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The vs. MK match-up is probably worse for Diddy than 60-40

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Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
As those of you who are aware of the more political aspects of this game, there is a resurgence in the discussion of banning Metaknight, and this time around, I'm pro-ban. Unfortunately, the discussion thread involved is degenerating into garbage, not because people are dumb, but because there is merely too much to discuss about this grand topic in one thread.

A lot of the anti-ban players state that "MK does not have dominating match-ups versus the entire cast. Most of his high level match-ups are 60-40, which makes him beatable, and therefore worthy to remain part of the competition." This is a fairly good argument, but I think that most of MK's match-ups are underrated, and that he beats many characters worse than what their match-up is currently labeled.

Because of this, I'm visiting each of the character boards that have MK listed as 6-4 or better, and debating with them whether or not MK vs Diddy is 6-4.

I'll delve deeper into this when I get home from school today.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
For reference material, I looked this up on your match-up guide. I'll paste it here, so you don't have to search for it when using it to discuss.

Week #3
Meta Knight

Match-Up Estimate: 4 : 6
[This match-up is slightly in Meta Knight's favor]
~ Props to Le_THieN for doing a massive re-write

Meta Knight's Advantages:

* superiority in almost every characteristic facet imaginable:
o speed
o range
o priority
o aerial mobility
* very small hurt-boxes
* disjointed hit-boxes on virtually all attacks
* boasts the longest, safest, and most versatile recovery in the game

Diddy's Advantages:

* bananas out-prioritize every single move in Meta Knight's arsenal
* can arguably kill with successfully-landed KO moves at earlier percentages

Specific Match-Up Points:

* Meta Knight's Shuttle Loop is, best to my knowledge, still in the running to be named the absolute best special move in the game. It is a special attack that combines blistering speed, high priority, and an absurd amount of knock-back at low percentages that not only makes it the perfect anti-air and anti-edge-guarding tool, but also doubles as an ideal off-stage gimping resource.
o On top of that, it has at least one frame of super armor during its nearly nonexistent start-up, and automatically places Meta Knight into a gliding state - setting him up for a glide attack equal in priority and power.
+ If the glide attack is executed near the ground, it can be lag-canceled into any number of Meta Knight's other, near-lagless ground attacks. This makes this possible three-move chain virtually unpunishable.
* Meta Knight's fast ground speed, high-priority special moves and plethora of ranged, disjointed attacks all grant him the ability to quite literally crush the spacing of every single character in the game.
o Additionally, Meta Knight has absolute aerial superiority in every way. Aside from a ground game that shuts down most other characters' abilities to safely approach horizontally, Meta Knight is even able to administer a ridiculous degree of pressure by vertically spacing with his fast, ranged and lagless U-air and D-air.
* All four of MK's special moves grant him some degree of significant mobility; this effectively grants him four different recovery options.
* Most Meta Knight mains will stay in a constant state of flight and zone from the air in order to decrease the effectiveness of Diddy's banana approaches.
* Diddy is very, very susceptible to Meta Knight's off-stage gimping game due to the vulnerable nature of both the charged and blasted states of the Rocket Barrel Blast. If Meta Knight intercepts Diddy at any point of the Rocket Barrel Blast, Diddy is almost as good as dead.

Strategic Notes:

