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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
I'm still catching up on this thread, but I do want to say that I'm not convinced either way yet. I'm not getting my hopes up, but I'm not giving up either.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 25, 2013
I swear to god you people. If a pic of the day had no text, but just a pic of ridley flying over the pyrosphere, you would say "THERE IS STILL A CHANCE, THEY DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT HIM BEING A BOSS"

I'd say his chance went from 80%-90% to 0%-15%
The only reason anyone is justified in holding onto any hope for a playable Ridley is the sadistic trolling attitude Sakurai has taken on. That ZSS joke is a good example. He did a lot of bait and switches during direct; really likes to screw around with his audience's expectations. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if next time he's like: "Hey, let's talk about bosses now. Here's Ridley. I hinted at him in the last direct. He's a fearsome boss in many Metroid games, so I figured that I'd put him in Smash Bros.... as a PLAYABLE CHARACTER! BAM!"

Then again, Sakurai seems to be really keen on rubbing Waluigi's assist trophy status in our faces, so who can say.
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Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
When/if Ridley really is confirmed as a newcomer ... what will you be doing? besides listening to remixes or originals of his theme.
When it comes to Ridley's theme I like the Super Metroid one the most (first one I've heard so maybe nostalgia). Other M Ridley's theme is my 3rd favorite, and Nintendoland's is my favorite theme so far.

However what will I be doing? Same thing I do whenever I see a good character. Say "Oh my god I love this character" then go looking into what else they do. Talk about him on the forums, then go back to my very busy schedule.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
...Sigh. I'll miss you Ridley...
He'll be back in time for E3 2014. You'll be fine. :p

Though I dunno. If he's going to be legitimately deconfirmed or confirmed for being a playable character I imagine it'll either be E3, or we'll have to wait until the game comes out.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
He'll be back in time for E3 2014. You'll be fine. :p

Though I dunno. If he's going to be legitimately deconfirmed or confirmed for being a playable character I imagine it'll either be E3, or we'll have to wait until the game comes out.
I feel like the trailer will be ridley confirmed as a boss and then immediately after a playable ridley shows up or he says just kidding again...


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2013
Quoting this:
Nintendo Direct:

Sakurai makes an announcement, finally he has hear the west and that we want a dragon in Smash.

Few seconds later, he clear his throat and say a few words:

"I know is been a long time but finally I have granted the request for the west for an old... (waiting some seconds) dragon to come to Smash, (some seconds later) I present you... Tamagon. I know is a surprise but as you can see it has a unique moveset, it spits fire and have an aerial attack that is the best among the current fighters".

"But is not all, I bring to Nintendo Direct another dragon in the roster and I a sure no one has see this coming, this character comes from one of the most important series and is loved by many, lets make a great applause to....(some seconds) Dragonite yeah thats right we have Dragonite as main fighter".

"I know, I know, no one expect that right? And finally our last reveal one of the supreme villains from Nintendo, he strikes fear to one of our most important characters, he is by far one of the most vicious and bizarre characters to be playable in Smash and is requested by many fans from the world... so here it is... no other than King K. Rool".

"Well thats all, in the next Nintendo Direct I will show new info, pictures and trailers for the new comers, see you next time, oh by the way Ridley is stage hazard in Pyrosphere we are still working on that, he looks amazing :troll: ".

End of the Nintendo Direct.
I hate myself :joyful:.


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
I've actually come up with an outline for a plot for Metroid 5.

On the run from the Federation, Samus encounters a Space Pirate colony. Upon soundly exterminating them, Samus discovers that Mother Brain had a backup plan, cloning a select few sleeper agents to infiltrate the Federation and corrupt it from within. Cue the Federation locking down, imposing martial law and putting a bounty on Samus.

Samus must now infiltrate Federation HQ, stopping corrupt federation agents, avoiding oblivious soldiers just doing their jobs (A potential reward/punishment system depending on how many soldiers are killed) and reforging alliances with old Bounty Hunter friends (Potential reward system for befriending/killing bounty hunters, less enemies to deal with, less obstacles to items, etc.)

In the game, Samus can alternate between her Power Suit (Ideal for mowing down enemies, but slow and may cause collateral damage) and Zero Suit (Lightning-fast and agile, but weaker overall and less capable of killing). Both suits will gain upgrades as Samus nears the heart of the Federation.

