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The Wall - Game End.... no one wins?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Kantrip, you're looking at a guy who was modkilled 5 times and almost became a policy lynch in every game that he played in. There is room for improvement, and you shouldn't give up just because people are giving you a hard time, you should strive to better things and play mafia because you enjoy it, all the other details come after that.

If you're truly not enjoying mafia anymore, then I won't stop you.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Didn't it take you leaving for a while and coming back with a fresh slate, too? I would like to rid myself of the reputation of full-****** baddie, and I can't do that through playing like a pro and proving people wrong, because I can't play well like that with everyone ****ting on me.

I will be back when I'm ready to play some mafia again.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Soup basically said what I wanted to. I honestly care more about town winning than getting my own individual win con. Because it doesn't mean **** if I get my own win con if town loses.

If you wanna be helpful feel free to guess a letter before you go. I wish I knew who guessed the first letter.

@mod -- if its like hangman do we get to see what letters were guessed


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
No, I came back and ruined myself in Awkward Moments, possibly one of my worse games. I stuck around and learned from my mistakes, hiding from them does nothing.

You prove them wrong, then. You tell them "**** you, i'm right." there is a difference between being uncooperative and being a person who respects himself, if you think you're correct than nothing should stop you from thinking that, and who gives a **** if you're wrong? Even the best players can be wrong, for every mistake that you make you turn it into a positive.

No Hetero

Jul 11, 2012
bring therapy elsewhere

soup inferno is my townbro and kantplay inferno is dumb over scum (tho i dont think inferno is dumb)

anyways i gotta talk to nabe some more. seph can you give a pool of people who can go? utterly fine with soup going. july/throne/raz all nasty as well

No Hetero

Jul 11, 2012
vote july

both halves like this. i dont think raz/throne are partners but i think there is scum between them. we may move our vote elsewhere but july can turn to august and be done with

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
very drunk

kantrip why the **** did you claim unlynchable and your wincon if that was going to royally screw you over in achieving your wincon?

I guessed 'd' for the puzzle

i thought kanty vs soup was t v t but need to reread

all best


No Hetero

Jul 11, 2012
kantrip your play was PERFECTY fine regardless of alignment up until the whole claim nonsense. that was just too much and an enormous ****ing distraction. stick this out cuz your picks and direction are good. so are your stances. dont take this as me saying youre town but more an invitation to work with the legendary hardbody crew stop being salty guy

request votecount

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Both halves have still yet to explain why July is the play.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
plus kantrip, you shouldn't feel bad cuz everyone here sucks at mafia

we're just better at pretending we don't

No Hetero

Jul 11, 2012
Both halves have still yet to explain why July is the play.
when have i ever done this **** soup

when when in my life

when in the months we have played together have i done this

dont actually answer this

now why are you acting like its strange or even wasting post count to ask me to explain

that said nabe might oblige cuz hes the mega obvtown half

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
also i would want to say throne is scummy, but before the game started i told myself id ignore any inclinations about kevin beingscum for atleast the beginning of the game. this is due to me always thinking kevin's scum nowadays. ever since phoenix wright mafia man

but *** it he can go too

also the guy that soup is pushing right now can go too


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
when have i ever done this **** soup

when when in my life

when in the months we have played together have i done this

dont actually answer this

now why are you acting like its strange or even wasting post count to ask me to explain

that said nabe might oblige cuz hes the mega obvtown half
Because you're getting butt-salty about me not being on July and just expect me to follow you endlessly without explanation? It's not even you, I think I re-call Kantrip/Kary on it too and barely saw anything worth jumping on it.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
ive paid nearly no attention to july's posts, i just know i wanna look more into her and kary's back and forth... but im beyond lazy so i probs wont do it anytime soon

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Lmfao I just looked at how this wagon formed and holy **** you could tie me to the back of the car and I wouldn't vote July, Kary openly comments about July and then decides 30 posts later that he's gonna vote him without even delving into the reason of the vote.

In fact, Hetero, why the **** do you jump on July anyways? You were on Kary at that time and you suddenly had a relevation because of this post!?!?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Oh damn, trumped by a hydra excuse.

I could get aboard Raz if nobody wants my offer on FML

No Hetero

Jul 11, 2012
yeah i realize the hydra thing is kind of lame. i have agreed with nabe to chill on the sudden vote changes and discuss our votes with him beforehand recently

i honestly have not been paying fml (best hydra nickname ever) much attention


Jun 7, 2012
Kantrip, if you seriously are town you have the indiest sounding individual win-con I have ever heard of.

-Rake Side


Jul 11, 2012
Scummy McCanDyersons

Handorin: Hey man, thank you for coming into the game with the single most scummy post that we've seen in this game. Your reads list does nothing but appease the power players in the game by calling them town and potentially buddying the players you know in this game. We also would like to point out your read of S v S is one of those reads that serves only to benefit mafia players because you don't have to delve into your reads all that particularly and helps to set-up mislynches on players later in the game. Thankfully with our inactive rule having each post of yours counting for a lot more then a normal post we award this read list -1,000,000 points and subtract 50 points from Ravenclaw.

Kary: Your play continues to reek of scummyness but at least you're trying to contribute and it makes your slot easier and easier to read and draw connections from. However it doesn't excuse you from your play thus far consisting of fielding easy questions and trying to appease No Hetero and soups slot by answering questions without delving to far into a strong stance here or there.

Also thanks for continuing to direct y/n questions at us about undervoiced and/or inactive players, I'm sure they pose to give you a lot of information about the slot/ the game.
If I didn't know better, I'd think our music was underground.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Lol @ the macman getting mad. Im gonna guess E. Nobody guess anything else yet.

@realhomo - although we are town bros I am not seeing a July lynch atm. Show me a case.




