I mean, then I'm gonna be honest, but they maybe just... shouldn't have? Especially if they've been on Nintendo's bill in the past?
Like, they've 'been' sponsored by Nintendo in the past. Even if Nintendo wasn't sponsoring this specific event, they had done so in the past, and with their 'weight', it feels like they were holding their past sponsorships over their head, in a sort of "We've helped you guys out before, now you're gonna do what we say" kinda deal. If Nintendo had never sponsored them in the past, to be blunt, I'd honestly think this would have gone over a lot differently.
I don't like defending Nintendo here, but we 'know' how they are, and we've seen this in multiple communities, not just Smash. The fact that they 'had' taken Nintendo's money in the past for sponsorship feels like Nintendo was just waiting for a time to strike, and frankly, even if TBH could take it to court and win, which, I'm sure they could since several Emulation cases have been deemed legal several times in the past, Nintendo probably knows that they can't afford it, so they'd have to simply fold.
I guess this is just what happens when you deal with companies. Expect them to come knocking if you step out of their line, even if they don't have a hand in what you're currently doing.
If the Project M rumors going around about Nintendo teaming up with Twitch to kill it are true, they really, REALLY are not interested in keeping their older Smash games relevant.
Regardless, as much as I don't like this scenario, I'd be hard pressed to see this #SaveMelee stuff actually working. Nintendo has really little to no interest in Esports or supporting the scene a whole lot, and even over on the subreddit, the more calm people discussing this ordeal admit that this'll go over about as well as Dexit did for Pokemon, which is to say, not at all. The fact that Nintendo was more than happy to kill an entire Tournament tonight makes me think they're not listening, and they are well aware that no matter how much people complain, that it won't 'do' anything in the end. Yes, killing the tournament may be embarrassing, but have you seen Switch sales? They're on fire lately.
And honestly, I've heard the narrative from a lot of players that "We just want Nintendo to leave us alone" due to this, but as long as something like Slippi is used, that just won't happen. Now that Nintendo is
very aware of online Melee, and has
apparently gone after a few other tournaments forbidding it from being used, Nintendo's out for blood.