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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Hero
Jul 5, 2014
Watching the world burn
Make a guess...
While I def prefer Ridley over Sylux, Sylux character was by far the most interesting from the hunters lore. and actually I would love to see Sylux on another metroid game.

Regarding Metroid lore stuff i would love to see in the next metroid game:
-Sylux returning, posible as a constant hazard with gameplay implications, instead of a boss battle (I think that samus is far more powerful than Sylux on a straight 1v1 arena, but sylux isn't as stupid to face samus on a straight arena, Look how rundas ended :p)
-Anthony Higgs returning as a NPC comrade. mostly giving samus a little of human socialization before entering at full into the desolate wilderness of metroid.
-A Chozo character . In Prime I loved reading the logs, including Chozo ones. i'm not sure if this character should be a lone survivor, or be already dead, since I kinda like that Samus carries the burden of an exctint race. but having at least an aparition as a ghost. I really love Chozo designs.

In fact i'm not completly sure if i want space pirates or even Ridley, unless it's pretty well written into the story. you know, poor guys shouldn't be overused. and we don't want Ridley to turn into the series anime team rocket.
Agreed, it should make sense for them to be there to put them in, and if the game is right after Prime 3 in chronological order, I'm hoping for a lack of phazon, and lack of "prime" being in the title. It was a good trilogy, and that's all I believe it should be, Dark Samus HAS to be dead this time (and I'm saying this because I believe the whole trilogy is based around Dark Samus, as she's appeared in all 3 in one form or another)


Smash Master
Apr 14, 2014
Agreed, it should make sense for them to be there to put them in, and if the game is right after Prime 3 in chronological order, I'm hoping for a lack of phazon, and lack of "prime" being in the title. It was a good trilogy, and that's all I believe it should be, Dark Samus HAS to be dead this time (and I'm saying this because I believe the whole trilogy is based around Dark Samus, as she's appeared in all 3 in one form or another)
Maybe Ridley could be the villain of THIS GAME. And as a final boss. (That'd be cool) Or we could have a rogue GFED man find a bunch of chozo technology and rival samus.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Seattle, WA

This is the first time I'm seeing Sylux embraced by anyone other than me... It's quite impressive! I think Sylux would be an amazing choice as a third (fourth? are we counting ZSS?) Metroid rep, but after Ridley. I feel like Ridley has more of a chance, but Sylux could get in there if they use him as some sort of promotion for Metroid U (if they use him, I think that'd be interesting).
Sylux is my favorite hunter that isn't Samus (YES THAT INCLUDES RUNDAS) in the Metroid series. Trace is my second favorite Hunters character, mostly because his Imperialist was my best gun in the game. A Wii U reboot/sequel would really do it justice, as most of its flaws were due to DS software limitations. I liked Hunters much better than, say, Other M, or even some Mario games, and I know I'm a Metroid fanboy.

As for this whole DLC nonsense, I DON'T WANT ANY CHARACTERS IF IT DOES HAPPEN. Leave the roster as is. I'm sure the final roster, Ridley (hopefully) or not, will be passable, and you'll have someone that you'll like to play as. I'd still have an apparently badass Bowser and revamped Samus and ZSS to main. The only thing Ridley being confirmed would do is make me preorder the 3DS version that very day. Otherwise, I'm waiting for the Wii U version.


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2014
Seretei, California
Sylux is my favorite hunter that isn't Samus (YES THAT INCLUDES RUNDAS) in the Metroid series. Trace is my second favorite Hunters character, mostly because his Imperialist was my best gun in the game. A Wii U reboot/sequel would really do it justice, as most of its flaws were due to DS software limitations. I liked Hunters much better than, say, Other M, or even some Mario games, and I know I'm a Metroid fanboy.

