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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2014
You know how Ridley being teased like this is one of the only reasons we think he will be in? Well, weren't other bosses teased the same way? For example, Yellow Devil. He was teased at the end of the Megeman trailer. The Find Mii guy was even teased in a PoTD, kinda like Ridley. Maybe Sakurai is teasing this way because he knows Ridley has a pretty big fanbase...

Also I am NOT a detractor, and I want Ridley in more than anything so please don't kill me for stating this.

Aunt Jemima

It's ya girl
Jul 2, 2014
You know how Ridley being teased like this is one of the only reasons we think he will be in? Well, weren't other bosses teased the same way? For example, Yellow Devil. He was teased at the end of the Megeman trailer. The Find Mii guy was even teased in a PoTD, kinda like Ridley. Maybe Sakurai is teasing this way because he knows Ridley has a pretty big fanbase...

Also I am NOT a detractor, and I want Ridley in more than anything so please don't kill me for stating this.
why did you do this




Smash Ace
Jul 28, 2014
Parappa Town, USA
On an unrelated note I live in fear everyday that the next PotD will be a Ridley deconfirmation.

Lucky for me today is not that day, the PotD is up on the website


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2014
I know I am a really big Ridley fan...But I don't know if he's even going to be in at this point... :(


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
*Ridley`s arm*ER *game crashes*

I can`t wait for the day when i will visit official Smash Bros. site and see word "Ридли"/"Ridley"...for how long i must wait...my favourite dragon...and i can`t wait to see reactions of toobigots to that...
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Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Seattle, WA
PotD is a Paper Mario Sticker Star stage and/or assist trophy. That fan in the background was a sticker you used in-game. Art style is reminiscent of Sticker Star as well. Just an FYI, since there's no comment on it on Miiverse yet.

Edit: as I was typing this, front page updated. With a TTYD part of the stage in the second picture! :D

Ridley's jump is actually the thing that sticks out the most about the footage we've seen. More than shadow analysis, more than his possible grab of Pikachu or his wings flapping. His jump does not appear to be any sort of attack and he changes direction very quickly back towards the center of the stage (i.e. the opposite way). It sure looks like a jump a la any other playable character more than a boss character. Also, you know who else had a gliding mechanic in Brawl? Meta Knight. Sakurai took the mechanic away from Pit specifically. There's been yet to be a mention of good ol' MK to this date, and it's possible the gliding mechanic could have gone to Ridley. However, this animation we've been shown looks like gliding with the horizontal slide that Peach has. New mechanic? Check. Odd jerky animations for a supposed stage hazard? Check. Ambiguous wording that never explicitly said the word "Ridley" and said "boss characters" not "stage hazards"? Check. And to top it all off, he passively JUMPS back to the middle of the stage? Checkaroo.
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Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
You know how Ridley being teased like this is one of the only reasons we think he will be in? Well, weren't other bosses teased the same way? For example, Yellow Devil. He was teased at the end of the Megeman trailer. The Find Mii guy was even teased in a PoTD, kinda like Ridley. Maybe Sakurai is teasing this way because he knows Ridley has a pretty big fanbase...

Also I am NOT a detractor, and I want Ridley in more than anything so please don't kill me for stating this.
Yellow Devil was shown with the showcasing of Mega Man's stage and was shown in a way that made it clear he wasn't playable. Dark Emperor was presented in the same way.

Ridley was indirectly hinted to be in no specified role when Pyrosphere was announced. Eight months later he had still not been mentioned, properly shown, or had his role made apparent. Instead we got footage of his shadow, no direct attention brought to him whatsoever, and the indication that he is pretty far downgraded from what his his normal role (thus not worth hyping to begin with).

The closest comparison would be Palutena, who was indirectly alluded to without being named in a PotD in which her stage was introduced and was not brought up again until her reveal trailer. Ridley's situation is more or less similar to that, except with the addition of a shadow.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2014
Yellow Devil was shown with the showcasing of Mega Man's stage and was shown in a way that made it clear he wasn't playable. Dark Emperor was presented in the same way.

Ridley was indirectly hinted to be in no specified role when Pyrosphere was announced. Eight months later he had still not been mentioned, properly shown, or had his role made apparent. Instead we got footage of his shadow, no direct attention brought to him whatsoever, and the indication that he is pretty far downgraded from what his his normal role (thus not worth hyping to begin with).

