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The Official "Should/Will Metaknight be banned?" Thread (LISTEN TO THE SBR PODCAST!)

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Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
How is Smash different in such a way that 60:40:ing everyone in Smash is so much worse than 60:40:ing everyone in, say, SF3:3S?

It's a question I've posed many times but never gotten a real answer to.
Well, gimps for one. Akuma may be broken, but he still has to deplete your entire health bar before he can win. Meta can kill at 10% if he's good (I'm sure there is some hyperbole in there, but you get my point). Sure, some fighting games have ring-outs, but those are 3D-fighters, and I'm trying to compare Brawl to more traditional fighters (at least they all have 2D in common).

I noticed how none of this has anything to do with the 2 ban criteria you suggested and which I challenged. Why even argue them if you cannot back them up again if you can't substantiate them or at least attempt it (whether you share these beliefs or are merely playing Devil's Advocate. I don't even play Devil's Advocate if I can't back it up).
I didn't need to. You're argument was 'dangerous precident' as a reason not to use criteria 2, and I used the SBR (as a governmental body) to prove why 'dangerous precedent' was irrelevant. And I didn't need to support criteria 1 because I wasn't arguing for or against it; I was arguing for the addition of a second critera.


Apr 10, 2008
EDIT @ DanGR: Why not fib on matchups a little? If you are totally truthful and concede that your character has a bad matchup against the King of Brawl, people won't want to play your character and your metagame will weaken. It's ALWAYS in your best interest to over-promote your character. Being realistic does not ein you new mainers.
I don't fib about MK because it's laughable to say that any character has a better matchup against MK than MK himself does. If Olimar did have a better matchup, it would show. It's easy to see irl who stands out against MK. Why lie about it in a simple matchup thread?

Theoretically, we need more Olimainers, but people becoming interested in our character will only hurt us. I'm glad I'm the only competent Olimar user in all of Alabama/Arkansas/Georgia. I'm the only one that people have to worry about. It's easier to go unnoticed. People in my area still can't point out the animated difference between Olimar's grab and his fsmash.

We, the players that have stuck with Olimar from the start, already know the matchup numbers. We're not tricking anyone in our own forum. No-one that talks regularly in the Oli forums are noobs. Our guides are merely references. I don't know about the other forums.

Edit: I sound greedy, but just wait a couple years from now, (if this game lasts that long) Olimar should drop to the bottom of mid tier.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
@da K.I.D - Why do you continue to proclaim that all Yoshi has is "Just a Chaingrab" in this Matchup. He has alot more if you took the time to actually research the matchup.
da K.I.D. has a history of doing no research before spouting off his opinions as facts, refusing to do said research upon prompting, refusing to accept facts when presented to himself and a lot of the time when he does accept them, he later "forgets" them.

He will then accuse you of doing all of this and more since in his amnesiac mind, he did nothing wrong and you did everything wrong... somehow.

Also, Mmac, I can't remember, are you pro-ban or anti-ban? Or wait-and-see?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 3, 2007
this debate/discussion/thread seems to fall back on character match-ups quite often. Unfortunately without a finalized generally agreed upon match up guide discussion is not about banning MK but character match up. Which seems proof positive that the metagame is not established enough to validate banning a character on "unfair advantage".

So for the time being it would seem that reliable factor for banning would be tournaments numbers.

so what i'm wondering is:
are tournaments flooded with metaknights?

is it to the point that numbers in tournaments are dropping?

would an MK ban increase numbers to tourneys?


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
First of all, I don't pay attention to other fighting game communities' ban procedures because Smash is so much different than any other fighting game. I'd be naive if I thought what works for them will definitely work for us. So, just because *insert powerful character here* from *insert typical fighting game here* isn't banned, that doesn't mean anything to Smash.
in what way?
Stage ban wise we look at similar criteria.let us ignore interference, we also look at how much the stage will limit gameplay.

For example moses Island is possibly banned because several characters can perform infinites reducing the game to that one strategy.
their is an overcentralizing of that strategy, you are basically being forced to use this strategy or you have a good chance of losing.

Character wise, we would go on a ban depending on how much damage it does to the game.
Does MK cause any oercentralizing? If so to what degree?

