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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


The Inspired Artist
Jul 14, 2014
we can only hope... if i tried visiting only to see the site down, then refreshed later in the day to see "RIDLEY CONFIRMED!" ...i would probably have a very happy heart attack.

then i'd come back from the dead to play as ridley.

...also, i cant help but feel... awkward... when i look at your avatar.

its like its... trying to sully me.
Why should you feel awkward? >:3

Aren't his wings larger now?

So didn't they just screw up even more?

Whoever you're replying to forgot to put [/spoiler] at the end of their post. If you want to prevent it, add [/spoiler] before [./quote]. Hope this helps.
Thanks, I think I fixed it.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
This is what I expect to see on my computer if Ridley is announced.

Error: due to massive popularity of the character, Ridley being playable in smash bros 4. the Internet will be shutting down for a few days please check back with us when the fangasms and high pitched screams of hype and all of the butthurt from haters stop. Thank you for your cooperation.
Fixed. :yeahboi:


May 30, 2014
$50.00 / $??.??
Two Hours without any activity.
Let's get to work, we need to hit 2000 before Ridley's revealed!


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
Two Hours without any activity.
Let's get to work, we need to hit 2000 before Ridley's revealed!
I think the mods mentioned that threads that reach 2000 post begin experiencing difficulties and usually need to be locked to prevent any server issues or something.

So yeah, I guess that'd not be a good idea...

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Two Hours without any activity.
Let's get to work, we need to hit 2000 before Ridley's revealed!
I wouldn't get your hopes up for that. You may only have less than a week to accomplish that.

Either way, the day Ridley is revealed will be the day that this thread will reach 3000 pages. The build up Ridley has received, both through Sakurai's teasing and the intense debates, will make his reveal the single biggest reveal for this installment of Smash.


May 30, 2014
$50.00 / $??.??
But...isn't the thread going to get locked if we reach that number?
I think the mods mentioned that threads that reach 2000 post begin experiencing difficulties and usually need to be locked to prevent any server issues or something.

So yeah, I guess that'd not be a good idea...
,(o-e), Wait, what?


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
Or Concept Artley
F*** NO! That thing is not Ridley for me. He looks too human-like instead of being a lot more like a dragon pterosaur thing he always was. And...just look at his chest, torso, etc. - THAT doesn't looks right! Ridley-X looks better than that. At least that guy still looks like Ridley and not that. And that will not be used since its not Other M design. It is just from concept art from that game. It doesn't counts. Just like Dark Meta Ridley, that weird Omega Ridley design with weird wings, Phantoon's body connected to his head and arms in one of those concept arts, etc. Chances of getting that or classic Ridley (this one may get a trophy, but nothing more) are 0% in Sm4sh. Chances of getting that abomination in any other game is 0%.
It is my failed attempt at making a Ridley alt for Charizard. It would have been done if he would have same bone indexes as Charizard and if his feet wouldn't just disappear.
Two Hours without any activity.
Let's get to work, we need to hit 2000 before Ridley's revealed!
Then we won't be able to reach OVER 9000 pages after Ridley will get confirmed since after 2000th, thread starts to glitch up and turns into Fan of Tuna Phantoon or something like that. If it will happen in 1 hour, then we will reach at least OVER 5000 pages.
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Smash Hero
Jul 5, 2014
Watching the world burn
Make a guess...
That's the point I was getting at. Smash craps all over any concepts previously had about who is or isn't strong and makes up new stuff as needed.

Hence a kick from Ganondorf hurting less than Jigglypuff going to sleep next to you, or say Bowser setting you on fire doing less residual damage than Fox repeatedly sticking his leg up in the air.

Back to Ridley, I think he'd rely more on range and aerial control than pure power. Not to say getting hit by the tip of his tail wouldn't hurt.
Personally I think that for his A moves in general he should have quick swipes with his claws and powerful spikes with his tail for his other attacks


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
Welp, I'm gonna keep posting here to a minimum, lest I start glitching the thread.

Don't worry, I'll prolly respond to things that can't be answered by the 2nd post, or post fanart.


