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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Banned via Warnings
Jul 25, 2010
Mother Brain is the final boss of Metroid NES, but Mecha Ridley serves as the final boss in Zero Mission.
Yes, Yellow Devil is a recurring boss/mini-boss throughout the original series. If I remember correctly, Yellow Devil ALSO appears as a boss once or twice in the X series, as well, though I think in the later games. Don't quote me on that.
Don't forget, he's popular enough to show up in the manga, have storylines dedicated to him(one was that he was a war machine constructed out of a toy doll's internal computer by Wily), and even got to have his own Kart in Battle & Chase! Heck, he shows up in trailers for Rockman Online. YD moves hype as hard as Ridley does, in my opinion. He may not have lines or dialogue or much beyond that, but it's obvious fans love the pain he brings.

I'd say Phantoon would be a good choice for comparison. Unimportant to the series as a whole, but still important in his own right. Kraid's a bit more iconic. Plus Kraid is easy.

First off: You are attempting to read Sakurai's mind, which isn't very wise. Don't do that, you won't succeed. It's a dark, dangerous place that you will not come back from the same, if you come back at all. You cannot read his mind, do not try to speak for him.

Second off: I don't know how your getting that he's barely smaller then Brawl's Ridley, we have more then enough size comparisons to show that he is much smaller. Bowser was about as big as his torso in Brawl, and now he stands up to his shoulder! (And this is when Ridley is airborne, his legs are dangling beneath him! He would be shorter if he landed and hunched over like he normally does.)

And third: Of course Ridley's only going to be referenced on the Pyrosphere! He was also referenced in the boss section, so it's perfectly fine to guess that he's a boss. But let's draw a parallel: Palutena has only been referenced on the stage of her name and in the Trophy section of the Direct. Palutena confirmed to be a statue.
1: I shall gaze long into the abyss, that it might glimpse back at me, and I shall learn that which I was not meant to know. Primarily Sakurai's youth secret. u.u;

2: Most of the mockups I've seen here involved him crouching and hunched rather severely. Brawl's Ridley looks like about what I'd expect if that model decided to jump and extend his legs for flight(which is what I'd expect any creature that size to do, just out of comfort). Dude needs to check in with WFT if he's got those kinds of spine problems. Heard she specializes in reptilian spinal adjustment.

3: Well, it's just kind of odd that he's using Ridley to hype that stage up so hard and isn't addressing ANYTHING ELSE about it, such as the lava being poured downward. That MAY be decoration that just happens a timed length into the match, it may be a stage hazard in itself, it may be Ridley's intro lava that he flies out of when the 'boss encounter' begins. If Sakurai would address the lava, it would clarify Ridley's position a fair amount, I imagine.

If Ridley's not in, I bet he'd throw in Kraid. There's no way Samus is the only Metroid rep for Smash 4, not buying that whatsoever.
Anthony Higgs? :D
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Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Can we not swap out the main antagonist for the guy who managed to be the worst character in the franchise with only one appearance?

EDIT: The fact that the lava is being actively ignored despite it being presented as a likely stage hazard is already pretty telling in and of itself.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 25, 2010
Can we not swap out the main antagonist for the guy who managed to be the worst character in the franchise with only one appearance?
Do what now? Anthony is, to most, the saving grace of Other M, the diamond in the... Rough. Y'sure you're misremembering him? ;D

But seriously, they could do a lot worse if Ridley winds up boss material(and I imagine the trailer for Higgs might be a psyche-out Ridley confrontation).

EDIT: Plus, Anthony's got a rare distinction. The only other human other than the Hunter herself(who has Chozo DNA to help her out of troubles) to face Ridley down and not just survive, but WIN.
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Omega Tyrant

Smash Champion
Nov 13, 2009
Schenectady, New York
You say this, but the Mewtwo cut happened, and TL keeps happening. Unless the fans didn't realize they wanted Mewtwo cut for Brawl.
A bit back, but you do realise Brawl's roster was pretty much the absolute maximum size it could be with its development demands and time constraints? And that Mewtwo was a candidate for least popular character in Melee at the time of Brawl's release? And that he was from the most populated series in Brawl? It was perfectly reasonable to consider Mewtwo the most expendable character in the Brawl cast (even then, all evidence shows Mewtwo was fully intended and was probably the final cut to the roster, if it wasn't for the SSE hogging so much development, Mewtwo certainly would not have been cut).

