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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2014
The level of off-topicness that's gone on in this thread is ridiculous. And that's saying something if I'm commenting on it. I usually get annoyed when mods flip out over the slightest bit of diversion (though usually 'cause the mod themselves don't actually contribute in the process), but I'm actually wondering at this point WHERE ARE THE MODS!? Whip you guys back onto the proper Path of Ridley.

So at the very least... DROP THIS 'DLC' DISCUSSION!

But seriously though, that's how it is here. As long as it relates to Ridley, some of us see it as on topic.

How does it relate to Ridley? If he isn't in the game, we think he could still be DLC. So we're discussing if that could be a possibility.

Welcome to the Ridley thread. It's a maze of conversation topics here, but in the end it all leads back to Ridley.


Smash Master
Apr 14, 2014
While I def prefer Ridley over Sylux, Sylux character was by far the most interesting from the hunters lore. and actually I would love to see Sylux on another metroid game.

Regarding Metroid lore stuff i would love to see in the next metroid game:
-Sylux returning, posible as a constant hazard with gameplay implications, instead of a boss battle (I think that samus is far more powerful than Sylux on a straight 1v1 arena, but sylux isn't as stupid to face samus on a straight arena, Look how rundas ended :p)
-Anthony Higgs returning as a NPC comrade. mostly giving samus a little of human socialization before entering at full into the desolate wilderness of metroid.
-A Chozo character . In Prime I loved reading the logs, including Chozo ones. i'm not sure if this character should be a lone survivor, or be already dead, since I kinda like that Samus carries the burden of an exctint race. but having at least an aparition as a ghost. I really love Chozo designs.

In fact i'm not completly sure if i want space pirates or even Ridley, unless it's pretty well written into the story. you know, poor guys shouldn't be overused. and we don't want Ridley to turn into the series anime team rocket.
The logs are the best part.


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014

But seriously though, that's how it is here. As long as it relates to Ridley, some of us see it as on topic.

How does it relate to Ridley? If he isn't in the game, we think he could still be DLC. So we're discussing if that could be a possibility.

Welcome to the Ridley thread. It's a maze of conversation topics here, but in the end it all leads back to Ridley.
Ah, so Ridley is like the ocean; Large, imposing, and the source which all streams lead back to.

So, change of topic; Who do you think will be the next Ridley?


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2004
The space between genius and madness
To further help keep things going, somebody brought this up on NeoGAF:


Huh, someone in /v/ pointed out that pyrosphere has those cylinders which Ridley activates in MOM during his boss fight to tilt the platform.
They're talking about the mysterious purple things on the edge of the stage.

....HUH??? Since when did Other M Ridley do anything like that in the Geothermal Plant? I'm pretty sure he doesn't, so I don't know at all where this is coming from. Perhaps some guy just talking crap and it got taken seriously?

Edit - Shut up Con0rrrr... :(
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Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
Switch FC

But seriously though, that's how it is here. As long as it relates to Ridley, some of us see it as on topic.

How does it relate to Ridley? If he isn't in the game, we think he could still be DLC. So we're discussing if that could be a possibility.

Welcome to the Ridley thread. It's a maze of conversation topics here, but in the end it all leads back to Ridley.
It started with a Ridley DLC petetion, turned to Weavel saying he thought Ridley had no chance without DLC, people arguing about if Ridley wasn't playable on launch he wouldn't be playable at all, to questioning if Sakurai would add Smash DLC at all, which is where the debate is still at.

Weavel hijacked the thread, ran over metaphorical Ridley, threw his remains in the furnace along ago and this derail still hasn't come to a stop.
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Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
The purple tubes on the stage seem to be purely cosmetic, I think.

They certainly did not exist in Other M.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
To further help keep things going, somebody brought this up on NeoGAF:


They're talking about the mysterious purple things on the edge of the stage.

....HUH??? Since when did Other M Ridley do anything like that in the Geothermal Plant? I'm pretty sure he doesn't, so I don't know at all where this is coming from. Perhaps some guy just talking crap and it got taken seriously?

Edit - Shut up Con0rrrr... :(
Definitely some guy talking crap, I don't even remember if the cylinders even are in Other M. One thing's for certain, Ridley never interacts with them.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2014
Who's going to be the next huge controversial character that will surpass the main discussion itself?
Oh, umm. I guess Nicolas Cage doesn't really fit then...
I don't really know if there will be one. Maybe K Rool?

It started with a Ridley DLC petetion, turned to Weavel saying he thought Ridley had no chance without DLC, people arguing about if Ridley wasn't playable on launch he wouldn't be playable at all, to questioning if Sakurai would add Smash DLC at all, which is where the debate is still at.

