After reviewing all the Ridley fights I view Ridley as a Dragon/Dark more than before.
*copy+pastes notes from watching people fight Ridley all day*
Here's how I view the Ridley fights:
NES Ridley - Never fought this one myself, but it looks goofy while hopping up and down spamming fireballs. Most people have a tendency to just damage race him (or exploit), which leads to a boring fight no matter what game you play. However, even when people play the game like they are supposed to and freeze the fireballs, it's boring since you can just wail on him for soo long. Also, the booklet even shows a different looking ridley that just looks weird. I just can't take this guy seriously. Normally I like to go back to the first game of a series and play through it, but it's too hard to get far in the original Metroid when Super Metroid does the same thing but vastly improved in every single way.
Super Metroid - Ridley is the main highlight of the Metroid Series for me, much like Meta Knight is the highlight of the Kirby Series for me. A boss that's faster, and harder to predict than the final boss leading to Meta+Ridley being the toughest bosses in their games? Yes please.
He's hard to avoid when you have to worry about his fire breath, tail, and being grabbed all at the same time while he's moving around so fast. The only time you get a breather is when he flies away. At that point you can either jump up to him (Much like bashing your head into a wall because he's too fast for you to stay in the air), or curl up in a ball and hide until he decides to come charging back down to continue wrecking you. While he only has sprite animations for flying, he's most intimidating when he's near the ground in your face, making you run around.
However, much like Meta Knight, some people make this fight incredibly boring by just damage racing against him instead of trying to avoid anything. That sucks all the fun out of any boss fight.
Fusion + Zero Mission - I haven't fought these ones, but here's my opinion based on watching other people fight them: They are cheap remakes of the Super Metroid fight. Ridley is a lot slower, and larger, and they both come with ear piercing screams. Zero mission is at least closer to the super metroid fight.
Metroid Prime - Once again Ridley is the highlight of the game. However, the first phase kind of ruins it for me quite a bit, while the second phase is pretty good.
Phase 1 - He does a lot of easily dodgeable ranged attacks while staying at the edge of the arena when you are able to attack, which is a little underwhelming because of lack of danger. However, what really bothers me, is that when he flies away, you are unable to hit him for 25 seconds which ends up being what you do for most of the fight because of it. It's the most infuriating thing to almost get him into the second form, then he flies away. The concept is cool, but it needs to be sped up big time to be enjoyable.
The second phase, is where he gets more interesting. He jumps around, and charges you often making it very hard for you to get away from him, and if you're too close he'll slash at you (sadly the slash is too slow and short range to ever realisticly hit you). The laser he shoot is awesome looking, however the only intimidating thing about it, is how fast it is making it a bit difficult to dodge.
Overall - Ridley's damage seems incredibly weak, almost as if he was made for people doing single energy tank runs.
Metroid Prime 3 - I haven't played this game yet sadly, someday I will...
First battle - This battle is so goofy. Giant glowing hands and mouth, a little insulting to the players, at least Metroid Prime 1 were a little more subtle about weakpoints. Omega Ridley is goofy in some ways too, but I'll avoid mentioning it there too.
Now for the actually attacks - It takes forever for him to "charge up" his Samus Slap. Those steam vents coming from the wall when you fall seem to be a bigger threat than Ridley himself, when he holds you, you are actually safer. I bet this was all done just so when you see the comparison from this ridley, to Omega Ridley, Omega Ridley will look badass. The setting of falling while fighting him is awesome though. Seeing Ridley come up to grab probably would be intimidating if it weren't for the fact that you need him to do that to hurt him.
Second battle's Cinematic - Nice little walk cycle that Omega has, if Omega Ridley gets in Smash I want to see this walking animation somewhere (or his walk in battle). Samus going into a ball to go behind Ridley makes him look like an idiot, she's not even using a boost ball and she's in range of the tail.
Second battle - Phase 1 - I like the use of fire+fireballs in this fight. The scratching of the floor looks a little silly.
Phase 2 - Why is Ridley suddenly a wizard? At least it kinda makes him kinda look smart proving he's more than just a ferocis beast. .
Phase 3 - He does the whole Aerolfoss from Twilight Princess tactic of flying through giant holes in the walls. However, it's much less intimidating because he doesn't fly fast enough, and sprays bombs instead of doing more focused towards Samus (or getting in your face like Aerolfoss did in Zelda TP). When he lands on the ground during this phase, he actually has the speed that the whole boss fight should have. Sadly, most people kill him too fast for you to even see this since he is such an easy target to shoot when he's in the air.
Overall - The aerial attacks are not very intimidating at all, and he spends a lot of time on the ground.
Metroid Other M - Mystery creature fight, while Ridley looks rediculously goofy with his tongue sticking out and his eyes are not menacing at all, the short time this fight goes on looks like it could be intimidating in terms of gameplay mechanics. It's amusing to see people freak out when they start to get low on health and when the tail goes so fast they can barely keep up with it.
Adult Ridley Fight - In this fight Ridley knows how to work that tail, and I didn't know he could pick you up like in the cinematic since most people dont get picked up. The fireballs in this fight look more intimidating and harder to dodge, even if the big giant blast is basicly the same attack as Ridley jumping on the ground in the previous games, just he stays in the air.