Mewtwo was the victim of time and development constraints in Brawl, not from maliciousness or Sakurai being ignorant of the fans' desires.
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Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Seattle, WA
Do what now? Anthony is, to most, the saving grace of Other M, the diamond in the... Rough. Y'sure you're misremembering him? ;D

But seriously, they could do a lot worse if Ridley winds up boss material(and I imagine the trailer for Higgs might be a psyche-out Ridley confrontation).

EDIT: Plus, Anthony's got a rare distinction. The only other human other than the Hunter herself(who has Chozo DNA to help her out of troubles) to face Ridley down and not just survive, but WIN.
And then Ridley became a Pokemon. Anyways, if he isn't, I'm pulling for Kraid, Rundas, and THEN Anthony Higgs in order of Metroid characters. Kraid because we've already seen one troll character (Wii Fit trainer). Rundas would be a really cool moveset (pardon the pun) and was the only hunter you gave a crap about in Corruption. Anthony would keep with the Other M theme but I'm hoping it's a character from an earlier game that makes the cut. Ridley makes the most sense for another Metroid rep, though, as I have said before.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 25, 2010
Nope, Kraid. Someone that nobody expects to be playable. If he said REMEMBUH ME in the trailer though I might just die laughing from it.
Mini-Kraid, to be sure. But yeah, a fake-reveal Metroid trailer culminating in a plasma-cannon wielding Anthony combined with that line would have me lollin SO GOOD. Instant day-1 main, and I already swore to main Mega Man.

A bit back, but you do realise Brawl's roster was pretty much the absolute maximum size it could be with its development demands and time constraints? And that Mewtwo was a candidate for least popular character in Melee at the time of Brawl's release? And that he was from the most populated series in Brawl? It was perfectly reasonable to consider Mewtwo the most expendable character in the Brawl cast (even then, all evidence shows Mewtwo was fully intended and was probably the final cut to the roster, if it wasn't for the SSE hogging so much development, Mewtwo certainly would not have been cut).

Mewtwo was the victim of time and development constraints in Brawl, not from maliciousness or Sakurai being ignorant of the fans' desires.
Something seems off there, though. Yes, SSE took a behemoth amount of time and resources, but with all of that time, they couldn't think of a spot to tuck Mewtwo in? Even Lucario got a scene with Meta Knight and a throwaway joke with Snake. Could think of few better to go up against the PSI-duo than a Psychic-type..
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Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
Hmm, so maybe we should begin to support the Yellow Devil for a playable character!
...right after we get Ridley of course.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Do what now? Anthony is, to most, the saving grace of Other M, the diamond in the... Rough. Y'sure you're misremembering him? ;D.
People can be wrong about a very astonishing number of things in an awe-inspiring number of ways. This isn't news to me. :p

Like Ridley being a boss.
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Omega Tyrant

Smash Champion
Nov 13, 2009
Schenectady, New York
Something seems off there, though. Yes, SSE took a behemoth amount of time and resources, but with all of that time, they couldn't think of a spot to tuck Mewtwo in? Even Lucario got a scene with Meta Knight and a throwaway joke with Snake. Could think of few better to go up against the PSI-duo than a Psychic-type..
It's not about fitting Mewtwo into the SSE, it's about fitting him on the roster to begin with, and as said, Brawl's roster was the absolute maximum size they could achieve with the development and time constraints. One more cut had to happen, and as it turned out, Mewtwo was deemed the most expendable character left.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 4, 2013
Hey guys, all this talk about bosses on the pyrosphere has got me thinking, and I'm a person who really likes to think. So, lets first consider a few facts and factors about the stage and what we've seen of it.