The closest comparison would be Palutena, who was indirectly alluded to without being named in a PotD in which her stage was introduced and was not brought up again until her reveal trailer. Ridley's situation is more or less similar to that, except with the addition of a shadow.
I know what you are saying, but when Ridley was shown, there were a lot of people who were sure he was a boss, do you not agree? The fact that it has been so long without any sort of indication could put some more points towards he potential character, though.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I know what you are saying, but when Ridley was shown, there were a lot of people who were sure he was a boss, do you not agree? The fact that it has been so long without any sort of indication could put some more points towards he potential character, though.
A lot of people thought a lot of things. But we know for a fact that when Sakurai presents a character he attempts to make it pretty clear if they are playable or not. He went as far as to clarify that Chrom was not playable after he was shown in Robin's final smash. Not one character has been confirmed to not be playable after being teased and hinted at without being mentioned or shown. The only character comparable is Palutena.

The point is, Sakurai does not want to build false hype where there is nothing. If he shows a character is not playable and wants people to understand they aren't playable, then he is going to clarify it. Which he has done a LOT.

If he shows a character is playable or might be playable and wants people to BELIEVE they may not be playable, then he isn't going to clarify that. Because then the hype explodes in a positive way.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 3, 2002
Because Takamaru was considered to be a major disconfirmation by the fanbase, and just so happened to coincide on the first day of the PotD week. I wouldn't put any stock in it though, it's just a coincidence.

And a Ridley disconfirmation missed its opportunity twice, in both late August (after Pyrosphere) and then the April Direct (in which Sakurai had no reason to hold him back if he wasn't playable). I doubt it will happen now, only if the roster is leaked and he isn't on there.
why was takamaru considered a "major" one?

i dont think i even know who the guy is... not sure i ever heard of him, actually...


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
why was takamaru considered a "major" one?

i dont think i even know who the guy is... not sure i ever heard of him, actually...
He's one of those characters that people have brought up with some consistency since the Brawl days, like Sukapon or Isaac. Who are also characters not everyone knows about.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 2, 2011
under a rock
Touches down!

Has returned!

Fits in!

Reference to a flight gimmick, reference to his "Cunning God of Death" title, reference to the "TOO BIG" argument. BOOM.

Honestly I'm always on the edge of my seat with Ridley whenever I think of Smash. Is it bad that I'm also just as excited to bathe in the blood of every detractor once he's revealed(in a hot spring tastefully situated in our lovely sp'lounge)?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2014
So far this weeks PotD have been pretty good. Let's just hope that this continues with Ridley's confirmation next week.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
Switch FC
I know what you are saying, but when Ridley was shown, there were a lot of people who were sure he was a boss, do you not agree? The fact that it has been so long without any sort of indication could put some more points towards he potential character, though.
Sakurai also made people think Phosphora was only a trophy

Then this showed up in Palutena's Smash Bros. page pics

All assist trophies have clearly stated they aren't characters, and we know how the Yellow Devil and (mostly) Dark Emperor work now. Yet it's been a year and we have nothing on how the pyrosphere stage will work, or just flat out conformation if Ridley is a stage boss or not. Which is odd because as it stands Palutena would be the closest scenario to Ridley at the moment, she was teased and never mention by name till her reveal.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 3, 2002
hmm... so today's picture is... a paper mario stage.

thats pretty cool... i never did get to play paper mario, though, unfortunately.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
If you ask some people the SSE WAS a long painful process. :awesome:
Ouch, the irony.

Nah, nah, we cool. We worked out a non-Ridley related issue outside of the Ridley thread. Seems a lot of folks should be doing that.
You would think... Even during the thread's earlier days, when I had a non-Ridley related issue/discussion with someone here long enough, I usually took the rest of it to PMs eventually, but that kind of courtesy is pretty rare here now, sadly.

And > Corocoro. If they're only showing the starting roster, then I know not to care about it far as Ridley's concerned.

Heh, just came across this. You size specialists' take on it?



Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2014
Space Australia
I imagine Ridley will be revealed next week. Mostly because I'll be away for the week with probably no internet access and that's just the way my luck works. Also I'll probably hit my head and forget who Ridley is. :teeth:

Edit: Also I find it funny that the cool looking Ridley above isn't level with Samus, so he's actually almost the same height. XD
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Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2014
Good to see that it is "only" a paper-mario-stage in the POTD...I had one of these weird double-lucid-dreams today, you know those where you think something is totally real, think you have woken up but are actually still sleeping? Both of 'em had Ridley as an assist trophy "shudders". I was so happy when i woke up for real that it was all a dream... Ridley as a Boss? if you must. Ridley as a glorified stage hazard? Not doing him justice but i could see it happening. AT? NO PLIS NO. He doesn't deserve to be downgraded by such an extreme D:
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Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2014
You know how Ridley being teased like this is one of the only reasons we think he will be in? Well, weren't other bosses teased the same way? For example, Yellow Devil. He was teased at the end of the Megeman trailer. The Find Mii guy was even teased in a PoTD, kinda like Ridley. Maybe Sakurai is teasing this way because he knows Ridley has a pretty big fanbase...

Also I am NOT a detractor, and I want Ridley in more than anything so please don't kill me for stating this.
It is a posibility, yes. Its something I try to keep in mind all the time.

The teasing is not the same though. The act of teasing in itself is not the main driving force of the "denial", its the near lack of information.
With Yellow Devil, the first thing we see is its intro animation, everybody could notice its size, and it was clear right away that it would not be a playable character. We knew it would occupy a large area of the stage and be grounded. It did took almost a year to explain how it worked, but everyone knew its basics from the start.
The Dark Emperor and the Orne also show gameplay details right away, their size, their location in the stage. With the Dark Emperor it was even easier to get an idea of what he would do since the stage was based on the AR game, probably the reason why Sakurai didn't mention his name right away.

I think he is being withheld the most out of all the other revealed "hazards", we don't know how he looks like, his size, his position in the stage. We know that a part of his movement lasts 10 seconds and doesn't do anything (he does hover in Other M, but it would be smashing the stage with his tail or shooting stage-engulfing fireballs, something his shadow doesn't reveal).

I think the other factors contribute more to his not-NPC status than the teasing.


Smash Cadet
Jul 25, 2014
You'd think he'd just come out and say if he's not playable, he said he was not the type to tease false things before didn't he?
Yeah, but After Ridley no show In Melee and Brawl I don’t trust him that much, I have to say if this was a western developed game Ridley would be a given to be in, we would be heard loud and clear, But what we find cool (Purple Pirate Space Dragon) Is not what Japan finds cool, (Chorus Men, ahem no offence) I know we did get thrown a bone with Little Mac, just don’t know how many more we are going to get.

I still have hope though.. I mean if it was like anything else he would have been shown off in a Pic of the Day, right after the August Direct, Not drag it out thisssssssss long.

P.S. Cool pic


Smash Ace
Jul 28, 2014
Parappa Town, USA
Yeah, but After Ridley no show In Melee and Brawl I don’t trust him that much, I have to say if this was a western developed game Ridley would be a given to be in, we would be heard loud and clear, But what we find cool (Purple Pirate Space Dragon) Is not what Japan finds cool, (Chorus Men, ahem no offence) I know we did get thrown a bone with Little Mac, just don’t know how many more we are going to get.

I still have hope though.. I mean if it was like anything else he would have been shown off in a Pic of the Day, right after the August Direct, Not drag it out thisssssssss long.

P.S. Cool pic
Metroid month is upon us, and the same month as a direct, I think Ridley would be a pleasant surprise then, to my knowledge Palutena was highly requested in japan, and wasn't even thought about over here in NA until the leaked picture. Also a rhythm heaven character is almost a guarantee, and Japan loves that game, so I think we might get one more bone in the inclusion of Ridley.


Smash Lord
Jul 15, 2014
Yeah, but After Ridley no show In Melee and Brawl I don’t trust him that much, I have to say if this was a western developed game Ridley would be a given to be in, we would be heard loud and clear, But what we find cool (Purple Pirate Space Dragon) Is not what Japan finds cool, (Chorus Men, ahem no offence) I know we did get thrown a bone with Little Mac, just don’t know how many more we are going to get.

I still have hope though.. I mean if it was like anything else he would have been shown off in a Pic of the Day, right after the August Direct, Not drag it out thisssssssss long.

P.S. Cool pic
Thing is, he is in all probability aware of Ridley's fanbase. We wanted Ridley since Melee. And Sakurai said he doesn't like fake hype, so why would he tease a fan-favourite character only to add him as a boss?
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