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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era

Brother AJ

Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2014
Fort Worth, Tx
Honestly, how would everyone here react if Ridley was dis-confirmed? I wish I could have the confidence that so many of you seem to possess in this thread.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
And this is the thread to discuss Ridley as playable. Not as a boss.
No it isn't. There's no threads for Ridley's inclusion as a boss/hazard/AT/whatever (nor should there be). This thread encompasses Ridley's inclusion in whatever form for Super Smash Bros 4. Yes, it's primary goal is as a support thread for being playable, but that doesn't mean this thread shuns all who think otherwise (in fact I like to think more often than not, we try to invite them in to open their minds to the idea of him being more than anything he's been in the past). If people want him to be a hazard/boss, then that's their opinion. Not the one I'd agree with, but so long as they don't start spouting out nonsense on why Ridley is impossible to add as playable, then no harm done.

guys wanna ask something about stages.. there was a rumor about a metroid fusion stage in matter of fact that would mean we could have a ridley boss aswell but the thing comes here
both ridley pyrosphere and fusion are cloned / x which means the charakter spot would be filled with original ridley :D
is this possibel? stupid or i dont know good pls tell me:D
I've actually never considered the possibility of Neo Ridley X (Roidley + X Parasite) as a hazard before. It's a stretch, but I could see it.


PPMD Kreygasm
Apr 6, 2014
No it isn't. There's no threads for Ridley's inclusion as a boss/hazard/AT/whatever (nor should there be). This thread encompasses Ridley's inclusion in whatever form for Super Smash Bros 4. Yes, it's primary goal is as a support thread for being playable, but that doesn't mean this thread shuns all who think otherwise (in fact I like to think more often than not, we try to invite them in to open their minds to the idea of him being more than anything he's been in the past). If people want him to be a hazard/boss, then that's their opinion. Not the one I'd agree with, but so long as they don't start spouting out nonsense on why Ridley is impossible to add as playable, then no harm done.
My mistake. I was always under the assumption that we're supposed to discuss playability. Not how someone works as a boss. TIL.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2014
Switch FC
6524 3241 3725
Honestly, how would everyone here react if Ridley was dis-confirmed? I wish I could have the confidence that so many of you seem to possess in this thread.
For me it depends on HOW he would be deconfirmed, hypothetically. If he is just deconfirmed as playable, but turns out to be something like an assist trophy(which cant be hit and usually do awesome things) I wont be that upset. If he is just a stage hazard, and a slow one as man people have pointed out, I will not be happy. Very angry in fact, but I have not played Assassins Creed so I cant do anything about it. D:

Also, off topic, I know Sakurai has already revealed the new items, but is anyone hoping for a Metroid version of the pokeball, a little space pirate capture maybe, that spawns some of the tiny metroid enemies which unlike pokemon will stay on the stage until they are defeated? Basically, metroid Smash Run enemies not in just Smash Run


Smash Journeyman
Mar 3, 2002
Honestly, how would everyone here react if Ridley was dis-confirmed? I wish I could have the confidence that so many of you seem to possess in this thread.
all the hype would form into an immense and very dense ball of poisonous hatred, floating high above the earth as it drains all life until there is nothing left... finally, hellfire would rain from the sky, scorching all to ash.

i imagine it going something like that.


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
For me it depends on HOW he would be deconfirmed, hypothetically. If he is just deconfirmed as playable, but turns out to be something like an assist trophy(which cant be hit and usually do awesome things) I wont be that upset. If he is just a stage hazard, and a slow one as man people have pointed out, I will not be happy. Very angry in fact, but I have not played Assassins Creed so I cant do anything about it. D:

Also, off topic, I know Sakurai has already revealed the new items, but is anyone hoping for a Metroid version of the pokeball, a little space pirate capture maybe, that spawns some of the tiny metroid enemies which unlike pokemon will stay on the stage until they are defeated? Basically, metroid Smash Run enemies not in just Smash Run
xD I haven't played AC games either (I don't buy PS consoles...)....just done research and talked with some fans that are my friends! -u- but they are too cool to not use them to show when I'm getting mad for fun because of some Ridley shippings or stuff!

but yeah, I will try to get back with Rids and Roids....I missed them....
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Smash Master
Jul 6, 2011
Onett, California
Guys, what if everyone's been wrong all along... And Ridley isn't the one who's too big, it's been K. Rool this whole time!?

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Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Honestly? If Sakurai deconfirmed Ridley as a boss way back in April when he should have (or really further back than that in August which would have been ideal), then I would've been disappointed but I'd have gotten over it. Hell, even if it were like Brawl and NEVER TEASED RIDLEY but deconfirmed him when the game came out.

