Yeeeah, Color Splash still had alot of problems, but it was a step in the right directions in some way.
TOK took again some hints from CS and it was much warmly receive, but while the gameplay was different, it still had problems dating back from SS (notably, the lack of EXP & level up, making normal encounter a waste of time after you fought a bunch of enemies)
Paper Mario in general kinda suffer of the same problems Sonic got when he jumped into 3D: lots of good ideas, bad execution on either some or all of them on the first try, which either:
1) Kill that style of gameplay/story style entirely
2)Get the devs to actually reuse & try to improve on those ideas in some way, which sometime work, and others, not really, which return back to 1
This lack of consistancy is why I think the games are such hot topic at this point.
And now that I bring it up, it's crazy how similar Sonic & PM are in some way.