This is the exact same criteria that Magic the gather , Yu-gi-oh, SF2, SF3 and many, many other types of games rely on when it comes to banning.
how much does it hurt the competitive scene?

There is nothing in smash that exempts it from such criteria.
yes the methods of carrying out the ban are different (magic bans cards as does yugi oh, SF2 banned Akuma) but it is essentially the same.

Secondly, that's what the SBR is for. Look, we don't have to listen to them, but very few TO's are brazen enough to go against them. That being said, the SBR is our governmental body, and as such, they are our voice. They, in essence, work for us. They are supposed to do what is best for us. If Meta isn't crazy powerful in an unbeatable sense, but is powerful enough to reduce the game to near-Meta-dittos, then they should do something to preserve the community and the meta game. They are insightful enough to know the difference between 'The community can't deal with this' and 'The communty doesn't want to deal with this'.
In what was are they a governmental body?
in what way are they our voice?
the SBR has never spoken to represent other people. They make their statements for the sake of competition. Not people.

What they state is not official and isn't something that should automatically be accepted.
it isn't that TO's are not brazen enough to go against the SBR, its the the fact that TO's have no reason to disagree with the SBR.

The SBR's decisions are often very well backed and are renowned for having some of the best minds concerning smash and so, their decisions are the typically the best.

In short, the SBR is not the equivalent of Yu-gi-Oh's Konami.
Again what they state is a suggestion its not official.

Well, gimps for one. Akuma may be broken, but he still has to deplete your entire health bar before he can win. Meta can kill at 10% if he's good (I'm sure there is some hyperbole in there, but you get my point). Sure, some fighting games have ring-outs, but those are 3D-fighters, and I'm trying to compare Brawl to more traditional fighters (at least they all have 2D in common).
Magneto, Storm and cable had infinites that would kill you as soon as you get caught.
being able to kill early in smash is the equivalent of killing the opponent early through an infinite in other fighting games. yes the method is different but the goal is the same.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
Well, gimps for one. Akuma may be broken, but he still has to deplete your entire health bar before he can win. Meta can kill at 10% if he's good (I'm sure there is some hyperbole in there, but you get my point). Sure, some fighting games have ring-outs, but those are 3D-fighters, and I'm trying to compare Brawl to more traditional fighters (at least they all have 2D in common).
yes, but it still comes down to the same thing; they have advantages. theyre different styles, but an advantage is an advantage. it doesnt matter on the fighting game

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Yes, and his game keeps improving 'til he becomes "Good enough", he'll get banned. See, the fact that he's popular is working against him. But if he never reaches that point, no matter how popular, there's no real reason to ban him besides his popularity.

I told you all thise over 100 pages ago!
I'm gonna be quite pessimistic here for a second (but I do acknowledge what you explained above):

1. What if he never gets to that "point" to reach? How good can he possibly get without hitting "Too Good"?

Think of it as trying to go down the entire list of Pi. He's just going to constantly get better and better, but at such slow increments that he never really gets to the "Too Good", but he'll always be "Good Enough" to overcentralize everything.

Meta Knight = 3.14
Too Good = 3.15

What if he never reaches that point, but continues to inch closer and closer?

2. What if he becomes so popular, that everyone (completely unlikely, but so long as we're using IF...) switches over. I mean, EVERYONE. The other 30-something characters' meta-games become frozen in place, and all that's left is MK. However, he still isn't "Too Good", he's only overcentralizing the game.

Does he deserve the ban at that point or not? He's not "Too Good", but he's simply "Good Enough" to have the best chances at winning any tournament with. So why bother with any other character if my best chance is with MK?


Overall, this entire situation is just lame. I hate how good Meta Knight is (notice I didn't say too good)...


DanGR said:
Theoretically, we need more Olimainers, but people becoming interested in our character will only hurt us. I'm glad I'm the only competent Olimar user in all of Alabama/Arkansas/Georgia. I'm the only one that people have to worry about. It's easier to go unnoticed. People in my area still can't point out the animated difference between Olimar's grab and his fsmash.

We, the players that have stuck with Olimar from the start, already know the matchup numbers. We're not tricking anyone in our own forum. No-one that talks regularly in the Oli forums are noobs. Our guides are merely references. I don't know about the other forums.