* As previously mentioned, there is one trump card that Diddy has over Meta Knight (as well as the remaining entirety of the rest of the Brawl cast) that he will never be able to beat if they are effectively deployed: bananas. Combined with unique ability to readjust spacing with glide-tossing, you will always be able to quickly capitalize on a Meta Knight who enters a tripping state or a short banana hit-stun state in the air. The smart, measured application of bananas in this match-up will ultimately determine which direction the favor will swing in; it's therefore imperative that Diddy has bananas out at all times.
o The Mach Tornado is one specific move that MK mains are fond of whose respective cool-down frames can be taken advantage of with glide-tossing. Diddy has surprisingly diligent shield endurance against the Mach Tornado, and he can immediately glide-toss out of a shield in order to punish the Mach Tornado's period of cool-down.
o Similarly, D-smash is easily one of MK's most used and abused attacks due to its blinding attack speed and strength, as well as nearly nonexistent execution lag. If I recall correctly, the second hit of the attack actually has more knock-back, so expect to see a D-smash if you anywhere in range, especially from behind. Use prudent positioning in order to get behind him and bait the move - even with slight shield-stun, there is still just enough time for Diddy to get in a glide-toss before Meta Knight can spot-dodge or get his own shield up. Even if the timing is whiffed and MK manages to block the banana, make sure that you always glide toss forward in order to close distance and quickly follow up with a grab.
* If Meta Knight takes to the skies, do not even attempt to go head-to-head with any of his disjointed aerial attacks (unless you have a banana in your hand or you are punishing a whiffed attack). Hit, re-space and run by harassing Meta Knight while he is in the air with a salvo of peanuts varying in height and jumping banana throws in order to bring him back to the ground.
* Surprisingly, Diddy has a diverse array of options in order to interrupt and override the Mach Tornado:
o Banana Peels
o Diddy Hump
o F-tilt
o fast-falled N-air (above the whirlwind)
o Rocket Barrel Blast (you must allow yourself to be hit during the charged state)

The Diddy Hump and F-tilt in particular require a high degree of spacing awareness and directional anticipation of which way Meta Knight will go once he has activated the Mach Tornado.
* For as excellent as Meta Knight's overall recovery might be, Diddy has the distinct advantage of having the superior recovery that combines the longest and furthest horizontal and vertical trajectory – with, of course, proper aerial spacing and enough of a barrel charge. Meta Knight mains who are aggressively edge-guarding you will almost never chase you any further off-stage if you actually jump or Monkey Flip backwards in order to adjust spacing for your Rocket Barrel Blast. By that point, you will already be charging your barrels to maximum charge, and the slow descent of your charged state will position you off-stage in such a way that you are actually too low and too far away for Meta Knight to gimp you and recover himself. It takes some practice and precise directional influence, but it is logically one of the safest ways to recover without putting yourself in immediate danger of being directly gimped.
o If possible, it is worth the effort for you to bait Meta Knight some distance off-stage before you re-space by jumping backwards. Opponents will then be faced with the dilemma of pushing onward with the chase (in which case they will also face the higher probability of death), or simply turning around and flying back on-stage. If they choose the latter, you occasionally score free damage by to rocket-barreling back onto the stage, but not before you blow through an actually helpless Meta Knight.
* The Drill Rush is easily escapable. You can minimize the damage it inflicts by smash-DIing through it.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
i think mk loses to diddy or goes even because mks air game and camping game with dairs doesnt do anything, the tornado is easily blocked, so that leaves ground fighting, where diddy has the advantage cuz of bananas. That's the way i see things and that's why I think that

Lord Chair

Smash Master
Apr 17, 2009
Cheeseland, Europe
... because mks air game and camping game with dairs doesnt do anything...
Wait, Diddy is immune to damage now?

Honestly, it's not like Diddy can truly counter MK's (aerial) approaches, unless of course you bait. But just baiting your way through a match isn't really the way to go, especially against an opponent with that much more options.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2007
New York, NY
Bair also beats the tornado. Maybe not always but definitely at the startup

Also Diddy's bair and fair have similar range to MK's. In fact I think Diddy's bair is faster than both of them, also (but it is a little less ranged).

If MK SL's and you shield it's easy to punish -- throw a banana up if you're holding one, or just jump to uair / fair, it'll activate before his glide attack.

If you initiate a banana walk, you can KO at a much earlier percent because you can do your kill move at the edge. MK's alternative to this of course is just getting you off the stage and trying to get a gimp.

Thanks to Diddy's bananas, almost any move done to his shield is punishable, regardless of the range. A notable exception to this is MK's dair, because he can continue jumping around and you might not nail him with a banana if you just toss it up, you'll have to guess where he's going to go with a glide toss (and even so he will have time to catch it if he sees it coming).

MK's ground range definitely beats Diddy's out, but Diddy's ftilt (though laggier than MK's attacks), almost rivals the range of his ftilt and dtilt. Also, bananas give you an insane amount of ground control, so MK won't want to be trying to space you on the ground since your bananas pretty much redefine ground spacing.

