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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Bidoof might have cracked the case if that is indeed true. However, I share your doubt that this is a joke.
To be honest, I was thinking about Ridley's shadow, and the Pyrosphere, but it finally clicked when I read this guy's post on the OCT, which apparently everyone skipped over.
If anybody actually cares I believe Ridley is playable. Not only would he not tease us this long for a character that's not playable, theirs a flaw in the footage. Ridley's entire shadow is seen. There are platforms on the Pyrosphere that would obstruct his shadow and change it, or make not all of it visible. There are no platforms on the Final Destination version of the Pyrosphere. There are also no stage hazards on the Final Destination version.


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2011
Well that's that until the game releases I suppose. Again the wings and tail are obviously that of Other M and I could see Boss Mode being on the Final Destination versions.

What ever the case I will still hold the slightest bit of hope for classic Ridley as the playable one. Thinking back though, was that all Sakurai was hinting at was just another Ridley boss fight? I'm not completely convinced.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I am disappointed in a good number of people in this thread. Your resolve is sickeningly weak, you you will regret each day you shed your hope before it is taken from you.

Ridley may have lost ground, but it's not over for him or for us. People call 'deconfirmed' based largely off assumptions. But he still has something; the fact that so little was given to us, that we have nothing to do BUT assume. Sure he mentioned that bosses can appear on other stages as well. But we have no reason to believe at the current point, ESPECIALLY with how suspiciously vague the showing was, that Ridley is a boss on Pyrosphere like Yellow Devil is. It could easily be spun around as one of the MANY jokes on Sakurai's part through the direct to say "Ridley was a boss, and can appear on the Pyrosphere in this game." It is a possibility that I won't let go of.

To say, "Sakurai just wanted to let the fans down easy". Why would he so willingly disappoint EVERYONE ELSE except for Ridley supporters? What reason could he possibly have to make such a vague statement without actually showing us much of anything? Why would Sakurai build hype or intrigue for one of the top most requested playable characters to become a stage hazard? He would either do it to change expectations so it is a surprise when he is playable, or he would simply mention it outright. Anything else is extremely strange and almost cruel to the fanbase.

We have a few months yet together. We who hold onto our hope and resolve need only a few more months. The 3DS version will be released before we know it, and then we will know for sure whether Sakurai was building excitement or if he was simply making an extremely strange and questionable choice.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Well that's that until the game releases I suppose. Again the wings and tail are obviously that of Other M and I could see Boss Mode being on the Final Destination versions.

What ever the case I will still hold the slightest bit of hope for classic Ridley as the playable one. Thinking back though, was that all Sakurai was hinting at was just another Ridley boss fight? I'm not completely convinced.
Or E3.
There is always E3, the Kingdom of Hype.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2001

The tip of Ridley's tail is bigger than Pikachu.

It's over.
It's also much closer to the camera.
Sakurai just realized he did something that angered a large section of the fan base and he tried to let them by as gently as possible.
Teasing isn't gentle. I don't mean to sound bitter or whatever, but this was not the gentle way to do it.

The gentle way is the way he basically disconfirmed Pokemon Trainer. We got Charizard and Greninja, it's implied Pokemon Trainer (and thus Squirtle and Ivysaur) are out. But PT fans are probably fans of Charizard and Greninja, they just got a newcomer, a great trailer and got to ponder the possibilities for Charizard's moveset. That's letting them down gently. People are probably disappointed about PT, but his fans got something in return.

We got a fair amount of Metroid content in this Direct... being direct (pun intended) about Ridley not being in wouldn't have been any worse. It would've been better to end the uncertainty. We got new Metroid stuff to soften the blow. Particularly if he had shown a Metroid 3DS stage, that would've helped too. If he wanted to show Ridley at all, why not just be done with it?

He also had the choice of just not saying anything about Ridley. He had the choice of revealing him via Miiverse post, which wouldn't be any worse than what he did.

Instead he beat around the bush, despite pulling a total troll move with Palutena. Spirit Tracks Toon Link seems not as bad, but still Sakurai had to know how that would be interpreted as well.

Why tease us, implying that Ridley's out but not just saying it? So we could worry and rationalize instead of just accepting what he said?

I admit this hurts and there's a strong chance that Ridley is out, but if so, Sakurai really botched it if he was going for "let them down gently". He might just be someone without much tact.