And of course, Mother Brain's generals (Ridley, Kraid, Mother Brain herself, etc) are revealed to be controlling certain areas of the Federation base. Kill them to reveal to the soldiers that their commanding officer was a Space Pirate, and thus either stop attempting to kill you, or regroup to another section of the Federation that's totally not secretly evil, depending on how many soldiers you've killed.

I want to have a section in which Mother Brain makes Zero Suit Samus fight a cloned Power Suit Samus to continue the maternal themes present in the series (Nature v. Nurture) But between Dark Samus and SA-X that might be too much.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I just hope you guys don't set yourself up for disappointment.

I understand that you're holding onto hope, but I think its time to prepare for the worst.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I just hope you guys don't set yourself up for disappointment.

I understand that you're holding onto hope, but I think its time to prepare for the worst.
You shush. I'm holding on to hope that Ridley can (and in my opinion alone probably will) be a playable character, and I am doing so 100% aware that any and all disappointment I do or do not achieve as a result is entirely my own fault. I am CONFIDENT in my CONFIDENCE. ... Or something? Yes.

Captain Fun

Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2014
I just hope you guys don't set yourself up for disappointment.

I understand that you're holding onto hope, but I think its time to prepare for the worst.
Yeah, I agree. It would be neat to see a playable Ridley and all but they really implied that he would be a boss. And now with that facebook post we can see that they're trying to hype up the bosses.

If he's in that's good and all but if he's not it's best to not hang on to any scrap of hope you can like you're in an abusive relationship or something.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
You shush. I'm holding on to hope that Ridley can (and in my opinion alone probably will) be a playable character, and I am doing so 100% aware that any and all disappointment I do or do not achieve as a result is entirely my own fault. I am CONFIDENT in my CONFIDENCE. ... Or something? Yes.
I feel like that was a musical number...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2014
The Pokemon World
I've actually come up with an outline for a plot for Metroid 5.

On the run from the Federation, Samus encounters a Space Pirate colony. Upon soundly exterminating them, Samus discovers that Mother Brain had a backup plan, cloning a select few sleeper agents to infiltrate the Federation and corrupt it from within. Cue the Federation locking down, imposing martial law and putting a bounty on Samus.

Samus must now infiltrate Federation HQ, stopping corrupt federation agents, avoiding oblivious soldiers just doing their jobs (A potential reward/punishment system depending on how many soldiers are killed) and reforging alliances with old Bounty Hunter friends (Potential reward system for befriending/killing bounty hunters, less enemies to deal with, less obstacles to items, etc.)
The hunter is now the hunted. :p


Smash Cadet
Oct 17, 2013
I actually always wanted dragonite as a playable character, as he has a decent role in the anime and is one of my favorite Pokemon.... At least a poke all of him would be great.

If they are trying to hype the bosses, then why not just show Ridley and call him by name, show us the awesome things he can do? We have known about yellow devil for a long time, so why not reveal another one to create hype? That's why I think if Ridley is really a boss then he will be confirmed as such soon, to build hype for this new feature. I still think something is fishy though, if sakurai knew waluigi was requested and the at status disappointed people then he knows Ridley as a boss would do the same thing. If other bosses get revealed or Ridley survives the next two weeks without potd execution then his chances improve somewhat.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
I would strongly prefer to play as the Super Metroid/Brawl Ridley, but it really does seem we will be getting the other M Ridley (and possible some other Ridley as a boss). It'll still be nice though. Though I feel like I'd need to play Other M to really appreciate him (though from watching people play it, he seems pretty cool in it, and the boss battle looks really good). To be honest, I prefer Other M Ridley over a couple other Ridley Designs (Ridley X and Omega Ridley mainly), so at least he's not the worst design they could have picked.

I just hope you guys don't set yourself up for disappointment.