First, its size. Pyrosphere is pretty wide, and considering how much smaller Ridley seems to be now compared to his previous appearance in brawl (thanks for the shadow analysis, you guys did a great job), it woulf be pretty weird to have such a small boss on such a large stage.

Another thing, the layout. The arrangement of the platforms don't lend itself well to a lavahazard that covers the stage (unless the smaller platforms move around, wich we've seen no indication of), so I don't think we'll get lava covering the stage.

But, what I do think is more likely, is that the lava will function as a hazard, in that it rises to a level where it surrounds the main platform, so you get hurt if you fall off the sides. And I beliee this will work in tandem with a more likely boss for the stage, namely the Vorash.

As we all know, Vorash is a giant fish-monster that lives in lava. The way I see it working is that when lava surrounds the main platform, Vorash appears and starts harassing the players. Its various attacks consist of diving across the stage from background towards the foreground, spitting pieces of juno at players, and jumping on and wriggling across the main platform. The reward for getting the last hit would be that Vorash makes a giant splash as it falls back into the lava, creating a giant lava-wave that hurts the other players if they touch it.

If we take a look at the Yellow Devil, what does it do? Well all it does is simply shoot energyblasts, and move from side to side piece by piece. That's a pretty simple boss pattern when you look at it, also can't forget how huge he is compared to the stage. Yellow Devil takes up almost half the stage, now compare that tohl how big Ridley (most likely) is, and you get a pretty big difference (no pun intended). Vorash would be a better fit as it wouldn't really need that much downsizing to make it work as a boss on the pyrosphere, it could be huge but still leave a lot of room for the players to move around.

Besides, we still haven't seen what the metroid stage will be like on the 3DS, plus brawl had two metroid stages, what's to say Smash4 doesn't?

On another note, I hope we get an awesome remix of the Serris/Yakuza boss theme from Fusion. That's one of the best boss themes from the whole series In my opinion l.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2013
.... I really want Kraid to be in Smash. Once Ridley is in (if he ever is) we should throw in our lot for the big green guy.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Hey guys, all this talk about bosses on the pyrosphere has got me thinking, and I'm a person who really likes to think. So, lets first consider a few facts and factors about the stage and what we've seen of it.

First, its size. Pyrosphere is pretty wide, and considering how much smaller Ridley seems to be now compared to his previous appearance in brawl (thanks for the shadow analysis, you guys did a great job), it woulf be pretty weird to have such a small boss on such a large stage.

Another thing, the layout. The arrangement of the platforms don't lend itself well to a lavahazard that covers the stage (unless the smaller platforms move around, wich we've seen no indication of), so I don't think we'll get lava covering the stage.

But, what I do think is more likely, is that the lava will function as a hazard, in that it rises to a level where it surrounds the main platform, so you get hurt if you fall off the sides. And I beliee this will work in tandem with a more likely boss for the stage, namely the Vorash.

As we all know, Vorash is a giant fish-monster that lives in lava. The way I see it working is that when lava surrounds the main platform, Vorash appears and starts harassing the players. Its various attacks consist of diving across the stage from background towards the foreground, spitting pieces of juno at players, and jumping on and wriggling across the main platform. The reward for getting the last hit would be that Vorash makes a giant splash as it falls back into the lava, creating a giant lava-wave that hurts the other players if they touch it.

If we take a look at the Yellow Devil, what does it do? Well all it does is simply shoot energyblasts, and move from side to side piece by piece. That's a pretty simple boss pattern when you look at it, also can't forget how huge he is compared to the stage. Yellow Devil takes up almost half the stage, now compare that tohl how big Ridley (most likely) is, and you get a pretty big difference (no pun intended). Vorash would be a better fit as it wouldn't really need that much downsizing to make it work as a boss on the pyrosphere, it could be huge but still leave a lot of room for the players to move around.

Besides, we still haven't seen what the metroid stage will be like on the 3DS, plus brawl had two metroid stages, what's to say Smash4 doesn't?

