Yeah I’m still up for it, but make sure you get plenty of rest first.
Think for all our sakes I should go to sleep. The nights where I'm up to til 5am with my mind half talking and watching an anime OP on repeat while up on caffeine are usually the most memorable nights for me. I can talk for all of Ireland in this mood.
I can see it now though, a few years later in which I have left the forums after the last Smash DLC character comes out, people would be like: "Remember Irepan that chatty Irish guy? He was a madhouse. Anime loving fella who was eccentric and funny as hell." Then I'm looking from the outside of the forums with a smile on my face being "muhahaha! I've corrupted some of them into anime!" My work is done!"
I swear I've lost count how many nights I've talked to you all to very late, funny how this time last year was when I did the same thing, fell asleep, woke up and missed class on the day Byleth was revealed. That was a fun day.
Anyways, goodnight to you all.
So gonna wake up with a hangover style headache.