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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2013
Hive Temple
Regarding all this animation talk, I just thought of something. If Ridley really is a hazard/boss, then why in the world would he be moving so slowly? Doesn't he have ass to kick or something? If, as a boss, that's his grab animation, then why not lunge or dive instead? It's like he didn't give a **** about what was happening around him, and that behavior is not really caracteristic of a hostile boss/hazard. Like Brawl Ridley, it would make more sense if he stayed still for his idle animation instead of slowly hovering around.

Instead, the animation looks more like the walking (as in tilting the control stick to walk) animation for a playable character. That would also explain why he stopped so abruptly to grab Pika and then continued to slowly fly away, in no rush whatsoever. A boss character with a fixed movement pattern would have much smoother movement.

In this light, there are basically two outcomes: Ridley ends up being playable or his boss animations/movement are just done horribly and lazily. Quite frankly, I myself believe more in the latter.

Gingerbread Man

Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2009
Regarding all this animation talk, I just thought of something. If Ridley really is a hazard/boss, then why in the world would he be moving so slowly? Doesn't he have *** to kick or something? If, as a boss, that's his grab animation, then why not lunge or dive instead? It's like he didn't give a **** about what was happening around him, and that behavior is not really caracteristic of a hostile boss/hazard. Like Brawl Ridley, it would make more sense if he stayed still for his idle animation instead of slowly hovering around.

Instead, the animation looks more like the walking (as in tilting the control stick to walk) animation for a playable character. That would also explain why he stopped so abruptly to grab Pika and then continued to slowly fly away, in no rush whatsoever. A boss character with a fixed movement pattern would have much smoother movement.

In this light, there are basically two outcomes: Ridley ends up being playable or his boss animations/movement are just done horribly and lazily. Quite frankly, I myself believe more in the latter.
They have the ability to lock him in certain animations. They probably do this for a lot of the pictures of the day. I bet they did this during the direct so we can comprehend what we're looking at and so that the camera can easily capture ridley's shadow.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
1. If we assume whats on screen relates to what hes saying(which we should), Ridley is confirmed as a boss.
2. Hes either been teased for showing up in that level or people are looking too much into every word for a ridley hint. Captions that mention size, are not talking about ridley.
3.He wasn't attacking though. Just flying.
4. You're looking at a shadow. A shadow with some perspective on it as it stretches across the floor. idk about you but he seems like a similar size to the ridley in brawl.
I expected the #1 and #2 responses, I still stand by what I said.
#3 Look at the shadow again, he grabs pikachu, and you see pikachu's shadow.
#4 Like I said in #3, look again, Pikachu is in the shadow.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007
My whole issue is if Ridley's only a boss, WHY NOT SHOW HIM? We're getting jerked around for no reason. He's doing the same thing with Palutena who's DEFINITELY going to be playable. I don't know. I wouldn't give up hope just yet, but just in case, brace for the worst.

Gingerbread Man

Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2009
Warning Received
I expected the #1 and #2 responses, I still stand by what I said.
#3 Look at the shadow again, he grabs pikachu, and you see pikachu's shadow.
#4 Like I said in #3, look again, Pikachu is in the shadow.
What kind of playable character can consistently fly and then pick up another character?

And if that is pikachu, Ridley is still pretty huge. His foot, is palming pikachu who isn't even larger than his head.

My whole issue is if Ridley's only a boss, WHY NOT SHOW HIM? We're getting jerked around for no reason. He's doing the same thing with Palutena who's DEFINITELY going to be playable. I don't know. I wouldn't give up hope just yet, but just in case, brace for the worst.
Not the same as palutena. Sakurai didn't show a video of palutena's shadow and say something along the lines of "There are lots of other NPCs like this one"
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Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Trying to pick out things from that little clip is meaningless. That's Ridley, as a hazard, on Pyrosphere. There's no way around it. Maybe it looks weird in some aspect, though I would disagree.

If Ridley is in the game in another capacity, you won't figure it out by trying to decipher that clip.

There has only been a single hint toward Ridley before, and that hint pointed to what we saw two days ago. IT'S WEIRD THAT RIDLEY HAS NEVER BEEN MENTIONED BY NAME, OR SHOWN IN FULL, I CAN GIVE YOU THAT. But I think maybe that could just as easily be chalked up to Sakurai not wanting to spoil every little detail yet.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2004
The space between genius and madness
But Palutena has been alluded to be in the game.