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2014
Ridley's playstyle imo should be focused on the concept of a Grappler with moves functioning similar to command grabs (Ridley should have at least 2 command grabs IMO), with said grabs setting up aerial combos (thus, functioning similar to Launchers) mixed with a Juggler to overwhelm foes in the air. Thus, these command (most, anyway) should probably have low knockback, as so they will still be viable at higher percentages. One command grab should be Ridley able to swoop straight down and grab an opponent with his feet from above, and lift them up higher into the air (reference to SM Ridley, who was notorious for this). I am undecided if this move should even damage; it may be possible for this move to be used entirely for setting up opponents in the air with minimal damage/knockback. Another grab/command grab should maybe be him grabbing you with one arm and drag you on the ground, with the result launching the opponent back into the air but with Ridley carrying his momentum from the drag.

Plasma breath would most likely be a zoning technique, and I can't imagine it getting more then one move (would be nice to be wrong though). Undecided whether it should be classic, multi-fireball sparks that spread (like in Super Metroid) or Prime/Other M plasma which was much more continuous plasma (or in prime's case, a beam). 2D Ridley/Spread would probably be more ideal, as that has far more overt zoning advantages then just a beam. Even better if Ridley could somehow incorporate and control both. Or they might subject the differences to custom moves...

For generic attacks, Ridley's will probably utilize his claws and tails, but I really hope they are few so that Ridley doesn't become a generic Brawler (ala Bowser). When Ridley is in the air, Ridley should possibly be able to incorporate his tail to attack ground (reference to pretty much all his 2-D fights, which he does exactly that). "But if from a certain height Ridley's tail could reach back down to the stage then his tail would be too long!" I disagree, since Other M's fight used a lot of stretching to make Ridley's tail attack at long lengths despite it not being that long otherwise. I guess similar to Diddy's elongated arms when he attacks.

Ridley using his wings to attack I find to be extremely silly. I've always felt with Charizard that if you needed to reach so far as to resort to the character's wings as a method of attacking, then you ran out of ideas.

I truly do believe that Ridley should be extremely disadvantageous on the ground. Normal/Smash moves having very slow wind-up (please no super armor as well), very slow walking/running speeds (or having a very long start-up to get to a decent speed). Ground combat should discouraged at all times for Ridley. If on the ground, a portion of Ridley's move would encourage to launch the opponent back into the air.

Completely undecided on just how much mobility Ridley should harbor in air, and how free-roaming it would be, and how limited it should be.

Just random jumbled thoughts on the direction in which Ridley's design philosophy should be if he were to appear in Smash. I think Ridley should fight mainly inspired by his 2-D forms (especially since Smash Bros. is a 2D environment). Also since we will probably get a fully organic Ridley he most likely will not have many moves from the Prime series at his disposal (like him being able to Air-Raid those bombs in Prime 1's Meta-Ridley fight).

Ridley can be very unique if Sakurai focuses on a certain playstyle that he can harbor (as I said before, I think focusing him to be more of a grappler/juggler would be ideal), but I'm also afraid Sakurai will get lazy and just make Ridley a Heavyweight Brawler w/ glide, with one fireballs zoning. I don't want Ridley to end up with missed potential like Charizard :ohwell:.

For stage entrance, either the eerie glowing eyes from when you encounter Ridley fights in Super Metroid, or Ridley swooping in from the background (similar to Ridley's escape from the Ceres Station in SM). Eerie glowing eyes would be preferred but far less feasible to implement.

i really wish people would stop that stupid playable boss mode exclusive to wii u stuff, too... sakurai never said anything about adding something like that, and it would be unfair to 3DS owners.
Devil's advocate, but Smash 3DS's having the Smash Run is unfair to Wii U owners. :denzel:

Also, Sakurai stated in June 2013 that there were not planning any Wii U functionalities at the time. Whether things changed down in development during a year's time (possibly due to Nintendo's explicit strategy to market the Wii U gamepad functionalites more) remains to be seen. One should not expect Gamepad gimmicks, but at the same time don't be surprised if they show up anyway despite past remarks on the issue (specifically on Ridley, one should not expect Playable Boss Hazard Ridley, but at the same time don't be surprised if it pops up).


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
I don't think Ridley would be revealed in August, actually.

