Go Fest for this is finally over. I ended up staying mostly at home for the second day and focusing on remote raids. In total from the past 4 days, I ended up doing about 50 Raids and caught 49 Legendary Pokemon (a Kyogre got away before the catch rates were lowered).
Was able to catch 22 Shiny Pokemon.
New: Lapras, Heracross (x2), Barboach*, Beldum*, Shellos (West), Snover, Ferroseed, Pawniard, Bianacle, Helioptile, Goomy, Formantis,
Dups: Pikachu (Pink Tiara), Horsea, Scyther (x2), Girafarig, Trapinch, Rayquaza (x2), Audino
*Have caught in ORAS/BDSP
Grubbin, Oddish, Mareep (returning) and Timburr were leaked as the remaining Community Days for this year. Lots of good Shiny opportunities to help round out the rest of the year.