Weavel hijacked the thread, ran over metaphorical Ridley, threw his remains in the furnace along ago and this derail still hasn't come to a stop.
Again with the blaming Weavel! Everyone needs to stop accusing Weavel, seriously.


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
Oh, umm. I guess Nicolas Cage doesn't really fit then...
I don't really know if there will be one. Maybe K Rool?

Again with the blaming Weavel! Everyone needs to stop accusing Weavel, seriously.
Assuming K. Rool doesn't make the cut, decent choice.
I'm thinking Mewtwo, but I also think he's back in.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
There is absolutely nothing pointing away from it and no comments from the devs pointing towards it, but its common sense from a business perspective and there is a statistic that gamers like DLC. A statistic that various gaming companies have tried to exploit in the past with on disk DLC.

So yes, fans do or will want it when the game releases and that is not a wrong assumption, and with it the big next gen console would be madness not to utilize it as there will be obvious demand. I'm even sure that when the game releases the forums will probably be flooded with DLC requests, It was the same for UMVC3.

Also the Wii was consider to be a toy by some of the nintendo devs, there was not serious support for it but now we have the wii u and a lot more is possible. They couldn't do DLC before and now they can.

P.S Don't insult me again, I have fine grammar and using me as an example hurt more.
I wasn't trying to insult you, many of your previous posts were poorly written, I was stating a fact. I had hoped I could teach both of you a bit at the same time. When you write posts poorly on a forum, whether you were trying to or not, people may mistake you for a troll because many troll posts are written poorly. I can see you've put more effort into this post and it's much easier to both read and take seriously, and I appreciate that. I treated your arguments with respect regardless of how your posts were written, as to not insult you, because it sounded to me that you knew what you were talking about, but weren't putting much time into your posts.

Onto your points - there is a small thing pointing away from it; and I don't have the source so take it as you will, but Sakurai has in the past said that he prefers releasing a single finished game - that would insinuate that he doesn't like DLC.

And it may be common sense from a business perspective, but you have to remember, this is Nintendo we're talking about. If half the things they did made sense from a business perspective, they wouldn't be the company they are. The Wii U is still seeing just as poor support from other devs as the Wii did, btw. Many people, including Ubisoft, have pulled support from it. That's why the Wii U's been suffering so much in sales. Mario Kart turned it around, as Nintendo's big names always do. But Smash is an in house game, done by the big men. Sure, they might decide to try a radical new move this time around, but if I were a betting man, I'd put my money on the idea that there will be no character DLC.
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Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
Switch FC
Again with the blaming Weavel! Everyone needs to stop accusing Weavel, seriously.
They did start it though by saying the only way Ridley was getting in was through the petition to add him as DLC.

I unintentionally started another leak debate I take responsibility for, but Weavel still won't let the DLC topic die.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2014
Switch FC
6524 3241 3725
I leave for a little while to start working on a Ridley discussion video and what happens. DLC debates, "leaks" and chaos. I miss so much, that is what I get for being on topic when not actually in the forum, heh.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
I wasn't trying to insult you, many of your previous posts were poorly written, I was stating a fact. I had hoped I could teach both of you a bit at the same time. When you write posts poorly on a forum, whether you were trying to or not, people may mistake you for a troll because many troll posts are written poorly. I can see you've put more effort into this post and it's much easier to both read and take seriously, and I appreciate that. I treated your arguments with respect regardless of how your posts were written, as to not insult you, because it sounded to me that you knew what you were talking about, but weren't putting much time into your posts.

Onto your points - there is a small thing pointing away from it; and I don't have the source so take it as you will, but Sakurai has in the past said that he prefers releasing a single finished game - that would insinuate that he doesn't like DLC.

And it may be common sense from a business perspective, but you have to remember, this is Nintendo we're talking about. If half the things they did made sense from a business perspective, they wouldn't be the company they are. The Wii U is still seeing just as poor support from other devs as the Wii did, btw. Many people, including Ubisoft, have pulled support from it. That's why the Wii U's been suffering so much in sales. Mario Kart turned it around, as Nintendo's big names always do. But Smash is an in house game, done by the big men. Sure, they might decide to try a radical new move this time around, but if I were a betting man, I'd put my money on the idea that there will be no character DLC.
I genuinely don't believe that my previous posts were written poorly, I do believe however though that the majority are reading small bits and coming to a conclusion that I also brought up as being severely unlikely or impossible. Such as people saying sakurai said there would be no dlc while in the same post I said that he stated he currently has no plans for DLC. Many seem to take this as a complete dead stop, but MANY gaming companies have said the same thing and and later delivered.