But he might also be trolling, as he's clearly shown himself willing to do.
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Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
There's no way in h*ll that K. Rool would get in before Ridley. Nada. Zip. Zero. Ridley is way more popular and relevant to his series than K Rool is to Donkey Kong (as of recent anyway).
First off, hell isn't censored. Secondly, K. Rool's more popular in the area that matters most, Japan, as well as worldwide, whereas Ridley's mostly a western icon. Third, the Kremling appearances throw the recency/relevancy thing way out the window, or did you not see them among the other minor enemies shown?

As someone mentioned, you're starting a battle you can't win, though I have to shake my head equally at some or a couple of the K. Rool fans gloating at us. I thought we were closer than that man.

I don't think anyone is denying that the shadow belonged to Ridley. but rather the context. He did mentioned bosses, but it could be anything from stage hazard to actual boss battle(s) to Ridley being a playable boss (that Poison/Super Mushroom idea here would go just lovely with all the trolling). Furthermore people are questioning the ruling that "being x mean they can't be y" as evident with the Toon Link/Spirit Tracks (and DK/DK which I forgot about until now) cameo. Getting us all to accept defeat only to hit us out of nowhere with "loljk he's playable" would be the ZSS situation amplified a thousandfold. It's not anymore likely than it sounds, but it's not unreasonable to have hope.

Honestly I think that the people who have given up hope/are telling others to do the same are just as bad as the detractors making fun of us/other disconfirmed characters. I think it's probably a good idea for said people to take a break from this thread for a while rather than just drowning themselves and others in self-pity and claiming we're in denial.
After thinking about it more earlier after everyone's first impressions on the direct when I first went away for awhile, yeah. I started taking back what I first said and figured it'd be best to still not sugarcoat anything as far as Ridley, and not just because of the points made like with the ZSS thing mind you. Still counting on his inclusion MUCH less than I was before and all that though, but yeah. Oppressing my fellow brethren in telling everyone to just call it quits and that they're in denial or pathetic or something for still hoping wasn't something I could bring myself to do, as it'd make me feel like one of the detractors. :u Still, I think at least some of us should more strongly campaign (heh) for Ridley to be in Project M if nothing else, ESPECIALLY if the Ridley tease from their latest video with the silhouette was just them trolling.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 28, 2012
Well this confirms it: even the most hardcore Sakurai sycophants (sakuphants?) must realize now that the only way that Ridley will ever be a playable character in a Smash Bros. game is if it has a different director. Sakurai does not consider Ridley as playable character material. That's all there is to it. It's kind of depressing how amateur hackers can make a decent playable Ridley, but not the team Nintendo hires to make a big budget triple A title.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
The platforms and their shadows are simply out of the picture lol.
Yes, and so is Ridley.
And where his shadow is, we can see where he is flying, and from where he is flying, his shadow should be covered or obscured by the platforms.
And it's not.
This means no platforms.

No platforms = No hazards
No hazards + Ridley on screen = Ridley not Hazard
Ridley not Hazard + Ridley on screen = Ridley Playable

Deleted member

Tough break, guys.

Just....tough break. That's really the only thing I have the strength to muster on the subject......


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2001
It's not over til it's over. We always knew there was a chance Sakurai would relegate him to some crappy role (although I'd personally much prefer AT to a stage-ruining super-hazard, Jesus).

But we don't have to resign ourselves to defeat.

Then again, it doesn't really matter. I still have every intention of getting both games and am pleased with tons of other stuff. And even if you concede defeat now that just means that Ridley will be even more exciting if he gets in. Or you'll have accepted it when it's completely confirmed.

We can't affect it either way. But if you need a little bit of hope to hold onto, there's plenty of ambiguity and strangeness about the way Sakurai went about things.

Deleted member

Like others, I really want to believe that Sakurai is trolling massively and is hinting towards a playable Ridley being revealed later. But let's be realistic here; Ridley is a boss. Unless a R.O.B. situation arise where Ridley is both a boss and a playable character, he's not making the final roster. This situation, is possible, but unlikely.

