cactus in the valley that's about to crumble down.
In a little bit of a situation, I guess. Been cycling in and out of depression for who knows how long, mood always changing it seems, one moment I'm fine, the next it's like everything blows; and the change is very rapid. For instance, I was talking to one of my best friends 30 minutes ago, in a great mood, and now here I am in this thread. It's weird, because I don't even know the main cause. It's more of just a bunch of random negative things tossed together like a giant depressing salad which add up and make my mood unsatisfactory. Pretty sure I know one solution, but it would result in losing things which matter a lot to me, which makes me reluctant. I couldn't really imagine life without these things, and it makes me afraid to go through with it because I don't know how well I would be able to manage. Staying in contact though is obviously not doing me any good, since I actually feel motivated enough to write things out in this post. I guess it's just the decision between staying unhappy and keeping the things I care for, or sacrificing them for my well-being. The choice seems obvious, but it's easier said than done apparently.