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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
I will not give up on Ridley...if i remember corectly...Sakurai himself said that some things shown on the direct might/could change...

So for now, i will look for a way to make all my Ridley proyects come true someday anyway...

I will draw him too much as i always do.....i will do a comic about him, an animation, a sculpture, a plushie and im going to paint him on my freakin' wall...


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Vann Accessible

Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2013
Ridley was my third most wanted character, but seeing as how Little Mac and Megaman were 1 and 2, I can't be too bummed out. At least Ridley is acknowledged.

Ridley's is deconfirmed. We'd best accept it and move on.


Smash Master
Jan 31, 2014
Fellow Ridley fans, I have Heard that the Shadow shown from Ridley, was that of META Ridley. NOT Other M Ridley. And if Ridley is not playable, it would make no sense to have characters and stage from Other M, but not Ridley.

Can someone confirm the shadow?

And even if it IS Other M Ridley, I won't be detered just yet. We all saw the trolling Sakurai did about Palutena, and showing only a Shadow for a Ridley can easily be the same. ^^


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
Fellow Ridley fans, I have Heard that the Shadow shown from Ridley, was that of META Ridley. NOT Other M Ridley. And if Ridley is not playable, it would make no sense to have characters and stage from Other M, but not Ridley.

Can someone confirm the shadow?

And even if it IS Other M Ridley, I won't be detered just yet. We all saw the trolling Sakurai did about Palutena, and showing only a Shadow for a Ridley can easily be the same. ^^
http://i61.tinypic.com/mh6hrs.jpg Pft. don't need no shadow, you can see the sword-like tail for a few frames in teh video itself. It's the Other M Ridley.

Welp, as much as I'd like to be a R.O.B. and constantly reply to this thread day-in and day-out. I must sleep. I hope this thread doesn't grow by 10 pages when I wake up tomorrow. Hopefully there won't be so much drama as well, I'd like to actually discuss what we saw. :bubblebobble:

With the footage shown, I only see Ridley being one of these 2 things:
1. The most un-impressive stage boss to the point where I prefer he wasn't added
2. He is playable character.

Though personally I prefer Super Metroid Ridley over the Other M Ridley. It'd be some weird twist of fate if Other M was playable, and Super Metroid/Brawl Ridley was a boss. :applejack:


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Atlanta, Georgia
Does no one else think that based on if you play Ridley (assuming he's playable) on Pyrosphere, it changes the Ridley that's appears as the stage hazard? For example, if you play as Ridley on that stage, it changes which Ridley appears as a hazard, such as using the Other M Ridley for instance. I could easily see that being the case. Also, what I find interesting is that it seems that no platforms appear on the stage based on how the shadow appears, which means that it would be the "no-hazard" version of the stage, which means that a boss wouldn't make an appearance...That's just my take on it, however. I love over-analyzation and speculation!


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Maybe this Smash tradition can continue with the series. Ridley demanded for and denied with each Smash sequel.


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
Maybe this Smash tradition can continue with the series. Ridley demanded for and denied with each Smash sequel.
I think the only time he was really demanded was starting in Brawl. Back in 64 and Melee, Super Metroid was the big-name Metroid title, so Ridley was only marginally more important than Kraid, Phantoon and Draygon.

Then Brawl came along, and Sakurai decided Ridley could be really cool as a boss fight, two of them even. He didn't beat around the bush that time either, he flat out said he was a boss and wasn't a tease.

By now even the Japanese are aware of Ridley. Maybe now something can change...


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
I think the only time he was really demanded was starting in Brawl. Back in 64 and Melee, Super Metroid was the big-name Metroid title, so Ridley was only marginally more important than Kraid, Phantoon and Draygon.

Then Brawl came along, and Sakurai decided Ridley could be really cool as a boss fight, two of them even. He didn't beat around the bush that time either, he flat out said he was a boss and wasn't a tease.

By now even the Japanese are aware of Ridley. Maybe now something can change...
Ridley in the opening cutscene actually spiked his popularity, was definitely the first I ever saw of him and I wanted him immediately after.