But I get the feeling that there will be something that will give more credence to him being playable and you'll see a surge in the number of his 'supporters'.. Like that Smash Direct trophy quiz theory gaining more momentum or something if there's a trailer for a Zelda character.
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Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I kind of have a hard time that the most teased character in the game would just go completely without any payoff. Even Palutena was revealed before release after her teasing, as were Little Mac or Rosalina with their lesser teasing. I thought he would be hidden myself, but...

Teasing a character for over a year for literally no payoff at all is kind of ridiculous. Not impossible, but definitely ridiculous.

EDIT: Also I gave in and changed my avatar to Ridley. Because reasons.
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Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
F*** NO! That thing is not Ridley for me. He looks too human-like instead of being a lot more like a dragon pterosaur thing he always was. And...just look at his chest, torso, etc. - THAT doesn't looks right! Ridley-X looks better than that. At least that guy still looks like Ridley and not that. And that will not be used since its not Other M design. It is just from concept art from that game. It doesn't counts. Just like Dark Meta Ridley, that weird Omega Ridley design with weird wings, Phantoon's body connected to his head and arms in one of those concept arts, etc. Chances of getting that or classic Ridley (this one may get a trophy, but nothing more) are 0% in Sm4sh. Chances of getting that abomination in any other game is 0%.
Well, Sheik in Brawl was designed after unused concept art of her from Twilight Princess.



Fixed... sort of... ish??


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2014
Laugh Tale
I kind of have a hard time that the most teased character in the game would just go completely without any payoff. Even Palutena was revealed before release after her teasing, as were Little Mac or Rosalina with their lesser teasing. I thought he would be hidden myself, but...

Teasing a character for over a year for literally no payoff at all is kind of ridiculous. Not impossible, but definitely ridiculous.
This. At some point, Sakurai has to reveal Ridley sooner or later. It would be a huge disappointment if Ridley, after all that build-up, was revealed to be a stage hazard after all that hinting and teasing. Why would a stage hazard have this much teasing?


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
F*** NO! That thing is not Ridley for me. He looks too human-like instead of being a lot more like a dragon pterosaur thing he always was. And...just look at his chest, torso, etc. - THAT doesn't looks right! Ridley-X looks better than that. At least that guy still looks like Ridley and not that. And that will not be used since its not Other M design. It is just from concept art from that game. It doesn't counts. Just like Dark Meta Ridley, that weird Omega Ridley design with weird wings, Phantoon's body connected to his head and arms in one of those concept arts, etc. Chances of getting that or classic Ridley (this one may get a trophy, but nothing more) are 0% in Sm4sh. Chances of getting that abomination in any other game is 0%.
001 - Copy.gif

I had to do it...


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
Well, Sheik in Brawl was designed after unused concept art of her from Twilight Princess.


View attachment 21152

Fixed... sort of... ish??
Really? I didn't know about that. Still, it is very unlikely that will be used instead of Roidley or hybrid design.

No, he still looks bad. Muscles on his body really don't fit Ridley. At least Roidley's look more like ribs/lines than just muscles. If he would have Roidley's body, Zero Mission head with Other M teeth, Roidley's wings and Brawl Ridley's legs, then he would be perfect. Or at least something close to that. Only his arms and tail look good.
Also, you made his chest look like it is actually rib cage or whatever its called with lungs inside instead of same thing, but covered with skin and muscles.

At least in Sma5h (if it will ever exist), we could get classic Ridley. In this game, we could get him only if they would redesign him to have Roidley's proportions and add as an alt. That would look nice. I would be more than happy to eat those words with milk (that classic Ridley won't be default model).
He still can be redesigned to be an alt (no pure classic Ridley unless it somehow will be default model of Ridley in Sm4sh) or a trophy...or he can paint himself in purple (skin), red (wings), white (tail spike), green (eyes) and pink (part of the beak, few other parts), kill Roidley, kill everyone who saw him killing Roidley, flip the coin, kill Batman because its simple, eat some ice cream, put the corpse into a very large box, send it to Space Pirates, play SSBB, realize he forgot something, destroy any evidence with fire, personally talk with Sakurai so he won't be kicked out for killing someone, get rid of a bomb because one day you just can't get rid of a bomb and then enjoy his role in Sm4sh. Then most of you will be happy, right?
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Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
Quick question for ya'll: Have Nintendo of America or Sakurai ever flat-out stated Ridley is not a playable character? We've seen it happen to Chrom and various assist trophies, but has Ridley ever been shot down like that?


