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Social The Suburbs of Onett - Ness Social Thread


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2014
Hobart, Tasmania
Merry Christmas to all you Ness's, may all your matches be victories and your strategies successful!

I missed the stream when it happened, but seeing it in that gif, that was hilarious. TL just uploaded the full set, and it's even more hilarious with sound. This oughtta teach me to pay more attention to stream schedules lol.
The reactions are hilarious!


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2014
Aboda Village
Merry Christmas to all you Ness's, may all your matches be victories and your strategies successful!

The reactions are hilarious!
Thank you! Merry Christmas to you too! And everyone else!

And the clip is even funnier with sound, I can agree with that.
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Jul 13, 2014
Cleveland, OH/Providence, RI
Merry Christmas and happy holidays, Ness mains! I didn't get Smash U as I was hoping for, so my helpful contributions to the boards will remain low or dwindle--but I'll do my best. I hope the day finds all of you well!

Any sweet loot coming in this year? I myself got a nice scarf and jacket. I'm pretty happy. What about you all? Anything Earthbound-related or otherwise cool?


Jul 13, 2014
Cleveland, OH/Providence, RI
UPDATE I actually got a Wii U! Pretty hype, considering I wasn't expecting it. I'm trying to find a place near me where the bundle hasn't sold out! Hope everyone else's went as well!


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2014
Aboda Village
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

I myself now own a copy of smash wii u. Hooray.
I finally also got Smash Wii U and a Kirby amiibo. Played about 2 hours worth of the game today and I unlocked every character except for Mr. Game & Watch and ROB. It's just too easy this time around. Also, my Kirby amiibo got up to around level 18/19.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2008
Orlando, Florida
I still haven't opened smash bros yet cause I need to get my gamecube adapter from the mail. But I can play windwaker in the mean time.


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2013
Wyong, NSW, Australia
Switch FC
SW 0386 4264 7224
i'm still waiting for a local store to stock GC adapters. I can't believe that so many people actually wanted these here. everywhere is sold out... EB Games, Target, Big W...


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2014
Hobart, Tasmania
i'm still waiting for a local store to stock GC adapters. I can't believe that so many people actually wanted these here. everywhere is sold out... EB Games, Target, Big W...
They were all sold out day one in Tassie, I totally didn't see it coming and missed out

Fingers crossed they'll be making more

Edit: almost finished with this and I'm craving feedback:
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Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2013
Wyong, NSW, Australia
Switch FC
SW 0386 4264 7224
They were all sold out day one in Tassie, I totally didn't see it coming and missed out

Fingers crossed they'll be making more

Edit: almost finished with this and I'm craving feedback:
Uair -> Uair at mid %.
PKT -> Uair, I think, no-one i've played was able to get out of this.
Nair -> Ftilt, I don't use this much but it seems legit as long as they get knocked down on the Nair.
if you somehow manage to land it, Dair -> Uair/Usmash
and sometimes during (Dthrow ->) Fair -> Fair instead of another Fair or a Nair you can land a PKF.
might want to add Usmash is frame 6.
you should add that Dair only meteors on the first frame.
and face away from the direction you want Flash to go.
if you jump and immediately go into a DJ Uair you can hit some of the not short fighters faster and easier than SH Uair, plus it sets up for another Uair at mid %. leaves you kinda open tho.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2014
Hobart, Tasmania
Uair -> Uair at mid %.
PKT -> Uair, I think, no-one i've played was able to get out of this.
Nair -> Ftilt, I don't use this much but it seems legit as long as they get knocked down on the Nair.
if you somehow manage to land it, Dair -> Uair/Usmash
and sometimes during (Dthrow ->) Fair -> Fair instead of another Fair or a Nair you can land a PKF.
might want to add Usmash is frame 6.
you should add that Dair only meteors on the first frame.
and face away from the direction you want Flash to go.
if you jump and immediately go into a DJ Uair you can hit some of the not short fighters faster and easier than SH Uair, plus it sets up for another Uair at mid %. leaves you kinda open tho.
Thanks for the tips, I'll have to go and flesh out that combo section now ;)


Smash Ace
Dec 25, 2014
Fourside/New York, New York
hey guys I'm curious how did you guys end up maining Ness? What qualities do you like in Ness' fighting style that makes him a higher pick for you rather than the top tier characters like sheik and diddy kong. For me I love the mother series and I wondered if ness was good in smash 4 (I didn't like him in brawl but that's just me :p) I tried him out and he just stuck.
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Smash Ace
Dec 25, 2014
Fourside/New York, New York
i'm still waiting for a local store to stock GC adapters. I can't believe that so many people actually wanted these here. everywhere is sold out... EB Games, Target, Big W...
I know it sucks I didn't get one which really sucks. It was especially hard here in NY considering a lot of the more hardcore smash fans are here.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2014
Aboda Village
Whoa, @ Lochy Lochy hold on. Double posting is frowned upon by the mods, and triple posting even more so.