I understand that you're holding onto hope, but I think its time to prepare for the worst.
I'm not sure about other people, but I know how to keep my hopes up without feeling crushed if something I don't like gets changed (or not added) because of the many game betas I've gotten into. It's kinda fun to see a game grow slowly overtime. Even if the game fails, there will always be interesting/fun experiences. Of course, the Smash series is basicly immune to failing.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I was a supporter of Ridley and Zant for Brawl, and look how that turned out. In fact I think every character I DID want was deconfirmed. And yet here I am calling Brawl a good game that I enjoyed. I may be pretty convinced that characters like Ridley CHrom and Mewtwo are all but confirmed and Medusa and K. Rool are likely, but if literally none of them got in I'd probably be... what.

Mildly upset/disappointed for a little while, then get over it after playing as Greninja for a while or something? I dunno. That's what happened with Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2014
The Pokemon World
To be honest I had the feeling Ridley didn't have what it takes to be playable in past smash games, but I feel really strong about this one, I have a very big feeling about ridley playable in this smash that I didn't have about others. I get the feeling the moment Ridley get's revealed as a playable sakurai will make it a big announcement (pun not intended). So when he returns and if it luckily is super metroid ... the baby metroid will be there for the metroid series in smash to support the newcomer.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2013
Cloud Cuckoo Land
Ive decided to just kind of stay neutral, for a lack of a better term. I still would LOVE to see Ridley playable, but if he isn't, there are other characters I'm rooting for. Heck, Little Mac, Villager, and Mega Man are already in this game! And City Trial from Air Ride! This game is already a Day One buy for me. Anything else, at this point, is practically icing. Still, Ridley would be amazing, and one of my best friends' most wanted character is Ridley, so I'll stay with the ship. No reason to turn my back on this thread.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
I just hope you guys don't set yourself up for disappointment.

I understand that you're holding onto hope, but I think its time to prepare for the worst.
I mean no disrespect, but you sound like a broken record at this point. I'm fairly sure we all know there's a relatively likely risk of disappointment by now. Conversely if it turns out our hope isn't misplaced, the thread, site, fanbase, and probably Internet will implode.


Just Another Sword User
Jan 22, 2014
Probably at work.
Switch FC
I mean no disrespect, but you sound like a broken record at this point. I'm fairly sure we all know there's a relatively likely risk of disappointment by now. Conversely if it turns out our hope isn't misplaced, the thread, site, fanbase, and probably Internet will implode.
Exactly, we're all (basically) adult individuals capable of dealing with disappointment over a video game of all things.

We don't need an emotional babysitter.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2013
I'm remaining neutral on the subject for two reasons. Chiefly, to not set myself up for disappointment. But also ride my high horse straight up the ass of everyone who bailed on poor Ridley.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I'm remaining neutral on the subject for two reasons. Chiefly, to not set myself up for disappointment. But also ride my high horse straight up the *** of everyone who bailed on poor Ridley.
I dunno, I already feel kind of justified to do that to people who decided to completely jump ship already and went as far as prodding at people for still having any hope. :p


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
Personally, while I don't like people insulting, or "jumping ship", I'm not about to be vengeful. So I'm not about to rub it in anyone's faces if Ridley is playable.

To me, revenge is a fool's errand.

Ive decided to just kind of stay neutral, for a lack of a better term. I still would LOVE to see Ridley playable, but if he isn't, there are other characters I'm rooting for. Heck, Little Mac, Villager, and Mega Man are already in this game! And City Trial from Air Ride! This game is already a Day One buy for me. Anything else, at this point, is practically icing. Still, Ridley would be amazing, and one of my best friends' most wanted character is Ridley, so I'll stay with the ship. No reason to turn my back on this thread.
That's the glorious thing about Smash. It's one of the very few games where I don't just have 1 favorite character, and I always make it a mission to get used to every type of playstyle in a game to see the game in a different light, and so I can teach newer players how to play a game.

There's a bunch of characters I love in each smash. Melee I had to struggle between 3 characters for many years before I could decide a main (though when you can only fight bots, or people who are bad at the game, that probably effected my main choices a little), and I could easily see myself maining half the roster as long as their gameplay was fun (just so happens that Fox, Link, Marth were the most fun to play with in Melee for me).
Played almost constantly in Brawl for a month, currently having a tough time deciding between Charizard(PT), Link, Lucario, R.O.B., and Wolf O'Donnell (Playtime's over, Star Fox!). As for Marth no longer being a main in Brawl..... Considering I've never played Fire Emblem, and a cape + fast swordmaster only gets you so far style-wise, it was mostly gameplay that made me love Marth in Melee. Samus and Marth feel much worse to play as in brawl, every other melee character feels much better.