1) The reveal of the Palutena's temple stage with the Palutena statue where, like Ridley, he doesn't mention her by name, instead referring to her as the "Goddess of light".
That's not alluding she's in the game. That's alluding she exists in general. I'm talking about how Sakurai said "Samus's Trauma may appear." This is not the same as saying the Goddess of Light watches over. The context here matters.

2) The Pic of the Day of Viridi from Kid Icarus, Zelda, and Rosalini – 3 goddesses – on the night of the infamous Palutena leak. Palutena is obviously the goddess missing from this "girl's night out".

3) Most recently, the pseudo-Palutena trophy fakeout.
Again, acknowledging one's existence as supposed to acknowledging one's making an appearance within a specific place.

In Sakurai's mind,
And here's where a lot of us keep getting into trouble. We keep wanting to claim we know what's going on in Sakurai's mind, and yet we're not concretely looking at what Sakurai has done thus far. We like to theorize. I love to theorize. But at some point we need to approach the subject from a more concrete stance. I'm not always adept at it, but I'm trying this time.

the way he's teasing Palutena is the same as the way he's teasing Ridley: he doesn't intend either to be drawn out or cruel, especially because he knows that both will be playable and fans will be happy.
I agree he doesn't intend to be cruel about it. That doesn't mean it's not cruel. But the possibility has and still remains that Sakurai could very well be out of touch with the Ridley fanbase.

I've let it slide for a long time in favor of supporting Ridley, but fact is we all are guilty of assumptions of Sakurai's behavior. I'm not saying all of this to draw people away from any hope. I'm personally done with that and am just waiting for more concrete evidence. But this "He's just trolling, trolling, trolling..." thing is flawed. Some people have already stated the very term is being misused, and I have to agree.

Yes Sakurai is a prankster, but trolling implies something else, and Sakurai is no troll. He's never taken things this far in this direction. Palutena is not going the same direction as Ridley.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007
Not the same as palutena. Sakurai didn't show a video of palutena's shadow and say something along the lines of "There are lots of other NPCs like this one"
True, but we've seen her statue and a trophy of Pseudo Palutena. I'm not saying the shadow part is the same, i'm saying the jerking around is the same.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
What kind of playable character can consistently fly and then pick up another character?

And if that is pikachu, Ridley is still pretty huge. His foot, is palming pikachu who isn't even larger than his head.
What kind of character has a ranged attack for their standard attack?
What kind of character has a guage that builds up to a 1 hit ko?
What kind of character can pick up items/projectiles for an ability?
What kind of character is actually 2 characters and can attack in 2 seperate areas on command?
Considering what the other newcomers have for gimmicks, grabbing someone in the air sounds pretty tame.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 27, 2014
Trying to pick out things from that little clip is meaningless. That's Ridley, as a hazard, on Pyrosphere. There's no way around it. Maybe it looks weird in some aspect, though I would disagree.

If Ridley is in the game in another capacity, you won't figure it out by trying to decipher that clip.

There has only been a single hint toward Ridley before, and that hint pointed to what we saw two days ago. IT'S WEIRD THAT RIDLEY HAS NEVER BEEN MENTIONED BY NAME, OR SHOWN IN FULL, I CAN GIVE YOU THAT. But I think maybe that could just as easily be chalked up to Sakurai not wanting to spoil every little detail yet.
Sakurai definitely knows how popular Ridley is (easily the 2nd most wanted playable character worldwide after Mewtwo).

Sakurai knows fans will be massively let down if Ridley is only a stage hazard. He would have pulled the bandaid off quickly a long time ago if this were the case.

If Ridley does end up as only a stage hazard/boss, then Sakurai is a cruel and petty person who intentionally tortured a huge group of fans.

I don't believe that Sakurai is a cruel and petty person.

Gingerbread Man

Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2009
What kind of character has a ranged attack for their standard attack?
What kind of character has a guage that builds up to a 1 hit ko?
What kind of character can pick up items/projectiles for an ability?
What kind of character is actually 2 characters and can attack in 2 seperate areas on command?
Considering what the other newcomers have for gimmicks, grabbing someone in the air sounds pretty tame.
Ridley also do away with gravity too? His altitude doesn't change in that video. So can this new gimmick allow ridley to float in the corner of the screen waiting for the clock to run out, for more people to die, or for somebody to try to attack him so he can grab then and get an easy kill?