Hey guys I just entered my first tourney today as Ness. I lost my first match 2-1 and also lost 2-1 on my losers bracket match. Well at least I didn't get completely bodied lol!
Also many of the people there were older than me (20-30s) so I think I did a good job.
I think you did well at the tournament for your first time. Never went to a tournament myself, but many experienced veterans have said to not expect to win for the first year or so. Learn from your defeats, build up experience, and then take tournaments by storm.

hey guys what's up.
Not much. You?


Smash Ace
Dec 25, 2014
Fourside/New York, New York
Whoa, @ Lochy Lochy hold on. Double posting is frowned upon by the mods, and triple posting even more so.

I think you did well at the tournament for your first time. Never went to a tournament myself, but many experienced veterans have said to not expect to win for the first year or so. Learn from your defeats, build up experience, and then take tournaments by storm.

Not much. You?
sorry for double posting I didn't mean to do it on purpose my phone was glitching. :(


Jul 13, 2014
Cleveland, OH/Providence, RI
I just got Smash U! Pretty hype! I've only sampled it so far but it's shaping up to be just as fun as everyone says it is! My only problem is that I don't have a GC adapter yet, and the Wii U gamepad feels so awkward in my hands. I'll make do until a restock, probably, but does anyone know where I can actually get an adapter for retail price, without needing to buy a bundle or pay outrageously exorbitant prices ($75 USD because stock is low? heck with that)?

hey guys I'm curious how did you guys end up maining Ness? What qualities do you like in Ness' fighting style that makes him a higher pick for you rather than the top tier characters like sheik and diddy kong. For me I love the mother series and I wondered if ness was good in smash 4 (I didn't like him in brawl but that's just me :p) I tried him out and he just stuck.
Last spring I spent a while in Texas and picked up Brawl for the first time in ages. I didn't even know Smash had a competitive scene back then. During a replay of the Subspace Emissary, a boss fight with Porky got me really interested in the character (Porky, that is--he seemed pretty creepy for a Nintendo game). A couple Google searches further got me really interested in the series. One thing led to another and I wound up playing MOTHER and falling in love with the series. I vowed to get better with the MOTHER brothers in Brawl. Been using Ness in every game every since, regardless of his abysmal tier placements. After a long while, Ness has pretty much been the only character I can play comfortably with. His options are becoming muscle memory and to be honest the character is just really quirky and fun. His recovery is odd, his movement is weird and pretty slick, and his voice clips--especially the way he shouts out some of his attacks--are goofy and cute and really endearing. So yeah. That's my Ness origin story. I'm curious to hear more!
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Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2014
Aboda Village
I just got Smash U! Pretty hype! I've only sampled it so far but it's shaping up to be just as fun as everyone says it is! My only problem is that I don't have a GC adapter yet, and the Wii U gamepad feels so awkward in my hands. I'll make do until a restock, probably, but does anyone know where I can actually get an adapter for retail price, without needing to buy a bundle or pay outrageously exorbitant prices ($75 USD because stock is low? heck with that)?

Last spring I spent a while in Texas and picked up Brawl for the first time in ages. I didn't even know Smash had a competitive scene back then. During a replay of the Subspace Emissary, a boss fight with Porky got me really interested in the character (Porky, that is--he seemed pretty creepy for a Nintendo game). A couple Google searches further got me really interested in the series. One thing led to another and I wound up playing MOTHER and falling in love with the series. I vowed to get better with the MOTHER brothers in Brawl. Been using Ness in every game every since, regardless of his abysmal tier placements. After a long while, Ness has pretty much been the only character I can play comfortably with. His options are becoming muscle memory and to be honest the character is just really quirky and fun. His recovery is odd, his movement is weird and pretty slick, and his voice clips--especially the way he shouts out some of his attacks--are goofy and cute and really endearing. So yeah. That's my Ness origin story. I'm curious to hear more!
Got Wii U version for Christmas too, but without the LAN Adapter, so I'm unsure about the internet connection, but 3DS seems rather good, so... Can't be that bad, right?

