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The Road to TGC 2! Full results are up (131 entrants)! A new Champion has appeared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

♫ Zura ♫

Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2014
Houston, Tx
Xyro's about to explode just like in his sig. I want to be just like that bird.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Zori, don't stop the pew pew. I love the pew pew.
Just don't love fighting the pew pew. :applejack:


Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2008
Shoutouts to my bad read on zori and his bait.

Edit: Also im still listed as playing mario when i play the green one
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See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
There won't be a nuke because there is nothing to nuke because Razer's and my points are legitament issues that need to be resolved instead of treated as a "haters" complaint.


Oct 27, 2007
Gravity Falls, OR
Here's a nuke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP9OHRYZfyg

Shoutouts to Bwett for letting me use some footage!

Other shoutouts:

P4 - the cleanest doubles wins, and the worst douk ever taken.

Gea - You were here.

Sync/Espy - Great times doing commentary, man! We have to do it again sometime!

Flip - Congrats on doing so well, my dude! **** UH!

myself - actually play the game, you pud.

Trela/Allan - Thanks for taking the time to do some interviews with me!

Leaf - Keep making videos!

DeAngelo - ACHA!

Everyone else - you know who you are and what I might say. It was great seeing old friends again, and just overall great to be at a tournament after so long. It really inspired me to actually practice


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Before i get naughty i want to thank every single one of you for coming to the road to TGC 2. This event was the largest Tx smash event in smash 4's history and the largest monthly i have ever held in my 10 years of TOing (crushing HOBO 10 and 11). Excellent matches were had/recorded (thank you tourney locator) and a new champion (MegaFox from San Antonio) took down the mighty Trela who was undefeated in tournament wins up until now. I really enjoyed seeing the new faces, returning faces and most def the very old faces like Dojo, Santi and more. Most importantly, i appreciate all of you that came out here and took the tournament's lemon and made it into lemonade without crying like a baby. You guys understand that life is not perfect and that you have to make the best of the situation even if minor things do go wrong.

But for the rest (not limited to whom i have quoted)..............

My only real complaints are the delayed start time and how unorganized the setups were at the very start of the event, but one is just the result of a larger than predicted attendance, and the other was fixed up right away.

Top 8 not being paid out in an event of this scale sucks too. I didn't know it was only top 4.

Thanks to Xyro and his crew for running the tournament at a pretty amazing pace, Bwett for the nice recording setup, and to everyone I played for some good games. Smash 4's still very young, so I look forward to how things end up from here on out.

Obligatory Diddy's stupid comment.

See you guys next time. :applejack:

The seeding for this tourney was **** and not paying out top 8 with 131 entrants is ****. Idk how people like Tesh are playing Megafox round 1 and Jimbo is playing Jimbo round 1, 2, and 3 and when you have Razer playing Flip round 3. Trash. I get there's a lot of stuff to do and time restrictions are a factor, but come on, take a few minutes and make sure what you're finalizing is correct and you won't have this problem.

One, the disorganization of missing TVs did slow things down to start. That should have been long set up before bracket was announced. Don't know what happened there.

Why isn't pay out to top 8 especially for this event? We used to have where X amount of entrants = to a certain pay out. 131 entrants definitely warrants top 8 being paid out for making it so far. Why did we stop this? Doesn't make sense.

After speaking and listening to plenty of people, I don't understand why doubles starts before singles. I'm pretty sure almost everyone wants doubles to start at 11:30am-12pm. They like to use it as warm ups, it can be finished by 3 o'clock and singles can start when doubles is dwindling down. Starting doubles during the singles bracket causes hold ups and hurts running of the event. Look what happened here. Doubles didn't even get to finish AGAIN. Top 3 had to split but Denti/Bwett didn't want to, so loser finals was rushed in a 2/3 set. Ridiculous for the players. Don't treat doubles like some side event. SEVENTY FOUR (74) people entered the doubles event. People really look forward to it and it looks like it's on the back burner and starts late and doesn't even finish. We used to have doubles first and then singles. This is been the formula for most successful tournaments and like those we did in the past.

Lastly, I was absolutely furious with Fliphop being unseeded. I was literally called to the front to help with seeding and we ALL agreed where he should be and gave him a top 5 seed. Then I end up playing him in ROUND THREE where a bunch of other random matches were happening. That can literally give you inaccurate results by putting one of us in losers to early when it shouldn't happen being we're ranked 2-3 in this city. He went unseeded after we seeded. Simply inexcusable and upsetting.