Everything about this screams boss character.
Sakurai definitely knows how popular Ridley is (easily the 2nd most wanted playable character worldwide after Mewtwo).

Sakurai knows fans will be massively let down if Ridley is only a stage hazard. He would have pulled the bandaid off quickly a long time ago if this were the case.

If Ridley does end up as only a stage hazard/boss, then Sakurai is a cruel and petty person who intentionally tortured a huge group of fans.

I don't believe that Sakurai is a cruel and petty person.
Ultimately, Sakurai is the designer and probably knows how to make a better game than any of us. He probably considers what we think but does not submit to every whim we have. From what it looks like, Sakurai thinks ridley makes more sense as a boss character. And this isn't torture! Ridley being a boss who shows up on a stage all the time is pretty damn prominent. You might even see ridley more often than you see certain characters.
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Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
I came.

You used metric and imperial units and everything.
Training to be a pharmacist, I can even translate it into the Apothecary system if I wanted to.

...Or at least I could if that had length/size units of measurement. Finding his weight/volume would be challenging.


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
For the sake of argument, let's say Ridley does end up playable and Sakurai was indeed hinting and teasing about him the whole time.

Why go through all that for Ridley specifically? I mean sure he's definitely up there among the most requested characters, but he ain't the end all be all roster addition that the majority of the Smash community is asking for (if the sheer number of detractors is anything to go by). Though I guess he'd count as the most controversial for a lack of a better word.

Yeah other characters have been teased, like Palutena, but no character comes close to the amount of chain yanking that Ridley has. It's just strange.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
...Or at least I could if that had length/size units of measurement. Finding his weight/volume would be challenging.
You know I actually tried that recently? Was going to give him a weight estimate. I fumbled around a lot because I wasn't really sure how to go about doing that, and I never really found a good answer.

I uploaded his model to a 3D Printing service site, which will give you a figure on the volume of the model. Of course, the model would have to be of reasonable (SMALL) size, I think I tried like 1/40th scale (which was also based on estimations and assumptions), but I don't think there's an easy way to UPSCALE volume figures? If you double something's height, its mass increases exponentially rather than just doubling... and I'm not very good at math so whatever.

Would also have to guess his DENSITY, which I figured would be somewhere between flesh and bone...?

Man I dunno.



Smash Journeyman
Jan 27, 2014
That's not alluding she's in the game. That's alluding she exists in general. I'm talking about how Sakurai said "Samus's Trauma may appear." This is not the same as saying the Goddess of Light watches over. The context here matters.
The literal Japanese translation, according to fluent speakers, can also be interpreted as being "this is the site of Samus' trauma." Sakurai could easily just be alluding to the events of Other M that occurred on that stage.

In either possible translation, however, Sakurai is acknowledging Ridley's existence in the game. Sakurai knows that alluding to a character as popular as Ridley will be interpreted by fans as tacit acknowledgment that Ridley exists in the game in some form. This is the same as how he knows that all of the Palutena references and prank will make fans think she is in the game in some form.

And here's where a lot of us keep getting into trouble. We keep wanting to claim we know what's going on in Sakurai's mind, and yet we're not concretely looking at what Sakurai has done thus far. We like to theorize. I love to theorize. But at some point we need to approach the subject from a more concrete stance. I'm not always adept at it, but I'm trying this time.
This is the crux of everything. Is Sakurai truly aware of the disappointment that will result by Ridley being confirmed as non-playable? I'd say he is. He's got an army of developers and other Nintendo employees in both Japan and the USA who are assuredly checking forums such as Smashboards and reporting fan feedback. Ridley talk is EVERYWHERE, and has been EVERYWHERE since the beginning. It makes up a huge percentage of discussion.

If Sakurai knows we wanted Little Mac playable and not just an Assist Trophy, why wouldn't he know that we want Ridley playable, and not just a boss/hazard?
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Deleted member

Found this on GameFAQs.


Enjoy analyzing Ridley's shadow even more! :troll:
After seeing this, it seems as though Ridley swoops down to snag Pikachu.

As for why he seems to be hold Pikachu for a long time, I have a theory; he's sadistically crushing it with his foot.
Like Dyna Blade does to Kirby in Super Star/Ultra. Y'know, who Ridley (and Meta Ridley to an extent) were based off of in their boss fights in Brawl.

Gingerbread Man

Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2009
Why is anything other than a playable character such a terrible thing to people?

