Smash Ace
This is a definitive Quick connect guide to help you get on the Smash Hub, so you can get on the hub and get what your heart desires... =D
First off you will need to download a client which runs the Direct Connect protocol. A few good clients include :
DC++, BCDC++(PC), and
Mac DC++ (Mac OSX)
If you are an advanced user, it is recommended that you go with BCDC++, since it has more options such as the ignore feature.
When you first open you should see something like this
Before you can start, You must do a setup the client.
(This setup is based on DC++, but it can be applied to all other clients)
Setting up
Location: Settings --> General --> Personal Information.
The only piece of information that is required here is Nick. This is the username you will use on DC++. This can be anything you want but avoid using characters that would be illegal in filenames, such as '*' or '/'.
Entering a connection type is recommended. The other two fields, E-Mail and Description, are optional.
Location: Settings --> General --> Connection Settings.
If you are behind a router or gateway, select Passive mode initially. You can switch to Active mode later by configuring your ports
(There will me more on Connection setting help below)
Location: Settings --> Downloads --> Directories.
Default Download Directory: Enter a folder where finished downloads should go. If left blank, it will default to a folder called Downloads in the main DC++ folder.
Location: Settings --> Sharing
To add files to your share, click on the Add button and select a folder that contains files you wish to share. This folder does not have to be related to your DC++ folder in any way. When the folder has been added, the Total Size shown will update.
Repeat this process with as many folders as you require. Note that DC++ will not allow you to share you Incomplete Downloads folder.
Location: Settings --> Sharing --> Upload Slots
File transfers in DC++ are based on slots. Each file being transferred takes up one slot. You need to open up a number of upload slots to gain access to hubs. Although we do not have a minimum slot requirement, it is recommended that you keep at
least 1 slot open.
Connecting to the Hub
A hub can be added as a favourite in any of the following ways:
The only field that is always needed is Address which will hold the address of the hub. You can enter what you like for name and description.
The address is : smash.servegame.com
in the identification section, you may enter your desired username. once you connect to the hub you may use the +regme command ex. +regme smash where smash would be your password of choice.
click ok and you should see the hub saved in favorite hubs.
make sure the check mark for auto - connect is on, this way it will start up once you open up dc++
Now that we are all set up and connected, we can start on downloading some Smash vids =D
There are two ways to get files for downloading:
The first is browsing the share of a particular user by downloading their file list. This is useful if you do not have a particular file in mind or want to download a large number of files from a particular user.
The second way is to use the search function. This is useful if you have a specific file in mind.
File List
To browse a user's file list, select a user from the list in the hub window and right click on their name. Select "Get file list" and the list should start downloading.
To queue up a file for download, either double click on the file or right click on it and select Download. Multiple files can be queued up in a similar way. An entire directory can also be queued by right clicking on the directory and selecting download. Note that the entire directory and its subdirectories will be added to your queue.
Click on the search button(magnifying glass at the top) or click ctrl+s.
Enter the name of the file you wish to search for. Once you click Search or hit enter, the Search should show some results.
Note that as long as the search window is open, you will continue to receive search results.
Once you find your file just double click on it and it will began to download.
Most of the troubleshooting section was extracted from the old guide.
First off you will need to download a client which runs the Direct Connect protocol. A few good clients include :
DC++, BCDC++(PC), and
Mac DC++ (Mac OSX)
If you are an advanced user, it is recommended that you go with BCDC++, since it has more options such as the ignore feature.
When you first open you should see something like this

Before you can start, You must do a setup the client.
(This setup is based on DC++, but it can be applied to all other clients)
Setting up

Location: Settings --> General --> Personal Information.
The only piece of information that is required here is Nick. This is the username you will use on DC++. This can be anything you want but avoid using characters that would be illegal in filenames, such as '*' or '/'.
Entering a connection type is recommended. The other two fields, E-Mail and Description, are optional.
Location: Settings --> General --> Connection Settings.

If you are behind a router or gateway, select Passive mode initially. You can switch to Active mode later by configuring your ports
- If you are directly connected to the Internet then leave Active mode selected.
- If you are behind a SOCKS proxy, select SOCKS5 and enter the appropriate information.(Very Rare)
- If you unsure which applies to you, select Passive mode.
There is a guide on how to set up active mode which can be found herePassive mode is the simplest mode to use since it requires no actual configuration, however this simplicity comes at a price. Passive mode has limitations in connectivity (passive users cannot connect to other passive users). This mode is therefore a compatibility mode and should only be used if you cannot use active mode. Since you can run into issues by using passive mode, it is best to get set up in active mode, in doing this you will not be at any disadvantages and are less prone to run into issues.
(There will me more on Connection setting help below)
Location: Settings --> Downloads --> Directories.

Default Download Directory: Enter a folder where finished downloads should go. If left blank, it will default to a folder called Downloads in the main DC++ folder.
Location: Settings --> Sharing

To add files to your share, click on the Add button and select a folder that contains files you wish to share. This folder does not have to be related to your DC++ folder in any way. When the folder has been added, the Total Size shown will update.
Repeat this process with as many folders as you require. Note that DC++ will not allow you to share you Incomplete Downloads folder.
Location: Settings --> Sharing --> Upload Slots

File transfers in DC++ are based on slots. Each file being transferred takes up one slot. You need to open up a number of upload slots to gain access to hubs. Although we do not have a minimum slot requirement, it is recommended that you keep at
least 1 slot open.
Connecting to the Hub
A hub can be added as a favourite in any of the following ways:
- Typing /fav in the hub's window.
- Right clicking on the hub's tab and choosing "Add To Favourites".
- Manually entering the hub's details in the Favourite Hubs window.