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
Quick question for ya'll: Have Nintendo of America or Sakurai ever flat-out stated Ridley is not a playable character? We've seen it happen to Chrom and various assist trophies, but has Ridley ever been shot down like that?
No. No one even said "Ridley". They didn't just refuse to reveal his role after 4 months since April Direct, they refuse to SAY HIS NAME since Other M or even Brawl interview where someone asked Sakurai about Ridley. There is something wrong with that...and all of us (or at least most of us) hope that it will lead to good news that will crash smashboards (well...last part isn't something we really want to happen...).
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Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
Quick question for ya'll: Have Nintendo of America or Sakurai ever flat-out stated Ridley is not a playable character? We've seen it happen to Chrom and various assist trophies, but has Ridley ever been shot down like that?

More tease logic. Not getting info is really good while it's supposed to be good in normal situation.

Which is what I live currently for my 2 most wanted which includes Ridley.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
No, he still looks bad. Muscles on his body really don't fit Ridley. At least Roidley's look more like ribs/lines than just muscles. If he would have Roidley's body, Zero Mission head with Other M teeth, Roidley's wings and Brawl Ridley's legs, then he would be perfect. Or at least something close to that. Only his arms and tail look good.
Also, you made his chest look like it is actually rib cage or whatever its called with lungs inside instead of same thing, but covered with skin and muscles.
Brawley actually has a visible six pack. Just pointing that put there.


Also, stuff.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 3, 2002
Warning Received
Devil's advocate, but Smash 3DS's having the Smash Run is unfair to Wii U owners. :denzel:

Also, Sakurai stated in June 2013 that there were not planning any Wii U functionalities at the time. Whether things changed down in development during a year's time (possibly due to Nintendo's explicit strategy to market the Wii U gamepad functionalites more) remains to be seen. One should not expect Gamepad gimmicks, but at the same time don't be surprised if they show up anyway despite past remarks on the issue (specifically on Ridley, one should not expect Playable Boss Hazard Ridley, but at the same time don't be surprised if it pops up).
COMPLETELY different... dont try to pull that crap.

smash run does not have exclusive characters in it that 3DS users get to play as... you're trying to compare a simple mode where we run around and beat up various enemies to something like a hypothetical mode on wii u that would add several characters to the roster for wii u only?

dont even... just... dont freaking even compare the two, because that is total BS logic.

besides that, im sure wii u will have its own exclusive modes, but NOTHING like that.

both games already have different stages, trophies, etc... different modes is gonna happen, most likely... but do NOT use smash run to justify some twisted thought that the wii u version should have a playable ridley and 3DS not have him.


i am about done with this place, the amount of foolishness i find here is just as bad as gamefaqs and miiverse, at times. :evil:

i'll see you guys when ridley is confirmed playable.. FOR BOTH VERSIONS... until then, im saving myself any further harm from overexposure to this kinda crap.

so, see you guys later... i need a long break from this topic, and from forums in general.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Quick question for ya'll: Have Nintendo of America or Sakurai ever flat-out stated Ridley is not a playable character? We've seen it happen to Chrom and various assist trophies, but has Ridley ever been shot down like that?
No. No direct mentioning. No direct showing. Just a shadow, and "an enemy from Samus' past may appear" which doesn't even specify context at all.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
Brawley actually has a visible six pack. Just pointing that put there.

View attachment 21162

Also, stuff.
Then my entire life...is a LIE!
I should have noticed that already...then there is nothing wrong with those things. At least Roidley has not so easily noticable six pac...
Still, i prefer Brawl or Other M Ridley. I just feel that there is something...wrong with this one.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
Then my entire life...is a LIE!
I should have noticed that already...then there is nothing wrong with those things. At least Roidley has not so easily noticable six pac...
Still, i prefer Brawl or Other M Ridley. I just feel that there is something...wrong with this one.
Did you check out your Ridley in the Salty Bet Dream Casino on Twitch.tv?

He was doing good so far; however, he seems to spam his fireballs, not sure if that is the intended goal.

