Smash Champion
Well, to be fair, I also think lava itself is a bigger thing in Metroid than in other series because usually there's at least one area (or two) that's mostly/all lava and those areas usually also have a catchy theme to go with it. Plus, you know, you can also go through it like water in several games, so I think the developers feel that incorporating lava is a major part of it. Come to think of it, the only game without some type of lava area is Echoes. Every other game has one lava area. So there's that.The issue with lava stages is, 2/3 of metroid stages have been rising lava since 64. Zebes? Brinstar? Norfair? Possibly Pyrosphere? All lava. And we could go a step further and complain about how if it's not lava it's rotating, but that's eh.
Honestly I don't think going back to 2D games would be the best idea, and it would instead be better if they just handed it off back to Retro for more 3D games. Though they already have plans for both anyway.
And Yeah, I think that's a huge part of the problem right there. The game has so many games that are 9's or 10's like the Prime Trilogy or Super Metroid or maybe Zero Mission I wouldn't know, that when the series gets a game that's more like a 7 it just looks terrible in comparison when we get something sketchy like Other M or awful like Fusion or Hunters' single player.
The average is pretty good even with those aside though, so I think it's pretty safe to bet on good Metroid games in the future regardless. And Ridley will be a major villain in all of them. And anti-Ridleys and toobigots will still claim he is irrelevant and unimportant. Yep.
If Retro gets it back, I'd love to see a revamped 2D style game a-la DKC Tropical Freeze. I love that style and I think they could do wonders with a Metroid game like that.
Hunters was severely crippled due to hardware limitations. If that game was revamped for the 3DS or Wii U it would be a much better game with better controls. I honestly wouldn't mind that at all, but I doubt they'd revisit it. I'm also sure by now they know that Other M was a mistake due to the controversy it spawned. Only game I can compare the response to it is Majora's Mask. It seems most people either love it or can't stand it (and I love Majora's Mask, for the record).
Ridley will continue to be Samus' nemesis. If she kills him 50 times, the Space Pirates will rebuild him 50 times and throw in about 10 Meta Ridleys for free because that's how they work.