On another note, I hope we get an awesome remix of the Serris/Yakuza boss theme from Fusion. That's one of the best boss themes from the whole series In my opinion l.
This is basically what I'm seeing now. Vorash or possibly Goyagma being the real bosses resulting from a lava-related hazard that isn't the standard rising lava level to cover the stage, with Ridley being playable and also cool.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2014
Well, the Pyrosphere is friggin HUGE.

It's so goddamn big, that it needed to be shrunk down for the FD version. Which makes me wonder what the hell kind of actual hazard is in store to justify a stage of THIS size.

View attachment 15372
Shrunk? I think the difference is that the FD Pyrosphere stage is CLOSER to the door with the hole in the wall than the Original Pyrosphere....Could be a trick in the eyes...Dunno


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Hey, what if this was the Ridley we saw in the Direct?

They have the same tail bone and Sheik is based of her concept design for Twilight Princess so it is possible.


Smash Cadet
May 29, 2014
Shrunk? I think the difference is that the FD Pyrosphere stage is CLOSER to the door with the hole in the wall than the Original Pyrosphere....Could be a trick in the eyes...Dunno
The Final Destination form of the stage is smaller. You can tell from the pillar on the right which is much closer to the two upper pillars. Also the floor layout is different, the FD form is missing one ring-like layer.


Smash Lord
Dec 19, 2008
I dont support any metroid rep after Ridley because it's random (ds and mother brain disconfirmed).. And if we get another random rep it has to be kanden <333333

Or rundas/gandrayda.

Ghor would be a pretty cool boss now I think about it.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Don't forget, he's popular enough to show up in the manga, have storylines dedicated to him(one was that he was a war machine constructed out of a toy doll's internal computer by Wily), and even got to have his own Kart in Battle & Chase! Heck, he shows up in trailers for Rockman Online. YD moves hype as hard as Ridley does, in my opinion. He may not have lines or dialogue or much beyond that, but it's obvious fans love the pain he brings.

Anthony Higgs? :D
YD does not move hype the same way Ridley does. He's more like Kraid: A recognizable fan favorite boss, people like it when he shows up but doesn't question it when he doesn't. Ridley is basically the second most important character in the Metroid franchise, and many people consider the peak of the games he appear in to be his boss battles (Metroid Prime is a grand example of where he outdoes the last boss, even Retro calls it their best designed fight.) Ridley is a bit more than just a fan favorite boss, he's 1 out of 2 reoccuring main characters, the other of course being Samus, and has a bit more of a personal connection to the protagonist. Heck, I've seen some people say his exclusion from Prime 2: Echoes is one of the game's flaws, which is kind of true since without him the Space Pirate plots can never reach a decent conclusion.

Plus, YD is part of a 3rd party franchise, so of course he was going to have a minor role in Smash.

And no, Smash should never include minor characters, the only reason they'd ever include Anthony is only to rep Metroid, and characters should only ever be included based on their own merits and potential. Metroid is left at 2 characters if Ridley isn't in, and that's a very real possibility.

Hey, what if this was the Ridley we saw in the Direct?

They have the same tail bone and Sheik is based of her concept design for Twilight Princess so it is possible.
Other Ridley does have the same tail bone too though. I doubt it's going to be the concept art version we'll see.
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Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Maybe we will get Other M Ridley with those wings. I would say they would have to be changed a little.


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2014
Do what now? Anthony is, to most, the saving grace of Other M, the diamond in the... Rough. Y'sure you're misremembering him? ;D

But seriously, they could do a lot worse if Ridley winds up boss material(and I imagine the trailer for Higgs might be a psyche-out Ridley confrontation).

EDIT: Plus, Anthony's got a rare distinction. The only other human other than the Hunter herself(who has Chozo DNA to help her out of troubles) to face Ridley down and not just survive, but WIN.
Anthony didn't really WIN; he was knocked over the ledge.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2007
Hey, what if this was the Ridley we saw in the Direct?

