantrip, No Hetero, Kary
Raziek (1) - Macman
FullMetalLynch (1) - Ragnarock
Handorin (1) - WatchedTheThrone

Not Voting (3): Raziek, FullMetalLynch, Inferno

With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch!
A deadline has been set for Friday, July 27th at 3:00 p.m. EST

No Hetero

Jul 11, 2012
Seph, dear, I'd appreciate you coming back and trying to win this game. I believe you to be a likely N1 target and would value maximum input from your competent self during your surely short lifespan.

FML, what is the point of merely fosing July when your vote isn't on anyone?

No Hetero

Jul 11, 2012
Also, Raziek, understand that you will not be making it to endgame assuming that I live to see that point. Your posts have been "if this was bad idea mafia I'd shoot this guy 3 pages into D1" level of heinous and I have no interest in dragging you into this game.

So just know that sooner or later I am going to make this thread an uncomfortable enough environment for you to the point that you won't even want to open it, sweet cheeks.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Time to solve the puzzle, men!

Are you all listening? Good. To solve this, we'll have to do this step by step.

First of all, let me summarize Kantrip's play.

To start, let's assume that Kantrip is innocent.
Now, Kantrip needs to gets almost get lynched twice to win. Instead of just telling us his win condition it, he hinted that he was a traitor. That makes sense, for a person of his caliber.
Mhm... I honestly don't think Kantrip would be so obvious as to write the wall post that he did as a true traitor. It's not a good tactic as an innocent comrade, either.

Even though through bad means, Kantrip can stick around at the moment. He has been grimy from time to time, but is no longer a priority.

Then, this was reported to me:
Inferno, EVERYONE has their own win-con.
Which, upon hearing this, made me laugh.
The only reason Inferno would not know everyone has their own win-con, would be if he wasn't like the rest of town. A "group win-con" is a possibility I considered, this being within masons, lovers, scum... et cetera.
It's really... peculiar, and if anything, I see this as a scum slip. It reminds me of my comment towards the spy Adumbrodeus in the first day of Paper Mafia.

For now, I will finish reading the reports.
So, onwards I go!

I hear talk about the hangman situation that showed up earlier. I have suggestions to solve this appropriately, which I will talk about later.

But I digress.

seph can you give a pool of people who can go?
What a request. I will comply for the possibility of assassination.

People currently under suspicion are Handorin, Ragnarock, FullMetalLynch, Inferno and Macman.
People who did not yet make it as a comrade are WatchTheThrone, Raziek and Kantrip. JTB is in the process of becoming a comrade.

I am really wary of the suspicion towards both July and WatchTheThrone. I think July is doing good and evidence against WatchTheThrone is not just lacking, it simply does not exist.

Mhm, reading these reports about FullMetalLynch (codename: FML) make me happy.
Yes. I see how it is.
Vote: FML

Indifferent. Very indifferent.

You ever explain why all your reads were null?
There is only one proper reaction to this.
Vote: Ragnarock

Forgot to swap our vote on our #306.

Time for some hardbodying

Vote Handorin
Vote: Handorin

That concludes my catch up.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Alright July, there's one thing that's been in the back of my mind of the long time, and it's the fact you've kicked an attitude this game and I don't see your progressing your reads like i'm used to, I don't understand the change but I see you clinging onto this Kary read without anything about it, Could you go more in-depth as to what you don't like about him if he's going to only become your only target?

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Overall, looking at this game of chess, I feel like we can capture the king by lynching either Ragnarock, FML or Handorin today, in that order. This is considering both information and suspiciousness.

Vote: Ragnarock

Next post will be about the hangman.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Glad I saved this game for last, I gotta deal with my **** wagon in this game too.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
_ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ E R | T _ R E E
We have done 5 guesses, that means we have 8 guesses left.

First of all, I suggest we let our suspects use their guesses first. The biggest issue right now is the first and second word.

I suggest we guess the "n" first, which is a frequently used letter and would confirm if the second word is "number" or not.
FML: Your mission is to guess the letter "n".

