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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
If Ridley is getting revealed before release, I'm still wanting his trailer to be him fighting Charizard, if not then maybe a recreation of that brief scene in Melee's opening where Samus is fighting Ridley (Who's the right size to be playable in the same scene by the way.)
I'm pretty sure he will have a trailer regardless. It'd most likely be played prior to his unlock fight or something. But I'm still really skeptical toward him being revealed pre-release at this point.

Deleted member

I still want Ridley to spend the first minute of his trailer (if he gets revealed before release and is playable) taking Pikachu in one hand and Samus in the other and just grinding them into the walls and floors of the trailer setting.

Grinding and Grinding until they are nothing but bone dust and (in the case of Samus) metal shreddings in his hands.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2014
I'll admit I just skimmed/skipped a few (10) pages of the thread, but what's with the sudden hostile attitude towards Gamexplain? I thought the little "dig" they made at Ridley was really more of a friendly jab then a "LOL RIDLY FANS R DUM".

(And, if you read any single page from this thread, you do have to admit there is a tendency to latch onto things--although every person who wants x character does this just as much.)
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Deleted member

I'll admit I just skimmed/skipped a few (10) pages of the thread, but what's with the sudden hostile attitude towards Gamexplain? I thought the little "dig" they made at Ridley was really more of a friendly jab then a "LOL RIDLY FANS R DUM".

(And, if you read any single page from this thread, you do have to admit there is a tendency to latch onto things--although every person who wants x character does this just as much.)
Little "digs" are "digs" nonetheless and are still unwelcome in my eyes. It doesn't help that they claimed we latch on to every little thing that could relate to Ridley when they themselves have speculated about Palutena related things in the past in a similar manner.

I personally still think they're okay, mostly just because they are one of the few that can perform proper and thorough game analysis, but their opinions on some things and their tone at certain times still bother me.
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Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2014
I'm pretty sure he will have a trailer regardless. It'd most likely be played prior to his unlock fight or something. But I'm still really skeptical toward him being revealed pre-release at this point.
I think unlockable newcomers would have their trailers on the main site if they even have trailers cause while it would be cool to see them in-game when you unlock them, to me it seems a little unfair for the veteran unlockables ya know? That and honestly to me it'd be a little weird for the game to be showing me gameplay footage of the character I've just unlocked before I even get to fight them ya know?

Waluigi is too big

Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2014
I'll admit I just skimmed/skipped a few (10) pages of the thread, but what's with the sudden hostile attitude towards Gamexplain? I thought the little "dig" they made at Ridley was really more of a friendly jab then a "LOL RIDLY FANS R DUM".

(And, if you read any single page from this thread, you do have to admit there is a tendency to latch onto things--although every person who wants x character does this just as much.)
It annoys me because if there is anyone else that latches on to unrelated stuff It more then us it is Game explain.

Pretty sure he's being facetious.
Probably, but it still burns my eyes looking at it.
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Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Did I miss anything interesting? How are the size comparisons coming along? WAS RIDLEY CONFIRMED!!


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
It annoys me because if there is anyone else that latches on to unrelated stuff It more then us it is Game explain.
To be fair, just a few pages back, some of us (admitedly myself included) were trying to find Ridley in the wrinkles of a flyer. Though it is unfair to generalize, as some other supporters the ones with working brains realized how stupid we were being and told us to stop, but I can see how someone might get that impression when some of us do things like that. Either way, the generalizing was bad, and it doesn't excuse saying things like that.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
It's kind of frustrating how close Sakurai has come to a perfect roster without actually achieving it. Really, with the third party characters he has in sm4sh now, most Brawl chars returning and that probably will return, and some of the nintendo newcomers so far (mainly villager and little mac) all he needs are Ridley mewtwo and king k rool and imo he'd have a perfect roster. anything else would just be extra at that point.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
It's kind of frustrating how close Sakurai has come to a perfect roster without actually achieving it. Really, with the third party characters he has in sm4sh now, most Brawl chars returning and that probably will return, and some of the nintendo newcomers so far (mainly villager and little mac) all he needs are Ridley mewtwo and king k rool and imo he'd have a perfect roster. anything else would just be extra at that point.
I personally think the Smash 4 roster is extremely bipolar.