If Diddy DIs correctly when knocked off stage (so he's recovering high), he will be harder to gimp, especially because he has time to charge up a peanut shot (allowing him to alter aerial momentum), which can be airdodge cancelled as an extra option.

I think this matchup is still 60-40 MK's favor.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 7, 2008
i still think its a 60-40 matchup, even on fd

Obviously diddy can hold his own against mk, dpending on the level of the mk and diddy it can be fairly even IMO. Its either 60-40/55-45 imo...


Smash Lord
Jun 6, 2003
I think it's really stage dependent, I think it's 55:45 MK on most neutrals except for FD where I think diddy has a slight advantage and maybe near even on smashville. MK gets the much better end of counterpicking though IMO

I think it's like 55:45 MK overall, diddy is probably MK's second worst matchup except for Wario at this point in my mind(assuming planking is not allowed).


Smash Cadet
Apr 12, 2009
None of your buisness, you stalker.
I play diddy kong slightly more now... On Battle field I do all right, but not so much on final destination. Bananas help stop the likes of tornado. Diddy kong does well on stages with free space but Meta Knight does it even better.

Diddy kong also lower priority on most attacks except bannanas


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Yeah but then MK will have the advantage in a match if it we only have an even matchup on FD.
He just stage strikes it game one, bans it for the CP in game 2, and then gets the CP if he lost game 2 anyways putting Diddy in a disadvantageous position from game 1.

Personally, Id say this matchup is 60:40 leaning towards 55:45 on certain stages. IMO, if the MK has enough experience and knows how to handle Diddys bananas, then Diddy will have a hard time keeping up with the pressure that MK can put Diddy under, especially against really aggressive MKs. He has many approaches that are all relatively safe. And Diddys a character who uses momentum to win but its very difficult to gain it when your under pressure.

I also find it very difficult to recover against MK. His edgeguarding game is incredible. Recovering from below is outve the question and he has just as many options when Diddys comes from the side. Even coming from above is difficult but still feels like Diddys best option.

Personally, I doubt this matchup will get any worse than 6:4 (well maybe on certain stages it will) but it definitely wont get any better.

EDIT: I havent tried Le ThIeNs way of recovering against MK though. Maybe it helps but youll have to ask him yourself just how effective to him. To me, it seems too risky but I could see it working only if your able to bait them into following you out before you jump backwards. But if jump back when your at the same height as the ledge, then it doesnt seem possible to grab the ledge. Youd be too high and would have to aim for landing on the stage which comes with considerable lag. But if you go to low, then the MK can just predict your path to the ledge and block it with Nair/Dair. Its more like a high risk high reward situation than a reliable recovery option to me.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
Since Meta Knight is both my best and my favorite match-up (as well as the match-up that I have feverishly studied for almost an entire year now), this will be the first match-up analysis that I revisit. There's a lot of ban discussion going on, with Diddy Kong occasionally being at the focal point, so I want to have a chat with a couple of other people before false information is disseminated.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Pierce why don't you talk to me about this instead :) It's 50-50 on alot of stages, the ONLY way metaknight can possibly have a 55-45 advantage is from gimps. Everyone who doesn't know what they're talking about shouldn't come in here and pretend they are giving out "helpful" tidbits about the ratio. Diddy wins on FD, diddy goes even on smashville, ps1, battlefield, and possibly the other neutrals. He is 45-55 everywhere else.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
The matchup is no worse than 55-45 on neutral stages. I'd say 50-50 on FD, SV, and YI, not quite 55-45 on BF, but not quite even either. Like 52-48 >.>. PS1 is 50-50, and every other stage on the starter/counter and counter is 55-45 except for Rainbow Cruise, Brinstar, Japes, and Frigate where it's 60-40.

Diddy has a lot of answers to MK, mainly through bananas. MK's Tornado is really easy to punish with OoS glidetossing, and his peanuts fly in that perfect little arch that can screw with grounded up-b's or glides. Diddy's Utilt is fast and goes through MK's Dair, and same with Usmash. MK is a little bit easier to kill than most of the characters Diddy faces off with.

The main thing MK has against Diddy is Diddy takinig a lot of damage, or being gimped while trying to recover. He also gets killed fairly low, and his speed is really great. His dash attack goes pretty far after you use it so MK can dash attack a banana to pick it up and the hitbox will still last while he moves just a bit more in the direction he is going.

