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The Smash Brothers - Series Discussion


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2009
Holy ****. I watched all the episodes in one go. Amazing.

So many feelings right now. Here's for another 10 years, smash community! <3


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2010
just finished watching everything, holy roly poly on a moly cannoli that was amazing. im so glad im getting a dvd now
thank you so much for this samox. this had an incredible impact for me, and probably more so for many other people. its also kind of reigniting my competitive spirit somehow...bad timing but whatever lol

will extra footage be uploaded too?


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Just wanted to say thank you again(I commented on youtube as well) for making this. Smash has been a huge part of my life since 2003 and seeing this brought back a lot of really great memories that honestly brought me to tears. This feels like a gift to the community and you are a wonderful person for putting so much effort into it.
Jul 10, 2012
Just marathoned this series, and it was amazing!
It taught me a lot about interesting rivalries which set the foundations of competitive melee, brought back memories of players, games and tourneys which really shaped and inspired me as a player, and highlighted much of why our community is so great.
One more year, forever!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2009
Savannah, Georgia
Definitely worth the money and wait. Just watching the effort put into the video and musical scores makes it stands out not only as just a Smash documentary, but as a documentary as a whole. Seeing each era bringing in people and champion with their own diverse light was great, and yet the community seems the same as it started, with people meeting friends over a party game.

Looking forward to owning a DVD copy. Here's to SSBM living on as the little community that could.


Smash Rookie
Feb 1, 2013
Just watched every episode in almost one go. I ended at the PC Chris episode, went to Gamestop to pick up Pokemon, but instead of starting the game, I got home and continued watching. After watching, I just have this weird, awesome, feel good, nostalgic, feeling, even though I've just joined the community.

I've followed the scene on and off since the MLG days, but I was only like 10. I really enjoyed watching sets I'd find on Youtube, and I lurked the boards trying to learn how to play, but I never went to tournaments. I was too young and my mom never really wanted to drive me out to play video games. When Brawl came out when I was 14, I hung around a different forum(Nsider2) and played over wi-fi, and I made some real great friends there. We found allisbrawl around the first few months of brawl, and I convinced my mom to drive me out to my first tournament at a Quiznos, and I met a couple of friends from NS2 there. But when I told my mom I lost, and pretty much threw away 20 bucks, she wouldn't let me go to another tourney again. I was sad that I couldn't be part of the community and learn how to play better offline, so I stopped playing Smash and played Halo, CoD, TF2, etc. with the friends I made on NS2. During this time, I'd every once in a while find sets of the big tournaments for both games. I'd find the sets from Genesis, Pound, Apex, etc and I would just get so hyped, but I still wouldn't go to tournaments. By the time I was 17 and had a hand me down car, I was still just being a stream monster watching big tourneys when I had the chance. I enjoyed watching hype sets, but I had the mindset that it was too late for me to start going to tourneys since everybody would probably know each other and people would think I was a scrub. So I just spectated for another 2 years.

But then the EVO drive happened, and that's when I truly, really, learned what a ****ing great community this is. Seeing everybody come together, 64, Melee, and Brawl communities supporting one another to see and play Melee on the main stage gave me the drive to try and be a part of the community. Plus, I figured that more people would join at this time, so I wouldn't be the only scrub around lol. So, I finally made an account here, searched for some locals, and immediately found a group to play with. Got wrecked by my group, got salty, but I still wanted to play and get better. Planned on going to KoC2 as my first tourney, but I ended up busy. At the same time, I was trying to get better at League of Legends with my best friends, so I stopped playing Smash (again) for a bit. Finally EVO happened and the hype was regained. SSS started, and I went to the second or third one, and I finally went to my first tournament. It was just so much fun playing all day. Went to another one, made some friends at college interested in playing, and now I'm starting to feel a part of the community I wanted to participate in when I was 10. I wished I joined earlier.

