No, he's just saying he's smart, like those smart ppl in the SBR.
Here's a cookie, Yuna. *gives a cookie*
Edit: For the record, I did read Yuna's posts, and argued alongside them for quite some time lol. I'm..... not as sure anymore; about the ban, I mean. I still think the current tournament results do not quite demonstrate that MK is ban-worthy (altho it's pretty close IMO, but that's just a personal ban-worthy threshold that certainly isn't universal).
But my problem is that when I look at MK as a character, like his actual abilities, priority mechanics, etc.... it really seems like he should be winning even more than he is. He just has so many strengths and options, I'll even say depth and potential. I think as MK's actually get threatened by high-level strategies, they'll be able to come up with more ways to counter those situations than other characters. MK will always be a step ahead.
That's just my personal observations though, and we should prolly wait until MK is clearly ban-worthy-dominant in tournaments before making a decision. But there's a problem -- a "soft ban" is already happening in lots of places. Nothing official, for sure, but lots of people choose not to play MK simply because he's so "cheap". Yes, this is scrubby, but hear me out...
Suppose MK is ban-worthy (by Yuna's criteria, say), but half our great players refuse to play him because they'd find Brawl boring if it's all just MK dittos; they're trying real hard to find ways to counter MK, even though it's a guaranteed losing battle, even beyond slight-advantage. You can argue that they're scrubs, but.... this shows a community in severe peril. The "play-to-win" POV would say they should take up MK so that we eventually prove that he's ban-worthy, we ban him, and the game proceeds happily. But in the interim, that really really sucks, and many of these people will drop Brawl instead of adopting MK. The conclusion is that the people that were right about MK, are rejected from the competitive scene.
Ppl say that North America has no "honour" so soft-bans don't happen, but that's false. Personal honour-bans happen (and there's enough trash-talking "oh you play MK, that's cuz you suck lol" that happens to encourage this), so that we're in an unfortunate fragmented situation..... iunno, sorry for the rant, but it's just an odd place for the community to be at.