And I already know of sakurai's reputation, but sakurai entered a new world when they finally unveiled the wii u and its DLC possibilities, so I am expecting by a business stand point for this to be utilized and that SSB4 would be the ultimate first step into delving into the world of DLC. You can not deny the large profits that could be made from this with an IP as popular as smash bros.

I'm also going to point out one last thing on this matter, well liked characters are purchased more by a large margin over characters that are not so popular, for example if Ridley and Diglet were up for DLC which do you think would have more sales?

And my final speech, I thought it was completely absurd how you took into serious account on how people want characters in SSB4 that are not of nintendo. The large majority isn't even going to try this and look through nintendo's library to find a candidate they like and push for him, but that candidate is only going to win if the majority agrees on it. No one is going to listen to people who want cloud and sephiroth in smash bros.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
And my final speech, I thought it was completely absurd how you took into serious account on how people want characters in SSB4 that are not of nintendo. The large majority isn't even going to try this and look through nintendo's library to find a candidate they like and push for him, but that candidate is only going to win if the majority agrees on it. No one is going to listen to people who want cloud and sephiroth in smash bros.
I think it's absurd how you keep mis-interpreting that argument. I was using a basic proof by counter example to show that your previous logic had been wrong. I knew that what I was writing wasn't serious. That was the point. And I was able to back it up with the same logic you had used (a lot of fans would want it, it would sell) to show you that if you can use the same logic to argue that ridiculous thing then it can't be right, so you can't use it to argue the DLC thing.

But I think we really, really just need to agree to disagree at this point, because the folks of this thread are right, the DLC thing is being brought up here way too much. If you really wish to argue with me about it further, tag me in the proper thread and I'll be happy to continue.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
I said it already, but I just can't even stress how funny it sounds.

Replace America with Ridley, innocent (or real) by playable and fake by not playable.

Ridley is playable until proven not playable.

There you have maybe 500 pages of discussions and it still makes more sense than the opposite.
Remember how I said I would post that one image description of our thread?

Here it is. Sums up everything since the first pyrosphere pic.

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Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2014
Remember how I said I would post that one image description of our thread?

Here it is. Sums up everything since the first pyrosphere pic.

I just died a little inside
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Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2014
To further help keep things going, somebody brought this up on NeoGAF:


They're talking about the mysterious purple things on the edge of the stage.

....HUH??? Since when did Other M Ridley do anything like that in the Geothermal Plant? I'm pretty sure he doesn't, so I don't know at all where this is coming from. Perhaps some guy just talking crap and it got taken seriously?

Edit - Shut up Con0rrrr... :(
Already mentioned this morning. The tubes are not in the game, and Ridley never tilts the platform. It literaly takes a couple of seconds to go to youtube and find any video of the boss fight, and amusingly the fight is really short too. Sometimes Id like to have an account there, just to point out how dumb they are...


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2004
The space between genius and madness
Already mentioned this morning. The tubes are not in the game, and Ridley never tilts the platform. It literaly takes a couple of seconds to go to youtube and find any video of the boss fight, and amusingly the fight is really short too. Sometimes Id like to have an account there, just to point out how dumb they are...
I figured as much. Heck, I've played the game. But just had to be sure I didn't miss some bizarre occurrence.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
I think it's absurd how you keep mis-interpreting that argument. I was using a basic proof by counter example to show that your previous logic had been wrong. I knew that what I was writing wasn't serious. That was the point. And I was able to back it up with the same logic you had used (a lot of fans would want it, it would sell) to show you that if you can use the same logic to argue that ridiculous thing then it can't be right, so you can't use it to argue the DLC thing.

But I think we really, really just need to agree to disagree at this point, because the folks of this thread are right, the DLC thing is being brought up here way too much. If you really wish to argue with me about it further, tag me in the proper thread and I'll be happy to continue.
It started here about ridley and its going to end here. My previous logic was not wrong and it was exclusive to nintendo characters, it was your logic that said WELL LETS JUST HAVE ANYONE WE WANT FROM ANYTHING! which is an insult to me because I never insinuated that and neither did my "logic"

Its going to be perfectly discriminated so its only nintendo characters, I never hinted or endorsed otherwise. Also other websites are already talking about DLC if so and so doesn't get in like mewtwo, they are also assuming it will get DLC since the console is capable of it now.

And if you are to believe the newest leak it says Ridley is playble, but as a different version then the stage hazard.
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Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Good lord what is Smashboards doing right now.