After all of this? I'd legitimately begin to question Sakurai in terms of any game to come from him in the future. :\ Because hyping and teasing like this to lead to no payout is a real Microsoft move and up until now I would've thought Sakurai to be way above that.
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Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
I'd settle for some good reasoning (better than Chrom's, or Brawl Ridley's response, at least) as to why Sakurai can't see the dream.

And what he was thinking dragging it out for as long as he did.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Seattle, WA
Honestly? If Sakurai deconfirmed Ridley as a boss way back in April when he should have (or really further back than that in August which would have been ideal), then I would've been disappointed but I'd have gotten over it. Hell, even if it were like Brawl and NEVER TEASED RIDLEY but deconfirmed him when the game came out.

After all of this? I'd legitimately begin to question Sakurai in terms of any game to come from him in the future. :\ Because hyping and teasing like this to lead to no payout is a real Microsoft move and up until now I would've thought Sakurai to be way above that.
I've been saying something along these lines for a while. However, Sakurai never outright deconfirmed Ridley yet, and I don't believe he'd drag it out this long if Ridley was a boss. He would have just posted a pic showing Ridley was indeed Pyrosphere's boss hazard and probably a move he uses.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 2, 2011
under a rock
I have desicive evidence!

Have you SEEN the size of a 3DS cartridge? There's simply NO WAY Ridley could fit! He's simply too big?

I had to do it once in my life.

(BLAST! He's right...)

But also, I never knew that ultranick guy made an anti-Ridley video [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_tqKEFQixs ]. He seemed nice enough, but honestly, I couldn't not say something, he was just saying some of the most nonsensical things I had ever heard. I went I bit over board, but I think I delivered could information, very calmly as well:

I'm going to apologize in advance, and I'm not calling you a hater, and I'm not trying to insult you sir, but I'll have to say that you probably posed the most ignorant reasons for discount Ridley. Just first off, I'm sorry really silly to say Bowser can be resized because "he's turtle", he's a fictional character, I don't care what he's based off, he's his own thing, and he's big. Same for RIdley, he's not "a dragon" per se, he's and alien, what "animal" he is doesn't predetermine his size. Next point, here's more recent size mockup of Ridley fro smashboards { http://puu.sh/6IFtB.png } and in my honest opinion I think he looks good here, obvious the wings would go in a bit more, but the Other M model has much better proportions. And really, I think he looks "threatening" enough, if that's important to you. Ridley's always been hunched over and curled up (including his tail) when he's idle or relaxed { http://cdn.wikimg.net/metroidwiki/images/4/49/Ridley_sm_Sprite.gif } { http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/34400000/Ridley-ridley-34469213-480-320.gif } And his moveset? Saying he has claws/wings/fire would make him Charizard is like calling Marth and Ike the same. Charizard is stumpy and cartoonish, Ridley is brutal and humanoid, I see lots of potential with his tail alone! In short, I don't wanna go on and on about his moveset. Anyway, sorry for the length, but this is just my opinion I felt I need to say, and while I disagree with your's, I certainly respect it sir.


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
I don't come to this thread so that I can become pessimistic, so let's try to be optimistic:

How confident are you in Ridley's chances as a playable character, and how will you react to his confirmation trailer (or leaked confirmation in the roster)?

Me? I think they're pretty dang high, despite occasional worries. It doesn't make sense for Sakurai to hype a heavily requested character in a non-playable role he's already fulfilled in one game, and there hasn't been any other instance in which he teased someone for a long time, until finally dis confirming them.

I'd also scream like a little girl at the moment he finally appears in the trailer, but not to the extent I made when Robin was confirmed last week. After that, I would heartily embrace the sweet, sweet vindication of being mocked and ridiculed for wanting my favorite Metroid character playable.


Smash Lord
Jul 15, 2014
To break the tension a bit on Shadow discussion...I have something funny that does relate to Ridley (Slightly). It's finally getting a bunch of new skins for Project M, including Ridley Charizard...and a very high-detailed Yoshi that proceeded to glitch out in a Classic mode event...resulting in this face:

My thoughts are practically your thoughts.
My face when Ridley "happens".

Shame he hasn't ascended to the ranks of franchise villain and nemesis yet. But one day, he can be an immortal too-big purple god of death series villain too.
Literally god of the underworld.

Honestly? If Sakurai deconfirmed Ridley as a boss way back in April when he should have (or really further back than that in August which would have been ideal), then I would've been disappointed but I'd have gotten over it. Hell, even if it were like Brawl and NEVER TEASED RIDLEY but deconfirmed him when the game came out.