Other than that, I'm glad to see so many new faces in the scene and such a good turnout. I'm hoping the next event at the new venue is more organized and ran seamless for the future.

1. Delayed start time was originally 30 min because i still had 20 players in line trying to register ( i believe it was RAZER who came up to me and requested that we start at 12 aka the 30min later). I did this because I would feel terrible if i had to cut off registration when there are people literally doing what they are supposed to do by sitting in line waiting to register. For the record, i started registration and 9:50 btw. I apologize for registering people early, listening to razer and being nice by allowing people to enter the event after the scheduled time. It wont happen again.

2. The wait time was extended by an additional 15min because i had to go around and have people fill blank tables with set-ups after i told EVERYBODY who registered with set-ups to fill tables first and then head outside. The players simply did not listen and some of them moved their set-up outside because it was less crowded. I was busy registering people so i did not have time to check every table after every entrant to see if it was filled. I apologize for that and will make sure i stop registration every 3min (further making events run later) and walk around the venue to make sure that tables are filled. It wont happen again.

3. The payout. Lets get one thing out of the way, if you honestly did not know top 4 was the payout for TGC 2 then that means you have not read a single TGC thread since October 2014 and that is 100% on you. Why in the F would you attend an event, cry about an aspect of it when you didn't even read the rules (the most basic of duties when attending an event) in the first place? Paying out op 4 is standard for TGC. You guys haven't complained about this during the HOBO days nor TGC 1 but all of the sudden you want me to make a MAJOR change to the rules mid tournament? The last time i did that you guys almost burned London to the ground. I apologize for trying to keep payouts consistent. It wont happen again.

4. Seeding. No johns on my end. I specifically remember 4-5 of us talking about FlipHop being XYZth seed and clearly for some reason i put Avoid or ALSM above him. This is totally my fault and i dont know why this happened.

5. Have any of you ever been told by your parents not to eat dessert before dinner/supper? As a parent, i now say this to my child. Do you know why? Eating a dessert (the final part of a meal) will prevent you from finishing your dinner. Now take this concept and apply it to tournaments. Singles is "dinner/supper" or the "main course" and Doubles is the dessert. Both are important but one is CLEARLY the main event. Over the years, i have learned that if you do doubles first, certain people get discouraged or salty and once doubles are over they tend to want their singles fee back/take their set-up home. Having set-ups missing for a 1vs1 131 man event (that hasnt even happend yet) due to bitter 2vs2 players is not good. Now, combine that with the fact 1vs1 naturally loses set-ups as people get eliminated and you should be able to see why I do what I do because as TO it is devastating to run a event with low set-ups. I apologize for running my event in a way that focuses set-ups and time on the MAIN event.

6. Some of you complained you didn't have time to practice and that doubles going first would have been your chance to practice. Here is an idea: SHOW UP EARLY. You knew about this event MONTHS in advance and yet you still could request off or sleep early or wake up early? No ****ing johns! I MAKE myself do all of those things and I have far more responsibility than any of you yet I get there at 9am. I apologize I warn you about events several months in advance and I apologize for being there early to give you an opportunity that you never take to get practice in. It won't happen again.

7. Lack of set-ups. This a common problem at events world wide. So instead of launching this complaint at me, how about you launch it at the ones who are responsible for the lack of setups? Razer, did you bring one? Trela, did you? FlipHop, did you? Avoid, did you? P4, did you? Sync/BC/RunCT/Illmatic did you? I highly doubt it and so none of you have any right to complain about lack of set ups/events ending late (assuming you complained). But no no, I forgot, this is my fault. I apologize for not bringing 45 WiiUs and TVs to my event. How dare I expect players and to do the right thing. It won't happen again.

8. I've noticed over the years that players have become extremely entitled and selfish. The focus for them has switched from the game to their personal wants/desires. It is as if they expect me to serve them what they want when they want it. TGC or any event I do is not Burger King, you don't get to "have it your way." What I do for you all is a GIFT. You don't not get to pick your gift. Either take it or don't. If you dislike what I do, you may head to GameGuys, Insomnia, For Glory or GFC Toys. Maybe they will kiss your ass and spoon feed you what you require because I wont. I will do whatever it takes to preserve this game's life and ensure its fair for all players who enter. If you dislike this, then maybe TGC is not for you.