The only field that is always needed is Address which will hold the address of the hub. You can enter what you like for name and description.
The address is : smash.servegame.com
in the identification section, you may enter your desired username. once you connect to the hub you may use the +regme command ex. +regme smash where smash would be your password of choice.
click ok and you should see the hub saved in favorite hubs.
make sure the check mark for auto - connect is on, this way it will start up once you open up dc++
Now that we are all set up and connected, we can start on downloading some Smash vids =D
There are two ways to get files for downloading:
The first is browsing the share of a particular user by downloading their file list. This is useful if you do not have a particular file in mind or want to download a large number of files from a particular user.
The second way is to use the search function. This is useful if you have a specific file in mind.
File List

To browse a user's file list, select a user from the list in the hub window and right click on their name. Select "Get file list" and the list should start downloading.
To queue up a file for download, either double click on the file or right click on it and select Download. Multiple files can be queued up in a similar way. An entire directory can also be queued by right clicking on the directory and selecting download. Note that the entire directory and its subdirectories will be added to your queue.

Click on the search button(magnifying glass at the top) or click ctrl+s.
Enter the name of the file you wish to search for. Once you click Search or hit enter, the Search should show some results.
Note that as long as the search window is open, you will continue to receive search results.
Once you find your file just double click on it and it will began to download.
Most of the troubleshooting section was extracted from the old guide.
If you’re having problems connecting to the hub, or can’t download files when you are connected, try reading this before asking for help.
I can't search/dl from others! - or ANY other problem to do with connections
Change to passive mode or set up active mode correctly with an open port and your IP address (if you don’t know what an open
port is, you probably won’t be able to get this working, just try passive). You can get your IP from www.whatismyip.com or by using the +myip command in the hub, and a guide on how to set up active mode here
Uhm, I changed to passive but now I can't download from dude12345, wut's up?!
Two passive users cannot connect to each other; this is to do with the way passive mode works and can’t be changed. If you want to download from another passive user, try setting up active mode otherwise... sorry.
Hey, I get a message like this everytime I try to join the hub
*** Connecting to smash.servegame.com...
*** Connected
<Smashbot> YnHub version: 1.02 produced by Yoshi
and Nev.
<Smashbot> Your nickname is already taken
*** Disconnected
This means that someone is already connected to the hub under the same user name you just tried, if you're using a really common name that someone else might be using, try changing your nick to something else. If you were just disconnected, then the hub probably thinks you're still connected from the previous session. Try waiting a few minutes before trying again. If you change your nick, remember to change it back again so that people who were downloading from you before can still find the same files again.
I keep getting this message when trying to connect
*** Connecting to ...
*** Address not available
This shows that you haven't put the correct address into your settings. Try putting smash.servegame.com or into the address field.
What do I do if I see this when connecting
*** Connecting to smash.servegame.com...
*** Connection timeout
This shows that your computer isn't re-directing to the correct address, or that the hub is down. Try these address' to connect, if that fails and you're sure your active settings are correct or you're in passive mode then the hub is probably down. Make sure the address is smash.servegame.com
smashbot keeps saying this:
Invalid IP in ConnectToMe
Check the IP you've entered in your active settings, once you've updated it, rejoin the hub.
You might find answers to any other questions you have on this Forum
- Use common sense, and please be respectful.
1) Do not spam or flood.
- excessive text, saying/pasting the same thing repeatedly, etc.
2) Do not harass other users, please be respectful.
- excessive flaming, etc.
3) Clones and impersonating other users will get you a ban.
- To avoid your nickname being taken you may register with the +regme command.
ex." +regme pass " where pass is your password of choice
4) Do NOT share child pornography, ****, snuff, or other illegal stuff.
5) Please don't be annoying or disruptive. This includes acting stupid on purpose, trying to bait an argument, typing with all caps repeatedly, etc.
6) Reporting is only allowed for serious repeated disregard of rules. reporting when rules are not broken may result in temporary kick or worse. reporting is also not necessary more than once for the same offense, such actions may result in either temporary or permanent ban.
- The report feature only exists because we know that the OPS can't be at their desk 24/7. When they do get back, they can see the report for themselves.
7) Don't have an excessively long or annoying nick.
8) Do not change your nick as it breaks people's queues and generally makes everything more complicated.
- the novelty is not worth the disruption.
- Don't complain about somebody downloading from you. If you're sharing the file, expect people to download it.
- Steps to resolve your bandwidth being sapped by an upload:
~ ask them politely if they can find the file somewhere else.
~ unshare the file that they're downloading.
~ close your client. that will stop the download.
9) "NO JOHNZZZ" - simply put do not whine and complain about the action taken against you. Any inquiries about your punishment may be discussed with the OP who gave the punishment via PM.
- Also do not discuss a users punishment in the main chat, this can be discussed Via PM. Talking about punishments in the main chat room, only tarnishes a person's reputation and is not respectful.
10) Do not tell OPs what to do, such as telling the OP how to do their job.
We're very lenient, so as long as you don't abuse the hub, you have nothing to worry about.
- Don't piss off the OPs and don't be lame.
- In most cases you will receive a warning before real action is taken.
ex. "<Smashbot> "User" has been warned because:________. If IT doesn't calm down IT WILL be kicked from the hub."
- If the user persists after warnings, then the following action may be taken: kennylize, mute, kick , permanent ban. all depending on degrees of severity.
- If you have been punished for breaking the rules, please respect the punishment. Failure in resulting to do so will result in permanent ban
ex. if you get kicked do not evade the kick, it is only 10 minutes its not the end of the world.
- Any punishments listed above are left at the discretion of the OP.
- The OPs are exempt from all rules and are always right.
- All Final Decisions are left to OP's.