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The Snorlax Room

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You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Called the Disco Room. Saying you lost in unrelated threads is like playing You Laugh You Lose everywhere.

4 bucks for 3 months people.
Because people who aren't in the Disco Room should've known that.

That must be a new thing, 'cause I don't think people did that back when I was there.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
It started back in February. I didnt know you had premium. Did you post alot when you were in there?
Hm, mine ran out in April, so I guess I just missed that. I didn't post too much, though, I mostly lurked.

Why would we care that you waisted 5 dollars on something that doesn't exist?
(What "doesn't exist"?)

At least he can spell "wasted" correctly.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
Its buying a premium member ship on this forum, you're investing in your entity in this board, something that doesn't truly exist. Buying a premium for this site is a blatant misuse of money, and before you excuse this as a personal preference, people SHOULD be conscious of what they spend money on. Currency is a representation of the resources alloted to you within a society. So, essentially, when you buy something frivolous you are misusing resources. Now, YES, not every dime should be made with a conscious view on the effect it has on the world and not every meaningful purchase will positively impact the world. There is a difference, however, in buying these digital investments, buying premium forum memberships that don't truly offer much benefit to you at all (such as the Smashboards premium) or virtual real estate in 2nd Life with no intent of turning a profit. These sorts of behaviors, though to a lesser extent, is comparable to the lavish spending habits of the yuppies who brought about the 1990 economic recession, and similar spending patterns in Japan caused their economic down turn. Now of course, even here there is something that makes this purchase even worse. The Japanese bought art, they bought land all over the world, they bought yacths, they spent and spent and spent because they didn't know what to do with all the money; they bought things that existed. What do you gain from a premium membership on Smashboards? What resources are being provided to you? There is very little capital, if any capital, being put to use by you purchasing your membership, regardless as you pay for it you are technical using your capital on nothing. Consider what the thousands of people on SRK, Smashboards, 8-way, Dustloop, and many other sites are doing to the economy by this. Their dollars are essentially dead dollars, going to fund a mass of 1s and 0s, and in the majority of cases (especially Smashboards) the bandwidth, coding, human capital, and any other things that might pertain to the premium membership are no where near 5 dollars. With the right tools, you can run a website for 5 dollars. Humans are good with handeling day to day interactions, but we miss the big pictures like this. If I go to a store, buy a pack of gum, I've just funded the people who made the plastic, the people who made the gum, the trucking company who delivered it, and the store I bought it in, among many other things such as the advertisement company who made the logo. When I buy a SRK membership, I'm buying funding literally nothing. No jobs are substained by my purchase, no royalties are payed by my purchase, no, The Wiz just gets 15 more dollars to spend at Evo next year.

Buying a premium membership is a stupid and irresponsible way to spend your money.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
With premium you can prank, change your name, change your title, you have access to a new forum skin, you have access to a whole new room, and it's all for a few bucks.

I wouldn't really call it a stupid way to spend your money. Unless you're in a tight spot, it doesn't hurt to live a little.

EDIT: V that V

Ryu Shimazu

Smash Master
Nov 5, 2009
Yeah... but 5 dollars a month is 70 a year. That's a video game. Screw that >_>. Then again, I live very... "Thrifty" so I'm pretty tight when it comes to things like that.

Actually..I'd probably say thats soda money, lol.

Edit: If its 3months/4dollars I take it back, I thought it was 5 dollars/month.

@ Roach below me. I thought it was per month, so I be wrong.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Yeah... but 5 dollars a month is 70 a year. That's a video game. Screw that >_>. Then again, I live very... "Thrifty" so I'm pretty tight when it comes to things like that.

Actually..I'd probably say thats soda money, lol.

Edit: If its 3months/4dollars I take it back, I thought it was 5 dollars/month.
4 dollars, for 3 months

That's 12 Dollaps a year. Not that big of an investment. (not talking to just you Shimazu trying to correct you any further or anything, but to the people who say it's a big waste of money)


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
You can get Premium for 3 months, which would be $4. You can also get it for 6 months which would be $7 or a full year which would just be $12.

EDIT: Ninja, but whatever.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Buying stock in a company is stupid since you're paying for something that DOESNT EXIST mirite crash?
Actually, I agree there. You pay for part of a company, yet you don't actually OWN the part of the company.

A teacher said that if Americans wised up about this fact, some kind of depression would occur or something.