My Ness origin story... Begins basically in Brawl. I tried using him in the past, with little success. Until I was playing Brawl with my 3 friends and getting my butt kicked around. So I decided to search for other characters. Turns out it was Lucas who was the chosen one and would become my best character in Brawl. I started to use Ness more often as well, and eventually got better once something clicked in my head. Somewhere along the line, I also looked up Mother 3 and later Earthbound, later buying the later off the eshop. I basically fell in love with the Earthbound/Mother franchise, though I don't seem to like/get much of the humor in both games. Despite being severely disappointed with the loss of Lucas (though I had been anticipating it, but hope...), Ness in this game seems far better than Brawl Ness and he became my best character.


Smash Ace
Dec 25, 2014
Fourside/New York, New York
I just got Smash U! Pretty hype! I've only sampled it so far but it's shaping up to be just as fun as everyone says it is! My only problem is that I don't have a GC adapter yet, and the Wii U gamepad feels so awkward in my hands. I'll make do until a restock, probably, but does anyone know where I can actually get an adapter for retail price, without needing to buy a bundle or pay outrageously exorbitant prices ($75 USD because stock is low? heck with that)?

Last spring I spent a while in Texas and picked up Brawl for the first time in ages. I didn't even know Smash had a competitive scene back then. During a replay of the Subspace Emissary, a boss fight with Porky got me really interested in the character (Porky, that is--he seemed pretty creepy for a Nintendo game). A couple Google searches further got me really interested in the series. One thing led to another and I wound up playing MOTHER and falling in love with the series. I vowed to get better with the MOTHER brothers in Brawl. Been using Ness in every game every since, regardless of his abysmal tier placements. After a long while, Ness has pretty much been the only character I can play comfortably with. His options are becoming muscle memory and to be honest the character is just really quirky and fun. His recovery is odd, his movement is weird and pretty slick, and his voice clips--especially the way he shouts out some of his attacks--are goofy and cute and really endearing. So yeah. That's my Ness origin story. I'm curious to hear more!
Cool another Mother lover
(fuzzy pickles to you)
I got into the mother series this year in June to be exact. I was getting my club Nintendo gift which were all digital. I saw earthbound and heard it was an amazing game so I got it. I fell in love. I was taken aback that a game on the SNES could make me feel so much emotion and empathy for characters. The music is amazing because it makes you feel so many different feelings. Also the setting of the game is the 90s not medieval times which is very refreshing. You are not a knight, king, wizard or beast... You are just a boy with psychic powers. I could go on forever about EB and mother 3 also but I think the series speaks for itself.


Smash Ace
Dec 25, 2014
Fourside/New York, New York
Got Wii U version for Christmas too, but without the LAN Adapter, so I'm unsure about the internet connection, but 3DS seems rather good, so... Can't be that bad, right?

My Ness origin story... Begins basically in Brawl. I tried using him in the past, with little success. Until I was playing Brawl with my 3 friends and getting my butt kicked around. So I decided to search for other characters. Turns out it was Lucas who was the chosen one and would become my best character in Brawl. I started to use Ness more often as well, and eventually got better once something clicked in my head. Somewhere along the line, I also looked up Mother 3 and later Earthbound, later buying the later off the eshop. I basically fell in love with the Earthbound/Mother franchise, though I don't seem to like/get much of the humor in both games. Despite being severely disappointed with the loss of Lucas (though I had been anticipating it, but hope...), Ness in this game seems far better than Brawl Ness and he became my best character.
Cool. I am really love that one video game can lead to falling in love with a whole new series of games. On a different topic when I went to my tourney today I wore this...
It was hilarious. :)