Smash Cadet
Jun 27, 2013
Well this seems to be a horrifically inescapable nightmare for anyone who supports the dreaded pirate general. Also I see that Sakurai still can't seem to give us a definite answer about Ridley. Hell he wouldn't even show him, his tail tip and and shadow being the exception. Why prolong the inevitable ? Illogical! Dark Samus was recently revealed to be an assist trophy and Zamus' return, those are facts. Confirmed facts. Ridley's role as the pyroshere's ”boss” circumstancially implied, all but confirmed fact. Sakurai needs to stop being cryptic. It is tearing us all apart. I still believe in Ridley and will fight to the bitter end. Ridley will always be my favorite nintendo villain and most wanted character to the smash bros series. Until his has role has been explicitly confirmed I am not giving up.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Well guys, that's it I suppose. Once again Sakurai passes out on the chance of including the biggest remaining Nintendo all-star, Ridley is once again not a playable character. So with all that in mind, here's a closure and farewell post from me:

I'm not even sure where to begin with this, yesterday's Direct was simply a big ****ing mess. The game looks fun, yes, but everything in the way of characters, except Yoshi and Sheik who look awesome, had me scratching my head or quite simply think of Sakurai as an idiot. This is going to stray a bit off-topic from Ridley for a little while, but I do want this to be about my general thoughts on the Direct too, since you won't be seeing me post very much anymore.

I'm probably one of the only people who let out a "Yes!" when Sakurai trolled by saying ZSS was cut, it's always just been Sakurai's poor excuse of saying that there are multiple Metroid reps, and I'm not buying it. Samus is still Samus for ****s sake, there is more to Metroid than her. But hey, whatever excuse he has to buff up her boobs even more I guess. She also has those weird boots now, which is simply nothing short of silly. I guess he also thinks that including 3 Metroid ATs makes for some fair representation, and while Dark Samus and Mother Brain are crazy cool ATs it just doesn't even things out. ATs aren't supposed to be used as an excuse to not include characters, especially not when many of us just turn them off.

Now Charizard himself looks ****ing amazing. I never really wanted to play Pokémon Trainer due to his odd mechanic, but his 3 Pokémon are the coolest ones in Smash, so it was a bit of a shame. Now Charizard is alone at least, buuuuuuuut with that said I don't believe Squirtle or Ivysaur can stand on their own legs on this roster as much as I'd like it, and with Greninja being added and Pokémon being up to 4 reps, there's already tense competition between Mewtwo and Jigglypuff. So yeah, Pokémon representation is all over the ****ing place now. Speaking of Greninja, holy **** Sakurai. Now I haven't been very vocal about my dislike for WFT and Rosalina, at most I've liked comments that are vocal about their dislike for them, but I don't like them. But Greninja, that's on a whole other level. Including Greninja would be like including Infernape back in Brawl, they're in exactly the same spot. The absolutely only reason Greninja is here is for Game Freak to throw in their promotional fodder for the anime, since Ash is obviously going to get a Greninja at some point. Greninja is not worthy of being in Smash Bros, and that's not something I've said about many characters before. Once Gen VI is over he'll sink down into the ground, just like every starter that doesn't originate from the Kanto region, and by that point he'll have been just as bad an inclusion as Jigglypuff was to begin with. Point is that Pokémon characters like that don't age well, they aren't timeless like Lucario, Charizard or Mewtwo. With this, I dislike half of the current newcomer inclusions, while I don't plan to play Villager or Little Mac despite them being deserving. It's really shaping up to be a piss-poor newcomer roster, especially compared to Brawl's godlike cast. Mind you I like Greninja okay as a Pokémon, he was my X & Y starter, but he's just not Smash material AT ALL. So when we take all this into consideration, and two timeless Pokémon like Ivysaur and Squirtle are most likely cut, it should be obvious that someone ****ed up here.

Oh yeah, and the 3DS version coming out before the Wii U version is just so stupid. I mean, rarely anybody will buy a Wii U for Smash now that they can not only get the same game on the 3DS which has an infinitely better library, but they can get it half a year earlier. The Wii U now has to rely on MK8 more than ever. I'll also be honest and say I kind of wish I'd have held off on buying one now until next christmas. But oh well, at least we're getting a summer release of some sort (until it's delayed of course.)