Iunno, I know nothing about the stock market, and it's just a teacher, so his validity may not be all right.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
Its buying a premium member ship on this forum, you're investing in your entity in this board, something that doesn't truly exist. Buying a premium for this site is a blatant misuse of money, and before you excuse this as a personal preference, people SHOULD be conscious of what they spend money on. Currency is a representation of the resources alloted to you within a society. So, essentially, when you buy something frivolous you are misusing resources. Now, YES, not every dime should be made with a conscious view on the effect it has on the world and not every meaningful purchase will positively impact the world. There is a difference, however, in buying these digital investments, buying premium forum memberships that don't truly offer much benefit to you at all (such as the Smashboards premium) or virtual real estate in 2nd Life with no intent of turning a profit. These sorts of behaviors, though to a lesser extent, is comparable to the lavish spending habits of the yuppies who brought about the 1990 economic recession, and similar spending patterns in Japan caused their economic down turn. Now of course, even here there is something that makes this purchase even worse. The Japanese bought art, they bought land all over the world, they bought yacths, they spent and spent and spent because they didn't know what to do with all the money; they bought things that existed. What do you gain from a premium membership on Smashboards? What resources are being provided to you? There is very little capital, if any capital, being put to use by you purchasing your membership, regardless as you pay for it you are technical using your capital on nothing. Consider what the thousands of people on SRK, Smashboards, 8-way, Dustloop, and many other sites are doing to the economy by this. Their dollars are essentially dead dollars, going to fund a mass of 1s and 0s, and in the majority of cases (especially Smashboards) the bandwidth, coding, human capital, and any other things that might pertain to the premium membership are no where near 5 dollars. With the right tools, you can run a website for 5 dollars. Humans are good with handeling day to day interactions, but we miss the big pictures like this. If I go to a store, buy a pack of gum, I've just funded the people who made the plastic, the people who made the gum, the trucking company who delivered it, and the store I bought it in, among many other things such as the advertisement company who made the logo. When I buy a SRK membership, I'm buying funding literally nothing. No jobs are substained by my purchase, no royalties are payed by my purchase, no, The Wiz just gets 15 more dollars to spend at Evo next year.

Buying a premium membership is a stupid and irresponsible way to spend your money.

You guys scare me sometimes. Like in the "that guy did not just seriously say something that silly" type way, the kind of fear that there's no hope for humanity.

Just thought you should know how much I <3 you guys.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Well isn't someone materialistic. Hanging out with people in the Disco Room may not have any physical ramifications, but experiences count for something.

But that's not really my main argument at all.

I don't understand why it is that you think that Premium Membership is nothing more than a way of getting access to the DR. Now, you spend a lot of time raging at people posting on this site, right? You get use out of it? Well, so do I. I feel that to some extent, if you can give back to the site it's good to. Now you may think that funding tournies is useless, but it helps support SmashBoards and the foundation that it was built on, so I see no problem with it.

So please stop being so serious and pretending like you know everything in the world and are above the rest of us.

Protip by the way, it helps if you actually divide your posts into paragraphs. That post is so block-y it's begging for a tetris.

Deleted member

Teaching Ankoku:

[06:03] Konnichiwaffle: Well, I did some more testing of the Baton Pass team
[06:04] Konnichiwaffle: as expected, anybody who uses Roar/Whirlwind effectively is going to shut me down.
[06:04] mycatgoesmow: or perish song
[06:04] mycatgoesmow: or haze
[06:04] mycatgoesmow: both are less common aside from celebi
[06:04] Konnichiwaffle: Lead taunts are surprisingly ineffective
[06:05] mycatgoesmow: correct
[06:05] mycatgoesmow: BP teams are like brawl pit
[06:05] mycatgoesmow: mediocre and really annoying
[06:05] Konnichiwaffle: I meant people who run leads with Taunt
[06:05] mycatgoesmow: they suffer from a few key points and even people that like they give up on them eventually
[06:05] mycatgoesmow: BP teams are usually not that bad against taunt
[06:05] mycatgoesmow: there are build designs to counteract taunt
[06:06] mycatgoesmow: since the team is based fundamentally on switching, things that force switches that ruin that momentum are its weakness
[06:06] Konnichiwaffle: Running Ninjask in the back makes me start with only 50% life against Stealth Rock, but he really doesn't need more than that considering it's already enough for +3 speed
[06:07] mycatgoesmow: running ninjask is asking to start with 5 pokemon while boosted priority moves are popular
[06:07] Konnichiwaffle: Substitute is ****ing amazing
[06:07] mycatgoesmow: substitute is the best move in the game
[06:07] mycatgoesmow: it gives free turns in a game based on a limited number of turns
[06:08] mycatgoesmow: turns, like pokemon, are a resource
[06:08] Konnichiwaffle: Some moron totally decided to stare down my Scizor with his Tyranitar
[06:08] Konnichiwaffle: I'm not sure what that was about
[06:08] mycatgoesmow: it's harder to abuse but things like substitute and roost abuse that commodity
[06:08] mycatgoesmow: ?
[06:08] Konnichiwaffle: but he had no fire so he just kept hitting with Ice Beam and eventually Outrage
[06:08] mycatgoesmow: tyranitar can handle scizor fairly well
[06:09] Konnichiwaffle: gave me two Swords Dances and a Substitute to pass to Ninjask, who then +3'd Speed and passed to Lucario, who proceeded to sweep :V
[06:09] mycatgoesmow: yes but a better player will simply break your sub every time and cripple the incoming lucario
[06:10] Konnichiwaffle: That's what I was expecting
[06:10] mycatgoesmow: a better plan is to pass to something naturally defensive and to let the boosts cover your attack plan
[06:10] mycatgoesmow: a good example is to pass to something bulky yet rounded like swampert, tyranitar, metagross and the like
[06:11] mycatgoesmow: either way BP is still a fairly tier 3 tactic
[06:11] Konnichiwaffle: I have a bulky Gyarados @ Leftovers I suppose
[06:11] mycatgoesmow: unlike it's close relative of wishpassing
[06:11] mycatgoesmow: gyarados is a respectable choice so long as you can take a hit with SR damage and clear out any priority users first
[06:12] mycatgoesmow: gyarados does have a valuable asset in intimidate to stop priority moves from working well but you lose that when lucario comes in on the revenge turn
[06:12] mycatgoesmow: gyarados is better using intimidate to set-up with its inherent bulk, or to debuff opponents in multiple turns via double switching with something like salamence
[06:13] mycatgoesmow: it used to be easier before SR was considered absolutely staple to every team
[06:13] mycatgoesmow: SR is the only contender with sub for the best move in the game
[06:13] mycatgoesmow: both cheat turns and absolutely have to be dealt with
[06:14] Konnichiwaffle: SR seems to help press an advantage, while Substitute buys a free turn
[06:14] Konnichiwaffle: both solid I suppose
[06:15] mycatgoesmow: SR can force 3HKOs into 2HKOs and thus cheat a turn
[06:15] mycatgoesmow: pretty invaluable especially since the pokemon that go down the easiest are also the most threatening usually
[06:16] mycatgoesmow: SR also doesn't guarantee a free turn, it just increases the likelyhood of it happening
[06:16] mycatgoesmow: sub will force a free turn but you have to predict correctly
[06:17] mycatgoesmow: however the 25% you lose for being incorrect is generally worth the risk
[06:17] mycatgoesmow: it's a decently close call
[06:17] mycatgoesmow: teams that switch often run a higher risk of losing turns and defensive coverage to SR so stall teams absolutely require rapid spin
[06:18] Konnichiwaffle: Substitute offers a greater potential reward, I think, but Stealth Rock is a one-time commitment.
[06:18] mycatgoesmow: since it has a guaranteed return, it's not really a commitment but I see what you're getting at
[06:18] mycatgoesmow: it's much closer to an....investment
[06:19] Konnichiwaffle: Well, you commit one turn and potentially one Pokemon to it
[06:19] Konnichiwaffle: if it's the suicide lead
[06:19] mycatgoesmow: usually SR is put on a pokemon that only needs 3 slots to function properly
[06:19] mycatgoesmow: so it's not a big deal
[06:19] mycatgoesmow: and lots of pokemon can learn the move
[06:19] mycatgoesmow: example, lead metagross
[06:20] mycatgoesmow: also since SR can cheat turns and pokemon damage output can be varied, it can add to a pressure game simply because the math is shaky
[06:20] mycatgoesmow: what % of the time will I live _______ after SR?
[06:20] mycatgoesmow: it's another way of approaching the risk/reward aspect of the game
[06:21] mycatgoesmow: SR also has an indirect pressure effect of discouraging switching
[06:22] mycatgoesmow: if SR is not giving you extra turns, adding pressure to your opponent via ambiguity, or discouraging switches, it becomes useless for that battle
[06:22] mycatgoesmow: but all of that happening is extremely unlikely
[06:22] Konnichiwaffle: Well, if all that is not happening
[06:22] Konnichiwaffle: you're very likely losing
[06:22] mycatgoesmow: I wouldn't go that far
[06:22] mycatgoesmow: losing 1 turn isn't the worst thing ever
[06:22] mycatgoesmow: it's just strictly disadvantageous
[06:23] Konnichiwaffle: If the opponent is not feeling any pressure and doesn't care about the SR damage, it's most likely because he's too busy sweeping your ****
[06:23] mycatgoesmow: to state that SR being relatively useless = losing only further necessitates SR usage, which simply isn't true
[06:23] mycatgoesmow: or that he simply has a plan for it
[06:23] mycatgoesmow: SR, like all things, can be played around
[06:24] mycatgoesmow: thats why pokemon is fun lol
[06:24] Konnichiwaffle: What I mean it say is, if Stealth Rock happens and it ends up being useless, it's most likely useless because the opponent was never in a position to have to worry about damage.
[06:24] mycatgoesmow: you're definitely correct
[06:25] mycatgoesmow: but again, in your own words, most likely
[06:25] mycatgoesmow: not all the time, but most of the time yes you are correct
[06:26] Konnichiwaffle: I suppose my enjoyment of synergy to the level of combos in Magic is kinda hurting my desire to make real teams in Pokemon.
[06:26] mycatgoesmow: you can take any approach to this game and end up good at it
[06:27] mycatgoesmow: it's just like any other game with limits
[06:27] mycatgoesmow: those limits can be exploited or optimized for the most part
[06:27] mycatgoesmow: the rest can be compensated for