Smash Ace
Dec 25, 2014
Fourside/New York, New York
I know, right? I did that once, but the Villager wasn't on the ledge. He took the full brunt pretty much instantly.
I remember one time it was me and link last stock. He was at 150% and I was at 100% he kept spamming arrows and he wouldn't approach me. I charged up my bat and actually hit the arrow back at him and he was flung off the stage to his death.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2008
Bloomington, IN
My experiences with Ness started back in Brawl. I was technically an ICs main my whole time in the Brawl community (about a year), even though I wasn't that good with them (or anyone for that matter :p). However, close to the end of my time with Brawl, I saw AvariceX's video Road to Magicant. I was quite impressed with his Ness play, so I decided to pick him up. After a while, I managed to get fairly comfortable with him. If he wasn't so screwed over by grab release shenanigans, I probably would've made him my official main at some point - he was pretty fun to just play. Naturally since I was learning him in Smash I decided to learn more about Earthbound as well. I didn't get to actually play that game until this past summer, but what I did learn about the Mother series beforehand really got me intrigued. After discovering that the ICs were cut, Ness became my first choice for Smash 4, since I knew some of my previous knowledge could be carried over or otherwise adapted to the new engine. I'll admit that it does help a bit that Ness is actually good in this game, but I think as long as he wasn't subjected to any really bad design flaws he still would've been one of my preferred characters.

I totally plan on dressing up as Ness at an event in the future as well. :p


Smash Ace
Dec 25, 2014
Fourside/New York, New York
My experiences with Ness started back in Brawl. I was technically an ICs main my whole time in the Brawl community (about a year), even though I wasn't that good with them (or anyone for that matter :p). However, close to the end of my time with Brawl, I saw AvariceX's video Road to Magicant. I was quite impressed with his Ness play, so I decided to pick him up. After a while, I managed to get fairly comfortable with him. If he wasn't so screwed over by grab release shenanigans, I probably would've made him my official main at some point - he was pretty fun to just play. Naturally since I was learning him in Smash I decided to learn more about Earthbound as well. I didn't get to actually play that game until this past summer, but what I did learn about the Mother series beforehand really got me intrigued. After discovering that the ICs were cut, Ness became my first choice for Smash 4, since I knew some of my previous knowledge could be carried over or otherwise adapted to the new engine. I'll admit that it does help a bit that Ness is actually good in this game, but I think as long as he wasn't subjected to any really bad design flaws he still would've been one of my preferred characters.

I totally plan on dressing up as Ness at an event in the future as well. :p
I think dressing up as ness at a tourney would really turn some heads.(especially Awestins)
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Smash Ace
Dec 25, 2014
Fourside/New York, New York
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Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2013
Wyong, NSW, Australia
Switch FC
SW 0386 4264 7224
ehh... between the entry fee, distance from my place and the Sydney smash community's large focus on Melee and PM (two games that I can't get), I don't really feel like going. Smash 4's online has greatly improved and i can find good lagless matches online now.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Ah, my story with ness? It's long and complex. I'll have to find that post for you, I've talked about it before. What I will say here is that Ness has the perfect mobility stats, move set and character. I feel like within the confines of the smash bros universe he represents me more than my mii can, more than anything. I feel so beautifully in sync with this kid, I know where he can go and what he can do and when something unexpected happens I imagine it surprising him as much as it's surprising me haha. It's actually a really nice feeling to play such a fluid game, it's great. :D

And yes I will be at smash city 3! I'd love to play you @ Pazx Pazx but I am stretched for money, so a money match is likely off the cards unfortunately hahaha. :(
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hoo hah
Jan 4, 2009
Canberra, Australia
@ PKBeam PKBeam I can't really comment on the distance from your place or the entry fee (except to ask what it is, I haven't seen it anywhere) but I can tell you that the prevalence of PM and Melee would likely be a non-issue, at tournies there's currently a huge Sm4sh presence so if your tournament results aren't quite enough to make it worth the trip you can have a great day of friendlies and gather experience. Also I'd be coming from Canb only for Sm4sh so no johns about distance or melee's popularity :p

@ Luco Luco I'll let you know tomorrow as to whether I'm coming or not, I'm not too fussed about money matches either but it'd be cool to play you.

If we're doing Ness origin stories I dabbled with him and Lucas in Brawl for a long time but I dropped them both once I started taking the game seriously. Years ago I had a Ness avatar on this site, I'd have fit in well with you guys. My Brawl main is very... different in Sm4sh. I've also been complaining about the Sm4sh roster since the game came out, I could enjoy heaps of characters in Brawl but Ness is really the only one I enjoy playing in this game.
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