Ridley was one of the most deserving potential newcomers yet and had practically everything going for him. But the one major thing that did hinder him; Sakurai's hesitant towards adding him, is what will likely cost him a spot. It means that Ridley fans will be force to face a reality in which Ridley will never see the day of a playable Ridley. Which is a shame, really. Easily the worst part of this Direct (not saying the Direct was bad, though).


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
There's still hope. Sakurai never said he was a boss.

I already thought he would do this anyway: tease him as a hazard and then reveal him. So my hopes haven't died.
Ummm.... Sakurai said "other boss character appearances" while showing Ridley in Pyrosphere at the same time... based on this context, I think Sakurai was implying that Ridley is a boss.


Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Those of you who are arguing that the platforms aren't there or whatever, are you seeing the SIZE of that shadow? It's BIG. That's much larger than say Bowser's would be.

Not to mention, Yellow Devil shows up on Wily's Castle without any platforms.


Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2013
Columbus, Ohio
My take on it is that, like everyone else has said, Sakurai seems like too nice of a guy to just jerk us around like that. If Ridley was a boss or hazard, he very likely would have been mentioned just so people can stop hoping and wait until Smash 5.

In addition to that, Ridley's shadow doesn't seem to do anything boss-like. He floats in, grabs Pikachu, and floats off (I think; I know the first two are right, at least). I mean, yeah, Yellow Devil had some downtime, but he at least had an interesting/fitting entry animation and actually attacked.

My main point is that Sakurai seems like too silly and too nice of a guy to keep leading people on about this. If Ridley's not in, he'd probably just come out and tell us.

I'm not saying he's confirmed, I'm just saying keep some hope, yeah?


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
So...its game over/the end...or is it? I just hope he is playable and in the trailer was a beta version of him that wasn`t ready to be shown...he never said that he is deconfirmed, right? So, there is a chance...if he is not, then i will wait until prices for this game will be very low because there is still Bowser and Samus confirmed. If he is deconfirmed, then i hope there will be alternate model for Charizard and it will be Ridley...duh...now i will go and break something.
if he is deconfirmed, then i will wait for Project M to confirm him or just continue making him for MUGEN.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
I'd like to share a few thoughts after reading through the comments here:
When I first saw the shadow for Ridley I thought "This lowers his chances quite a bit". Even if it is true that he is a boss, there is always the Toon Link scenario. Even so, after I started looking into things he seems pretty much confirmed now, unless the footage show is so beta it hurts.

Sakurai has flat-out deconfirmed characters before. Why not just tell us, instead of leading people on that something good might happen and getting them angry when the game is released?

This Ridley is in fact Other M Ridley's Tail. Someone a bunch of pages back showed a pretty good screenshot of the swordlike tail.
this one being the best.

After video the short clip over 50 times I've noticed some things.
If you look at previous boss battles in Smash, and then look at how the shadows move in this game. Chances are this is going to be one of the lamest, relatively, slow bosses. Standing idle is a normal thing for bosses, however, they need that speed to be able to actually hit anything, which this shadow does not have.
The animations from switching from hover, to the glide at the end is too fast. Usually bosses have a longer startup time to show that they are going to move, this shadow moves quite quickly, faster than you have time to react.

One strange thing I see is that I cannot see what happens to Pikachu after Ridley picks up Pikachu. For now I'm going to assume either.
A. Due to Ridley not being complete, Pikachu just disappear after being grabbed
B. Pikachu teleports when it gets in Ridley's Shadow, and Ridley does a down aerial. Due to Pikachu's teleport, the teleport cannot be seen by looking at shadows.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Yes, and so is Ridley.
And where his shadow is, we can see where he is flying, and from where he is flying, his shadow should be covered or obscured by the platforms.
And it's not.
This means no platforms.

No platforms = No hazards
No hazards + Ridley on screen = Ridley not Hazard
Ridley not Hazard + Ridley on screen = Ridley Playable
You are a joke.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
As someone mentioned, you're starting a battle you can't win, though I have to shake my head equally at some or a couple of the K. Rool fans gloating at us. I thought we were closer than that man.
What?? That's happening? If it's in my thread, point it out so I can chew out whoever was behind that. You're right, the fanbases are supposed to be close and support each other during times of need, and this definitely qualifies.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Well that's true. Ridley is a boss. And it's clear he's on Pyrosphere. Ridley is a boss character that appears on the Pyrosphere stage.
Sounds about right. Ridley has been a boss in most of his appearances, so he would be a boss. And that sure was his shadow of him appearing on pyrosphere.