Edit: Forgot to mention that it is was the small Ridley.
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Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
Did you check out your Ridley in the Salty Bet Dream Casino on Twitch.tv?

He was doing good so far; however, he seems to spam his fireballs, not sure if that is the intended goal.

Edit: Forgot to mention that it is was the small Ridley.
If he was Brawl Ridley, then it is part of his strategy (if it was CPU and not player). If it was Other M Ridley...then same thing, but he needs fireballs less. Unless it is something else. Either way, could you give me link to that?
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
I kind of have a hard time that the most teased character in the game would just go completely without any payoff. Even Palutena was revealed before release after her teasing, as were Little Mac or Rosalina with their lesser teasing. I thought he would be hidden myself, but...

Teasing a character for over a year for literally no payoff at all is kind of ridiculous. Not impossible, but definitely ridiculous.

EDIT: Also I gave in and changed my avatar to Ridley. Because reasons.

Nintendo are not idiots. They started this with Brawl, but they have refined the heck out of it for this game. This announcement schedule is not random. It's not haphazard. It is carefully crafted, carefully timed, and expertly designed. The reveals are highly staged, perfectly set up, and perfectly announced. To let the teasing go for so long and not give a payoff is just bad marketing, and Nintendo has been marketing this far too well to make such a rookie mistake.

With the sort of hype they've built, you need a pressure release, or it will hurt the game. You need confirmation, one way or the other, or it will build to frustration and negativity in people.

Why do you think Nintendo hates leaks so much? Because it screws up their schedule. Heck, just look at the major update announcers. Look at how much hype was built by the Robin trailer, versus how subdued the hype was before. Not knowing, that air of not knowing, that constant anticipation, is huge. This entire marketing campaign has been planned out in intricate detail. It isn't just Sakurai going "well, time for an Assist Trophy". This whole thing has been staged to build the maximum amount of hype and sustain it for the maximum amount of time, and it is working masterfully.

They wouldn't make such an obvious mistake as leaving a major point like this unresolved.


Smash Lord
Jul 15, 2014
View attachment 21115
Lady, I don't care what you use, Just. Wreck. Havoc~
Yes. Yes. Where have you been all my live?

I think the mods mentioned that threads that reach 2000 post begin experiencing difficulties and usually need to be locked to prevent any server issues or something.

So yeah, I guess that'd not be a good idea...
I love the idea of this thread growing so big it starts glitching. Irony at its finest.

Ridley's playstyle imo should be focused on the concept of a Grappler with moves functioning similar to command grabs (Ridley should have at least 2 command grabs IMO), with said grabs setting up aerial combos (thus, functioning similar to Launchers) mixed with a Juggler to overwhelm foes in the air. Thus, these command (most, anyway) should probably have low knockback, as so they will still be viable at higher percentages. One command grab should be Ridley able to swoop straight down and grab an opponent with his feet from above, and lift them up higher into the air (reference to SM Ridley, who was notorious for this). I am undecided if this move should even damage; it may be possible for this move to be used entirely for setting up opponents in the air with minimal damage/knockback. Another grab/command grab should maybe be him grabbing you with one arm and drag you on the ground, with the result launching the opponent back into the air but with Ridley carrying his momentum from the drag.

Plasma breath would most likely be a zoning technique, and I can't imagine it getting more then one move (would be nice to be wrong though). Undecided whether it should be classic, multi-fireball sparks that spread (like in Super Metroid) or Prime/Other M plasma which was much more continuous plasma (or in prime's case, a beam). 2D Ridley/Spread would probably be more ideal, as that has far more overt zoning advantages then just a beam. Even better if Ridley could somehow incorporate and control both. Or they might subject the differences to custom moves...

For generic attacks, Ridley's will probably utilize his claws and tails, but I really hope they are few so that Ridley doesn't become a generic Brawler (ala Bowser). When Ridley is in the air, Ridley should possibly be able to incorporate his tail to attack ground (reference to pretty much all his 2-D fights, which he does exactly that). "But if from a certain height Ridley's tail could reach back down to the stage then his tail would be too long!" I disagree, since Other M's fight used a lot of stretching to make Ridley's tail attack at long lengths despite it not being that long otherwise. I guess similar to Diddy's elongated arms when he attacks.