Then, depending on the results, we need to clear out more vowels. If we know the second word is "number", we can freely guess "u" without punishment. The only issue is that we use up a guess.
Instead, I suggest we guess "i" and/or "o".

After we've cleared vowels, we can move on to the next phase.

That seems like a sound plan.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Ragnarock, I do admit that I deem FML more suspicious than you, however, I feel like your flip would result in a considerably better D2 purely on information.

No Hetero, I will try to be here next time you are too, then we can work something out.

For now, I am off. I will return soon!

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
On what? If you're gonna tell me that you're gonna be looking for information on my flip, at least give me the courtesy to tell me what you're gonna look at, and why it's become so important for you to get rid of me.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
@NO HETERO: Kary / july scum bussing each other Y/N ?

@Kary : is seph town ?

Where the hell does this even come from? If you're gonna make solid ****ing statements you need to have to evidence to back it up, why FML suddenly decides that Kary / July are bussing each-other is beyond me, as far as I know he still hasn't explained why every read of his is basically null.

Dislike. Dislike. Dislike. Dislike. Dislike.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
@NO HETERO: Kary / july scum bussing each other Y/N ?

@Kary : is seph town ?

Where the hell does this even come from? If you're gonna make solid ****ing statements you need to have to evidence to back it up, why FML suddenly decides that Kary / July are bussing each-other is beyond me, as far as I know he still hasn't explained why every read of his is basically null. Not to mention this is completely ****ing random and there is not priority in this slot, I have yet to see them do anything that was not just trying to fit in with the crowd, literally nothing stands out for them.

Dislike. Dislike. Dislike. Dislike. Dislike.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I somehow double-posted. Cool. Tired. Back to sleep again.

No Hetero

Jul 11, 2012
People currently under suspicion are Handorin, Ragnarock, FullMetalLynch, Inferno and Macman.
People who did not yet make it as a comrade are WatchTheThrone, Raziek and Kantrip. JTB is in the process of becoming a comrade.

I am really wary of the suspicion towards both July and WatchTheThrone. I think July is doing good and evidence against WatchTheThrone is not just lacking, it simply does not exist.
what the ****? no

inferno and macman are good

why do you think july is doing good? didnt you say that kary was a comrade meaning ALL july has done is tunnel him?

No Hetero

Jul 11, 2012
Handorin and FML: July suspicion comes to full-circle, Jumps on it like it's none of their business regardless of what they were doing in the first place.

Where are these wagons
****ing bull****. there is going to be sheep on EVERY GORFDAMN ****ING D1 wagon or NOTHING would ever get done other than people constantly attacking wagoners

No Hetero

Jul 11, 2012
macman is good and undeserving of suspicion seph. raziek has made the worst posts in this game hands down and NO ONE noticed it. the fact that macman caught onto it and pointed it out to town when he would largely benefit from raz continuing to make ****tyass garbage posts makes him very likely to be an innocent. whats pathetic is that raz will get away with it as he coasts and inevitably allow town to distract themselves from his atrocities


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Eww @ July's responses. I wasn't really for her lynch before then but her recent post is just ugly. Might be willing to vote her soon.

@Seph - When regarding the win-con thing with Kant, what I meant is that he doesn't sound like he has a town global win-con. From what I have gotten from Kantrip he has 2 individual win-cons. One is die before end game. The other one is be put at L-2 without getting lynched. I have one individual win-con plus a global "eliminate all scum" win-con. Kantrip didn't seem to have this from what I heard literally saying "I will lose even if town wins and I'm alive." That is what set off the alarm for me. But to say his win-con as not town sounds just stupid. I'll give him the botd for now.

No Hetero

Jul 11, 2012
Handorin and FML: July suspicion comes to full-circle, Jumps on it like it's none of their business regardless of what they were doing in the first place.