Blah.... One does not simply choose only 1 main. And I always hate being asked what my main is........ At least it's not as bad as being asked what your single favorite Pokemon is.
With that said, while Ridley will definently be one of the more likely mains if he is added to the game, there's still plenty of other characters I love because Nintendo is just awesome at making games.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
Personally, while I don't like people insulting, or "jumping ship", I'm not about to be vengeful. So I'm not about to rub it in anyone's faces if Ridley is playable.

To me, revenge is a fool's errand.

That's the glorious thing about Smash. It's one of the very few games where I don't just have 1 favorite character, and I always make it a mission to get used to every type of playstyle in a game to see the game in a different light, and so I can teach newer players how to play a game.

There's a bunch of characters I love in each smash. Melee I had to struggle between 3 characters for many years before I could decide a main (though when you can only fight bots, or people who are bad at the game, that probably effected my main choices a little), and I could easily see myself maining half the roster as long as their gameplay was fun (just so happens that Fox, Link, Marth were the most fun to play with in Melee for me).
Played almost constantly in Brawl for a month, currently having a tough time deciding between Charizard(PT), Link, Lucario, R.O.B., and Wolf O'Donnell (Playtime's over, Star Fox!). As for Marth no longer being a main in Brawl..... Considering I've never played Fire Emblem, and a cape + fast swordmaster only gets you so far style-wise, it was mostly gameplay that made me love Marth in Melee. Samus and Marth feel much worse to play as in brawl, every other melee character feels much better.

Blah.... One does not simply choose only 1 main. And I always hate being asked what my main is........ At least it's not as bad as being asked what your single favorite Pokemon is.
With that said, while Ridley will definently be one of the more likely mains if he is added to the game, there's still plenty of other characters I love because Nintendo is just awesome at making games.
My main is almost never the character I want a ton, last game it was King D3 of all people and now I love him too (originally mained sonic since he was my most wanted besides wolf)


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I dunno. It just chaffs my hide that people are jumping ship and immediately rubbing it in our faces that he's deconfirmed even though he hasn't been yet. Which is... what? Really?

But yeah I have a pretty solid and likely wish list outside of Ridley so good things can still happen.


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2007
Before brawl, the big four everybody knew were going to be the stars of the newcomer class were Olimar, Ridley, Mewtwo, and Krystal. We'll....only one of those happened. This time, the big four are Little Mac, Ridley, Mewtwo, and Palutena. We know Mac is in, the other three...who the hell knows what's going on at the Big N but short of a reveal we won't know until the game releases.

Regardless, I sincerely doubt that we'll see a Mewtwo or Ridley announcement even if they are in the game for quite some time. We know Sakurai doesn't reveal unlockables prior to launch (sans 3rd parties), and I'd be pretty shocked if those two weren't unlockables.

As for people arguing that Ridley floating in the video proved anything...Mewtwo floated in melee, he didn't walk.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
Before brawl, the big four everybody knew were going to be the stars of the newcomer class were Olimar, Ridley, Mewtwo, and Krystal. We'll....only one of those happened. This time, the big four are Little Mac, Ridley, Mewtwo, and Palutena. We know Mac is in, the other three...who the hell knows what's going on at the Big N but short of a reveal we won't know until the game releases.

Regardless, I sincerely doubt that we'll see a Mewtwo or Ridley announcement even if they are in the game for quite some time. We know Sakurai doesn't reveal unlockables prior to launch (sans 3rd parties), and I'd be pretty shocked if those two weren't unlockables.

As for people arguing that Ridley floating in the video proved anything...Mewtwo floated in melee, he didn't walk.
King K. Rool is in that big 4...


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
From a MARKETING point of view, it does not make sense for Sakurai to be anything but direct about the Ridley situation.
If he cannot be in, he cannot be in, and it would be addressed. Keeping fans in hope of the situation, especially with a SHADOW, is just to build hype. He gains nothing by being a prick about deconfirming Ridley. Bad news is best broken QUICKLY and to the point. A boss does not typically fire an employee by mocking him first, and he certainly wouldnt if he wanted the employee to keep being a customer.

