Who cares if they show themselves off. Many women feel empowered, liberated, etc when they pose nude. Some of them just think it's a lot of fun. It is completely unfair to call them prostitutes based on your personal bias on how you think people should live their lives. And looking at hot women doesn't 100% damage a potential marriage. Depends on the relationship. PS. We are human beings and will look at other attractive human beings.
I know if he were my boyfriend, I wouldn't care.
Women with low self esteem allow themselves to be this way. Yeah, media does make an unfair image or pushes an unfair image, but I know plenty of women who don't give a **** about that. I'm one of them. It takes more than seeing pretty people everywhere to push a girl to "prostitute" themselves out, and ESPECIALLY to starve themselves(bulimia and anorexia is a multifaceted disease). It's a factor, but there are underlying issues that causes a girl to be this way in the first place.
He's seeing pictures of hot women and calling them hot. It's not like he's telling his girlfriend she has to look like Megan Fox. Women do this to men, too. And what do we see 90% of in ads and the movies? Big, muscular men. Women also cause men to feel a ton of inadequacies and expect men to live up to the role as "man", which is another level of bull****. It's horrible to tell a woman to act like a "woman", but a ridiculous amount of women expect a man to act like a "man".
In the end, a woman decides on the type of guy they want to date. She decides what kind of media she allows herself to be exposed to. She allows herself to stress over her looks. She allows all this to affect her.
Because you're a woman I took a good while to reflect over what you said and after some consideration, I still completely disagree. I still completely disagree with pornography and I've seen its negative effects on both men and women. I've talked to men and women from both sides of the spectrum. Those who have been involved with that type of life and have gotten out, and those who are still in it. Those who have gotten out have expressed everything I've said. Those who haven't have shown the negative effects in their lives and world views that were explained to me by those who came from that lifestyle. Likewise, with divorce I'd have to completely disagree. The vast majority of America lives in lust and our divorce rates are higher now than ever. Now, let me give you an example from my church instead. I've seen at most a 0.01% divorce rate. Not only that, but the people who start dating often end up married, if I were to guess, 90% of the time, and stay happily married for years. All I've said is what I've learned from other people's lives and what God has done in their lives to transform them. One woman who shared in our church about a month ago talked about her life before coming to God, when she was a prostitute. Many other women between branches of my church, and in fact any Christian woman who I've talked to about this has expressed the same exact view. I don't think that's brainwashing, but that there is a real issue that's being solved by God.
That being said, I have to disagree with your opinion 100%. This is the testimony of one woman, I've heard the testimony of many more than just that. Being so, I have to deny your opinion 100%. You can agree to disagree, and I mean no disrespect by my disagreement. I won't further our debate in any other way. It's distracting from the topic.
I think the best is when livvers, one of the few girls out there, came to give us a better point of view of what the 2009 woman really is.
I don't agree with what the 2009 woman is for multiple reasons. Again, really high divorce rates show that there's an issue with both genders and their interactions with one another.
Proverbs, maybe you didn't want to give me this impression, but anyway. You're talking as if the general female gender was an easly fading flower, all according to our way to interact with them. Well I can tell you that you're out of the track, badly.
I do believe that men should take care of women and I do regard men as stronger than women in the majority of situations. That's not me being sexist, I think that's just the reality of the situation. However, I don't regard them as inferior by any stretch of the imagination. Women are much more quick to accept God and keep their focus on God than men are by far. And if you know my background, you know that goes a lot farther in my eyes than 'strength'. See 2 Corinthians 12:9 "[God's] power is made perfect in weakness." Women are much quicker to accept this than men, and can often hold a close relationship with God more consistently than men. In my time at my college we baptized one man and two women. I don't think that's a coincidence. Many more women than men in our church were baptized last year, and that is the general trend. I believe that women are naturally more spiritual than men. Again, I think you understand how much that means by my standards.
They are humans to, they can love someone as much as they can not talk to a guy because he's ****ing ugly or uninterresting. They talk about sex to, they have their experience, their not-so-great nights to. They can drink alcohol and abuse it if they want to. They ***** in guys back, they can be pretty mean. They decide when, how and what part of their body can be touched, and they decide wich guy can do that, as long as they have their part of skin to.
Not sure what you're trying to say here.
Womens can get a lot of attention in a day, by many different guys. Do you really think giving attention to a girl will make you original? Maybe by putting her on a pedestrial... Hell it's according to me a fabulous way to end up virgin, unless you have a blind date that will end up a marriage whatever happens thanks to your religion.
I don't do what I think is 'original', I do what I think first and foremost pleases God, and secondly what I think will help others. Lastly, I take myself into consideration--not to say that I do this all the time or even most of the time, but this is the way I'm trying to live. Regardless, I don't care what you want to refer to my actions as. It doesn't matter to me if I'm putting women up on a pedestal or acting chivalrous when chivalry is dead or if I'm regarded as a sexist. These are points of view that humans have. They think "because I don't want to look like a sexist, I won't do this." I just look for what God's will is and don't care what others think if they oppose it. Think about it: Why should I care what people think when there's a God out there who loves me much more than these people, and knows what's best for both myself and them? I don't know about you, but I know my place. God's been running this universe for a bit longer than I have.
And likewise, I don't care if I end up a virgin. Having sex is not the focal point of my existence.
Womens are just like us if you ask me.
This isn't true. Women are incredibly different from men in a multitiude of ways from the core. I honestly think this opinion (no offense intended toward you, I'm just seizing an opportunity to speak my mind) is why there are so few real men today. Since they think that men and women are no different, they take that as an excuse to act womanly--which is to be praised if you're a woman, but is shameful if you're a man. The thing is, we have been so quick to abandon our natural roles that we've actually begun to switch. That's why so many women are taking the lead these days, because they're often more manly than men are. It's horrible. I commend the women that step up to the task when they're needed. It's amazing to see them step out of themselves to lead when men won't. But I weep for the men. They're not even men at all, they're simply bigger boys.
I'll leave this topic here, as it's completely de-railed the whole thread, but I am not at all ashamed of what I said. However, Livvers and Wak, I do want you to know that I take your words into consideration in a different manner. I do believe that I go a bit too far in my opinion at times. Since I don't naturally tend toward this point of view I end up over-compensating at times. So I really will take this to heart, because while I do disagree with your opinions on the whole, I think there is a good deal I need to learn about women, though I'll never approve of pornography or lust. I've seen too much destruction of relationships and marriages from that. Regardless, thanks for the conversation. I'm glad to get some different points of view.
tl;dr: I disagree for the most part, but I'll take what you said into serious consideration. My point of view is far from perfect.