Edit: I sound greedy, but just wait a couple years from now, (if this game lasts that long) Olimar should drop to the bottom of mid tier.
That's how I go about with my character.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2006
Anything but "almost" as "almost" means "almost" and not just "a lot of things"!
I'll do that when you can find me a word that's like "almost" or "most" that doesn't confuse you.

You bring forth nothing to support this claim of yours. What makes Brawl so special? Specifically asked you this and you replied with something else entirely (believe your reply actually had a lot to do with Meta Knight's Tornado).
Everyone who plays Brawl has had a first-hand experience with it so I don't see how you can't see how Brawl is much slower and Brawl is extremely low-tech (of which I mention in my post). Because it's slower and much less technical the characters themselves weigh more when factoring who wins in matchups. Every other fighting game has had some way, shape or form of base technical skill needed to pull off moves or ways to increase movement while Brawl has little to none. There may be some things in Brawl that may need a swift motion whenever you're trying to do a specific tech but, for the most part there's pretty much no tech skill involved. No cancels, no ways to increase movement or speed-- elements of a fighting game that would make it deep and competitive and more reliant on the player than the character.

Recognizing that my BS isn't just BS? It's me pointing out flaws? Admitting you were wrong is not enough if you accused someone (innocent) of wrongdoing for it first.
I called it BS because I missed my own post. But I was wrong because I forgot I said "smashes" when I did and I admitted I was wrong. So, your post then isn't BS, obviously, I just made a mistake. There's nothing else I can do. You're just being butthurt because I called it BS even though we both know it isn't. Do I need to spell it out for you like a baby to make you feel "all better"?


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Well, gimps for one. Akuma may be broken, but he still has to deplete your entire health bar before he can win. Meta can kill at 10% if he's good (I'm sure there is some hyperbole in there, but you get my point). Sure, some fighting games have ring-outs, but those are 3D-fighters, and I'm trying to compare Brawl to more traditional fighters (at least they all have 2D in common).
I'm sorry, what? Exactly how can Meta kill at 10%? SF3:3S is a 2D fighter.

I didn't need to. You're argument was 'dangerous precident' as a reason not to use criteria 2, and I used the SBR (as a governmental body) to prove why 'dangerous precedent' was irrelevant. And I didn't need to support criteria 1 because I wasn't arguing for or against it; I was arguing for the addition of a second critera.
That has nothing to do with whether or not criteria 2 would set a dangerous precedence. Just because the SBR might be the body to enact the ban under criteria 2 would not magically make it any more or less dangerous of a precedence.

Prove that the criteria isn't a dangerous precedence. Your logic is like saying that if my kid brother says "Republicans should all be sent to jail" is insane, it's much less insane if John McCain says it because he's a leading Republican himself and in a seat of power and wields more power and credibility than my kid brother.

It's either a dangerous precedence or it's not. You involving the SBR is a strawman.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
I too, like Kieser, feel that even though he's not "Too Good", he's "Good Enough" that he's overcentralizing the game.
Yes, and his game keeps improving 'til he becomes "Good enough", he'll get banned. See, the fact that he's popular is working against him. But if he never reaches that point, no matter how popular, there's no real reason to ban him besides his popularity.
in italics, what are you trying to say, it sounds like you agree with puff ball that he is good enough to overcentralise the game, and that he should get banned.
this is what i mean when i say that you really dont completely read peoples post. and i hate to bring this up, cus i know itll make me look bad, but i believe (im not sure) i remember you saying a while back that eng. is like your fifth language, if that is true, things like this make that very clear because i really dont see what you are trying to say. puffball said that hes good enough, and in return you say that you agree and that when he is good enough hell get banned... is this correct?


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
so what i'm wondering is:
are tournaments flooded with metaknights? Define "flooded".

is it to the point that numbers in tournaments are dropping? no

would an MK ban increase numbers to tourneys? nobody knows, but since MK isn't currently decreasing tournament attendance, my guess would be no.
Replied to in

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
if MK is banned, what will change, it will just instead be"does it work on snake? d3? G&W?"

edit: jw, what does asking "DOES IT WORK ON MK" do to the community? they want ways to beat tier titans. its the same with every game
'Does it work on *insert 5 characters here*?' is much less centralized than 'Does it work on *insert one character here*.' I'm sure you can admit that.

