Round 20 scores! F8AL didn't get me his judging, so we're proceeding with just Neon Ness's and mine.
vVv ChiboSempai – Gentleman Caterpie
Firus: Love the concept here; a gentleman is certainly awesome, and top hats and monocles go well on pretty much anything. In actual execution, however, there are some flaws; the most glaring flaw is the shading of the hat. Due to the fact that it almost entirely lacks shading, it doesn’t fit the rest of the sprite and looks out-of-place rather than attached to Caterpie’s head. The coat’s a nice touch, and the monocle is well-made, although if you’d perhaps made it a bit darker to distinguish it from the rest of Caterpie, I think it would be more effective. On first glance, it looked to me like Caterpie was missing his eye. Overall, although the sprite is simple, and despite some flaws, it’s a solid sprite which takes a good approach to the prompt.
Neon Ness: A really solid sprite with a unique direction, it has everything I'd expect from the traditional gentleman. The shading on the hat seems somewhat flat however, and oddly lighter than the rest of the sprite. Somehow the angle doesn't appear correct on how it sits on Caterpie's head either. The monocle is also hard to make out because most of it is as light as Caterpie's face, so maybe a slightly more defined outline would help separate the details in that area. No complaints about the bowtie and tux, I really like how those were implemented on such a small scale. Very classy.
Firus: 7/10
Neon Ness: 7/10
FINAL: 7/10
asage94 – Caterborg
Firus: I like the concept you were starting with here, but your sprite falls short in the execution of it a bit. Fusing Genesect with Caterpie is certainly a good start, but keeping Caterpie’s small size and only adding Genesect’s arms and color has somewhat of a negligible effect. Also, while the addition of Drifblim’s tail-esque piece seems good conceptually, in practice it comes out somewhat awkward; it took me a while to discern it as Drifblim’s tail rather than a strange foot of some sort. In addition, it’s fused onto the sprite on somewhat of a slant. Had it been slanted at all, I’d have had it slant the other way to match the curve of Caterpie’s body. The arms were fused well and the recolor was thorough, but you could have done so much more with this sprite; you could have added Genesect’s cannon, altered Caterpie’s antennae to be more intimidating, or even altered Caterpie’s expression; the way it is now, the sprite falls short of having that “awesome” feel to it.
Neon Ness: A good start, I only wish there was a bit more. In a prompt where you have freedom to make a Pokemon more awesome in any way you please, I was hoping for more than body parts recycled from other pre-existing Pokemon. The arm splicing is great, and it might've been nice to see all of Caterpie's legs changed in similar ways. The transition to Drifblim's tail is a little shaky, it looks oddly flat near the back edge and the outline color changes abruptly. Often times the face is the focal point of a sprite, but Caterpie's is unchanged besides the color, so I feel like there was a lot of room for creativity left unexplored. Overall, it doesn't quite have 'wow' factor yet.
Firus: 4/10
Neon Ness: 5/10
FINAL: 4.5/10
Congratulations to
ChiboSempai for being the winner of Round 20 in his fourth Grand Festival victory! Congrats to Chibo for being the second to obtain the Luxury Ball postbit!
Next round's prompt:
Alter any Pokémon to fire type. You can retype a single- or dual-type Pokémon, you can add it or replace a pre-existing type, and you can add another type in addition to fire as well; the only condition is that the Pokémon cannot already be fire type.
The deadline is Friday, November 4th at 11:59 PM EST.