Anti-ban on MK side =)


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
I've wondered this for a very long time now (especially with regards to Diddy's position on the tier list), but because we are talking about players at equal skill when determining ratios, that means we're assuming the opponent (player) can use bananas equally as well as you, right? In which case, we also need to look at the tools Meta Knight has at his disposal to use bananas and how they relate to yours, because if Meta can handle them better than you, regardless of the fact that Diddy can choose when to pull the bananas, the match-up (and all like it) is considerably worse for Diddy than if we just say "It's fine unless they know how to use your bananas".

Just a thought. :\


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
I've wondered this for a very long time now (especially with regards to Diddy's position on the tier list), but because we are talking about players at equal skill when determining ratios, that means we're assuming the opponent (player) can use bananas equally as well as you, right? In which case, we also need to look at the tools Meta Knight has at his disposal to use bananas and how they relate to yours, because if Meta can handle them better than you, regardless of the fact that Diddy can choose when to pull the bananas, the match-up (and all like it) is considerably worse for Diddy than if we just say "It's fine unless they know how to use your bananas".

Just a thought. :\
No character should be using your bananas better or even equal than you with diddy


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
No character should be using your bananas better or even equal than you with diddy
This. But still, Ingulit is partially correct. If theyre at least decent with your bananas, the matchup becomes a lot harder. When theyre holding one, youre stripped of a lot of options that you would otherwise have with 2 bananas.


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
No character should be using your bananas better or even equal than you with diddy
That is limited thinking. Just because we can pull the bananas does not necessarily mean we have the best tools to work with them. If you're judging match-ups based on the assumption that both players are of equal skill, you have to take into account the opponent's use of their character's means of dealing with bananas (or using them against you) to their fullest potential. On those grounds, most match-up ratios IMO should be a lot worse for Diddy. This is all theorycraft, of course, but that is all match-up ratios really are, and thinking that oppoents won't learn how to make use of their characters to use your bananas is a belief that will only fade with time. I know I'm not saying anything this board hasn't already heard, but I feel it's a good point to make in this discussion.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
It's not like any char has an easy time getting them from you, trust me if they are you're not handling the situation right and they shouldn't be able to use them well against you when you use your defenses right. MK trouble approaching diddy, his approaches are better than say pikachu however, but its still noticable. You just can't let him get in your space, if you minimize the amount of times he has you vunerable and gets grabs you should be winning the match >_> <_< >_< <_<


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
It's not like any char has an easy time getting them from you, trust me if they are you're not handling the situation right and they shouldn't be able to use them well against you when you use your defenses right.
I believe that it was you who posted the tech that does indeed make it that much easier for your opponent to get your bananas when thrown at them ;) And once they have the bananas in their control, who's to say they aren't aware that they can dribble with their character or can do some other fancy tech or combo that lets them use them as well (or possibly (theorycraft) better) than you? If the players are of equal skill, then the opponent should know how to use the bananas and the same tricks that Diddy players use to get them under their control (save Barrel-Canceling, of course).


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Yes but the world doesn't end when he grabs a banana. The worst that could happen is you trip into a smash, that is really the worst... and it's not like that ruins the matchup lmao.


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
@chrome didn't you just say the other day (I think you were discussing a set with m2k, so maybe this doesn't apply) that diddy has no answer when mk knows what he is doing, or something to that effect? I'm not trying to argue with you, just interested to hear why your opinion changed so quickly.


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
Yes but the world doesn't end when he grabs a banana. The worst that could happen is you trip into a smash, that is really the worst... and it's not like that ruins the matchup lmao.

I'm trying to get the point across that that isn't necessarily the worst thing the opponent can do; once they have one of your bananas, they become essentially that character + bananas, and if there is another character with better tools to use bananas than Diddy, then, well... We're screwed. Multiple characters can dribble, many have very long (or appropriately short) glide tosses, and if I'm not mistaken, Sheik has a single banana infinite just like we do. Thinking that Diddy was the character best equipped for bananas just because he has his Down-B is narrow-minded imo :dizzy:


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
Pierce, I feel like you just wrote a thread title on a match up you really have no idea how its played.