Now of course these are all miniscule things compared to the biggest let-down of the stream: Ridley is a stage hazard in Pyrosphere. I'm not going to desperately try and think Sakurai is simply trolling us, because he isn't, at least not anymore. Ridley was shown exclusively in the stage-boss section, in fact the whole section seems to have been dedicated just so Sakurai could slap us in the face. I'm 100% sure Sakurai thinks that Ridley being a stage hazard is going to get us all really excited. The whole way he has handled this whole Ridley thing has just left me with so little respect left for the man. I still respect Sakurai's work, but I do not respect him very much as an individual anymore outside of his willpower, harsh as that might be. He should know more than anyone how wanted Ridley is, and therefore shouldn't tease him for over half a year, only to have him revealed a stage hazard in such a half-assed manner. The guy even has the guts to still not even show him despite deconfirming him, almost as if he thinks he's making some sort of epic build-up to Ridley's great and surely appreciated role. No way man, you don't tease something like this for this long just to pull such a stupid stunt. I'd have respected him a bit more if he just outright burst the bubble early on, I even said that the first day Pyrosphere was announced. I usually find Sakurai's trolling funny, like despite wanting her gone I could still see the fun in his fake-out regarding ZSS, or how he almost made all Palutena fans' hearts stop simulatenously. But those are fun because the outcome of the jokes are good, and are revealed immediately after. You don't delay something like this 7 months just to give your fanbase a turd to the face, that's the surest way of killing hype, and I gotta say Mr. Sakurai, you sure did that well, this turd was all wet and ****.

I still can't understand what'd keep Ridley away either, so many fans have proven time and time again that Ridley can fit, and with Sakurai constantly saying that size problems are null it just doesn't make sense. Either Sakurai has a personal vendetta against Ridley's inclusion as a playable character, or he lacks the imagination to make him playable, and the latter wouldn't surprise me given his bad track-record concerning proper Metroid representation (lava stages anyone?) and blatantly having ripped off a DoA stage. I'm not going to think too much about it though, I don't want to delve into the mind of the guy who brought Greninja into Smash, that's just a lost cause. I guess Charizard will have to sate my Dragon needs, he was pretty ****ing badass in the trailer afterall.

I also want to note that there were an awful lot of deconfirmations in general in this Direct, it was actually kind of awful to see all these characters that many people wanted just get thrown away to the side.

But hey, at least the Kremlings are back, aye?

So yeah, I guess I'm coming to the closure of the post. Overall this Direct was a BIG hype killer for me. I've said this since Day 1 I returned to Smash speculation, and I'm going to keep it. With Ridley's deconfirmation, I no longer have any reason to participate in Smash 4 speculation. The only newcomer left that I care about making it in is K. Rool, but with the Gematsu leak having immensily strong back-up I've lost faith in him too. Even without the leak, K. Rool himself, as much as I like him, wouldn't be able to keep me participating. He's only been my 3rd most wanted character afterall, so it's tough for him to stand all on his own, and no way I'm dedicating much time to speculation just for my favorite veterans' sake. The only reason I've come here to begin with, the only reason I posted on here every day, and checked the Smash website every day, is because of Ridley, and without him I don't have any reason to be here until the game's release. I do want to note that the game still looks fun, I like many of the changes we saw in the Direct, it's just the roster, the only source of proper speculation, that's shaping up to be ****.

So with all that said, it's been my pleasure everybody. It's been fun though, and part of me wishes it hadn't already ended here in April, but on the other hand I'd rather get the news earliest possible too, instead of having the release of the game be overly bittersweet as was the case with Brawl. I'll stick to my opinion that the Ridley community has been the best place to be in both the Brawl and Smash 4 speculation periods, and I have no regrets having dedicated so many hours and days to the cause, even if it's all been for nothing in the end. So until release, see you all, and have fun.
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Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Look, my most wanted, kamek, is disconfirmed. I accept that. Why do people think that I'm just holding out Hope? That footage in the direct was just oddly..... Odd. No questions about it. No idea what's going on but it seems they were hiding something.
It was odd. I dont care about Ridley, so I have no reason to be biased. Its fishy.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I can only handle so much self-generated assumption-fueled downing. I'll come see how the thread's going tomorrow.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I can only handle so much self-generated assumption-fueled downing. I'll come see how the thread's going tomorrow.
Oh baby that's what I am fueled by. This is nothing. I run the Krystal thread afterall.