We've got holy ****ing **** this is amazing characters like Megaman, Little Mac, and, to an extent, Pac-Man (who I'm sure blew everyone away as far as not being absolute garbage), but then you've also got clunkers like Rosalina, and supposedly the Chorus Kids.

Then you've got everyone else, who is kinda just there, and of course the supposed exclusion of DA BIG THREE. Outside of the possibility of this game having literally the best unlockables of any Smash, ever, this roster's look pretty weak.
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Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2007
I personally think the Smash 4 roster is extremely bipolar.

We've got holy ****ing **** this is amazing characters like Megaman, Little Mac, and, to an extent, Pac-Man (who I'm sure blew everyone away as far as not being absolute garbage), but then you've also got clunkers like Rosalina, and supposedly the Chorus Kids.

Then you've got everyone else, who is kinda just there, and of course the supposed exclusion of DA BIG THREE. Outside of this game having literally the best unlockables of any Smash, ever, this roster's look pretty weak.
I agree 100%. If the Big 3 had been included, then okay yeah we can live with the Chorus Kids. But the Big 3's exclusion makes the **** characters look so much ****tier.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I agree 100%. If the Big 3 had been included, then okay yeah we can live with the Chorus Kids. But the Big 3's exclusion makes the **** characters look so much ****tier.
Who said the Big 3 haven't been included? We haven't seen the final roster yet. :p


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2007
Double Posting Warning Received
Who said the Big 3 haven't been included? We haven't seen the final roster yet. :p
I just have a feeling the Sal leak is law (Rosalina not withstanding). It's entirely possible that i'm more pessimistic than I normally would be however, because around this time of year i've trained myself to expect the worse and celebrate anything better. You see, I am a fan of the Chicago Bulls...it's just easier to assume everything will be ****ing ass****ery than to assume the worst front office in the world is going to make something good happen.

I think we'll get 2 out of the big 3. But not all of them.
This would be alright I suppose, but honestly there really isn't any good reason to leave any of them off.
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Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
I personally think the Smash 4 roster is extremely bipolar.

We've got holy ****ing **** this is amazing characters like Megaman, Little Mac, and, to an extent, Pac-Man (who I'm sure blew everyone away as far as not being absolute garbage), but then you've also got clunkers like Rosalina, and supposedly the Chorus Kids.

Then you've got everyone else, who is kinda just there, and of course the supposed exclusion of DA BIG THREE. Outside of the possibility of this game having literally the best unlockables of any Smash, ever, this roster's look pretty weak.
That's what I mean. The big three are all we really need at this point, and if they are in, than characters like rosalina and chorus kids are just extra imo.

Also, as someone who suffers from bipolar I do not appreciate the use of the term as slang. People have a completely wrong impression of what bipolar is because of comments like that. Please use that term only to refer to the actual disorder.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
I agree 100%. If the Big 3 had been included, then okay yeah we can live with the Chorus Kids. But the Big 3's exclusion makes the **** characters look so much ****tier.
Considering that the Chorus Kids have no correlation with Mewtwo, K. Rool, or Ridley, they shouldn't be blamed for any of their exclusion, and it's asinine to think otherwise.

Rhythm Heaven is a pretty big series and it's HUGE in Japan. Representing a new IP is just as important, arguably more so, that representing an already represented IP. Now my opinion may not be appreciated here, on the Ridley thread, but I'm a big fan of both the Chorus Kids and Ridley, and I find it aggravating that Chorus Kids would be blamed for the exclusion of Ridley.

Heck, I can blame Little Mac and Mega Man for Ridley's exclusion.
Same difference. And I freaking love them too.

It's alright not to like Chorus Kids, but they have no effect on your favorite character, whoever it may be.
Ridley will get in on his own merits.

PS: Mewtwo will be in this game.
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Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
Considering that the Chorus Kids have no correlation with Mewtwo, K. Rool, or Ridley, they shouldn't be blamed for any of their exclusion, and it's asinine to think otherwise.

