TGA is garbo so here's the GGG, Gwen's Game G-awards, my top 5, coincidentally, all of these are on Switch so you too can get your hands on these gems!
5: Shin Megami Tensei V. The game is oozing with atmosphere as Da'at truly feels like a wasteland, every enemy can ****ing annihilate you if you're underprepared and everything feels major. Game also heavily encourages exploration so you can find items, Miracles which are all sorts of useful abilities and Glory which you use to purchase Miracles. Combat is also immensely satisfying.
4: Voice of Cards. A very barebones and simplistic JRPG but the presentation is so charming and the writing is so wonderful, often making me laugh, feel disturbed and even making me cry which considering the TTRPG presentation is very well executed. A game fully worthy of Yoko Taro's name as there's not many games quite like this, a demo is available and I recommend it even if you're already sold as it takes place a day before the game.
3: Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. A glorious return of Shu Takumi that has a very unique feeling for one of my favourite franchise. Very longwinded though, pacing was outright bad with the first game but I had a fantastic time throughout this, I adore me a good murder mystery and this managed to satisfy my itch, the cast of characters is simply amazing with my new favourite detective and assistants in the franchise. A lovely package with all sorts of goodies included as bonus content that I can wholeheartedly recommend to anyone who likes Ace Attorney.
2: NEO TWEWY. I'm genuinely amazed at how they made a sequel to a cultclassic that managed to get everything in tact from the original when it comes to the charms whether it's the aesthetics, the music, the atmosphere, everything! The gameplay is also actually pretty great unlike the Switch port of the original, going all in on the music theming. Rindo is a drastically different character from Neku and I was immensely satisfied to see how all the character arcs ended up. Also FOR THE LOVE OF GOD THIS GAME WENT ON SALE FOR 15 BUCKS LESS THAN HALF A YEAR POSTRELEASE THIS GAME'S A FLOP AND DESERVED MORE DAMMIT.
1: Metroid Dread. Game controls are buttery smooth and the design is so good that you'll often find the way forward by accident. Fastpaced action and being everything I hoped this would be.