It is probably even. There is no way it is "probably worse than 60-40".


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
I've wondered this for a very long time now (especially with regards to Diddy's position on the tier list), but because we are talking about players at equal skill when determining ratios, that means we're assuming the opponent (player) can use bananas equally as well as you, right? In which case, we also need to look at the tools Meta Knight has at his disposal to use bananas and how they relate to yours, because if Meta can handle them better than you, regardless of the fact that Diddy can choose when to pull the bananas, the match-up (and all like it) is considerably worse for Diddy than if we just say "It's fine unless they know how to use your bananas".

Just a thought. :\
The problem with this line of thought is that diddy as a CHARACTER handles the banans better than meta knight as a CHARACTER..even if the mk play is equally as skilled as using nanas as diddy, the diddy still should be in better control.


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
The problem with this line of thought is that diddy as a CHARACTER handles the banans better than meta knight as a CHARACTER..even if the mk play is equally as skilled as using nanas as diddy, the diddy still should be in better control.
That's... exactly what I'm trying to say... and make people question as to whether it is true or not. This is a "Meta Knight is broken blah blah" discussion, and the point needs to be raised that MK might (or might not) be better able to use your bananas than you. I'd love to see some evidence either way; I'm just being the devil's advocate here :laugh:

Pierce, I feel like you just wrote a dissertation on a match up you really have no idea how its played.
Pierce? Didn't he just copy-paste? Did you mean bludhoundz?

EDIT: Ah, you editing fool :p


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
@chrome didn't you just say the other day (I think you were discussing a set with m2k, so maybe this doesn't apply) that diddy has no answer when mk knows what he is doing, or something to that effect? I'm not trying to argue with you, just interested to hear why your opinion changed so quickly.
Sorry to interrupt, but i can say almost the same. Lets say both MK and Diddy are the hakxorz and know everything abbout the matchup and stuff. Sure, its hard for both of them specially for diddy because pressure can be a real bit**, but you should be able to handle it.

You see, when we talk about equal level and stuff, SURE MK can know how to get the nanas and scr** you, but, like you know he wants that nanas, YOU WILL KNOW how to protect yourself while mainatining nanas pressure. See now? When we compare, yeah sure mk can still pressure us and take nanas, but diddy should be able too to protect those nanas and still pressure MK.

I see in a perfect play, diddy can go even with MK, because there are billions of ways in wich diddy can protect nanas and pressure MK if you just play perfectly! But like we are humans, and we make mistakes, and handing pressure is much more "psicological" than in game, yeah its kinda hard to go up with good MK's.

But as M2K said, i can see the matchup going for diddy in a not-so-near future!


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
You see, when we talk about equal level and stuff, SURE MK can know how to get the nanas and scr** you, but, like you know he wants that nanas, YOU WILL KNOW how to protect yourself while mainatining nanas pressure. See now? When we compare, yeah sure mk can still pressure us and take nanas, but diddy should be able too to protect those nanas and still pressure MK.
Sorry to interrupt, but the MK can do the exact same thing (protecting his bananas). :ohwell:


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
@chrome didn't you just say the other day (I think you were discussing a set with m2k, so maybe this doesn't apply) that diddy has no answer when mk knows what he is doing, or something to that effect? I'm not trying to argue with you, just interested to hear why your opinion changed so quickly.
I said he has no answer for metaknight's gimping/offstage air limiting ability--until I found something new <3 but i'm keeping it to myself for a little bit


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
That is limited thinking. Just because we can pull the bananas does not necessarily mean we have the best tools to work with them. If you're judging match-ups based on the assumption that both players are of equal skill, you have to take into account the opponent's use of their character's means of dealing with bananas (or using them against you) to their fullest potential. On those grounds, most match-up ratios IMO should be a lot worse for Diddy. This is all theorycraft, of course, but that is all match-up ratios really are, and thinking that oppoents won't learn how to make use of their characters to use your bananas is a belief that will only fade with time. I know I'm not saying anything this board hasn't already heard, but I feel it's a good point to make in this discussion.
I never said just because we can pull bananas out we have the best tools to work with them, but the FACT of the matter is that WE DO have the best tools to work with them, out of any other character in the roster. The opponent should NOT be using your bananas as well as you or equal to you or even close to how you're working with them, THIS is why Diddy is A tier.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
Sorry to interrupt, but the MK can do the exact same thing (protecting his bananas). :ohwell:
But if you know how to protect your nanas, he wont be able to use them at all! Unles mk \/B now pulls nanas!

