qwester needs to be stripped of his mod status IMMEDIATELY
[14:39] <snex_work> ken who is your sister teaming with
[14:39] <sephirothken> i think DA will win crews
[14:39] <sephirothken> if they add me

[14:40] <Qwester> snex, stop harrasing users
[14:40] <Ruler> 1337 >>>>>>>. 1233
[14:40] <KillaOR> :/
[14:40] <Mew2King> <sephirothken> mad lazer spam --------------> Why I hate Falco.
[14:40] *** Parts: AntD
[14:40] <snex_work> Qwester stop abusing mod powers
[14:40] <snex_work> everybody in here can see that nobody was harrassed
[14:40] <KillaOR> lol
[14:40] <snex_work> now crawl back into your cave
[14:40] <RockCrock> i feel harassed
[14:40] <KillaOR> I'm being harashed
[14:40] <Angrylobster> lol
[14:40] <Ruler> i feel >__>'ed
[14:40] <dmac> $5 wrestling match
[14:40] <dmac> who wants some
[14:40] <KillaOR> what the hell?
[14:40] <Qwester> snex, just quit it, k? You don't like it.. tough
[14:41] <KillaOR> can you kick and punch?
[14:41] <snex_work> quit what ****face
[14:41] <snex_work> nobody was harrassed
[14:41] <KillaOR> if so i'll do it
[14:41] <snex_work> so blow me
[14:41] <snex_work> im sick of your bull**** Qwester
[14:41] <dmac> no striking
[14:41] <dmac> thats not wrestling
[14:41] <KillaOR> COME ONE
[14:41] <KillaOR> COME On
[14:41] <sephirothken> $50 on KillaOR
[14:41] *** Parts: unknownforce
[14:41] <snex_work> why is it that Qwester has to turn a normal conversation into a fight
[14:41] *** Joins: Spartacus
[14:41] <snex_work> keep your ****ing mouth quiet
[14:42] <Gimpyfish62> lol
[14:42] <dmac> killa you got what
[14:42] <dmac> 100 lbs on m
[14:42] <dmac> me probably
[14:42] <Qwester> last warning snex
[14:42] <dmac> lol
[14:42] <Spartacus> My balanga has a first name
[14:42] <snex_work> **** you Qwester
[14:42] <KonkeyDong> i got jack and his pals to come to fc, they joining my crew, we the international rapists
[14:42] <Gimpyfish62> i remember quester was the first one who actually helped me know what i was doing on this dc++ thing lol
[14:42] <snex_work> go ahead and kick me, you know wj will just ***** you out again
[14:42] <Spartacus> Monkeymike, you going to K days?
[14:42] *** Parts: Nyja
[14:42] <Gimpyfish62> quester and dienbienphu
[14:42] <snex_work> because you know this is BULL****
[14:42] *** Parts: dark_bat2
[14:42] <Ruler> asdf likes jkl;
[14:42] <Gimpyfish62> and wj too also
[14:42] <KonkeyDong> spartacus are u edmonton player
[14:42] <Gimpyfish62> lol
[14:42] <Boxx> ...
[14:42] <Smashbot> You've been temporary banned until 2005-07-13 01:42:55 by Qwester
[14:42] *** Disconnected