As for this whole DLC nonsense, I DON'T WANT ANY CHARACTERS IF IT DOES HAPPEN. Leave the roster as is. I'm sure the final roster, Ridley (hopefully) or not, will be passable, and you'll have someone that you'll like to play as. I'd still have an apparently badass Bowser and revamped Samus and ZSS to main. The only thing Ridley being confirmed would do is make me preorder the 3DS version that very day. Otherwise, I'm waiting for the Wii U version.
Sylux is definitely awesome, although I think he can take on Samus in a one on one for sure. Also, dlc would be awesome, as all the characters that have be deconfirmed get another shot. What if Ridleys deconfirmed? Dlc may be an opportunity.


Smash Master
Apr 14, 2014
Sylux is definitely awesome, although I think he can take on Samus in a one on one for sure. Also, dlc would be awesome, as all the characters that have be deconfirmed get another shot. What if Ridleys deconfirmed? Dlc may be an opportunity.
But he's not.

Nat Perry

Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2014
I'd like to see a sequel to Fusion. Samus is part Metroid and she can't trust the Galactic Federation anymore. If the game somehow tied those two things into the story and gameplay, that would be awesome. I'd also like to see some Anthony and Sylux action going on. Not in that way. Just putting those two characters in the game somehow would be great.

I also like to entertain the idea that Adam survived the self-destruction of Sector Zero. That would open up some plot possibilities as well.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2014
i wonder what fanbase's hope and dreams sakurai crushes tomorrow :/ hopefully no one and its just info on something else


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
DLC discussion is finally over...now something else must take its place...

Ridley and Meta Ridley appeared as separate beings in SSE because they are not actual characters and instead are just trophies brought to live. It also is basicly the same thing as ZSS and Samus appearing as separate beings.

I remember reading either a thread, post or blog about why Ridley can`t be playable and they used Prime 3 Meta Ridley...i have been so delusional the entire time because he is so big that the is smaller than Bowser in games like Super Mario Galaxy or New Super Mario Bros. U (after getting bigger) and suddenly becomes as big as Bowser usually is (his "common" size is NSMB one)...yeah, can`t be resized...duh...
I also like to entertain the idea that Adam survived the self-destruction of Sector Zero. That would open up some plot possibilities as well.
Sector got locked. Then it went boom. Its impossible to survive with weapons and equipment he had. And he had no helmet by the way.
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Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2014
Seretei, California
DLC discussion is finally over...now something else must take its place...

Ridley and Meta Ridley appeared as separate beings in SSE because they are not actual characters and instead are just trophies brought to live. It also is basicly the same thing as ZSS and Samus appearing as separate beings.

I remember reading either a thread, post or blog about why Ridley can`t be playable and they used Prime 3 Meta Ridley...i have been so delusional the entire time because he is so big that the is smaller than Bowser in games like Super Mario Galaxy or New Super Mario Bros. U (after getting bigger) and suddenly becomes as big as Bowser usually is (his "common" size is NSMB one)...yeah, can`t be resized...duh...
What did I just read?

Nat Perry

Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2014
Ridley's already confirmed, it's just his role that's up in the air, come on now guys, get it right but don't bite like a mite out of spite using your might to fight, ok, tight.

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Smash Hero
Jul 5, 2014
Watching the world burn
Make a guess...
DLC discussion is finally over...now something else must take its place...

Ridley and Meta Ridley appeared as separate beings in SSE because they are not actual characters and instead are just trophies brought to live. It also is basicly the same thing as ZSS and Samus appearing as separate beings.

I remember reading either a thread, post or blog about why Ridley can`t be playable and they used Prime 3 Meta Ridley...i have been so delusional the entire time because he is so big that the is smaller than Bowser in games like Super Mario Galaxy or New Super Mario Bros. U (after getting bigger) and suddenly becomes as big as Bowser usually is (his "common" size is NSMB one)...yeah, can`t be resized...duh...

Sector got locked. Then it went boom. Its impossible to survive with weapons and equipment he had. And he had no helmet by the way.
I still wonder why Adam couldn't of just chucked a couple grenades in there to do the damage to cause it to blow up, he seemed to have enough weapons


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
This thread is about discussing Ridley (not leaks, not other Metroid characters, but Ridley alone) and his inclusion in Smash for Wii U/3DS. What the actual hell is so difficult to understand about that?