@ UltimateRazer UltimateRazer
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Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
7. Lack of set-ups. This a common problem at events world wide. So instead of launching this complaint at me, how about you launch it at the ones who are responsible for the lack of setups? Razer, did you bring one? Trela, did you? FlipHop, did you? Avoid, did you? P4, did you? Sync/BC/RunCT/Illmatic did you? I highly doubt it and so none of you have any right to complain about lack of set ups/events ending late (assuming you complained). But no no, I forgot, this is my fault. I apologize for not bringing 45 WiiUs and TVs to my event. How dare I expect players and to do the right thing. It won't happen again.
I didn't complain about anything. It ran the best it could given the circumstances. But good nuke Xyro
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Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
Awwwwww, I expected more RAGE. Oh well, I only entered doubles, so I can't complain.


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
Didn't old HOBO's have rules that if X amount of players showed then it was top 4 and if Y amount of players showed it was top 8 and so on? And your point about seeding I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or if you're actually accepting blame. Either way I'm disappointed in this "nuke".


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
I brought a setup, I didn't enter the tournament. Nuke was average at best but on the hater side pretty truthful and spot on otherwise so I gotta give you that. Definitely agree with responsibility on our part (*cough cough*, custom moves), payout being top 4 and doubles after singles. Thought the tournament was ran real well from what I saw other than personal reasoning regarding the ruleset that would make this game four-hundred times better. 100% won't enter anything TGC related a day I live until #LegalizeCustomMoves takes effect, and by that time who knows where we'll all be.

Until then my green lesbian friend....
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2012
On the ledge
I decided not to bring a setup because I didn't have a GC adapter, or a TV small enough to fit in the venue. I figured there would be a lack of TV's, not Wii Us. Maybe for next time we could have a list beforehand of what people can bring, because there are people like me who could only bring the system, but there are probably also people who could only bring a TV/moniter.

I don't know if there was a need for a Wii U without a GC adapter, but I should've brought it anyways. My bad
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Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Well... that was disappointing. :applejack:

I was mostly in the boat P4's in. HOBOs used to pay out depending on attendance, so I assumed TGC was the same. If this is seriously going to be top 4 from here on out attendance be damned, then I doubt I'll be coming out to much more of them.

Otherwise, I'm not entirely sure why I was targeted in that post. Aside from the above, I was k with everything else that went wrong.
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The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
I love the idea of pay-out strictly top 4. Makes a win feel worth it and anyone who keeps on edging near that placement more of a drive / reason to train and achieve said goal (if they're even in it for money to begin with).

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Paying out top 8 does the exact same thing, but for a wider range of players. This is important when you're dealing with 100+ entrants like we were this past weekend. :applejack:
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See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
Allan I hope you don't think we're just whining to whine. I really do appreciate you putting these events together and running them very well, but when seeding is done poorly that's a big deal and what makes the entire event run the way it does. Which is why you of all people who have been running these events for 10 years should be getting seeding correct. Once again though thank you for running smash events, just view this as constructive criticism not ********.

I'm throw out some shout outs real quick.

Tallman - good seeing you like always, look forward to beer and smash :). Amazing doubles wins.

Gnes - Lets train buddy :) I wanna get better and you got some work to do too, come by after classes.

Razer - MORTON MORTON MORTON. Embrace the true GrimTurtle you Falcom main.

Flip - Slooow Diddy, thanks for showing the frauds what Diddy is meant to be, good job on getting second :)

Megafox - Awesome job getting first, after watching you play Trela I knew you were gonna win the whole thing.

Trela - Join me my little Pokemon brother and I'll make you a master.

RT - Give me shines

Gea - Good seeing you as always, I have a dook story from this event for you next time we get together

Sync - Villager is a *** boi so deal with it

Xyro - Thank you for putting on an overall good event and congrats on reaching your biggest local yet, keep it up

Dao - Good seeing you like always, come through and chill sometime man, great job getting 5th for like not even playing this game lol

Furbs - Keep up the Yoshi, that mf'r is broken

Bwett - It was good seeing you again, thank you for putting the recording together an doing a great job with that, keep it up man

Denti - Good seeing you as well, thanks for the Sheik tips, I'm def sticking with her, lemme know if find out more **** :)

Dojo - Baby... Marry me? Lol it's always fun seeing you, we gotta chillllll next time, hopefully I'll see you at the next Houston event

I think that's everyone, if I missed you I still <3 you

♫ Zura ♫

Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2014
Houston, Tx
I don't know if there was a need for a Wii U without a GC adapter, but I should've brought it anyways. My bad
I brought my adapter just in case anyone had a spare Wii U without it, definitely would of worked out.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
I didn't complain about anything. It ran the best it could given the circumstances. But good nuke Xyro
Im not calling you or anyone out. if you felt that i did then maybe some guilt is on you. i just mention names of people who could have brought set-ups/sped up the event. thats all. nothing big.