@ Yuna: Well, remember that this is Brawl. The current mindset is that there isn't much left to find in Brawl. If we're wrong on that, that's fine, but either way, we're being too impulsive trying to ban Meta now.

@Cirno: That's totally right; the SBR's judgement is why Meta isn't already banned. Time will tell what conclusion they come to.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
I'm gonna be quite pessimistic here for a second (but I do acknowledge what you explained above):

1. What if he never gets to that "point" to reach? How good can he possibly get without hitting "Too Good"?

Think of it as trying to go down the entire list of Pi. He's just going to constantly get better and better, but at such slow increments that he never really gets to the "Too Good", but he'll always be "Good Enough" to overcentralize everything.

Meta Knight = 3.14
Too Good = 3.15

What if he never reaches that point, but continues to inch closer and closer?

2. What if he becomes so popular, that everyone (completely unlikely, but so long as we're using IF...) switches over. I mean, EVERYONE. The other 30-something characters' meta-games become frozen in place, and all that's left is MK. However, he still isn't "Too Good", he's only overcentralizing the game.

Does he deserve the ban at that point or not? He's not "Too Good", but he's simply "Good Enough" to have the best chances at winning any tournament with. So why bother with any other character if my best chance is with MK?


Overall, this entire situation is just lame. I hate how good Meta Knight is (notice I didn't say too good)...
its the same reason as any other fighting game. there is no perfectly balanced fighting game. why not everybody flock to the same character? why not always chose the best char? you have the highest chance of winning. its the same with melee fox. why didnt everybody flood to him? hes the best. or yun from SF3. why didnt everybody flood to her? she had no bad matchups...


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
akuma was in the game for Sf2 and look what happened SB Soldier.

its the same reason as any other fighting game. there is no perfectly balanced fighting game. why not everybody flock to the same character? why not always chose the best char? you have the highest chance of winning. its the same with melee fox. why didnt everybody flood to him? hes the best. or yun from SF3. why didnt everybody flood to her? she had no bad matchups...

Guilty Gear says hi. Very well balanced. Worst match is 60:40

in short.
baiken (low tier) vs Testament (top tier)=either way.

you can be top tier and still get your *** handed to you by baiken, Order Sol, Sol badguy, A.B.A, potemkin, etc etc.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2008
Well, gimps for one. Akuma may be broken, but he still has to deplete your entire health bar before he can win.
Some people say MK is broken, he still needs to knock you off the stage before he can win.
The SF equivalent of gimps in Smash would most likely be 0-Death combos or strings where there is little to no opposition/chance to retaliate.

Thus, they're not really all that incomparable.

Meta can kill at 10% if he's good (I'm sure there is some hyperbole in there, but you get my point).
The same can be said about any other character as well though, Even going as far as to say, MK (and any other character can be killed at 10%. Gimpyfish hasn't stopped giving us examples to look at concerning this point.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
1. What if he never gets to that "point" to reach? How good can he possibly get without hitting "Too Good"?

Think of it as trying to go down the entire list of Pi. He's just going to constantly get better and better, but at such slow increments that he never really gets to the "Too Good", but he'll always be "Good Enough" to overcentralize everything.

Meta Knight = 3.14
Too Good = 3.15

What if he never reaches that point, but continues to inch closer and closer?
Banning MK for coming close to the ban criteria without actually achieving them is akin to banning a person from a forum for a rule they technically didn't break.

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
I'm sorry, Yuna, you've misunderstood me on a few things.

I'm sorry, what? Exactly how can Meta kill at 10%? SF3:3S is a 2D fighter.
The reason I was pointing out that I was comparing to 2D fighters was in response to my own words about ring-out 'gimps' in 3D fighters, not to anything you said. Don't worry about it. Oh, and I said myself that I was using hyperbole. I'm sure Meta could 10% gimp a Marth using the lip of FD, though. That's what makes Smash so different from other 2D fighters: many things are simply situational.

That has nothing to do with whether or not criteria 2 would set a dangerous precedence. Just because the SBR might be the body to enact the ban under criteria 2 would not magically make it any more or less dangerous of a precedence.

Prove that the criteria isn't a dangerous precedence. Your logic is like saying that if my kid brother says "Republicans should all be sent to jail" is insane, it's much less insane if John McCain says it because he's a leading Republican himself and in a seat of power and wields more power and credibility than my kid brother.