So I want to thank you for making this doc Samox. I think you've fulfilled my wish to experience the community during the time I wasn't playing. I feel like I've gotten to know a little bit more about the community as people because of this doc. Before, I just knew everybody as pros at a video game. But after watching this, I've come to know not only the history of the community, but the community as genuine, heartfelt people, that have a love for the same hobby, and at the end of the day, is a huge group of friends. This doc has made me the most excited to play this game ever. So again, thank you Samox and everybody in the community for being a part of this film and giving me more feels than the average blockbuster.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2003
The Hague , Netherlands
Only just finished watching the 1st ep but it's already blown all my expectations out of the water and I've followed nearly every public video update you released. As someone in europe who's only experienced the american scene through the boards, dc++, youtube, twitch etc it's amazing to see these players talk about their experiences and the way you string this all together this just makes it an absolute joy to watch. Thanks so much!


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2010
Uppsala, Sweden
Watched 5 episodes so far. Absolutely amazing. Part 3 is probably my favourite so far. Fantastic job, Samox!


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2012
Better than "The King of Kong: A Firstul of Quarter" in my opinion, but maybe I am just baised cause I love Smash. Regardless, this is really something special Samox, and you should feel extremely good about it because it is amazing.

Bowser D.X

Brawl Player
Jul 22, 2010
Watched the first two eps, great work. Makes me wanna get into the Melee scene.

Captain Smuckers

Smash Journeyman
Nov 5, 2010
Mount Vernon, NY
This was incredible to watch and it really made me realize how badly I wish I had discovered this community sooner. Not even because I'd probably be better by now, but because I just want to have been around during some of the mlg days. Also the isai episode was just like aoeugbae hgaiughegoag amazing. I know isai always said don't get hit, but I did right in the feels ='(


Priest of the Temple of Syrinx
Mar 11, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The nostalgia and names that came up were just too many.

Honored to be a part of it.


Waiting for a new Smash game
Apr 20, 2008
Chicago, IL
Switch FC
These are absolutely fantastic. My smasher pride is through the roof! Man, I love these games so much.

I wish your videos would get featured in big websites. These are way too good to just be shared within the community.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2009
This series was worth every friggin' dime put into it. Excellent job Samox, and good stuff to everyone else on his development/production team.
Long Live Melee!!!


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2010
Have finished the entire thing too!
After meeting you in person and hear you talk about this I can't say Im surprised it turned out to be a masterpiece of work.

However I still have to say you did a great job and the smash community will always be thankful for this =D


Smash Journeyman
May 14, 2011
Sweden, Stockholm
This really made me wish I was born earlier so I could at least've been able follow the community during those days. Really freakin' good **** Samox!


Smash Cadet
Dec 13, 2012
A very good watch, very informative for me since I am rather new to the smash scene.

Some games you might be interested in doing in the future, would be Dota 1 and 2 or the Halo series, as their competitive scenes have been quite phenomenal and have lots of history.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2010
Boston, MA
Thanks guys. I'm just so glad you like it. I'm taking the next week to chill with family on the WC, confer with my audio guy on the remaster.

I'll check back here as much as I can to answer questions, but right now it just looks like nostalgiagasms. :)

Love you all. This community rocks.



Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2002
Really cool, brings back some good memories. I wish they would've contacted me for an interview though.
Mar 15, 2008
I think the documentary was only okay.

The lack of name tags confused me because I didn't know who was talking to me at times. I would either have to wait for small hints in the dialog to have them named for me, or wait till the end of the credits to see who was talking. I didn't know Lucky was Lucky until the end credits, and that should not be happening. This had to be made perfectly clear.