I honestly think the fact that the tubes were not on Pyrosphere ever make it more likely that they do something. Why add something like that? The support beam is still there, so they're not an excuse for the stage to be floating or anything.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
It started here about ridley and its going to end here. My previous logic was not wrong and it was exclusive to nintendo characters, it was your logic that said WELL LETS JUST HAVE ANYONE WE WANT FROM ANYTHING! which is an insult to me because I never insinuated that and neither did my "logic"

Its going to be perfectly discriminated so its only nintendo characters, I never hinted or endorsed otherwise. Also other websites are already talking about DLC if so and so doesn't get in like mewtwo, they are also assuming it will get DLC since the console is capable of it now.

And if you are to believe the newest leak it says Ridley is playble, but as a different version then the stage hazard.
that leak is fake because they say no female robin, and they say robin will have multiple hair styles.

And you seem to be missing a definition very crucial to my argument.

Proof by counterexample.

You say fact A, because X.

I say that doesn't make sense because X is wrong.

You say X is right.

I say, if X is right, then B is true.

You tell me you are so mad that I'm telling you B is true that you are insulted.

But if B is not true, then X is not right. and if X is not right, then there is no more proof for A. Doesn't mean A isn't true, just means no argument.

A = We will have DLC

X = We will have DLC because it would make money, fans want it

B = We will have characters such as Ichigo, Naruto, and Luffy

I was not trying to say that you thought B would happen. I was saying that X was wrong, because you could use it to say B as well.

Good lord what is Smashboards doing right now.
It fixed, now there is a little smash logo in the middle of the circle icon thing
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Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
that leak is fake because they say no female robin, and they say robin will have multiple hair styles.

And you seem to be missing a definition very crucial to my argument.

Proof by counterexample.

You say fact A, because X.

I say that doesn't make sense because X is wrong.

You say X is right.

I say, if X is right, then B is true.

You tell me you are so mad that I'm telling you B is true that you are insulted.

But if B is not true, then X is not right. and if X is not right, then there is no more proof for A. Doesn't mean A isn't true, just means no argument.

A = We will have DLC

X = We will have DLC because it would make money, fans want it

B = We will have characters such as Ichigo, Naruto, and Luffy

I was not trying to say that you thought B would happen. I was saying that X was wrong, because you could use it to say B as well.

It fixed, now there is a little smash logo in the middle of the circle icon thing
I am not blind to what you are saying, I just believe what you are saying here doesn't apply to me what what I read from you lasts posts. I know what a counter argument is but to the extent you were using it in was ridiculous.

And I will keep this going because who ever has the "last word" the other will feel downed and continue it, so its never going to stop. I want to stop, I say you logic is wrong accept it. You probably want me to stop, you say my logic is wrong, I'll accept that you think that, but I will accurately state my side and I personally believe yours does not.
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Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2014
You say fact A, because X.

I say that doesn't make sense because X is wrong.

You say X is right.

I say, if X is right, then B is true.

You tell me you are so mad that I'm telling you B is true that you are insulted.

But if B is not true, then X is not right. and if X is not right, then there is no more proof for A. Doesn't mean A isn't true, just means no argument.

A = We will have DLC

X = We will have DLC because it would make money, fans want it

B = We will have characters such as Ichigo, Naruto, and Luffy

I was not trying to say that you thought B would happen. I was saying that X was wrong, because you could use it to say B as well.
Please no. Why are we doing math ;-;

Good lord what is Smashboards doing right now.
Apparently this:

I'm not even disappointed, this is revolutionary!
Almost as revolutionary as the WiiU's ability to process DLC :troll:


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I don't even understand what it is, but okay. It can be the most revolutionary thing since sliced playable Ridley.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
I am not blind to what you are saying, I just believe what you are saying here doesn't apply to me what what I read from you lasts posts. I know what a counter argument is but to the extent you were using it in was ridiculous.

And I will keep this going because who ever has the "last word" the other will feel downed and continue it, so its never going to stop. I want to stop, I say you logic is wrong accept it. You probably want me to stop, you say my logic is wrong, I'll accept that you think that, but I will accurately state my side and I personally believe yours does not.
I don't care about the last words :/ I care about getting my point across. It's not even about opinion, it's very basic fact. I'm not sure if you've ever debated; or had a standard argument before (not one about who was right or wrong, but one where each side states facts, and uses only evidence to argue), but it's clear you don't have much experience in that area. I'm not trying to sound elitist, I'm just trying to explain everything I'm saying in the simplest terms possible to give you the tools to argue back.

But if you can't connect the fact that I used an absurd argument to disprove your logic by counterexample(the point of which is to use something untrue, so I used something everyone would know is untrue, something ridiculous), then just can't make the terms simpler than that. I replaced the words with variables for heaven's sake. The fact that you're chalking this up to last words and belief makes me think that you're simply too emotionally invested in this argument to see rationally, and so I'm going to let it go instead of wasting more words on you. I'm sorry we couldn't see eye to eye.
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