It's either a dangerous precedence or it's not. You involving the SBR is a strawman.
No, it's not a strawman. Again, you misunderstood. The SBR would have the foresight not to invoke #2 unless it was absolutely necessary. They would also, as an insightful governmental body, refrain from using #2 again in the future unless it was again necessary. We think this because the SBR has a good track record about judgement. If we, as a community, felt otherwise, we wouldn't listen to them. So, the difference in you and I is in how dangerous the precident would be. I think that in the right hands (the SBR), it wouldn't be dangerous at all because it would be handled properly and with care.

Give a magnum to a trained expert and professional, and I guarantee you that in his hands it's only dangerous when he wants it to be; otherwise, it's as harmless as a small rock.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 3, 2007

as far as flooded goes i'd think 30-40%

i'd think the ban issue will develop on its own, if it ever gets to the point where a ban would mean an increase in enrollment, which is what every tournament organizer wants, then it'll happen.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
I'm gonna be quite pessimistic here for a second (but I do acknowledge what you explained above):

1. What if he never gets to that "point" to reach? How good can he possibly get without hitting "Too Good"?
He can be as good as we allow him to be.

IThink of it as trying to go down the entire list of Pi. He's just going to constantly get better and better, but at such slow increments that he never really gets to the "Too Good", but he'll always be "Good Enough" to overcentralize everything.
What makes you think he's the only one who's going to become better? As he learns to battle all other characters, all other characters will learn to battle him. If a way to battle him exists, it will be found. Why will Meta be the only one to improve?

IMeta Knight = 3.14
Too Good = 3.15

What if he never reaches that point, but continues to inch closer and closer?
We won't ban him 'til he reaches that point. We cannot ban him on speculation.

I 2. What if he becomes so popular, that everyone (completely unlikely, but so long as we're using IF...) switches over. I mean, EVERYONE. The other 30-something characters' meta-games become frozen in place, and all that's left is MK. However, he still isn't "Too Good", he's only overcentralizing the game.
Then we can't ban him just because he's over-centralizing the game. Those people will probably flock to the next best thing once he's banned, anyway.

IDoes he deserve the ban at that point or not? He's not "Too Good", but he's simply "Good Enough" to have the best chances at winning any tournament with. So why bother with any other character if my best chance is with MK?
Will we ban anyone who becomes too popular no matter if they're "too good" or even close to it?

IOverall, this entire situation is just lame. I hate how good Meta Knight is (notice I didn't say too good)...
I don't even play Meta Knight. I play him, like, once every 2 months. I don't even like him.

I'll do that when you can find me a word that's like "almost" or "most" that doesn't confuse you.
How about spelling it out with more than one word? It's not me you're confusing, it's anyone who knows English. If you don't want people "misinterpreting" your words, stop using the wrong one.

Everyone who plays Brawl has had a first-hand experience with it so I don't see how you can't see how Brawl is much slower and Brawl is extremely low-tech (of which I mention in my post). Because it's slower and much less technical the characters themselves weigh more when factoring who wins in matchups. Every other fighting game has had some way, shape or form of base technical skill needed to pull off moves or ways to increase movement while Brawl has little to none. There may be some things in Brawl that may need a swift motion whenever you're trying to do a specific tech but, for the most part there's pretty much no tech skill involved. No cancels, no ways to increase movement or speed-- elements of a fighting game that would make it deep and competitive and more reliant on the player than the character.
Mind games? Mix ups? Human error? Not being predictable (again, mind games)? Player styles? It's like you think all Metas play the exact same way, all Snakes play the exact same way and they always, always leave the same openings and make the same mistakes.

I called it BS because I missed my own post.
Yet you told me to re-read it. When someone says you said something you don't think you said and it's within easy reach, you should recheck yourself instead of attacking them. It saves you from a lot of humiliation.

But I was wrong because I forgot I said "smashes" when I did and I admitted I was wrong. So, your post then isn't BS, obviously, I just made a mistake.
I believe this is the first time time you actually admit that I did no wrong and came even close to apologizing.

There's nothing else I can do. You're just being butthurt because I called it BS even though we both know it isn't.
I'm still not seeing a direct apology. I apologize when I make a mistake and then attack my opponents despite being wrong.