Nuke is actually underwhelming and doesn't counter things I said. My response SOON!
I have 2 people watching this thread that may or may not grant me a huge opportunity in May so i have to hold back on a lot. And there is nothing to counter. Im simply telling you how it is and how it will be. The end.

I decided not to bring a setup because I didn't have a GC adapter, or a TV small enough to fit in the venue. I figured there would be a lack of TV's, not Wii Us. Maybe for next time we could have a list beforehand of what people can bring, because there are people like me who could only bring the system, but there are probably also people who could only bring a TV/moniter.

I don't know if there was a need for a Wii U without a GC adapter, but I should've brought it anyways. My bad
It is known that if you cannot bring a full set-up, please bring anything you can. Everything helps.

We had people at this TGC bring 3 adapter and nothing else. i ended up using all of them. Furbs brought 2 tvs and no WiiUs. i used both. we need EVERYTHING.
Well... that was disappointing. :applejack:

I was mostly in the boat P4's in. HOBOs used to pay out depending on attendance, so I assumed TGC was the same. If this is seriously going to be top 4 from here on out attendance be damned, then I doubt I'll be coming out to much more of them.

Otherwise, I'm not entirely sure why I was targeted in that post. Aside from the above, I was k with everything else that went wrong.
You nor no one else was targeted. It just so happened that you brought up a topic and i covered it. thats it. i have zero hard feelings towards you or anyone right now other than Razer.

And again, if i were to change the rules mid event, people would riot in the streets of Cairo (ive seen yall do that). So that is why i kept top 4. If TGC can stay this big or at least hit 100, i have no prob doing top 5 or 8. i guarantee you NO ONE expected 131 people for this event.

Allan I hope you don't think we're just whining to whine. I really do appreciate you putting these events together and running them very well, but when seeding is done poorly that's a big deal and what makes the entire event run the way it does. Which is why you of all people who have been running these events for 10 years should be getting seeding correct. Once again though thank you for running smash events, just view this as constructive criticism not *****ing.
Its how its worded, how its order and the items you complain about. if someone complains about doubles not going first yet they have no idea WHY doubles go 2nd, their opinion is worth as much as the gum under my shoe. if people complain about rules but dont read the mother f-ing thread before they attend, there opinion is worth as much as baby poop. there are so many armchair TOs in this thread is sickening.

As i said earlier, i admit i didnt double check the seeding and that is why flip was miss-seeded. My fault 100%. Mistake was made and its on me for sure.
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Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
First Flip wins Hobo 12.

Then Flip causes controversy at TGC 2.

Truly, Flip is the hero we need but don't deserve.


Smash Cadet
Oct 19, 2014
I'm not going to complain about lack of setups, but I will note how rude some people were about sharing their time on the setups. I let peple at my setup play all they want because they were practicing doubles, and my TV was one of the larger TVs there, so they probably needed it. Besides, that whole wall was the doubles wall. I didn't wanna interfere with that for singles practice. But, I would be waiting at a single setup and after 3 games, I'd go in and ask if it'd be alright if I played next, and people just straight up push me out of the way so that they can play. This is my first tournament with TVs so perhaps this is just normal. But my impression of the smash community is a bunch of incredibly nice people. So maybe that'll just be something I have to get used to. So all the practice I got on that day was a few minutes of doubles, and I wasn't even entered in doubles. I'm glad I helped whoever wanted to practice for doubles, but this made me pretty salty. I've busted my ass squeezing in all the time I could of practice since TGC1 and nearly failing a few of my classes just so I could possibly work my way up through the bracket. It's pretty annoying actually having the drive to compete and get to the top when I can't practice for it.
Just wanted that off my chest. Again, Xyro, and everyone else who helped organize, thank you dearly for doing everything you could and busting your ass so a bunch of sweaty dudes could play video games. It's been one of the higher points in my life.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
I honestly think you just hit a bad bunch of kids. Most smashers have zero issues getting up and letting others play.

If this ever happens again, come tell me. Please.
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