They have the same tail bone and Sheik is based of her concept design for Twilight Princess so it is possible.
You're half-right. The big difference here is that Ridley actually appeared in Other M, so he has a final design they can use in Smash (unfortunately the design is pretty bad). Sheik wasn't used at all in TP, so they could use a TP-styled concept piece to have her blend in with the other Zelda chars.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2014
Planet Urtraghus
Since Sakurai is known to troll quite a bit, I can honestly believe something like this happening:

Monday PoTD, a close up of one of those purple things on the Pyrosphere. The caption says "Here these purple things give warning to something that approaches, be on your guard when this happens".

Then at E3's Direct, a trailer shows the Pyrosphere with Samus, followed by Ridley appearing, making people think he's just there for show. Then *BAM* Ridley announced playable (like with other newcomers' trailers), followed by game play of him mainly on the Pyrosphere, then moving onto other stages.


Smash Ace
Jun 10, 2013
I think Sak's got his master troll on, and make him look like nothing but a mere boss/stage hazard throughout the development and convince you fanboys that he's basically deconfirmed.

Only for him to secretly make him a fully playable which unlocks though some stupid means like setting your username as "Too big" or killing 100 polygons in one endless as Samus only using her charge shot.


Smash Ace
Nov 1, 2013
I would recommend ignoring ebonnyrubberwolf because he also thinks that R.O.B. will be cut because we have Wii Fit Trainer......

His logic is flawed and doesn't make any sense.
I believe he said Captain Falcon is getting cut too. :awesome:


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
I think Sak's got his master troll on, and make him look like nothing but a mere boss/stage hazard throughout the development and convince you fanboys that he's basically deconfirmed.

Only for him to secretly make him a fully playable which unlocks though some stupid means like setting your username as "Too big" or killing 100 polygons in one endless as Samus only using her charge shot.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
Monday PoTD, a close up of one of those purple things on the Pyrosphere. The caption says "Here these purple things give warning to something that approaches, be on your guard when this happens".
If Sakurai does hint on Ridley in Monday's pic (or anytime before E3, especially if he somehow connects it to the event), in my brains that seals the deal haha. I actually do hope he does end up doing something like this.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Hey, what if this was the Ridley we saw in the Direct?

They have the same tail bone and Sheik is based of her concept design for Twilight Princess so it is possible.
I suppose that's possible.

Though, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the actual Other M Ridley model have a pure wight tail blade? The tail blade we saw in the Direct and the one in the concept art have a bit of pale brown near the base...


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
I suppose that's possible.

Though, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the actual Other M Ridley model have a pure wight tail blade? The tail blade we saw in the Direct and the one in the concept art have a bit of pale brown near the base...
They both have that bit of pale brown. It is just less prominent.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007
Hey, what if this was the Ridley we saw in the Direct?

They have the same tail bone and Sheik is based of her concept design for Twilight Princess so it is possible.
I guess we know what the REAL Project M is huh? :troll:


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2014
I'm assuming we'll get Other M Ridley with his damaged wings to explain why he can't fly infinitely.

Lolo Lolo

Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2014
Switch FC
SW 0891 5407 0511
guys I've just known I'm NOT goingt to be able to watch the smash invitation and the treehouse livestreem ....
In my country it's at night ......
btw I'm still waiting for those Ridley's gifs for that my little project .....


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
guys I've just known I'm NOT goingt to be able to watch the smash invitation and the treehouse livestreem ....
In my country it's at night ......
btw I'm still waiting for those Ridley's gifs for that my little project .....
Get some red bull and headphones if you're gonna use all those sobbing smilies

Lolo Lolo

Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2014
Switch FC
SW 0891 5407 0511
I'm going to miss it ... and Ridley's trailer ...
btw can someone post a gif of Ridley in Melee intro please ?


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I seriously don't even understand why this gif is making me laugh so hard. But it is and I can't explain why. :laugh:
Probably because it came after ". The only other human other than the Hunter herself(who has Chozo DNA to help her out of troubles) to face Ridley down and not just survive, but WIN."

This is what Anthony winning looks like.
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