Saaaaaame. I love their games and developers a ton, but man they've just gotten relationship with fan projects so backwards compared to almost every other company in the industry lightening up about it. Even SquareEnix, who used to be just as notorious as Nintendo about fan projects, doesn't care anymore and have even given Tomb Raider projects their blessing.
Like, you really want people to play official releases? Realese. The. Games. This ain't rocket science: We have modders in their basements and on potato computers making emulators that play GCN and Wii games near flawlessly and are even starting to get custom Switch emulators going, but Nintendo can't? Doesn't add up to me. I don't claim to be an expert, nor am I a professional developer (I'm a hobbyist if anything), but from what little I know about the subject, there really isn't any reason to handle it the way that they do other than corporate pride and Disney-vault-esque artificial scarcity, perceived brand value and demand.