See the dilema? If you can really be a bia*** with nanas, and REALLY know how to use them, MK wont even think on the feeling of holding a big, yellow and fatty nana at his hands!


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
I believe that it was you who posted the tech that does indeed make it that much easier for your opponent to get your bananas when thrown at them And once they have the bananas in their control, who's to say they aren't aware that they can dribble with their character or can do some other fancy tech or combo that lets them use them as well (or possibly (theorycraft) better) than you? If the players are of equal skill, then the opponent should know how to use the bananas and the same tricks that Diddy players use to get them under their control (save Barrel-Canceling, of course).
This doesn't make sense.

First, the number of characters with effective dribbles is limited, and Meta Knight isn't one of them.
Second, the number of characters that have effective glide tosses (long glide tosses suck in my opinion) is likewise limited
Third, the number of characters that have effective dash attacks to pick bananas up is also limited
Diddy is the only character that is really highly effective in all three of those areas.

Moving on:
You can never assume the opponent is equal to the Diddy player with bananas. This is an area where theory will never match reality. The reality of the situation is that Diddy gets to pull out bananas, and having the banana in your hand FIRST is an advantage. Then on top of this the Diddy player uses bananas match in and match out every single time he plays. Good luck finding a non-Diddy main who uses bananas 15+ hours a week every single week since the game was released.

M2K actually summed up the match up the way I see it.

This is what every Diddy should be able to do against 95% of MKs:


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
I said he has no answer for metaknight's gimping/offstage air limiting ability--until I found something new <3 but i'm keeping it to myself for a little bit
Cmon chrome, cant you share it to the diddy comunity? Or are you going to do the same thing of the guy who discovered the "WOWO OMFG WTFOX, SHIELD BOUNCING MAKES DIDDY THE HAKXOR, SO I WONT SHARE IT!!!"

Every time people guard secrets, im always get a little feeling of being dumb!


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
This doesn't make sense.

First, the number of characters with effective dribbles is limited, and Meta Knight isn't one of them.
Second, the number of characters that have effective glide tosses (long glide tosses suck in my opinion) is likewise limited
Third, the number of characters that have effective dash attacks to pick bananas up is also limited
Diddy is the only character that is really highly effective in all three of those areas.

Moving on:
You can never assume the opponent is equal to the Diddy player with bananas. This is an area where theory will never match reality. The reality of the situation is that Diddy gets to pull out bananas, and having the banana in your hand FIRST is an advantage. Then on top of this the Diddy player uses bananas match in and match out every single time he plays. Good luck finding a non-Diddy main who uses bananas 15+ hours a week every single week since the game was released.

M2K actually summed up the match up the way I see it.

This is what every Diddy should be able to do against 95% of MKs:
Thank you for embellishing your response. I'm placated. :)

Edit: 100posts placations


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
No this one is just for me for now, i'll post it later if i feel like it on a thread but it won't be a secret at all.


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
No this one is just for me for now, i'll post it later if i feel like it on a thread but it won't be a secret at all.
Why do you do this to us Chrome :urg:
Why would you hide info thatll advance Diddys metagame, especially info concerning the best character in the game.
Its your choice and all but I dont see a reason for doing this.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
Why do you do this to us Chrome :urg:
Why would you hide info thatll advance Diddys metagame, especially info concerning the best character in the game.
Its your choice and all but I dont see a reason for doing this.
Chromes does this cause he likes to see us suffer from angusty and PAIN, tons of pain ><!

Mainly the pain taht comes from MK gimping us


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2007
New York, NY
Lol, sorry, you were the only one that had given a description of the match-up that was original, and I misread what he had posted. Sorry! :laugh:

Really, what you posted was fine. I'll edit that out if you want :p
No, it's fine, I know you meant no harm

I was just kidding :)
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