I'm home now
Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boy
Alright. So
First thing's first:
I totally understand people who are disappointed by this game. As someone who enjoys Link's Awakening HD immensely, I understand people who didn't like that one either.
They made it pretty clear what they set out to do here. They wanted to make a near 1:1 remake of the original Diamond and Pearl releases, and they made it pretty clear that that was end goal, which I'd say from the looks of it, they succeeded and did a pretty spiffy job.
That obviously does not mean it is immune to criticism. Speaking as someone who is still super hyped for it, yes, bringing back single use TMs is dumb. Like,
really dumb.
But this isn't surprising to me. Why? Well, because they did this in the last major remake. Pokémon ORAS specifically cut a
ton of X&Y's new features specifically because Gen 3 didn't have them. They brought back the old shop mechanics because they didn't want to stray from the OG map design, and player customization was removed entirely.
Am I saying these were good things? No, goodness me no, it was just as stupid back then as bringing back the old TM system is now, but it is a reminder that this is just how TPC approaches remakes.
Can I just say though: Can Pokémon fans
please get a bit of a grip here? This isn't speaking towards anyone here (thankfully y'all have been discussing this like mature adults), but my word Pokemon discourse since June 2019 has been nothing short of an embarrassment for myself.
Maybe this is a lesson that if the games aren't appealing to what you want,
you should go play something that does?
Because seriously, the amount of energy that goes into these constant arguments and debates is disturbing.
It's a video game. Some of these people treat it like a life or death situation, and that ain't okay.
Pokémon, in my opinion, is never going to reach the lofty heights a lot want it to as long as it's under the care of those that own it. TPC, GF, and Nintendo are all very committed to the idea of keeping things safe, because it's what works. And while I definitely am an advocate for dumping way more money into the games and giving them more time, it's just not the reality we live in, unfortunately. It really does come down to you accept this series for what it is and try to enjoy it in spite of its flaws, or move on to a series that'll give you what you want, because the constant screaming into the void I see from some people is just...It's just
Anyways, that's it for my ramble. I'll tag
since this is Pocket Man discussion.
I'm still looking forward to the games, but again, I'm totally cool with people who aren't! Just, for some people in this fanbase....
Please learn how to deal with frustration and disappointment in a more healthy manner.