I also noticed that the story took a shift in focus after around when M2K got introduced. The documentary fleshed out this great narrative with Ken, Azen, and the rivalries between each coast growing from humble grassroots tournaments held in household basements to the MLG big-leagues. We got a great sense of how important those rivalries were to each player as we delved into their personal lives, and it was satisfying. It felt like the story of all these Smash players were being connected and pushed forward by each successive tournament, but after a while, the documentary just lost sight of that. I saw the reign of Ken because the documentary followed him from tournament to tournament, but then people were talking about how M2K reigned Melee for a long time, which was confusing to me because it wasn't given the same amount of attention. When M2K and HBox were introduced, the focus was shifted from their tournament rivalries and successes to how they are as people. M2K was a perfectionist who sought to maximize the inner workings of the game to his favor. HBox was the Jigglypuff main who played "gay" and because of that could never escape Mango's shadow. However, the narrative doesn't go much deeper than explaining just that. Melee-FC was given a lot of coverage because it tied a lot of players together, but its result didn't push any players forward. Earlier we saw how the results of an items tournament sparked a regional rivalry, but in comparison, Melee-FC was "just another tournament" to the players. This could have been elaborated best with Armada's influence to the American scene, but Armada only got like a 3 minute segment in the entire documentary. As a result, the documentary got less interesting to watch. What Melee-FC ended up touching up on was "how great the Melee community is", but even then, it only covers one side of the story.

That would be my final point against this documentary. Important points are shown from one perspective and not from the other, creating bias and contradictory messages. For example, with the EVO 2013 segment, people were talking about how much of a step forward it was to be back on the EVO stage, but it's not clearly understood WHY it's such a giant step forward when Melee was at EVO in 2007. One of the bigger reasons would be because there was an ugly gap between the FGC and the Smash community that the Smash community had to strive to overcome, but to explain that in any way would be counter-productive. The segment was used to follow up on the point of "how great the Melee community is", but because there is no explanation towards the points against the Melee community, the segment itself is completely biased. The same bias is shown during the Brawl segment, where Brawl is misrepresented so bad that it's actually offensive. I mean, the piss-poor gameplay footage explains it all. The gameplay served to visualize the negative commentary being given, but the gameplay was in no way a proper representation of what Brawl is at its finest. At best, it's a representative of what the game is like after you put the disc inside your Wii for the first time, but that kind of representation isn't fair at all. For a documentary titled "The Smash Brothers", that segment was just a plateful of injustice. There was no saving grace for Brawl when that entire segment was focused on sabotaging Brawl's image. That scene only serves to confuse you further along the documentary, when it's shown that Brawl is so successful in comparison to Melee that the Melee community actually had to run a tournament called Revival of Melee. It's almost hypocritical how there's no room for Melee to be bashed by others, but there is certainly room for Brawl to be bashed by Melee players.


Smash Rookie
Jul 9, 2013
Epicly (if that's a word) done. This was very well edited and the music was great along with the video. I couldn't help but to get feelings.
I have a question though, what was the anime shown in Episode 3? I want to watch it because of the feels it gave me with Asai.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
I wish your videos would get featured in big websites. These are way too good to just be shared within the community.
If you want this to be spread around from outside the community, you need to actually do the spreading, not just wishing it'll happen. The documentary will only reach as many people as it can through happenstance, but through intentional word of mouth and spreading, it can reach so many more. Attempting to get sites like Kotaku (despite how much I, personally, dislike the site you can't deny its outreach in terms of audience of gamers) to post it would be a step in that direction.

Like, I've already shared it on NeoGAF but reaching out to something like Kotaku would have a much larger outreach.


Waiting for a new Smash game
Apr 20, 2008
Chicago, IL
Switch FC
If you want this to be spread around from outside the community, you need to actually do the spreading, not just wishing it'll happen. The documentary will only reach as many people as it can through happenstance, but through intentional word of mouth and spreading, it can reach so many more. Attempting to get sites like Kotaku (despite how much I, personally, dislike the site you can't deny its outreach in terms of audience of gamers) to post it would be a step in that direction.

Like, I've already shared it on NeoGAF but reaching out to something like Kotaku would have a much larger outreach.
I've shared it on some forums as well as my home country's forum. But since it's like ~5 hours altogether, some people get turned away.


Smash Rookie
Feb 10, 2013
After seeing episode 1 on stream last night, I immediately watched the rest of them. Fantastic work to all those involved. The production, editing, storytelling, and interviews were all outstanding (especially the Big Lebowski theme for Ken's episode). I'd love to see this on Netflix!


Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2006
Would've been cool to have an Armada episode that also gave a little bit of background about the rest of the Euro scene in general but I understand it might have been cost prohibitive to do so. Overall I thought the series was amazing.
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