wow... he's so angry... I'm just saying, yes, its possible to edgeguard with sideB, but there is really no point to it... I mean, maybe against a super floaty since it actually kills them and they easily DI out of fsmash, but not really fox/falco, pichu already gimps them super easily too.
And I don't shoot down everything you say, but I'm not going to agree with you all the time if there is a better and easier option (i.e. Fsmash)
Besides, I've given you allot of advice on how to better your pichu (and smashing skills in general) and you seem to think that the basic methods of getting better don't work for you when you refuse to even try them. Honestly, playing in tourneys makes you get better allot faster than playing on your own. Tech skill is important, but its more important to learn how to play against skilled players and learn how to actually use your tech skill in real play. Going to tourneys will give you a chance to experiment with your ideas against legitimate players and give you more experience playing different matchups. On top of that, tourneys are fun (and usually cheap) and there are tourneys within an hour or two of where you live all the time...