Jun 7, 2012
Kary is all over the place with his RvS shenanigans. I'm scratching my head at his "everyone who's posted is town", wondering if it's just a joke like "Scumteam is Kantrip/July/FullMetalLynch" or if he is being legit with it.

At the underlined it appears as though Kary has no direction with what he's doing and isn't actually getting anything from it. What does he gain from saying that if Hando and WatchTheThrone join my wagon they are scum? Kary, if you could enlighten me that would be great, otherwise can I safely assume your RvS is just a bunch of jokes and you're not trying to progress the game?

As far as the questions go, I'm on the fence. I could easily see the questions being the "down to business" part of this post while the rest is full of random crap. The thing is, I don't like the questions themselves. First one is ridiculous and a joke in and of itself. Second one is something I've seen other players do but it overall gives nothing. Third one is just taking a random two people and asking for a comparison.

Now, here's the deal. I totally get the mindset of throwing out random questions. I used to do it without even thinking about what the answers would get for me. Kary could easily be the same way. In fact, I think he is. I'm going to continue looking and relooking at him, but I'm saying town for now.

This post is hilarious. That aside, I like the Kary suspicion (like, not agree with). The main reason I have a super slight townread on No Hetero is because I can see the thinking behind this post. The Kary part especially, as as I was reading Kary's posts I began to think along the same lines, then this post showed up and I thought "man, Nabe is looking for scum".

Nah, of course not. He just wants them to out so that them maf bros can attempt to recruit them. Confirm/Deny?

I can't disrespect the reads. However, @WatchTheThrone: Could you please give me a one-liner on Kary and one for Soup with the primary reason for their respective reads?

- - -

Basically I see No Hetero reaching conclusions and looking for scum while I see WatchTheThrone using their time to establish thread control while I don't see their thought process in finding scum.

I like the Soupy and Kantplay wagons.
Bolded : If his win-con is to be at L-2 twice , why should he care who on the wagon.
I can understand the question behind it like why these particular players, but really, if he was going for his win-con then why should he care whos on his wagon at all ?

Italics: Says he's on the fence.
> Proceeds to go into analysis and appear to not be as "on the fence " as would be actual fence sitting.

I'm on the fence
The thing is, I don't like the questions themselves. First one is ridiculous and a joke in and of itself. Second one is something I've seen other players do but it overall gives nothing. Third one is just taking a random two people and asking for a comparison.
This looks like more than being on the fence about his opinion on the question themselves.

Now, here's the deal. I totally get the mindset of throwing out random questions. I used to do it without even thinking about what the answers would get for me. Kary could easily be the same way. In fact, I think he is. I'm going to continue looking and relooking at him, but I'm saying town for now
So, he dislikes the question but they were random ipso facto ergo Kary = town ?
Look at that Lawless Flogic.

Underlined : He likes suspicion on a town read of his ?
Underlined 2: Mfw What is this i dont even.
> Sees thinking behind No Hetero's post and apparent KaryScum read by No Hetero.
> Was reading Kary's posts and was thinking the same thing, but failed to bring it up until after No Hetero did. And has now called Kary town.
> Thought "man nabe s looking for scum" on one of his now town reads and agreed with this ?

I'm not sure how this post even works really.

Anywho , wrt to the WTT stuff: @Kantrip : Why at 3 posts into the game did you decide to single out WTT ?

This is what I noticed about Kantrips wall before that I looked at and said "WTF ? ".

You don't have to elaborate on it Kantrip, I doubt your claim is made up.
But I've still got my eyes on you.


Jun 7, 2012

I was over-pursuing Kary? Damn. You're going to have to explain this because I don't know how one goes about "over-pursuing" a read. I didn't even focus very much attention on Kary at all, it's just relevant to me because there's lots of content that I should be getting reads from that is pulling me in both directions. When did I appear as though I had a problem with Kary more than others have? You're reaching.
Except for when, how much of your wall was commenting on Kary and his questions ?

Last part, you misunderstood what I meant.
I meant you posted about the fence sitting and all the rest , just to come out of it with a Kary town read.

This reaction is still bad looking but I guess it could be frustrated townKantrip.


Jun 7, 2012
Oh my god, that paragraph is nasty as hell. Allow me to tell you why you're scum.

Your attitude and reaction to one slight statement by FML is terrible, you get defensive over one point and then try to justify your own reasoning, stating that you "Didn't even focus much attention to Kary at all" and "When did I appear as though I had a problem with Kary more than others have?" This is a blatant contradiction, it's nasty, and you're scum.

So you call me out in an offensive manner and **** an attitude with me and then get defensive once again once I fight back? A lot to dislike right now.
I agreed with this post by Soup when he posted it.

-Rake Side

@Soup: Talk to me about No Hetero


Jun 7, 2012
I can respect your vote and FoS by the way. Solid stuff. July wagon?

Vote July
Nice wagon jump for a town-bro right here.

Mfw , if it werent for your crazy win-con (which sounds to specific to be made up at this point) you'd be shot or lynched.

@Kantrip: Talk to me bout WatchedTheThrone

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

Ragnarock (3) - JTB, Handorin, Sephiroths Masamune
Kary (2) - July, WatchedTheThrone,
July (3) - Kary, Kantrip, No Hetero
Raziek (1) - Macman
FullMetalLynch (1) - Ragnarock

Not Voting (3): Raziek, FullMetalLynch, Inferno

With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch!
A deadline has been set for Friday, July 27th at 3:00 p.m. EST


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
thought i posted, gonna be v/la until sunday assuming i have the day off still, work is manhandling me


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Puzzle #2

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ E _ | _ _ _ E E

A letter has been guessed...

it is correct!

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