It's there.
Watch it from 00:08 since it's the closest/quickest/smoothest animation that you can watch until the 2nd spring comes out.
Pit's arm does change to the "I'M A SUPERMAN DOING A FSJ!" pose right before he gets hit, and he goes like 2-3 pixels up (videowise) before getting hit by the U-air. And it all happened in like 2-3 frames. If you keep replaying it, you'll see the little circle of Pit's right arm raise up just before he gets hit.
I'm not going to argue for it anymore ._.; I'm convinced it's a FSJ. It would have been nice, but that's what I could see, and it will be resolved in 1-2 pages.
Good luck, I hope I'm wrong.
Watch it from 00:08 since it's the closest/quickest/smoothest animation that you can watch until the 2nd spring comes out.
Pit's arm does change to the "I'M A SUPERMAN DOING A FSJ!" pose right before he gets hit, and he goes like 2-3 pixels up (videowise) before getting hit by the U-air. And it all happened in like 2-3 frames. If you keep replaying it, you'll see the little circle of Pit's right arm raise up just before he gets hit.
I'm not going to argue for it anymore ._.; I'm convinced it's a FSJ. It would have been nice, but that's what I could see, and it will be resolved in 1-2 pages.
Good luck, I hope I'm wrong.