Is he functioning as a boss like Yellow Devil? Who knows. We don't. Sakurai didn't say that was the case. And his behavior is EXTREMELY... un-aggressive. For an AI-controlled boss Ridley.

Not to mention his scale is insanely ambiguous. We saw one of the smallest characters get picked up by him, and judging by shadows he's not SIGNIFICANTLY larger. Sure we saw the end of his tail look large... as it brushed up against the camera... but it's just all insanely suspicious right now.
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Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Is he functioning as a boss like Yellow Devil? Who knows. We don't. Sakurai didn't say that was the case. And his behavior is EXTREMELY... un-aggressive. For an AI-controlled boss Ridley.
This is precisely why being a Smash boss does NOT do Ridley justice in the slightest, and it's garbage when people use this as justification for keeping him as a boss. It's character assassination on an Other M level to have Ridley just boredly float about, occasionally breathing fire or occasionally scratching at opponents, while they freely outmaneuver him and pummel him out of the sky like a purple punching bag. I really hope this is Sakurai's last Smash game, based on Ridley's "reveal" tonight.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
I wonder what Ridley will do though? Characters like the Yellow Devil and Ridley are, from my understanding, a sort of new type of stage hazard. Like a stage-specific Final Smash. If Ridley functions similarly to the Yellow Devil, then I wonder what reward he gives to the player who defeats him??

Kind of making an assumption though that they function the same way. All we know is he GRABS characters... If he flies off with you in hand, could be an instant KO?
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Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
If Sakurai is playing up and building controversy around a playable Ridley, this could actually be the most intense newcomer reveal we have ever seen.

If he is just being bizarre for seemingly no reason at all, it will be the biggest and most intense despair-inducing disappointment.

Could go either way at this point.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
What?? That's happening? If it's in my thread, point it out so I can chew out whoever was behind that. You're right, the fanbases are supposed to be close and support each other during times of need, and this definitely qualifies.
This is probably one of the things that bugs me most. I never understood why everyone gave R.O.B. flak in Brawl for similar reasoning.

I'm also thinking this is hilariously another Pyrosphere situation with people blowing a vague quote out of context. "More Bosses may make appearances." 20 seconds later gameplay of Bowser is shown.

And if nothing else hopefully Roidley won't be another Dyna Blade clone.


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
What?? That's happening? If it's in my thread, point it out so I can chew out whoever was behind that. You're right, the fanbases are supposed to be close and support each other during times of need, and this definitely qualifies.
Yeah, I'm a little shocked and confused too as to why a bunch of K. Rool fans would come on over just to pour salt in the wounds. K. Rool was my second-most wanted character for Smash, but now I'm sorely tempted to make huge sweeping arguments as to why he'll never make it in Smash out of spite.

I'll still support the character, but my opinion of his fans has been knocked down a couple notches.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
As I hate to say this. The fact of the matter is that based on current evidence, it is over. We can make of theories all we want to make ourselves feel better about this reality, it's not going to change anything at all. I cannot assume that Sakurai is pulling a fast one on people where there is no evidence to prove that beyond mere speculation. The fact of the matter is we were told about boss battles, and then Pyrosphere was shown with Ridley's shadow, this is extremely damning situation, our continued 'support' isn't going to change anything nor will cling to hope that there is little evidence for.

If this evidence changes at one point that will be something to consider, but at the moment the evidence is simply does not exist.


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2014
Zero Suit Samus, Phosphora, and maybe the psuedo Palutena.

The only times to my knowledge that Sakurai has ever legitimately "trolled," and which case each attempt he has always immediately rectified it by confirming otherwise to not completely kill people's hopes.

Sakurai is only some sort of master "troll" because not only does the fanbase seem to not know what trolling actually is, but because its an unfortunately inaccurate meme that has far out stayed its welcome similar to the "Final Destination Only" meme (now possibly becoming true because of hilariously stupid and completely-missing-the-point "For Glory" mode online. *Sigh*, Sakurai just doesn't get it, does he?).