Rhythm Heaven is a pretty big series and it's HUGE in Japan. Representing a new IP is just as important, arguably more so, that representing an already represented IP. Now my opinion may not be appreciated here, on the Ridley thread, but I'm a big fan of both the Chorus Kids and Ridley, and I find it aggravating that Chorus Kids would be blamed for the exclusion of Ridley.

Heck, I can blame Little Mac and Mega Man for Ridley's exclusion.
Same difference. And I freaking love them too.

It's alright not to like Chorus Kids, but they have no effect on your favorite character, whoever it may be.
Ridley will get in on his own merits.

PS: Mewtwo will be in this game.
It's not that we think Ridley (if he's not in) is not in because of the chorus kids, but just that we're a little peeved that a character that seems stupid to us got in over Ridley.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
The thing to remember about character inclusions is that they're decided separate of other characters for the most part, and aside from time constraints, their inclusion did not come at the expense of another character. If King K. Rool is not in the game, it's either because Sakurai didn't want the character to be playable, or just didn't have enough time to finalize him. The Chorus Kids were not the ones that were responsible for his (or Ridley and Mewtwo's) exclusion, they were included because they were picked and managed to be finished, that's really about it.
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Deleted member

It's not that we think Ridley (if he's not in) is not in because of the chorus kids, but just that we're a little peeved that a character that seems stupid to us got in over Ridley.
Please don't make sweeping generalizations about everyone here who supports Ridley.

Some people, myself included, don't think the Chorus Kids are that stupid.

Just trying to prevent any sort of conflicts.

Thank you in advance.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
Considering that the Chorus Kids have no correlation with Mewtwo, K. Rool, or Ridley, they shouldn't be blamed for any of their exclusion, and it's asinine to think otherwise.

Rhythm Heaven is a pretty big series and it's HUGE in Japan. Representing a new IP is just as important, arguably more so, that representing an already represented IP. Now my opinion may not be appreciated here, on the Ridley thread, but I'm a big fan of both the Chorus Kids and Ridley, and I find it aggravating that Chorus Kids would be blamed for the exclusion of Ridley.

Heck, I can blame Little Mac and Mega Man for Ridley's exclusion.
Same difference. And I freaking love them too.

It's alright not to like Chorus Kids, but they have no effect on your favorite character, whoever it may be.
Ridley will get in on his own merits.

PS: Mewtwo will be in this game.
Nobody blames the Chorus Kids for Ridley not being in or whatever. People in the states just don't seem to be aware of them. They're pretty obscure outside of Japan. That, and Shulk. I hadn't even heard of those two before Sal's leak and I had to look them up.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
Please don't make sweeping generalizations about everyone here who supports Ridley.

Some people, myself included, don't think the Chorus Kids are that stupid.

Just trying to prevent any sort of conflicts.

Thank you in advance.
Oh, sorry, I realize I worded that poorly. I meant we as in the people who have been complaining about the chorus kids. I should have clarified better.


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
I just have a feeling the Sal leak is law (Rosalina not withstanding). It's entirely possible that i'm more pessimistic than I normally would be however, because around this time of year i've trained myself to expect the worse and celebrate anything better. You see, I am a fan of the Chicago Bulls...it's just easier to assume everything will be ****ing *******ery than to assume the worst front office in the world is going to make something good happen.
And there's your reason as to why many hate the Sal characters with a burning passion folks. Believers of the leak tend to have this nasty habit of shoving down the community's throats the notion that no more characters will come after the ones listed.

So it's not so much the characters themselves that everyone despises, but rather the possible outcome others keep screaming at us that supporters who aren't for Chrom, Shulk, or Chorus Kids are already outta luck.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Nobody blames the Chorus Kids for Ridley not being in or whatever. People in the states just don't seem to be aware of them. They're pretty obscure outside of Japan. That, and Shulk. I hadn't even heard of those two before Sal's leak and I had to look them up.
I am sure that someone, somewhere blames the Chorus Kids for Ridley's (perceived) non-playable status.
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Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
It's not that we think Ridley (if he's not in) is not in because of the chorus kids, but just that we're a little peeved that a character that seems stupid to us got in over Ridley.
Well clearly some of you guys let your bias get in the way of how much Chorus Kids could potentially bring to the table.