And I don't think we suffer anything. The new smashbros is a net result of good. We should be nothing but thankful to the developers.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
You know I actually tried that recently? Was going to give him a weight estimate. I fumbled around a lot because I wasn't really sure how to go about doing that, and I never really found a good answer.

I uploaded his model to a 3D Printing service site, which will give you a figure on the volume of the model. Of course, the model would have to be of reasonable (SMALL) size, I think I tried like 1/40th scale (which was also based on estimations and assumptions), but I don't think there's an easy way to UPSCALE volume figures? If you double something's height, its mass increases exponentially rather than just doubling... and I'm not very good at math so whatever.

Would also have to guess his DENSITY, which I figured would be somewhere between flesh and bone...?

Man I dunno.

There's a lot of factors to add in. I assume Ridley has similar traits to the Avemetatarsalia clade (meaning he's more birdlike than crocodilelike-I meanMORE KREMLINLIKE lol) meaning like most modern day avian lifeforms his skeletal mass is relatively light due to having air fill up the space between the bone marrow, despite his size. Probably the best example to go off of is the Quetzalcoatlus, who despite being as tall as a giraffe is theorized to weigh anywhere from only 70 kg (~150 lbs) up to 250 kg/550 lbs. Video game logic aside, I doubt Ridley would weigh more than a ton, even in his Meta forme what with space technology making SAMUS FLOATY/HEAVY EVEN IN SPACE WITH NO GRAVITY. OH AND DON'T FORGET RIDLEY CAN FLY IN SPAE DESPITE THERE BEING NO AIR TO USE HIS WINGS FOR so Meta Ridley's wings are probably stronger than the usual membrane stuff.

Why is anything other than a playable character such a terrible thing to people?

And I don't think we suffer anything. The new smashbros is a net result of good. We should be nothing but thankful to the developers.
"Why aren't you guys happy you can't play as your favorite character?" Justice doesn't mean much for a fanbase that's been waiting for 11 years. I'm thankful to the developers for a lot of reasons, but this isn't one of them.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2008
Clock Town, Termina
What concerns me the most for now is the second Sal Romano Leak. You know he got 3 out of 6 right pre E3, now he got an X & Y rep right. Chrom and Palutena are nearly confirmed by credible looking screenshots. Considering them, he would have predicted 6 outa 11. No word of Ridley or King K. Rool. The roster spots get more and more limited. Maybe the case that his leak isn't true at all, since X & Y rep was only vaque, Palutena and Chrom were shown before. But man, I can't help but giving it some credibility.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
The Chrom one was proven fake by the leaker himself.

I still don't think it's anything more than coincidence if obvious choices like Palutena or vague statements like "X/Y rep" get confirmed.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Here's 1 more preview of my little blog about the shadow then I'm not talking till it's finished

Pikachu was walking on the line on that shadow appearance but when the shadow appeared it was not on the line


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2012
For the sake of argument, let's say Ridley does end up playable and Sakurai was indeed hinting and teasing about him the whole time.

Why go through all that for Ridley specifically? I mean sure he's definitely up there among the most requested characters, but he ain't the end all be all roster addition that the majority of the Smash community is asking for (if the sheer number of detractors is anything to go by). Though I guess he'd count as the most controversial for a lack of a better word.

Yeah other characters have been teased, like Palutena, but no character comes close to the amount of chain yanking that Ridley has. It's just strange.
Very good question. Let me counter/extend/whatever it with the exactly same set up, with one trivial exception, that is Ridley being just a stage boss. Why go through all that for Ridley specifically? Waluigi? Deconfirmed outright. Ashley? Deconfirmed outright. Seriously, Ridley trolling is unprecedented - Palutena seems to be the runner-up unless I'm missing some common candidate - but it seems to mean nothing.

Funnily, I can think of several reasons for Sakurai going for Ridley fans specifically - noting the Melee intro misinterpretation, finding him hard to implement, having the title of crazy idea that came from fans and seemed to make no sense. The thing is, they interestingly apply in both cases.

Here's 1 more preview of my little blog about the shadow then I'm not talking till it's finished

Pikachu was walking on the line on that shadow appearance but when the shadow appeared it was not on the line
Given the tilt of shadows, this means he's probably on the playing plane, whether he bosses around or not.

