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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Full disclosure, I like Rhythm Heaven. I just think the Chronic Beans are really dumb, and it doesn't help anything that they're now associated with the Gematsu leak, which I am sick of hearing about. *ESPECIALLY* if it's going to be brought up in a way implying it is 100% without a doubt legitimate has given us the full roster for sure.

And if they got in, I wouldn't be pissy. I would be pissy if they got in and Ridley didn't. Because that means that Sakurai looked at Metroid and thought, "It's literally represented by one character in two outfits, and Ridley is really popular. Let's tease him, and then make him not playable. Metroid doesn't need any further characters added no matter how much anyone likes Ridley. Meanwhile, I want to add ugly big-headed Colonel Binoculars instead. Because that's what we REALLY need to get people excited."

And it would be ungodly frustrating for so many reasons.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Oh really? Then explain how Sonic sapped a bunch of last minute development time that ultimately caused Mewtwo to be cut from Brawl. I'd call that one over the other if you ask me.
"More deserving" characters like Little Mac and Mega Man take as much development time as the Chorus Kids.

If you're going to blame other characters on Ridley's possible exclusion, be prepared to blame all of them.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 22, 2014
Utah Valley, UT
Of course characters get in over other characters. Who are the fools who think otherwise? The whole point of priority lists, as Morbid pointed out, is that there is priority. One of the ways this priority is established is likely whether Sakurai feels the series deserves another rep.

EDIT: Basically, if Ridley doesn't get in you'd most likely be more correct to blame a combination of other characters getting in as well as Sakurai feeling that Metroid doesn't need another rep. The funny thing is that the former is driven entirely by the latter.
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Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
I also want Ridley to be playable so that people can finally drop the "Ridley's too big." argument, I legitimately want Sakurai to prove them wrong.
THIS will never cease to exist. They WILL find EVERY reason why he shouldn`t have been included and why he looks stupid. For example:
  • This character is boring and is just a Charizard with a different model.
  • He looks stupid because he should be big - it is part of him to be big and menacing.
  • He clips through platforms.
  • He is cheap.
  • He is still too big for a playable character.
It is same thing as peoples thinking that Lucario is Mewtwo`s clone just because of their Neutral B/Special attack. Or thinking that any of this leaks can be trusted or believed for whatever reasons. One or two characters from that leak confirmed to be playable?..And?..there is even peoples who thinks that those leaks are 100% true and everyone who is not listed in them is automaticly excluded from Sm4sh.
Oh really? Then explain how Sonic sapped a bunch of last minute development time that ultimately caused Mewtwo to be cut from Brawl. I'd call that one over the other if you ask me.
Where did that information came from? Is it official? If no - then it may not be the reason why he was cut.
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An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Oh really? Then explain how Sonic sapped a bunch of last minute development time that ultimately caused Mewtwo to be cut from Brawl. I'd call that one over the other if you ask me.
I honestly hate this irrational perspective. Objectively speaking, you are quite literally incorrect. I understand that it is the politically correct perspective to assert that "no character influences another characters inclusion;" however, that is not how a PRIORITY list is implemented. The key aspect of that phrase was "priority" just in case anyone missed it. Every character included in the game was chosen over the characters on the list that did not have time to make it in the game. I am not sure why everyone is in denial regarding this issue. Their inclusion does come at the expense of another character... this notion cannot be avoided unless EVERY character on the priority list is included in the title.

/Obligatory pretentious rant that opposes the bandwagon appeal fallacy. :rolleyes:
The thing to remember about character inclusions is that they're decided separate of other characters for the most part, and aside from time constraints, their inclusion did not come at the expense of another character.
Adding to that, as Louie said, that's an issue for all characters in general. All of them take development time, not just the Chorus Kids. If you're going to play the blame game, be prepared to be fair and spread it out, don't focus on one.

Also, that's overlooking the possibly that they were just not considered at all, in which case none of the characters inclusion came at their expense.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 22, 2014
Utah Valley, UT
Well you can "blame" something should he not be in, and that is that perhaps Sakurai just didn't feel like Metroid needed another rep. Honestly, that's the most likely occurrence for nearly every character decision. Unless we find that Ridley has playable data that got dummied come the release, then go ahead and "blame" time constraints.


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2014
THIS will never cease to exist. They WILL find EVERY reason why he shouldn`t have been included and why he looks stupid. For example:
  • This character is boring and is just a Charizard with a different model.
  • He looks stupid because he should be big - it is part of him to be big and menacing.
  • He clips through platforms.
  • He is cheap.
  • He is still too big for a playable character.
It is same thing as peoples thinking that Lucario is Mewtwo`s clone just because of their Neutral B/Special attack.

Where did that information came from? Is it official? If no - then it may not be the reason why he was cut.
Maybe so but no matter how hard they complain they know they'll get the game regardless.