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
Wow, glad to see Umbreon back from the crater caused by the banhammerinator.

Anyways, I think I might leave SWF again after today. Anyone need GFX or want to battle before hand?


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
This is a little late, but I just watched that PokePark Wii trailer and I'm definitely going to buy it when it comes out. It may be my favorite non-canon Pokemon game since Pokemon Snap.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
Buying stock in a company is stupid since you're paying for something that DOESNT EXIST mirite crash?
No, that's different, you are funding a company, as well as seeing the potential for municipal returns. That's contributing to the economy. A stock market crash can collapse an economy.

I don't understand why it is that you think that Premium Membership is nothing more than a way of getting access to the DR. Now, you spend a lot of time raging at people posting on this site, right? You get use out of it? Well, so do I. I feel that to some extent, if you can give back to the site it's good to. Now you may think that funding tournies is useless, but it helps support SmashBoards and the foundation that it was built on, so I see no problem with it.
If you honestly believe that any of this money is going to fund tournaments, then you must have forgotten that Microsoft owns MLG.

So please stop being so serious and pretending like you know everything in the world and are above the rest of us.


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
Paying money for premium is also funding a company which has a positive impact on their economical status, which allows anyone working to have more guarantee to get payed well, even if it's a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent. Those people that are getting payed go buy things and those people get paid....

The world economy is so tied together that every time you spend a dollar, no matter how you spend it, you're impacting the world economy in some way, even if it's virtually invisible.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
No, again, buying a stock is different. The money you spend on a stock, very little of that money, if any, is used for profit for the company. The main way a coporation can make a profit from stocks is by selling off their own stocks. Buying a premium, on the other hand, is 100 percent profit. Certainly the money that MLG makes from advertisements is more than enough to handle their purchase of vBulleten and their server fees, especially since Smashboards made the move to a cheaper server this year. MLG tournaments have existed as a self contained profitable force as well, handling their own expenses. Now, the MLG tournaments certainly haven't offered more experiences to the user than before, the prize slots are no larger than the growth of the company itself this year, so I can only assume that the premium is pure profit for the company itself. Also keep in mind that many of the administrators of this site are not employed. For all intensive purposes, this site is nothing more than a cash cow for MLG, especially now that premium has been introduced.

When you buy Premium, you aren't funding anything but MLG's profit margins.

Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
regardless i will still always get premium for the green name <3333 i have no problems giving mlg my money

also the amount of money they make from premium is vastly smaller then what they make elsewhere lol

Cease Tick

Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2008
and then after the people working for mlg get the money from your premium, they go spend that money and contribute to the economy.
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