After all of this? I'd legitimately begin to question Sakurai in terms of any game to come from him in the future. :\ Because hyping and teasing like this to lead to no payout is a real Microsoft move and up until now I would've thought Sakurai to be way above that.
Guess we've got to make it ourselves!
microsoft you son of a

But yeah, Sakurai can only be doing this to tease something, whether it's a character or a boss. I don't see him pulling a full-on microsoft anytime soon though.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Thought I'd come here early to ask a couple of questions as it's soon time to start another set of moveset videos...anyone have any unique ideas for Ridley in Smash?

I already have done aerial combos via floating and aerial grabs...does anyone else have anything to contribute? You will be given credit in the video for your ideas BTW.


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2014
Seretei, California
I have desicive evidence!

Have you SEEN the size of a 3DS cartridge? There's simply NO WAY Ridley could fit! He's simply too big?

I had to do it once in my life.
Feels good to call upon the turnabout king as your lawyer eh?
On topic, I'm pretty pessimistic but there is always that sliver if hope in the back of my mind.
Edit: my reaction would be tame. First I rewatch to make sure he's playable and I'm not trolled. Then I look noting online. Once it's safe I leap out of my chair in excitement and yell from the hype.
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I don't come to this thread so that I can become pessimistic, so let's try to be optimistic:

How confident are you in Ridley's chances as a playable character, and how will you react to his confirmation trailer (or leaked confirmation in the roster)?

Me? I think they're pretty dang high, despite occasional worries. It doesn't make sense for Sakurai to hype a heavily requested character in a non-playable role he's already fulfilled in one game, and there hasn't been any other instance in which he teased someone for a long time, until finally dis confirming them.

I'd also scream like a little girl at the moment he finally appears in the trailer, but not to the extent I made when Robin was confirmed last week. After that, I would heartily embrace the sweet, sweet vindication of being mocked and ridiculed for wanting my favorite Metroid character playable.
I wouldn't react the same way I did for Robin's reveal. Mainly because Ridley isn't a character I absolutely LOVE and really have close ties to, or one who I didn't think was guaranteed due to the whole Gematsu leak. Ridley, at this point, I think is sitting at a 95% for me. I fully believe he's in, and I'll be happy once he's revealed. I'll probably scream a big "YES!" but I already expect him anyway. If K. Rool is in the same trailer I'll react much more better to K. Rool, because I have less confidence in K. Rool being playable and he's my #1 most wanted character (though its still quite high for me).


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Seattle, WA
I don't come to this thread so that I can become pessimistic, so let's try to be optimistic:

How confident are you in Ridley's chances as a playable character, and how will you react to his confirmation trailer (or leaked confirmation in the roster)?

Me? I think they're pretty dang high, despite occasional worries. It doesn't make sense for Sakurai to hype a heavily requested character in a non-playable role he's already fulfilled in one game, and there hasn't been any other instance in which he teased someone for a long time, until finally dis confirming them.

I'd also scream like a little girl at the moment he finally appears in the trailer, but not to the extent I made when Robin was confirmed last week. After that, I would heartily embrace the sweet, sweet vindication of being mocked and ridiculed for wanting my favorite Metroid character playable.
Reaction: *SHRIEKS LIKE A BANSHEE* ridleyridleyridleyridleyridleyridleyridleyridley

Chances: Nearly 100% in my mind but I refuse to get my hopes up because I've made that mistake one too many times. If he's deconfirmed, it'll still hurt a whole lot.


Smash Ace
Jul 21, 2014
Hi. I am new to the boards and while I initially wasn't a big Ridley fan, I wasn't interested in him as a playable in Sm4sh. However, after carefully analyzing Ridley's possible chances, while there is good chances of him being a boss, I find it just as good (and somewhat even likelier) of a chance that he might be playable. Over my time examining this character for Smash, his "Too big" argument was cliché and wasn't a strong argument to begin with. Although I'm on the neutral side of the heated Ridley debate around the internet, I've come to really respect this character as a a villain, and another iconic and definitely deserving representative of Metroid. It would be a great travesty to see a character as popular, and worthy of a game such as this be denied once again as a playable. Though I usually look at the optimistic viewpoint in life, so I'm quite confident Ridley'll be more than just an extremely popular want this time around.


Smash Lord
Jul 15, 2014
Thought I'd come here early to ask a couple of questions as it's soon time to start another set of moveset videos...anyone have any unique ideas for Ridley in Smash?

