Not know where near mad, Kyle just started bragging in a brawl thread how he was better than all of us, when in reality that doesn't mean nothing cause compared to the actual street fighter players them selves he's not even all that good and he's been playing since it came out. He would never brag like that on srk boards. Yea he's better than us, but what is that really saying? That's exactly what happened with the kyro situation some pages back.
Sorry I had to work then went out of town.
Now people can say im mad, cause im really in a bad mood from today. Nothing but lies and exaggerations... I went with Greyfox to taylor only cause he said the guy would pick us up for FREE. I get there and he said he wants $15 from us. OK i didn't bring the cash but I won the Brawl tourny which was only a $2 entry so i basically just gave my winnings to him. So stupid.