Smash Rookie
Jun 29, 2014
That's what I mean. The big three are all we really need at this point, and if they are in, than characters like rosalina and chorus kids are just extra imo.

Also, as someone who suffers from bipolar I do not appreciate the use of the term as slang. People have a completely wrong impression of what bipolar is because of comments like that. Please use that term only to refer to the actual disorder.
No offense, but I don't think you understand what bipolar means. It's not slang, nor was he using it incorrectly.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
As funny as it is to see them dance, those Chozo ghosts can screw right off. xD They had more screentime in one game than Ridley's had in the entire franchise.


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
...or is it wrong way to summon happy cycle?..Oh, wait...there is no Ridley...meh, it is still funny.
Sigh....I wish the author of the Metroid Triller had put Omega Ridley on it.... :/ if I could do that with his model, I would have put him to sing "Harder,better,faster,stronger" from Daft Punk....I will draw that someday...


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
As funny as it is to see them dance, those Chozo ghosts can screw right off. xD They had more screentime in one game than Ridley's had in the entire franchise.
Meh, Dark Pirate Commandos are worse. Everyone knows that. And they appear more than Chozo Ghosts.
Sigh....I wish the author of the Metroid Triller had put Omega Ridley on it.... :/ if I could do that with his model, I would have put him to sing "Harder,better,faster,stronger" from Daft Punk....I will draw that someday...
I think he/she didn`t because of Omega Ridley`s skeleton (how is it called by the way?) - it would require extra time to adapt it to dancing motion data. But i wish there was Ridley too.
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Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Meh, Dark Pirate Commandos are worse. Everyone knows that. And they appear more than Chozo Ghosts.

I think he/she didn`t because of Omega Ridley`s skeleton (how is it called by the way?) - it would require extra time to adapt it to dancing motion data. But i wish there was Ridley too.
Dark Pirate Commandos aren't in the video, aren't in Prime 1, and at least they look cool. But yes they're awful.

EDIT: Was there anything like that in Prime 3? I can't remember. I doubt it since I think different planets had different enemies generally.
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Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Meh, Dark Pirate Commandos are worse. Everyone knows that. And they appear more than Chozo Ghosts.

I think he/she didn`t because of Omega Ridley`s skeleton (how is it called by the way?) - it would require extra time to adapt it to dancing motion data. But i wish there was Ridley too.
Yeah, probably that is the case, as I have seen some of the owner of the model works (and other artist) posing him, but not making him move in any way.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Adding to that, as Louie said, that's an issue for all characters in general. All of them take development time, not just the Chorus Kids. If you're going to play the blame game, be prepared to be fair and spread it out, don't focus on one.

Also, that's overlooking the possibly that they were just not considered at all, in which case none of the characters inclusion came at their expense.
Of course; but that is the rule, not the exception UNLESS teh character was not consider. In that event; that notion is not relevant, it does not pertain to our assessment. Secondly, you are correct. Attributing the blame to any single aspect of the game is equally fallacious, but again, that has nothing to do with the discussion, or at least the sentiment that I introduced/corrected.


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
You know, potential trailers have been discussed here multiple times (just like everything else honestly), but I think one this is paramount as to how it should be carried out; subtly.

This is Ridley we're talking about. While he is known for barging into places all fireballs and screeches, the trailer must first acknowledge his more sneaky, calculating behavior. I'll set the scene for all of ya.

First, there's no Smash insignia like for Rosalina's initial trailer. There's deep, foreboding yet very quiet music playing in the background while the camera is within Samus' visor in first person view as she is walking in some dark area. Suddenly there's movement around her disturbing the silence. The music intensifies as Samus freezes in her tracks. A pair of piercing cold glowing eyes appears before the Hunter. Super Metroid style, Ridley's body is fully revealed as he stomps into a nearby light shaft. With a characteristic screech, the tagline flashes his name before he charges at her. Que gameplay footage.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
EDIT: Was there anything like that in Prime 3? I can't remember. I doubt it since I think different planets had different enemies generally.
No. The only thing that i can consider annoying by what i saw is Metroid hatcher and only before getting Nova Beam. Chozo Ghost-like enemies (fortunately) didn`t appeared after Prime 2. That would be a major pain in the...um...you know.
You know, potential trailers have been discussed here multiple times (just like everything else honestly), but I think one this is paramount as to how it should be carried out; subtly.

This is Ridley we're talking about. While he is known for barging into places all fireballs and screeches, the trailer must first acknowledge his more sneaky, calculating behavior. I'll set the scene for all of ya.

