Smash Cadet
You're welcome to setup capture on my TV next time around if you like.I recorded nothing. There were no free TVs to setup. I will look into investing in one for tourneys.
I don't think anybody's stuff was stolen, including adapters. As far as I know. With so many people around I don't think anyone would be brave enough to steal.I'm starting to feel kind of guilty about not bringing a setup. I have a set up, but it's my only one and I don't have any name tags to put on the equipment nor do I have a marker to use to write my name on them, so I feared my **** getting stolen. I could've gone to Wal-Mart beforehand, but I didn't know I didn't have nametags/markers until the very last minute. The most I could bring was the gamecube controller adapter and luckily Martez had a marker I used to write my name on that. Not implying that Houston is full of thieves but I've heard horror stories of people's **** getting stolen before because they didn't mark their belongings and I didn't want to be the victim of theft. Sorry.
Anyways, the tournament was fantastic. The TO's did all they could. Lots of **** talk in this thread but I see it as room for improvement. Also, Xyro, I hope the best for you and your family. Blood family before Smash family. Had lots of fun, played against great people, watched some great matches, met great people. Here's to TGC 1.