Full disclosure: I'm on the fence in case of Ridley. I have no problem's with him moveset-wise. I just think he breaks a certain line when it comes to... playfulness, for lack of better word. I mean, Ridley, with Bunny Hood and Tanooki Tail, breathing Superspicy Curry while swinging along the Hammer. Imagine his facial expression. Ganon(dorf) at least got his funny weak spots before.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
I'm really having a hard time making anything out of that shadow (can't really even pinpoint Pikachu) haha, all I see is wings!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2014
After seeing this, it seems as though Ridley swoops down to snag Pikachu.

As for why he seems to be hold Pikachu for a long time, I have a theory; he's sadistically crushing it with his foot.
Like Dyna Blade does to Kirby in Super Star/Ultra. Y'know, who Ridley (and Meta Ridley to an extent) were based off of in their boss fights in Brawl.
Is Ridley actually grabbing Pikachu?......I don't see it....

Also have you noticed that Pikachu does not have a shadow?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2008
Clock Town, Termina
Just a theory:

Going from there that the shadow actually shows a playable Ridley, I really like the idea that he could be a counterpart to Little Mac: Strong in the air, relatively weak on the ground. Not "Little" but "Big". The bigger, the easier to hit, what only makes sense because targets in the air are harder to hit as if they were in the ground. In addition, he seems pretty slow while airborne. Little Mac however is really fast on the ground. I can't help, but it seems plausible to me. It would make the roster even more balanced.

@ Shinru202 Shinru202
He has, but it's only visible while Pikachu is above the ground. He is when Ridley grabs him with his foot. Look for that.

@ Staarih Staarih
Look for the left down corner of the footage. There's Pikachu's shadow.
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Lolo Lolo

Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2014
Switch FC
SW 0891 5407 0511
2 playable characters, Zero Suit is officially her own character now.
but Zero Suit Samus is still Samus so Metroid has one character in smash .....
I think ZSS and Sheik are their own characters because the roster looks so bigger with this 2 "new" spots

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
Do you have any idea how annoying it is for Ismar to have to go and edit your posts just because of a simple accident you are such a jerK I AM GOING TO EAT A BUNCH OF PIZZA AND FLEX MY STOMACH TO BARF ON YOU AND THEN WIPE OFF THE MESS WITH THIS THREAD, ALL PRINTED OUT ON PAPER TOWELS, BECAUSE THATS THE MAIDLY THING TO DO. AND THEN WE WILL SEE HOW MUCH YOU WANT THIS THREAD.
Ridley will be playable calm down please
No one is gonna take this thread away from you without your permission.

I agree with all these newcomers save the Zelda ones. Ghirahim seems more Assist Trophy material, and Vaati and Classic Ganon have a longer track record than Demise.

Then again, Greninja...
You do know if mewtwo doesnt return people will rip Greninja apart he will take the burden that Lucario did after brawl.

And Issac/Shulk/Girahim will take the burden of Ridley & K.Rool
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Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
Alright, I've been thinking.

People keep saying that Metroid representation is going to be exclusively Other M. However, it seems that there's a bit of representation for the rest of the series as well.

Metroid/Zero Mission: Mother Brain (Super Mother Brain's first form has a mouth, which this is lacking)

Metroid Prime: Dark Samus

Metroid 2: Metroid (Being from a game set up to exterminate the Metroids)

Super Metroid: Kihunter (seen in Smash Run, debuted in Super along with the Space Pirates)

So where does Fusion figure in all of this?

Well, it's pretty unlikely, and would be difficult if not outright impossible to pull off without changing some moves, but I know a flying Metroid character with a huge wingspan that would make for an awesome boss fight.

Nightmare: Leave it to me!


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2012
Just a theory: Going from there that the shadow actually shows a playable Ridley, I really like the idea that he could be a counterpart to Little Mac: Strong in the air, not so strong on the ground. Not "Little" but "Big". The bigger, the easier to hit, what only makes sense for balancing because targets in the air are harder to hit as if they were in the ground.
There's a little problem with this idea. How do you make him go to ground anyway? Even assuming a jump limit of sorts, he could jump back immediately. Unless he somehow gets launched to ground when hit, but that would open another can of worms.

but Zero Suit Samus is still Samus so Metroid has one character in smash .....
I think ZSS and Sheik are their own characters because the roster looks so bigger with this 2 "new" spots
Not sure if you're trolling or not, but just in case this is genuinely how you're feeling: 1) Sakurai always considered them their own chars, 2) the transformation gimmicks did not work too well, 3) removing the transformations as implemented in previous Smashes (loaded from the disc) simplifies some programming. Much simpler, much less hostile, much more sensible explanation. As regarding to the first sentence, consider Ten Etecoons On A Dachora.


