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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2011
Ashley's thread
Hey guys, how things have been since the direct ? Are many people gone ?

I really needed to take some time after that possible Ridley deconfirmation.

Personally, I decided to sink with the ship after all, even if I do think that Ridley is done (well at least the Other M version) for this game I'll stay until Ridley is shown and confirmed not playable in a pic of the day/video, that's the least I can do as a Ridley fan and who knows.......maybe a miracle will happen, and god knows that I want it to happen, since that without a playable Ridley I have no reason to buy that game.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
I think they're just testing us.

No, really, think about. Just think about every time any Ridley related news have been revealed to us that supposedly imply his disconfirmation. Guess who actually looked closely at these news to find out what seems to be clues that actually lead to his possible inclusion? Us. Everyone else, such as Ridley's detractors, or anyone that doesn't really care that Ridley, just assumed he was not playable and called it a day. Us, on the other hand, were ingenious enough to find clues from within this riddles, and sense patterns that anyone else either never cared to look at or flat out deny its presence.

We didn't gave up when Pyrosphere was revealed, we didn't gave up when they showed us the hole in the wall. Almost all of us didn't throw the towel with his shadow. Instead of giving up, we kept on supporting Ridley and we remained hopeful that our Space Pirate commander would eventually prevail, and put Shokio and his followers to shame. Because we knew that Ridley legitimately has the right of appearing in this next installment.

Such dedication is truly what indicates that a character has loyal fans supporting him 'til the very end, and what maybe leads to Sakurai to believe that Ridley would definitely be a worthy addition to the roster, that would certainly acquire a more than positive reception.


Or something along those lines.


Smash Ace
Jan 15, 2014
Hey, guys. I was reviewing the Ridley appearance on the Smash Direct.

Here's the video at the Ridley moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=7xUWnQu2Grs#t=438

I have two theories to this, I'll go with the more likely one first. I'll call the first one the 'Ridley is not playable' theory and the second one 'Ridley is playable' theory.

This is the more likely one, the not playable theory:

1.) Sakurai is still developing Ridley which is why he has not been shown yet, proof of this is well... the game is still being developed.

2.) Ridley might use a new design for a TBA Metroid game so, Sakurai doesn't want us to see him just yet until Metroid is revealed at E3 with his new design. "But that's Other M Ridley's tail!" well, who's to say that Team Ninja didn't update his model for a sequel? (I hope to god that this isn't the case)

3.) Ridley might have more significance in this game outside of a boss and stage hazard. He might be an event on Smash Run, a lot of other things can be included with him as well.

4.) So much Metroid representation through Smash Run and Assist Trophies, Sakurai might be trying to make it up for us for him not being playable.

Now, this is the playable theory:

1.) Pikachu was picked up by Ridley. That is very poor game design (imo) if the boss just disables you for some time like that. Fighting games don't have bosses that just disable you like that, it's like a aerial grab Ridley used (that might be his fighting gimmick, what is compared to Mac's OHKO or Rosalina's puppeteering).

2.) Sakurai cut off the sound at this segment. Aren't bosses supposed to make sounds like intimidating screeches in Ridley's case to scare the player? Playable characters usually don't say anything unless taunting or attacking (This was shown in the video).

3.) Too much hype for a boss.

4.) Why is the AI so casual? If Ridley was a boss, why would he be hovering ever so slowly to Pikachu? This argument can be counteracted with Ridley's boss design not being done yet.

I'm so 50/50 with this situation that I don't know what to do with myself.


Smash Cadet
Oct 17, 2013
The way I see it, the Facebook post makes it seem more likely to me that Ridley will be just a boss. It talks about yellow devil who is clearly unplayable, and groups other monsters in the same assumingly unplayable category. Since Ridley is so far the only other monster that has been implied, it is safe to say that he would be the one meant to be a boss and unplayable. I wouldn't be totally floored if he was revealed as playable, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Honestly I think if Ridley is unplayable we should be getting an answer soon in the next few weeks. If nothing is revealed by then I would get more suspicious as e3 approaches. It will be interesting if other bosses are explicitly revealed first after yellow devil while keeping Ridley ambiguous. Honestly I see it as buildup for revealing him as a boss and nothing more. I wish to be proven wrong though. At least he will be playable for sure, either in smash 4 or project m.....


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
I think they're just testing us.

No, really, think about. Just think about every time any Ridley related news have been revealed to us that supposedly imply his disconfirmation. Guess who actually looked closely at these news to find out what seems to be clues that actually lead to his possible inclusion? Us. Everyone else, such as Ridley's detractors, or anyone that doesn't really care that Ridley, just assumed he was not playable and called it a day. Us, on the other hand, were ingenious enough to find clues from within this riddles, and sense patterns that anyone else either never cared to look at or flat out deny its presence.

We didn't gave up when Pyrosphere was revealed, we didn't gave up when they showed us the hole in the wall. Almost all of us didn't throw the towel with his shadow. Instead of giving up, we kept on supporting Ridley and we remained hopeful that our Space Pirate commander would eventually prevail, and put Shokio and his followers to shame. Because we knew that Ridley legitimately has the right of appearing in this next installment.

Such dedication is truly what indicates that a character has loyal fans supporting him 'til the very end, and what maybe leads to Sakurai to believe that Ridley would definitely be a worthy addition to the roster, that would certainly acquire a more than positive reception.


Or something along those lines.
O2A571_0D54EA215D648_000 (2).gif


Ridley couldn't contain his tears of happiness...