Where are these wagons

so basically we have rykers hydra coming in and doing nothing besides ****ting in half the game like skies and you slurping it up

youre whiteknighting july for gorf awful reasons and attacking her wagoners who ARENT EVEN wagoners which is ****ing awful and is like epic rap battles where you and zen whiteknighted scum for ******** reasons on d1 and just attacked wagoners cuz "oh **** opportunistic!!"

your fml suspicion is decent i guess but are you really THIS one dimensional?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
No, I just asked July a question and pointed out something I disliked, I'm not gonna let me read sag but I am going to pursue what I think is right, and that statement about me calling out all of her wagoners, is wrong. It's not about July herself, it's about the act that was done, the jump onto the July wagon sucked, that's all that I was pointing out.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Not the same instance marshy, don't do this **** with me.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
what the ****? no

inferno and macman are good

why do you think july is doing good? didnt you say that kary was a comrade meaning ALL july has done is tunnel him?
I recall a few comments July made really made me feel like she was legitimately scum hunting against Kary.
July has tunneled Kary. Kary has been on July all game. I interpret it like two comrades fighting.

macman is good and undeserving of suspicion seph. raziek has made the worst posts in this game hands down and NO ONE noticed it. the fact that macman caught onto it and pointed it out to town when he would largely benefit from raz continuing to make ****tyass garbage posts makes him very likely to be an innocent. whats pathetic is that raz will get away with it as he coasts and inevitably allow town to distract themselves from his atrocities
I don't see how Macman is good, he arrived and tactfully avoided searching for spies and other conversation by talking about mechanics.
Raziek's post have been the same as he always does when he doesn't get into a game.
Raziek is a good target for a nightly investigation, I can promise you that.

No Hetero, I'd rather go to Ragnarock or FML. Raziek will get investigated.

As for this:
On what? If you're gonna tell me that you're gonna be looking for information on my flip, at least give me the courtesy to tell me what you're gonna look at, and why it's become so important for you to get rid of me.
Pressuring you, my dear friend, will only create more connections to you than already are. This is elementary, so don't jest with me.


Jun 7, 2012
FML, what is the point of merely fosing July when your vote isn't on anyone?
Like I told ryker WTT before, We can't throw our vote around freely like the rest of you can. So we're gonna make sure the person we vote is either really scummy in our eyes, or is the lynch for the day.
FML: Your mission is to guess the letter "n".
Where the hell does this even come from? If you're gonna make solid ****ing statements you need to have to evidence to back it up, why FML suddenly decides that Kary / July are bussing each-other is beyond me, as far as I know he still hasn't explained why every read of his is basically null.

Dislike. Dislike. Dislike. Dislike. Dislike.
Need to talk to rake on that one,I'm the one who has been seeing Karyscum but other then that I'm as clueless as you.
AGAIN, there's a reason for that.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Then, this was reported to me:

Which, upon hearing this, made me laugh.
The only reason Inferno would not know everyone has their own win-con, would be if he wasn't like the rest of town. A "group win-con" is a possibility I considered, this being within masons, lovers, scum... et cetera.
It's really... peculiar, and if anything, I see this as a scum slip. It reminds me of my comment towards the spy Adumbrodeus in the first day of Paper Mafia.
I think I would go so far to say this is a false report. Evidence:

Overall, looking at this game of chess, I feel like we can capture the king by lynching either Ragnarock, FML or Handorin today, in that order. This is considering both information and suspiciousness.

Vote: Ragnarock

Next post will be about the hangman.
Are these votes even supposed to be threatening? You more or less post weak evidence and vote, then do the exact same thing with someone else. I expected better of you.

Handorin and FML: July suspicion comes to full-circle, Jumps on it like it's none of their business regardless of what they were doing in the first place.

Where are these wagons
If there were no wagons, lynches would never be reached. That said, my suspicion hasn't come full circle. I even said I wasn't sure at first why there was a wagon and that I understood more now. I haven't even hopped on and voted, but you hopped on me before I could vote.

why do you think july is doing good? didnt you say that kary was a comrade meaning ALL july has done is tunnel him?
Also, this. Quoted for emphasis.

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