First, there's no Smash insignia like for Rosalina's initial trailer. There's deep, foreboding yet very quiet music playing in the background while the camera is within Samus' visor in first person view as she is walking in some dark area. Suddenly there's movement around her disturbing the silence. The music intensifies as Samus freezes in her tracks. A pair of piercing cold glowing eyes appears before the Hunter. Super Metroid style, Ridley's body is fully revealed as he stomps into a nearby light shaft. With a characteristic screech, the tagline flashes his name before he charges at her. Que gameplay footage.
Wait, if there will be no Smash insignia and camera will be like that, Metroid fans may think it is a new Metroid Prime game unless it won`t be in the beginning of the Direct.
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Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2013
Wandering the Gerudo wastes
You know, potential trailers have been discussed here multiple times (just like everything else honestly), but I think one this is paramount as to how it should be carried out; subtly.

This is Ridley we're talking about. While he is known for barging into places all fireballs and screeches, the trailer must first acknowledge his more sneaky, calculating behavior. I'll set the scene for all of ya.

First, there's no Smash insignia like for Rosalina's initial trailer. There's deep, foreboding yet very quiet music playing in the background while the camera is within Samus' visor in first person view as she is walking in some dark area. Suddenly there's movement around her disturbing the silence. The music intensifies as Samus freezes in her tracks. A pair of piercing cold glowing eyes appears before the Hunter. Super Metroid style, Ridley's body is fully revealed as he stomps into a nearby light shaft. With a characteristic screech, the tagline flashes his name before he charges at her. Que gameplay footage.
I'm thinking it would be nice if the Smash "cross" was cleverly snuck into the trailer somehow shortly before the reveal.


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
Wait, if there will be no Smash insignia and camera will be like that, Metroid fans may think it is a new Metroid Prime game unless it won`t be in the beginning of the Direct.
That's the point, a bait and switch. A fitting way for Sakurai to put an end to Ridley's teasing with one last troll move.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Sakurai already did a bait and switch with the Rosalina reveal. Heck, even the Villager reveal didn't seem to be anything related to Smash Bros. until the smash insignia popped up on the letter. If I recall correctly, the Little Mac trailer also was based more on Punch Out than anything, until we see Samus pop up. (Or did it have the Smash intro to it? I don't recall.)

Either way, I can EASILY see a Metroid hint at the beginning before it turns out to be Ridley's trailer.

EDIT: Watching the Little Mac trailer, if the Smash logo wasn't in the intro to the original trailer (and I don't recall if it was in the Direct), we don't see any Smash Bros. hints until Little Mac smashes the Sandbag.
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Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
That's the point, a bait and switch. A fitting way for Sakurai to put an end to Ridley's teasing with one last troll move.
Then unless a new Metroid game will be announced, they will be both dissapointed/angry and happy (not all of them support Ridley unfortunately, so, there will be just dissapointed/angry fans) after that trailer.
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Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Yeah, I friended you on xbl a while back, didn't I?

I haven't been on there for years.
Yep, and you were the only one from WoR besides Issy who didn't unfriend/delete me on there eventually. :dizzy: Mostly only use it now though if I'm unable to access Netflix or something through other means.

So what kind of matches do you want to put Ridley in, regarding the current roster (and yet to be announced 64/Melee/Brawl veterans) we already have?

The first match I want to put Ridley in is one with all the heavyweight characters: Bowser, Donkey Kong, and King Dedede. Then I'd like to play as Ridley in a match against Mewtwo, probably on Final Destination.
Could also discuss what kind of event matches Ridley would be in if those come back because that's always fun. Off the top of my head though, having a 4-player match in fooling around with gliding/floating between Charizard, Pit, Ridley, and Meta Knight is something I'd see myself doing a lot.

Did that Ridley come straight out of Tron or something?

Well, glad the usual blame game has come and gone again.


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Then unless a new Metroid game will be announced, they will be both dissapointed/angry and happy (not all of them support Ridley unfortunately, so, there will be just dissapointed/angry fans) after that trailer.
I think they must be careful if they want Metroid fans that a new Metroid game is coming using the first person view...I mean

if it looks like this:

it's fine....

but if it looks like this:

there might be a little bit of dissapointed people besides the one that does not support Ridley....

But anyway...Ridley is the most important thing here, and I can't wait any longer...and I mean it.
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Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Yeah ship-based Metroids have a reputation for being disappointing shenanigans. I'd hope they stray from that in the future.

EDIT: Heck. Thinking on that, MPH was half on ships, and half of it was a disappointing mess. :troll: I guess the planets are a metaphor for the multiplayer.
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Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2013
Wandering the Gerudo wastes
I think they must be carful if they want Metroid fans that a new Metroid game is coming using the first person view...I mean

if it looks like this:

it's fine....

but if it looks like this:

there might be a little bit of dissapointed people besides the one that does not support Ridley....

But anyway...Ridley is the most important thing here, and I can't wait any longer...and I mean it.
I don't believe I've mentioned yet how much I hate the Other M arm cannon.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Considering the only function 1st person view had in Other M was the annoying pixel hunts and shooting an enemy's weak point that you couldn't do while in 3rd person, I didn't think it was that bad in hindsight. Main gripe was just not being able to move while in 1st person and standing around like a derpwad.