Sure you could say, he DID deconfirm it. But he demonstrated in the direct he is a fan of fakeouts for this game (Zero Suit Samus) and he has been trying to do the unthinkable almost all confirmed characters were not exactly top picks by main fans... the top picks will likely be revealed close to the game release and after, because
-it will please hard core fans; he gains new fans and customers by revealing strange and unthought characters of many franchises before the game,
-he does not get much more from revealing characters for customers who already would buy the game...
-he does get kudos if after the release, they happen to be in the game)
He has also shown he knows the internet plays a part in this games reveal (no subspace because it was ruined in Brawl, not doing too much dojo type of activity), which indicates he is building hype by increasing speculation.
He did not try to highlight the games faults (he just blew threw a bunch of wanted characters as Assists trophies). Ridley is one of the most wanted... why would he tease hard core fans like that?

I just listed too many reasons it not only makes complete sense for him to have teased Ridley, but also many reasons why he obviously could not have been deconfirmed.
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Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
To be honest I had the feeling Ridley didn't have what it takes to be playable in past smash games, but I feel really strong about this one, I have a very big feeling about ridley playable in this smash that I didn't have about others. I get the feeling the moment Ridley get's revealed as a playable sakurai will make it a big announcement (pun not intended). So when he returns and if it luckily is super metroid ... the baby metroid will be there for the metroid series in smash to support the newcomer.
I've probably said it before, but I think the major thing that stopped Ridley from making it in Smash wasn't the fact that he was big, but that he wasn't really that important. Oh yeah, he DID steal the baby Metroid, but for the rest of the game he was on par with Kraid, Phantoon and Draygon as boss keys for Mother Brain's lair.

For Brawl, Ridley had gained more popularity due to Prime and the Melee intro, though I don't think Sakurai knew exactly how important he was to the west. Hell, I didn't even consider Ridley a potential newcomer, and was simply pleasantly surprised at his inclusion as a boss. I think Sakurai liked Ridley enough to make plans for assist trophies and later a Dyna Blade-style boss, but severely underestimated his Western popularity.

And as of now, for better or for worse, we have a bigger connection between Samus and Ridley beyond "Space dragon that she blows up once a week". At this point in time, Ridley is the Bowser to Mario, the Ganondorf to Link, the Dedede to Kirby. And this time, Sakurai is aware of how popular he is.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
Like I said before it's possible Sakurai doesn't understand that we actually want him PLAYABLE. He might assume we'd all just be happy to see Ridley in the game in any shape or form.

There's also the possibility he's hiding Ridley because he's not ready to show the Wii U exclusive mode, like a Boss Rush or something.

Sometimes the guy boggles my mind.
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Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Before brawl, the big four everybody knew were going to be the stars of the newcomer class were Olimar, Ridley, Mewtwo, and Krystal. We'll....only one of those happened. This time, the big four are Little Mac, Ridley, Mewtwo, and Palutena. We know Mac is in, the other three...who the hell knows what's going on.
This community is not always correct, of course, and even moreso, Mewtwo wasn't even known to have been cut before Brawl was out- he wouldnt have been a newcomer.... so what are you even talking about?


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
I've probably said it before, but I think the major thing that stopped Ridley from making it in Smash wasn't the fact that he was big, but that he wasn't really that important. Oh yeah, he DID steal the baby Metroid, but for the rest of the game he was on par with Kraid, Phantoon and Draygon as boss keys for Mother Brain's lair.

For Brawl, Ridley had gained more popularity due to Prime and the Melee intro, though I don't think Sakurai knew exactly how important he was to the west. Hell, I didn't even consider Ridley a potential newcomer, and was simply pleasantly surprised at his inclusion as a boss. I think Sakurai liked Ridley enough to make plans for assist trophies and later a Dyna Blade-style boss, but severely underestimated his Western popularity.

And as of now, for better or for worse, we have a bigger connection between Samus and Ridley beyond "Space dragon that she blows up once a week". At this point in time, Ridley is the Bowser to Mario, the Ganondorf to Link, the Dedede to Kirby. And this time, Sakurai is aware of how popular he is.
We need our Bowser dammit
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