Chorus Kids could bring an amazingly unique rhythm mechanic to the table, relying on keeping time and stringing combos together to get the most out of their attacks.

Not to mention that Chorus Kids can popularize Rhythm Heaven even more in America. It's already relatively successful, especially in Japan, but like every series involved in Smash, popularity has the potential to at least triple.

So no, they aren't "stupid". They make just as much sense as Ridley does.

And I'm not trying to shove them down your throat or anything. You guys don't have to like them.
Just don't get angry at a perfectly deserving character if Ridley doesn't make it in.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
Well clearly some of you guys let your bias get in the way of how much Chorus Kids could potentially bring to the table.

Chorus Kids could bring an amazingly unique rhythm mechanic to the table, relying on keeping time and stringing combos together to get the most out of their attacks.

Not to mention that Chorus Kids can popularize Rhythm Heaven even more in America. It's already relatively successful, especially in Japan, but like every series involved in Smash, popularity has the potential to at least triple.

So no, they aren't "stupid". They make just as much sense as Ridley does.

And I'm not trying to shove them down your throat or anything. You guys don't have to like them.
Just don't get angry at a perfectly deserving character if Ridley doesn't make it in.
I wasn't angry, I was just trying to clarify, as you had misinterpreted what people were saying (I think) I apologize for any offence. I didn't mean that as in insult, just trying to explain myself.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
The thing to remember about character inclusions is that they're decided separate of other characters for the most part, and aside from time constraints, their inclusion did not come at the expense of another character. If King K. Rool is not in the game, it's either because Sakurai didn't want the character to be playable, or just didn't have enough time to finalize him. The Chorus Kids were not the ones that were responsible for his (or Ridley and Mewtwo's) exclusion, they were included because they were picked and managed to be finished, that's really about it.
I honestly hate this irrational perspective. Objectively speaking, you are quite literally incorrect. I understand that it is the politically correct perspective to assert that "no character influences another characters inclusion;" however, that is not how a PRIORITY list is implemented. The key aspect of that phrase was "priority" just in case anyone missed it. Every character included in the game was chosen over the characters on the list that did not have time to make it in the game. I am not sure why everyone is in denial regarding this issue. Their inclusion does come at the expense of another character... this notion cannot be avoided unless EVERY character on the priority list is included in the title.

/Obligatory pretentious rant that opposes the bandwagon appeal fallacy. :rolleyes:


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2014
It's kind of frustrating how close Sakurai has come to a perfect roster without actually achieving it. Really, with the third party characters he has in sm4sh now, most Brawl chars returning and that probably will return, and some of the nintendo newcomers so far (mainly villager and little mac) all he needs are Ridley mewtwo and king k rool and imo he'd have a perfect roster. anything else would just be extra at that point.
To me the roster is pretty perfect so far, the only characters missing are a bunch of returning characters that I'm pretty sure will make it like Falcon, Ganondorf and Mewtwo, any newcomers like Ridley are just bonuses to me and that's not in any way a bad thing I'd love to have Ridley as an alternate character to use when I don't feel like using my bests because while I'll admit to doubting Ridley's inclusion because of the Pyrosphere stage, I do really like him in the Metroid games even though he can be a little goofy given he likes to bounce on his tail like a pogo stick (Which should totally be either his down-B or down air.) I grew to respect the idea of Ridley being playable especially after I remembered how we thought Toon Link wasn't going to return when a similarly designed Link was in the Spirit Tracks stage on the 3DS version, the same thing could very well be happening with Ridley.

I also want Ridley to be playable so that people can finally drop the "Ridley's too big." argument, I legitimately want Sakurai to prove them wrong.


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
The thing to remember about character inclusions is that they're decided separate of other characters for the most part, and aside from time constraints, their inclusion did not come at the expense of another character. If King K. Rool is not in the game, it's either because Sakurai didn't want the character to be playable, or just didn't have enough time to finalize him. The Chorus Kids were not the ones that were responsible for his (or Ridley and Mewtwo's) exclusion, they were included because they were picked and managed to be finished, that's really about it.
Oh really? Then explain how Sonic sapped a bunch of last minute development time that ultimately caused Mewtwo to be cut from Brawl. I'd call that one over the other if you ask me.
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