And no, making jokes about the water or adding "I mentiond Ridley so this post is okay" or anything to that effect, much less the Socialesque spam that's been going on in here, does not justify any of it.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Fear glorious IsmaR possibly one of the reason this thread is open. Anyway let's hope if this is the week of the destruction it does not affect the cunning god of death.
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Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2014
Seretei, California
Fear glorious IsmaR possibly one of the reason this thread is open. Anyway let's hope if this is the week of the destruction it does not affect the cunning god of death.
Ismars rage has been ignited!

I certainly hope deconfirmation week doesn't slay Ridley, but i suspect bad news relatively soon... Hopefully we are all wrong and that the pic of the day is just some random smash run enemy or something.
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Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2014
And when I called them out on it, they began the usual "LOLOLOL UR FUNNY I CANT WAIT TO DRINK UR TEARS" kind of behavior that detractors generally do when you run them into a corner.

What a time to be alive.
Pretty much whenever we have one of them cornered they start throwing any and all of their anti-Ridley points at us. But we always break through those "points" like

I really can't stand detractors like the ones you showed in that Miiverse Comment. I feel as though this thread has really helped me learn to argue against them better than I could before I joined SmashBoards and the Ridley thread. So thanks to all of you. :)


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
I still wonder why Adam couldn't of just chucked a couple grenades in there to do the damage to cause it to blow up, he seemed to have enough weapons
He had no grenades as far as i remember and his group would not bring them to bottle ship since their goal was to find survivors and (most likely) destroy evidence that this ship even existed. Was there anyone on bottle ship who had grenades?

Is there any differences between Brawl Meta Ridley model and Prime 1 model except for chin spike and resized wings?
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 3, 2002
ok... nevermind, i guess the thread had moved ahead while i was away... i hate how fast this thing moves, sometimes.

so is all the trouble finally over? i hope so... it was getting on my last nerve.
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Nat Perry

Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2014
He had no grenades as far as i remember. Was there anyone on bottle ship who had grenades?

Is there any differences between Brawl Meta Ridley model and Prime 1 model except for chin spike and resized wings?
There are some aesthetics added to the Brawl Meta Ridley model that make him look more mechanized, such as holes in his tail segments and some added detail on his thighs.

EDIT: Never mind. I don't see any differences.
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Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
i wonder what fanbase's hope and dreams sakurai crushes tomorrow :/ hopefully no one and its just info on something else
Frankly if a character I like wouldn't be in the game (the roster is probably ready months ago) I would prefer a desconfirmation the sooner the better.

Which is why I would be quite pissed if Ridley was just a boss...

So I hope he deconfirms something popular but that Isn't a playable character tomorrow. folowwed by a vet reveal to make the bitter taste more manegable :p


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
ok, this is it... i am sick and tired of this DLC BS... you guys can continue arguing with this guy about it... but im ignoring him... and im not apologizing for what i said before, because every post he makes proves me right. :glare:

i suggest everyone do the same and just MOVE ON... this thread is falling apart, seriously.
We have already come to a understanding in private messages.
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Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2014
What happened ogre here.

Stop it. This place is turning into a trainshrek.

Anyhow, Ridley.

Let's talk about him. Because why not.
Actually I have been meaning to follow up on the z air thing we briefly talked about, what if he swoops down and grabs them with his feet or perhaps his tail maybe like the shadow in the direct possibly did. And then he flies back up a little and like a grab you can pummel them and throw them in 4 directions I think that would a great special ability for Ridley.

Also IsmaR your sig is very distracting :awesome:


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2014
Seretei, California
Pretty much whenever we have one of them cornered they start throwing any and all of their anti-Ridley points at us. But we always break through those "points" like

I really can't stand detractors like the ones you showed in that Miiverse Comment. I feel as though this thread has really helped me learn to argue against them better than I could before I joined SmashBoards and the Ridley thread. So thanks to all of you. :)
I was thinking more along these lines
I've noticed that many of the the detractors I've seen have just given up on arguments in general, the evidence against the "too big" argument has just been stacked too high.

Ridley just has so much potential, I don't see where these arguments even come from.
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