I already have done aerial combos via floating and aerial grabs...does anyone else have anything to contribute? You will be given credit in the video for your ideas BTW.
Well, not really anything that's really unique. I thought that the neutral special (which is probably his signature pepper breath) could easily have 3 variants. The first is a fireball spam attack, shooting a spray of weak projectiles. Probably a longer-than-average ending lag depending on the spread of the projectiles. The second is the shockwave fireball that has been used in several of the games. A large and more damaging fireball is shot, and creates a fiery shockwave in both directions on contact with the stage. The shockwave follows the stage geometry. The last is the laser that Meta Ridley uses. It has a startup lag (as in, the laser charges for a split second), and then the laser is fired at a downward angle. The laser then moves forward. Kind of weak but massive range. Perhaps no hitstun?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
Rotterdam, Netherlands
You know he isn't playable? Show us your decisive evidence, now.
I meant it more like that i don't know if he is playable or not. But i want him to be. But he is IN the game nonetheless. Playable or as a boss. And even though i would be happier if we could play as him i would not hate on the game if he was just a boss...


Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2014
Many posters convincingly state Mr. Sakurai will not dissapoint Ridley fans, since he has teased us with an in-game Ridley and has not stated anything conclusive throughout this long period. Some posters state Ridley will, because of this treatment, receive a role befitting such emphasis. But because of the size issue Mr. Sakurai has explained, we know it is difficult to implement a playable Ridley as simply as other characters. So, what if Ridley becomes playable, but only in certain parts of the game? This way, Ridley shall maintain a canonical size, and be playable without functional worries from developers. There could, for one example, be a "VS Ridley" mode, where one player uses Ridley against other players on a special stage. There could be other ways the developers implement a playable Ridley.
@ SmilingMad SmilingMad thanks for replying to Hotfeet444. You have motivated me to provide some ideas!
@ Hotfeet444 Hotfeet444 Thanks for the offer. These ideas were formed by me lurking on other forums and reading other Ridley ideas, so if you like and use anything, please credit the internet too! Anyway, Ridley is big, so it may be difficult for them to fit into certain areas in a standing position (imagine Ridley trying to fit in that small route on Hrule Temple). So, Ridley could have a free flight mode as an up special, where players control Ridley as Ridley postures their body horizontally like a a plane. It is not like gliding; think of one controls Nights from the "Nights into Dreams" Sega games. Other than that, Ridley could have an aerial where they outstretch their arms and legs, like an attacking vulture.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
Switch FC
Many posters convincingly state Mr. Sakurai will not dissapoint Ridley fans, since he has teased us with an in-game Ridley and has not stated anything conclusive throughout this long period. Some posters state Ridley will, because of this treatment, receive a role befitting such emphasis. But because of the size issue Mr. Sakurai has explained, we know it is difficult to implement a playable Ridley as simply as other characters. So, what if Ridley becomes playable, but only in certain parts of the game? This way, Ridley shall maintain a canonical size, and be playable without functional worries from developers. There could, for one example, be a "VS Ridley" mode, where one player uses Ridley against other players on a special stage. There could be other ways the developers implement a playable Ridley.
@ SmilingMad SmilingMad thanks for replying to Hotfeet444. You have motivated me to provide some ideas!
@ Hotfeet444 Hotfeet444 Thanks for the offer. These ideas were formed by me lurking on other forums and reading other Ridley ideas, so if you like and use anything, please credit the internet too! Anyway, Ridley is big, so it may be difficult for them to fit into certain areas in a standing position (imagine Ridley trying to fit in that small route on Hrule Temple). So, Ridley could have a free flight mode as an up special, where players control Ridley as Ridley postures their body horizontally like a a plane. It is not like gliding; think of one controls Nights from the "Nights into Dreams" Sega games. Other than that, Ridley could have an aerial where they outstretch their arms and legs, like an attacking vulture.

Only playable in certain parts of the game? Are you trying to make the playable boss theory make more sense by comparison? I'm kind of at a loss for words. It makes no sense, why would they create a whole new mode in a multiplayer game like Smash just for Ridley? Amusing you even meant that.

But because of the size issue Mr. Sakurai has explained, we know it is difficult to implement a playable Ridley as simply as other characters.
Sakurai said nothing in regards of Ridley's size, all he said was he might be able add him if he put his best efforts in, and he might be a bit slow.

Sakurai said:
I think that would probably be impossible. [laughs] If we had put our best efforts into it, we may have been able to do it. But he might have been a little slow. Would that have been all right? [laughs]

And regarding size, plenty of people have debunked that, Ridley can be scaled down and look just as good in some cases.

Also something I just noticed, is it me or is that roughly the same ratio as Samus and Ridley in the Melee Intro?

