Anyway I think people are rightfully cautious about corporations having access to personal information and such, but they're often cautious for the wrong reasons.
They think of 1984 and how an Authoritarian Regime wants to know what to know you're doing all the time to make sure you aren't talking smack about Big Brother behind his back so they can assert complete and total power over you, while a big corporation just wants to put that info inyo an algorythm so they know how to advertise to you (which can also be pretty bad, to be fair).
Typically large corporations wanna stay out of legal trouble since legal trouble is expensive, so they aren't going to put a backdoor into Google Garage with the intent of stealing your car or bike since that would probably cost them more then it would earn them. Car theft is for smaller, more desperate crooks who don't have nearly as much to loose.
Edit: Basically this is Google/Amazon/Disney