Alex Night

Smash Ace
May 15, 2013
So much stuff to read...
Dear lord, sir. All that because you were disappointed by Ridley not being playable? I'm sorry you feel that way, but that's seems like a skewed view. At least Ridley is in Smash 4 in some form rather than not at all. The community is still here to discuss fun things to do with Ridley.
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Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Dear lord, sir. All that because you were disappointed by Ridley not being playable? I'm sorry you feel that way, but that's seems like a skewed view. At least Ridley is in Smash 4 in some form rather than not at all. The community is still here to discuss fun things to do with Ridley.
Considering how much time I've dedicated for the cause of Ridley being a playable character, both pre-Brawl and pre-Smash 4, seeing this old wound being reopened in such a lousy manner just kills all hype immediately. I've never really liked the "At least he's in the game in some form" sentence, because as someone who's as widely recognized as Ridley it's only natural. Heck, it should be natural for him to be playable, but apparently not.

I do love the community, but the best part about it was that it felt like we all contributed to a common goal in our own way, with that goal gone I don't have any intention to keep going personally. I don't think it's as big a deal as you're making it out to be honestly, not taking part in Smash 4 speculation anymore isn't anything drastic, I just don't have any interest in partaking in it anymore.
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Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
You know...I don't have a problem with the rocket stilettos.

I feel like Sakurai took this one controversial design choice from Other M and gave it a crazy twist that could only be accepted in the Smash Bros verse.

Maybe the rocket boots could be implemented in future Metroid titles as a makeshift Space Jump of sorts, or allow Samus to run up walls, or kick enemies in the face. Some sections could involve the almighty but slow Power suit, while others would feature Rocket boot/stealth sections.


Smash Ace
Oct 23, 2013
QLD, Australia
Again, character assassination. Why the bloody hell is Ridley picking up characters and just leisurely carrying them along as if he's from Dragon Tales or something?? He should be grinding them into oblivion, not cruising off to Dragon Land with them.
He can pick up Samus in Super Metroid. Possibly Zero Mission too, but I don't remember.

Alex Night

Smash Ace
May 15, 2013
Considering how much time I've dedicated for the cause of Ridley being a playable character, both pre-Brawl and pre-Smash 4, seeing this old wound being reopened in such a lousy manner just kills all hype immediately. I've never really liked the "At least he's in the game in some form" sentence, because as someone who's as widely recognized as Ridley it's only natural. Heck, it should be natural for him to be playable, but apparently not.

I do love the community, but the best part about it was that it felt like we all contributed to a common goal in our own way, with that goal gone I don't have any intention to keep going personally. I don't think it's as big a deal as you're making it out to be honestly, not taking part in Smash 4 speculation anymore isn't anything drastic, I just don't have any interest in partaking in it anymore.
So is Skull Kid, but people move on. You're really making it more of a big deal than it is. If you really feel that way, then you can try appealling for Ridley in Project M.


Smash Cadet
Jun 27, 2013
Sakurai, in my honest opinion, has always seemed biased when it comes to the metroid series and his perpetual lack of respecting said series. Not out right confirming Ridley's role, boss or otherwise, is callous and cowardly. Yesterday was without a doubt the worst day for Ridley fans. To me the only good thing about yesterday was the return of charizard and that is still not satisfying enough.
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Smash Master
Jan 31, 2014
I don't have time for long posts about explaining and whatnot, but I will say that, I still Believe Ridley has a fair chance, for a few reasons. Since the 3DS game is released this Summer, we will know by then, so I will simply see what happens.

But even if Ridley eventually IS completely disconfirmed, I will stay positive. This doesn't mean in any way that 'Size-Trolls' and such were right. Ridley can be playable pretty easily, and the only thing in his way is Sakurai. Plus, one of the best things about Smash is the hype for Characters you want in, so if Ridley is NOT in this one, I sure know who I will root for in Smash 6.



Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
So is Skull Kid, but people move on. You're really making it more of a big deal than it is. If you really feel that way, then you can try appealling for Ridley in Project M.
Skull Kid is not really comparable to Ridley, considering Ridley has had a ginormous fanbase to back him up, while Skull Kid has never been very requested. I think you're probably reading my post in a much more serious way than I wrote it myself, it simply comes down to me not really having any interest in speculating about the game's content anymore. It's hardly a big deal not discussing something you've lost interest in. As for Project M, it's okay, but just like Melee I can't play it for too many hours before getting tired of it, so I'm not very passionate about Project M.