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Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
Thought I'd come here early to ask a couple of questions as it's soon time to start another set of moveset videos...anyone have any unique ideas for Ridley in Smash?

I already have done aerial combos via floating and aerial grabs...does anyone else have anything to contribute? You will be given credit in the video for your ideas BTW.
As far as ideas I haven't seen suggested yet, I came up the thought of a unique "command/special" grab that Ridley executes with his tail. The premise of the move is similar to Donkey Kong's forward grab, but rather than give you complete maneuverability akin to DK holding a barrel, Ridley instead takes to the sky, with his tail still securing the opponent. From here Ridley has all the options a normal grab would, including pummeling, dragging the foe across the floor for damage, slamming down on top of them, and my favorite, dragging them up into the air with him, giving Ridley ample time to continue a string of aerial moves, or even just meteor Smash them back down. I think it would excellently compliment both Ridley's proficiency at aerial combat and his sadistic/savage fighting style for him to have a move/option to force opponents into the air/with lots of follow up potential, at the very least.

Hi. I am new to the boards and while I initially wasn't a big Ridley fan, I wasn't interested in him as a playable in Sm4sh. However, after carefully analyzing Ridley's possible chances, while there is good chances of him being a boss, I find it just as good (and somewhat even likelier) of a chance that he might be playable. Over my time examining this character for Smash, his "Too big" argument was cliché and wasn't a strong argument to begin with. Although I'm on the neutral side of the heated Ridley debate around the internet, I've come to really respect this character as a a villain, and another iconic and definitely deserving representative of Metroid. It would be a great travesty to see a character as popular, and worthy of a game such as this be denied once again as a playable. Though I usually look at the optimistic viewpoint in life, so I'm quite confident Ridley'll be more than just an extremely popular want this time around.
If all "neutral" people were like you, I think I'd enjoy this game fanbase infinitely more. Welcome to the site, and I hope you enjoy your stay.

Godzilla for Smash. If Ridley's not too big, neither's Godzilla. :troll:
Godzilla's already a hazard on Tokyo Depths.

ahahah i found the perfekt reaction from fans to the not mewtwo thing :D my english is so bad but pls look :D
As many have already said, I don't think that really pertains to here. I suggest posting it to the Smash 4 Social thread.

I don't come to this thread so that I can become pessimistic, so let's try to be optimistic:

How confident are you in Ridley's chances as a playable character, and how will you react to his confirmation trailer (or leaked confirmation in the roster)?

Me? I think they're pretty dang high, despite occasional worries. It doesn't make sense for Sakurai to hype a heavily requested character in a non-playable role he's already fulfilled in one game, and there hasn't been any other instance in which he teased someone for a long time, until finally dis confirming them.

I'd also scream like a little girl at the moment he finally appears in the trailer, but not to the extent I made when Robin was confirmed last week. After that, I would heartily embrace the sweet, sweet vindication of being mocked and ridiculed for wanting my favorite Metroid character playable.
Well for starters, I'd scream like a regular girl. Okay maybe more like a fangirl.

As for confidence, this actually is probably the least pessimistic I've been since Brawl days (hence my current custom title). Which is saying something considering I came into this with zero expectations.

Granted the way I see probabability is vastly different from any other speculators (I don't think in "chances" fluctuating between likely or not based on new developments. If Ridley's not in, then short of Sakurai saying he was considered/his inclusion was a toss up, then his "chances" were doomed from the start), I do believe Sakurai would have to be completely oblivious to not see the desire for more villains by the Smash fanbase, not to mention that there's so much more he could do with the Metroid series representation in Sm4sh (coughDarkSamuscough), heavyweight fighters, and (Space/Cyborg/Undead/Clone/Pirate/Ninja/Original Gangster) Dragons in general.


Smash Champion
May 11, 2014
This thread is getting so big it scares me. We will reach 2000 pages before release if it keeps going like this.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
This thread is getting so big it scares me. We will reach 2000 pages before release if it keeps going like this.
If Ridley is announced, though, the thread will die as all the discussion will pour into the subforum. And frankly I think if Ridley is playable he'll be announced before release, and before CoroCoro next month.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
This thread would probably function as the Social/general discussion topic not that it doesn't already do that now until it literally got too big.

At which point it would be preserved as a memorial to all those days/years we spent fighting the good fight.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
This thread would probably function as the Social/general discussion topic not that it doesn't already do that now until it literally got too big.

At which point it would be preserved as a memorial to all those days/years we spent fighting the good fight.
I would like it if Ridley is confirmed that this thread is immediately locked and the last post is a victory poem written by yourself.
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