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
but Zero Suit Samus is still Samus so Metroid has one character in smash .....
I think ZSS and Sheik are their own characters because the roster looks so bigger with this 2 "new" spots
I get your point, but she looks and acts 100% differently. There is really a much bigger difference between Zero Suit Samus and Samus then there is between Mario and Luigi, both looks and move set wise.


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
Or maybe he doesn't think Ridley is an appropriate character to be playable.
This. If we don't get Ridley this go around I don't think we will ever get him while Sakurai is heading Smash development, because he simply doesn't seem to see Ridley as an appropriate playable character.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
Ridley also do away with gravity too? His altitude doesn't change in that video. So can this new gimmick allow ridley to float in the corner of the screen waiting for the clock to run out, for more people to die, or for somebody to try to attack him so he can grab then and get an easy kill?

Everything about this screams boss character.
Ultimately, Sakurai is the designer and probably knows how to make a better game than any of us. He probably considers what we think but does not submit to every whim we have. From what it looks like, Sakurai thinks ridley makes more sense as a boss character. And this isn't torture! Ridley being a boss who shows up on a stage all the time is pretty damn prominent. You might even see ridley more often than you see certain characters.
That's like assuming Peach can float forever if you only saw her floating for 2 seconds. Ridley was only shown on screen for about 6 seconds (7:21 to 7:27). Chances are his air grabs last only as long as normal grabs, so you can't stall the match forever. 6 Seconds is not that long to be in the air, especially for a character that loves to be in the air.

Here's 1 more preview of my little blog about the shadow then I'm not talking till it's finished

Pikachu was walking on the line on that shadow appearance but when the shadow appeared it was not on the line
Might wanna re-watch it again.

Is Ridley actually grabbing Pikachu?......I don't see it....

Also have you noticed that Pikachu does not have a shadow?
Ah crud, apparently the image sites I used to use I cannot use anymore. I'd be happy to outline Pikachu's shadow if you let me know where I can upload a simple image. You don't notice the lightning bolt part of pikachu's tail at the very bottom left? It even goes on and off screen a few times when the swaying happens.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2008
Clock Town, Termina
There's a little problem with this idea. How do you make him go to ground anyway? Even assuming a jump limit of sorts, he could jump back immediately. Unless he somehow gets launched to ground when hit, but that would open another can of worms.
An endurance meter that stops him from doing just that? :B I mean, Little Mac has a meter, too. Anyway, I'm sure there would be a good way to make him work. But that's a problem for the developers to solve, which are more talented in that regard.

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
Supposedly the same source that leaked Wii Fit Trainer, Villager, and Mega Man (alongside Little Mac, Mii, and Pac-Man), said that additional newcomers include "Chrom, Palutena, Shulk, Chorus Men, and a Pokemon from X and Y".

12 newcomers for Smash 4 sounds like a solid amount, especially with the amount of time left between now and Smash 4's summer release (possibly September or August).

What is interesting is that although there were a lot of surprises, there was barely any characters on it that were "popular". Pretty much only Mega Man, Little Mac, Palutena, Shulk, Chrom, and to a lesser extent Pac-Man would be construed as popularly requested.

Even more curious is how veteran franchises basically got shafted. Rosalina, Greninja, Palutena, and Chrom being the only four veteran series newcomers sounds a bit underwhelming.

The one plus though about this 12 set of newcomers is how many new Nintendo franchises got represented. Punch-Out, Animal Crossing, Wii Fit, Mii, Xenoblade (stand alone), and Rhythm Heaven all got playable characters.

Even more curious is how few of the characters were characters that existed as popular requests prior to 2010. Pretty much only Mega Man and Little Mac fit that. Pretty much only Little Mac and Mega Man would be the only two characters that were popularly requested during the pre-Brawl era, that managed to get in as newcomers for Smash 4.

Hmm. I wonder how many people are going to take it if Smash 4 has only 12 newcomers and these are them. Well we only got four or five months left of waiting anyway.
Very good post plus Mewtwo counts as a veteran so if he returns along side what you mentioned they could easily get away with it and the majority in general (not this website) Globally people will be satisfied....

Unfortuneyly for us if bad becomes the worse.
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