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
The way I see it, the Facebook post makes it seem more likely to me that Ridley will be just a boss. It talks about yellow devil who is clearly unplayable, and groups other monsters in the same assumingly unplayable category. Since Ridley is so far the only other monster that has been implied, it is safe to say that he would be the one meant to be a boss and unplayable. I wouldn't be totally floored if he was revealed as playable, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Honestly I think if Ridley is unplayable we should be getting an answer soon in the next few weeks. If nothing is revealed by then I would get more suspicious as e3 approaches. It will be interesting if other bosses are explicitly revealed first after yellow devil while keeping Ridley ambiguous. Honestly I see it as buildup for revealing him as a boss and nothing more. I wish to be proven wrong though. At least he will be playable for sure, either in smash 4 or project m.....
Sounds like the Pyrosphere reveal all over again...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2014
The Pokemon World
I am thinking that for the flying for a long time thing (if that ridley is a playable) I think it may just be like a differen't and longer version of Brawl Pit's Up smash.

Terrazi Terrajin

Smash Ace
Jan 14, 2013
Sakurai mentioned boss characters while only showing Ridley's shadow and didn't say Ridley was the boss character of the Pyroshpere. A future Ridley announcement is still possible.


Just Another Sword User
Jan 22, 2014
Probably at work.
Switch FC
I wanted to make a poll to take inventory of whether or not people still think he's possible, but I figured that might get locked since this topic exists. In all likelihood, the stage boss Ridley is Duck Clone Ridley. Hell we can even see the bone-tail in a frame of the video.

Personally, he's now "out until proven in" in my mind, whereas he used to be "can't say one way or the other" but I still don't discount the possibility that he could be in playable as the Classic Ridley.

Terrazi Terrajin

Smash Ace
Jan 14, 2013
Aside from the heavily present chance of Ridley not being playable at the end of all this, another reason I don't want him to be a stage-boss is because then Pyrosphere won't be a somewhat neutral stage to play on, as Ridley will be there ruining it with fireballs and non consensual abduction of my character.
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Just Another Sword User
Jan 22, 2014
Probably at work.
Switch FC
Yeah, Stage Bosses were my least favorite thing about this Direct. Particularly as it relates to Pyrosphere.


That Smash Guy
Aug 11, 2013
Someone should whip up a picture of Toad and Ridley in a coffee shop with Ridley crying on Toads shoulder whilst Toad comforts and quiets him down, meanwhile at the milkshake bar you see Palutena and Mewtwo pulling their menus close to their face in annoyment.


Smash Cadet
Oct 17, 2013
It might be still possible, but to believe it you would have to assume that sakurai is deliberately swerving us. All the evidence we have seems to indicate that Ridley is a boss at least in the appearance shown. By the record the community has in predicting newcomers we could be wrong, but this evidence hurts Ridleys case more than none would have. If sakurai is swerving us then that could happen, but I am not going to worry since I guarantee you Ridley will be put on PM the moment he is deconfirmed for smash4. Plus we already have him on crusade, and ssf2 may not be out of the question either. Ridley has it a lot better than other characters like skull kid, krystal or bowser jr who are yet to be playable in any game so far. If Ridley is a boss then he will be revealed on a potd before e3, if not he will be playable. Let me note though how much of a shame it would be if greninja wft rosalina etc. got in over Ridley. Just shows how sakurai only cares about fan requests to a limited point, Ridley would have bested them combined in a vote...

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Big Talking Volcano
Pony avatars and assumption.

That post made me cringe.
Good. My job is done for you.
But I have said SEVERAL times that Ridley wasn't going to get in.

That was other M ridley, the clone of Ridley, not the real ridley, so he still has big chances.
2 = 2
x + y = xy
Ridley = Ridley

Look, man, I know we're friends, and I like you. But seriously, screw you.
I love you too, waifu.


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
2.) Ridley might use a new design for a TBA Metroid game so, Sakurai doesn't want us to see him just yet until Metroid is revealed at E3 with his new design. "But that's Other M Ridley's tail!" well, who's to say that Team Ninja didn't update his model for a sequel? (I hope to god that this isn't the case)
This is a very interesting point. And to put a different spin on that, maybe Sakurai is saving him for E3 to coinside with a new Metroid, playable or not. The same thing sort of happened with Rosalina (even though MK 8 was already showcased beforehand).

Terrazi Terrajin

Smash Ace
Jan 14, 2013
Because I feel most of you are still in need of some more positive words on the matter.
Let me remind you all how much Sakurai was talking about pushing this game towards having the disc-space used on important aspects, namely the character roster and stages. If you had the game's space-budget on your mind constantly during development, would /you/ add the most requested Metroid rep (a franchise that is being flagshipped by a staggering /ONE/ character in smash to date) as a mere stage prop? It's a similar story with F Zero, however Metroid is still more relevant to nintendo than F Zero at this point in time. And we don't see Sakuai dangling a potentially playable Samurai Goroh in front of us do we? Nope. They got that out of the way the moment we were shown him; as an AT.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
This is a very interesting point. And to put a different spin on that, maybe Sakurai is saving him for E3 to coinside with a new Metroid, playable or not. The same thing sort of happened with Rosalina (even though MK 8 was already showcased beforehand).
Ridley playable with a Metroid Wii U announcement would be perfect, I pray the same would happen for Krystal and we get a new Star Fox but the Ridley one is way more likely.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
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Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2011
Ashley's thread
So, the Yellow Devil weak point is his eye, any idea of what would Ridley's weak point could be or do you guys think that his entire body is going to be vulnerable ?
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