Do I need to spell it out for you like a baby to make you feel "all better"
And instead of taking the high road and just apologizing, you instead have the nerve to be condescending when you were the one who did wrong.

The reason I was pointing out that I was comparing to 2D fighters was in response to my own words about ring-out 'gimps' in 3D fighters, not to anything you said. Don't worry about it. Oh, and I said myself that I was using hyperbole. I'm sure Meta could 10% gimp a Marth using the lip of FD, though. That's what makes Smash so different from other 2D fighters: many things are simply situational.
Then we're back to 3D fighters. Smash is a 2D-3D hybrid. It looks mostly 2D but plays mostly like a 3D fighter (yes it does).

MK gimping Marth on FD's lip is tantamount to Ivy ringouting people from halfway across the stage in Soul Calibur III. But nothing in that shows how Smash is so different that a 60-40 in Brawl is so much different froma 60-40 in, say, SCIII.

When we write our match-ups, we analyze them down to the smallest matter. We then gauge the speculated win ratio in the match-up. We do this from as objectively and analytic a stadpoint as possible. Thus, in a perfect world, a 60-40 in SCIII would be the same as a 60-40 in Brawl.

No, it's not a strawman. Again, you misunderstood. The SBR would have the foresight not to invoke #2 unless it was absolutely necessary.
Why even bring it up as an argument if it's so invalid it should only be used when it's "absolutely necessary". And I personally disagree on it. Banning someone for mere popularity is bad and is a bad precedence.

They would also, as an insightful governmental body, refrain from using #2 again in the future unless it was again necessary.
Everyone flocking to someone else and that someone dominating the results? I could see it happening.

We think this because the SBR has a good track record about judgement. If we, as a community, felt otherwise, we wouldn't listen to them. So, the difference in you and I is in how dangerous the precident would be. I think that in the right hands (the SBR), it wouldn't be dangerous at all because it would be handled properly and with care.
The SBR doing it for the wrongs reasons is still the wrong reasons. Argue it as if you're defending the SBR's decision to ban MK with criteria 2, then.

What makes criteria 2 so viable a criteria and not total hogwash?

Give a magnum to a trained expert and professional, and I guarantee you that in his hands it's only dangerous when he wants it to be; otherwise, it's as harmless as a small rock.
This has nothing to do with this situation and is a strawman and you know it.

It's more like:
Give the power to jail people at will to a group of trained lawmen and you will have justice system. Give it to the ignorant masses and you might get chaos.

You still have to argue the validity of criteria 2.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
'Does it work on *insert 5 characters here*?' is much less centralized than 'Does it work on *insert one character here*.' I'm sure you can admit that.

@ Yuna: Well, remember that this is Brawl. The current mindset is that there isn't much left to find in Brawl. If we're wrong on that, that's fine, but either way, we're being too impulsive trying to ban Meta now.

@Cirno: That's totally right; the SBR's judgement is why Meta isn't already banned. Time will tell what conclusion they come to.
well what about SF3? not everybody used Yun, who is in the exact same situation as MK. MK might actually have more neutrals then Yun


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2007
Although a valid argument, I'm too stubborn to master Metaknight... if it's gunna be that easy, some select people with balls will continue their training with harder characters to win tournies with... what fun is it to easily win everything. theres no heart... this metaknight situation can be avoided. just simply trust that people aren't all going to go to him, just like not everyone went to fox in melee. there will always be an easy win, but if you saw what people could do with the underrated characters, this wouldnt even be a thread. I will never flock to metaknight, i have no fun when playing as him. I love marth. I love people like wolf, link, toon link. People like kirby.. it doesnt have to be all statistics to win. People with heart can win too. when I went to tournaments in melee I was link and peach (link is not nearly the top tier). It was fun as h3ll though.

KDJ hated using fox in melee because he didnt have fun playing as him.

I have learned not to play with a character just because I can win, because it is much more satisfying to win when not expected. (just like the giants last superbowl)

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
How is Smash different in such a way that 60:40:ing everyone in Smash is so much worse than 60:40:ing everyone in, say, SF3:3S?