Ridley using his wings to attack I find to be extremely silly. I've always felt with Charizard that if you needed to reach so far as to resort to the character's wings as a method of attacking, then you ran out of ideas.

I truly do believe that Ridley should be extremely disadvantageous on the ground. Normal/Smash moves having very slow wind-up (please no super armor as well), very slow walking/running speeds (or having a very long start-up to get to a decent speed). Ground combat should discouraged at all times for Ridley. If on the ground, a portion of Ridley's move would encourage to launch the opponent back into the air.

Completely undecided on just how much mobility Ridley should harbor in air, and how free-roaming it would be, and how limited it should be.

Just random jumbled thoughts on the direction in which Ridley's design philosophy should be if he were to appear in Smash. I think Ridley should fight mainly inspired by his 2-D forms (especially since Smash Bros. is a 2D environment). Also since we will probably get a fully organic Ridley he most likely will not have many moves from the Prime series at his disposal (like him being able to Air-Raid those bombs in Prime 1's Meta-Ridley fight).

Ridley can be very unique if Sakurai focuses on a certain playstyle that he can harbor (as I said before, I think focusing him to be more of a grappler/juggler would be ideal), but I'm also afraid Sakurai will get lazy and just make Ridley a Heavyweight Brawler w/ glide, with one fireballs zoning. I don't want Ridley to end up with missed potential like Charizard :ohwell:.

For stage entrance, either the eerie glowing eyes from when you encounter Ridley fights in Super Metroid, or Ridley swooping in from the background (similar to Ridley's escape from the Ceres Station in SM). Eerie glowing eyes would be preferred but far less feasible to implement.

Devil's advocate, but Smash 3DS's having the Smash Run is unfair to Wii U owners. :denzel:

Also, Sakurai stated in June 2013 that there were not planning any Wii U functionalities at the time. Whether things changed down in development during a year's time (possibly due to Nintendo's explicit strategy to market the Wii U gamepad functionalites more) remains to be seen. One should not expect Gamepad gimmicks, but at the same time don't be surprised if they show up anyway despite past remarks on the issue (specifically on Ridley, one should not expect Playable Boss Hazard Ridley, but at the same time don't be surprised if it pops up).
Amen to you.
I'm toying with the idea of making a moveset of my own. I quite like the idea of Ridley having attacks specifically designed to throw the opponent into the air for follow-up attacks.
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Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
Assuming if we even get a smash bros Nintendo direct this month how many days does Nintendo usually tell us before it happens.
It depends on what the direct is about.

General is simple: always the day before at around noon or so. Twitter first, but you should be informed by checking nintendo news site daily.

Specific is...kinda random. it's some days before, but that is undetermined. The smash direct had 4 days of tease so I guess it's around that. What is interesting is that Sakurai used POTD to do this announcement and I think it would be the case again.

Tough, if it's like on a Wednesday or Thursday, I think it would be the day before.

If it's just a trailer, completely random unless the announcement is on Friday making a 3 days wait to Monday more likely like what happened on the Robin/Lucina/C falcon reveal.

TL;DR I can't tell, it's too random and we just wait...
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 18, 2014
So I've been lurking on this thread for a few days now, and I was just now wondering about something from the Ridley Shadow tease. It mostly has to do with this PotD from all the way back in May:

The leg and arm positions of some characters will automatically be mirrored when facing left or right. Mario, for example, will have his chest shown in the foreground regardless of whether he's facing right or left. This was quite a tedious task, but thanks to it we can show the best features of each character even better.
And this Pic from the same post:

Here's another example: in the previous games, you saw the back of Kirby's head when facing left. Now Kirby looks great from any angle.
What I'm wondering is whether or not this kind of front-facing is evident in the Ridley Shadow tease? Do you think this has any baring on the "Playable Ridley" hypothesis? Also, do we know if this behavior manifests during walking or aerial movement animations? If not, then it shouldn't be evident during the Ridley tease, but if it does, then shouldn't it be evident?

I know this is probably really trivial, but I'm still curious. I'm gonna go watch some demo footage to see whether or not this mirroring happens during movement; I definitely have too much time on my hands. I just needs me some Ridley news!!!!!!!!!
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