What's any of this got to do with Ridley though?


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Considering the only function 1st person view had in Other M was the annoying pixel hunts and shooting an enemy's weak point that you couldn't do while in 3rd person, I didn't think it was that bad in hindsight. Main gripe was just not being able to move while in 1st person and standing around like a derpwad.

What's any of this got to do with Ridley though?
Ridley's too big to be seen on the pixel hunts? :awesome:


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
I don't believe I've mentioned yet how much I hate the Other M arm cannon.
Meh, NES Metroid gun is worse.

About event matches - i have few ideas. One of them was similar to Samus & Captain Falcon vs Bowser, but harder and with a time limit. I tried to post them before, but failed.
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Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
That's the point, a bait and switch. A fitting way for Sakurai to put an end to Ridley's teasing with one last troll move.
Yeah, I want Ridley in Smash and all, but if you intend on teasing me with Metroid Prime 4, you best plan on delivering.

I'd honestly rather have Metroid Prime 4 at this point.
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Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Considering the only function 1st person view had in Other M was the annoying pixel hunts and shooting an enemy's weak point that you couldn't do while in 3rd person, I didn't think it was that bad in hindsight. Main gripe was just not being able to move while in 1st person and standing around like a derpwad.

What's any of this got to do with Ridley though?
I don't know....I just love to "play" with Omega Ridley and see him do glitchy ninja backflips...and also he loves to play hide and seek....and he never, EVER comes out......-u- Those glitches still freak me out...good thing that I have never encountered the glitch where he gets stuck on the wall....
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Yeah, I want Ridley in Smash and all, but if you intend on teasing me with Metroid Prime 4, you best plan on delivering.

I'd honestly rather have Metroid Prime 4 at this point.
I still don't get this. I thought Metroid Prime was over. How can they make a Metroid Prime 4? I haven't played the Metroid Prime games, but I read up on the story and the "Metroid Prime" was destroyed by the end of the series...

Other than that, yeah, I kinda expect a new Metroid game teaser trailer even if they don't show any gameplay or anything. Based on what we know, it sounds like they haven't actually started development on any new Metroid games yet, or if they did, they're in only the early stages of development. I wouldn't be surprised if they did a Ridley Smash Bros. reveal trailer and teased a new Metroid game, too, though.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
I still don't get this. I thought Metroid Prime was over. How can they make a Metroid Prime 4? I haven't played the Metroid Prime games, but I read up on the story and the "Metroid Prime" was destroyed by the end of the series...
Metroid Prime, as a trilogy, is over.

Metroid Prime, gameplay-wise, is not.

It's actually the version of Metroid that Miyamoto prefers (because he believes it holds greater potential, with which I agree), and they've made it clear that they want to appeal to "fans of both the classic Metroid and Metroid Prime gameplay styles" or whatever. Take that as what you will, but I think that all but confirms the "Prime 4 on the WiiU, new Metroidvania on the 3DS" idea.

A supposed Prime 4 likely wouldn't continue the story of Phazon and the Metroid Prime, but it would still play like a Prime game. That's all that people really want out of a new Prime game, anyway.
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Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
I don't know....I just love to "play" with Omega Ridley and see him do glitchy ninja backflips...and also he loves to play hide and seek....and he never, EVER comes out......-u- Those glitches still freak me out...good thing that I have never encountered the glitch where he gets stuck on the wall....
He is programmed to dodge Samus` screw attack, so, its not a glitch unless he does that while Samus is not screw attacking. He does glitchy ninja backflips only when Samus is screw attacking, right?...No?
Unfortunately, Roidley can`t dodge Samus` attacks while she can dodge every attack in Other M. That would be awesome if he could use something similar to Sense Move to dodge Samus` attacks like she dodges his attacks.
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Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Fusion was good IMO.
Well you're Chihiro,
and you're supposed to be dead.

Jokes aside, a lot of people think a lot of things.

Anyway, I think when people say Prime 4 they mean a fifth game that plays like Metroid Prime. Not an actuall addition to the story of the Metroid Prime, which is impossible unless we have another Prime Hunters moment with a miscellaneous leviathan.


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
He is programmed to dodge Samus` screw attack, so, its not a glitch. Unfortunately, Roidley can`t dodge Samus` attacks. That would be awesome if he could use something similar to Sense Move to dodge Samus` attacks.
Oh I know that. but there's a glitch where he is flying to make the shockwave attack, and when I shoot him in the mouth, instead of falling on his butt, he touches the ground and jumps backwards while flapping his wings in a very strange way, and he ends up a LOT of steps away from where he was originally.
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Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I guess I never make these glitches happen because I let Ridley take his time through his own attack cycle. :awesome:
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