What if your single and have no access to sex?
Well, if that troubles you, then you should put yourself into a life situation where you do have access to sex. If it's not a big deal to you, then just masturbate.
I guess it really depends on what your life priorities are. I prefer being single because in my experience getting into serious romantic relationships has done nothing for me but hurt me and hurt others and leave me with some major inadequacy and trust issues. To someone like me, a single life is just peachy most of the time. I don't like getting attached to someone and dealing with the constant fear of abandonment or betrayal. If there is no pretense of romance or monogamy, then there's little chance of getting hurt.
I love the social concept of "friends with benefits" and it is my ideal relationship. I am obsessed with sex, and so being perpetually single can be difficult because I don't get laid near as often as I want to. I think a lot of people place this false pretense of "a romantic relationship" with someone when the reality is it's more of a label that says "only my chosen partner can sleep with me". I think young people should just slow down, have fun and enjoy their bodies with each other. All this chain yourself to one other person for the foreseeable future crap is for the birds imo