Either way, I'm done now.
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Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2013
Just found a new leak that confirms ridley as a Stage Hazard 100%. The pic itself just sums up how all the haters see this character......



Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
I'm gonna go to bed. But I'l reiterate some interesting pointers before doing so:

  1. Ridley's shadow is smaller than expected.
    I kind of worked it out.

    This is a rough approximation of where the shadow is, with an estimation of Bowser on the left. A little got cropped off on the right side, and Bowser is obviously going to be smaller due to perspective. But not much.

    The blobs are kind of too close for a boss at all. Like, maybe it's just me, but I am pretty sure if Ridley was a boss, there would be absolutely no mistaking it when comparing his size to other characters. And I mean if anything, his shadow would probably be larger because of his wings. So I have to wonder.
  2. Ridley moves rather erratically and isn't all that smooth. I would expect better from an AI using a preset number of moves every few seconds.
  3. Sakurai never explicitly claims its Ridley and that he can only be fought in the Pyrosphere.
  4. Ridley's been cloned in Other M, leaving leeway for an Alfonzo.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
I don't think Sakurai is intentionally being cruel (maybe). But holy crap is this a cruel and malicious way to deconfirm a character. Why show Ridley like this? Why be ambiguous the whole way? Does he know how much that hurts the fans? Does he know the chaos he unleashed?


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
I wonder what Ridley clones think of each other, has a clone ever met another himself cannonically?
Himself, no. Herself, of course.

Smash thrives on these fanfic-esque chance encounters, so I could see it happening in a perfect world


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2013
The worst part about this debacle, is the whole 7 months that Sakurai have to confirm Ridley as a Boss Character but oh no lets take our sweet time to ***** slap the fan base, I mean really? REALLY!

Meh... I don´t care anymore, Rosalina and Greninja look great to play as, their movesets seem cool and interesting but even then I don´t think they should be before Dixie Kong, King K. Rool and Ridley, heck even Paper Mario should be before them. And I will not even mention WFT.

I will take a break, probably still visit Smash Boards but need a time out to cool myself.

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Smash Ace
Oct 23, 2013
QLD, Australia
This whole thing has been very dubious. Very dubious. As far as stage-related characters have been concerned, Sakurai's been pretty upfront about them so far. He's straight up shown Viridi, the Yellow Devil, the Dark Emperor, Toon Link, Koume and Kotake, etc. But for Ridley, ever since the Pyrosphere was first revealed we've seen nothing. He's been hinted at, but never shown. Even today we still only saw his tail and a vague shadow.

He is building up Ridley big time.

Now, I can't say that I know what plans Sakurai has in store for our beloved space dragon, but I think it's safe to assume that he's fully aware of Ridley's popularity, and he wants to do this character justice some way or another.
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
And if he is just a stage hazard (which he probably is) then the buildup was for nothing.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
And if he is just a stage hazard (which he probably is) then the buildup was for nothing.
Exactly, which is why we believe that there is something going on we don't know.
Look at this from a broader view.

Ridley is consistently one of the most requested characters.
When the Pyrosphere stage was revealed, he hinted at Ridley as a hazard, then left it alone for nearly a year.
Now, just a couple months away from E3, he hinted at the inclusion of Ridley as a hazard again, only much more blatantly. Why would he stoke that flame so openly like that?

It's clear he knows the impact the character and his shenanigans have on the speculative community, and the fanbase as a whole.

Mega Man, the most requested character before E3 2013, was shown off at that event.
Now, with the confirmed release window for the 3DS version of the game being this Summer, the same season as E3, makes it seem all the more likely that a very big character reveal will be there, one that would boost sales dramatically.

Ridley seems like the perfect character for that, because now that he majority of his fans are not expecting it, it would be all the more satisfying to them to see it.

But that's just me. But it seems like the best case scenario now.
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
Honestly I think Sakurai just doesn't understand us. He thinks we'll just be happy to see Ridley there. That hyping him up for a stage hazard will please us. It won't. It doesn't.
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