Sakurai being vague or being unpredictable by the community standards = "Trolling" by Smash fan's logic. Don't believe me? Just venture into the PotD thread if you don't believe me. Unlike what the entire fanbase would have you believe, Sakurai does not go out of his way at every waking moment to "troll", mislead, or get reactions out of people. He, like every other developer on the face of the planet, may be a bit vague with their information in order to build hype, suspense and discussion, and will make decisions, both good and bad, that people may not expect but otherwise Sakurai being a troll is a flat out lie if I ever heard one.

There is nothing wrong with keeping hope, and yes we can't forget Toon Link and Ridley not being shown. But people have very good reason to not have any expectations of playability anymore. If we only take in the evidence provided with us, he was teased to be a possible boss on Pyrosphere. "Trolling" or not, this is an undeniable fact. What empirical evidence do we have that Ridley is playable by this point? We can speculate and theorize all day, but it doesn't change the fact that we have no evidence at this point that Ridley will be anything more then a boss. None. Name me one undeniable truth that Ridley will be playable. Even if a part of me wants to hold on to hope (it may not sound like it, but I still have tiniest bit of hope), a part me of also realizes that ****ing Greninja was announced, pretty much proof that Smash speculation hasn't gotten us anywhere. So I see no reason why I should put more faith in the "he's not shown, Sakurai is "trolling" speculation now as anything more then wishful thinking (that I personally still pray that might come true).

I'm not saying that you should be going full on "It's done, it's over" like Scoliosis Jones, or pretty much stop caring all together like UltimateWario, but all I ask is that you guys be a little more realistic about the current situation and really evaluate the entire situation here and the evidence presented. Unfortunately, there is a good chance that he won't be playable. All hope is not lost, but lower those expectations please. I don't want to see more hurt from you guys :cry:


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2013
As someone mentioned, you're starting a battle you can't win, though I have to shake my head equally at some or a couple of the K. Rool fans gloating at us. I thought we were closer than that man..
That was me. A K.Rool vs. Ridley argument is something that should never take place, much less right now when one half is at its lowest and the other at its highest. The Ridley supporter in me wants to do damage control here but the K. Rool supporter wants to flip the **** out (in a good way). It would greatly displease me to see a Kutthroat be obnoxious to a Ridley supporter right now.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
As I hate to say this. The fact of the matter is that based on current evidence, it is over. We can make of theories all we want to make ourselves feel better about this reality, it's not going to change anything at all. I cannot assume that Sakurai is pulling a fast one on people where there is no evidence to prove that beyond mere speculation. The fact of the matter is we were told about boss battles, and then Pyrosphere was shown with Ridley's shadow, this is extremely damning situation, our continued 'support' isn't going to change anything nor will cling to hope that there is little evidence for.

If this evidence changes at one point that will be something to consider, but at the moment the evidence is simply does not exist.
You say this, but what evidence? You mean assumptions? You're saying to stop speculating because assumptions were made due to the lack of context or details? And you can't assume Sakurai was pulling any sort of fast one when he literally did it three other times in that same direct?

You can feel free to sit outside the Ridley thread if you are going to sit and argue at people with your "Let's drown out speculation because of assumptions" shenanigans. People are already unhappy, and we don't need that kind of thing.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
What?? That's happening? If it's in my thread, point it out so I can chew out whoever was behind that. You're right, the fanbases are supposed to be close and support each other during times of need, and this definitely qualifies.
First they came for Toad, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Toad supporter.

Then they came for Ashley, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not an Ashley supporter.

Then they came for Waluigi, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Waluigi supporter.

Then they came for Ridley--and there was no one left to speak for me.

I still haven't forgotten how much flak the Toad supporters got after Toad was deconfirmed three times last year. :glare:


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
Ummm.... Sakurai said "other boss character appearances" while showing Ridley in Pyrosphere at the same time... based on this context, I think Sakurai was implying that Ridley is a boss.

Implying something isn't saying something.
Also, I think he can be a boss/stage hazard and playable.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
If you want to support Ridley and wish for his inclusion for Smash 4, I'm not going to tell you to stop. Maybe I'm going overboard on you guys.

But don't fabricate things for the sake of hope. You must play with the cards you are dealt. The cards are on the table. We have facts in front of us. You must admit, the evidence points towards the fact that Ridley is a boss on Pyrosphere.

I have made up my mind, and have come to peace with it.
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