It's a question I've posed many times but never gotten a real answer to.
Smash (especially Brawl) tournaments are not traditional flat-stage fighters, where the only factors are the character choice and the player ability. The rules are different; a conbo that worked when a character was strong often doesn't work when he takes damage. Stages can be counterpicked. Simply staying on the stage is the only factor, making HP (in the form of percentiles) secondary to simply staying 'in the battle."

I really don't care how much you insist it be compared to traditional competitive fighters on the issue of banning, because it is a non-traditional game. We have Pokemaniacs in our mists who thought Wobbuffet made the game "unfun" and banned it. I imagine members of this type also argue in Smash issues. There are people who view the game like any other fighter in this issue, but then you have an entirely different group who thinks the "metagame should be fun." A middle ground is necesary.

Do not compare Smash to traditional fighters, lest you want scrubs to use the "Pokemon" arguement, in which the metagame appears to be expiremented in. Without games to compare it to, the rational that MK is overcentralizing is more powerful, the arguement that 60-40 was not enough of an advantage in the past dies, and an MK ban is more reasonable.

Destroy this arguement if you must (I'm sure you can), but please don't say "60-40" against everyone is not enough of an advantage. Many of us (myself included) don't care about precedent in this matter, we are more interested in what's best for the metagame, reguardless of standards used in "other" fighters.

Heck, don't even call Smash a fighter, its WAY too different. You might as well call Halo a fighter.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
Smash (especially Brawl) tournaments are not traditional flat-stage fighters, where the only factors are the character choice and the player ability. The rules are different; a conbo that worked when a character was strong often doesn't work when he takes damage. Stages can be counterpicked. Simply staying on the stage is the only factor, making HP (in the form of percentiles) secondary to simply staying 'in the battle."

I really don't care how much you insist it be compared to traditional competitive fighters on the issue of banning, because it is a non-traditional game. We have Pokemaniacs in our mists who thought Wobbuffet made the game "unfun" and banned it. I imagine members of this type also argue in Smash issues. There are people who view the game like any other fighter in this issue, but then you have an entirely different group who thinks the "metagame should be fun." A middle ground is necesary.

Do not compare Smash to traditional fighters, lest you want scrubs to use the "Pokemon" arguement, in which the metagame appears to be expiremented in. Without games to compare it to, the rational that MK is overcentralizing is more powerful, the arguement that 60-40 was not enough of an advantage in the past dies, and an MK ban is more reasonable.

Destroy this arguement if you must (I'm sure you can), but please don't say "60-40" against everyone is not enough of an advantage. Many of us (myself included) don't care about precedent in this matter, we are more interested in what's best for the metagame, reguardless of standards used in "other" fighters.

Heck, don't even call Smash a fighter, its WAY too different. You might as well call Halo a fighter.
because IT ALL COMES DOWN TO THE SAME THING. an advantage IS an advantage, no matter what the situation. you cant deny that.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
@da K.I.D - Why do you continue to proclaim that all Yoshi has is "Just a Chaingrab" in this Matchup. He has alot more if you took the time to actually research the matchup.
my bad dude, i dont mean to offend, its just that before the chaingrab, he seemed to fare just as well against MK as everyone else in his tier, not well, yes he always had eggs and neutral air and back air and jabs on him but until the CG he seemed to be in the same group as, say wolf, when it came to the actual matchups.
da K.I.D. has a history of doing no research before spouting off his opinions as facts, refusing to do said research upon prompting, refusing to accept facts when presented to himself and a lot of the time when he does accept them, he later "forgets" them.

He will then accuse you of doing all of this and more since in his amnesiac mind, he did nothing wrong and you did everything wrong... somehow.

Also, Mmac, I can't remember, are you pro-ban or anti-ban? Or wait-and-see?
you must be confusing me with yourself, you are the one that somehow says that everything you say is backed up by everyone with out giving sources.
this debate/discussion/thread seems to fall back on character match-ups quite often. Unfortunately without a finalized generally agreed upon match up guide discussion is not about banning MK but character match up. Which seems proof positive that the metagame is not established enough to validate banning a character on "unfair advantage".

So for the time being it would seem that reliable factor for banning would be tournaments numbers.

so what i'm wondering is:
are tournaments flooded with metaknights?

is it to the point that numbers in tournaments are dropping?

would an MK ban increase numbers to tourneys?
To the first paragraph, yea, thats very true. and to your questions.
at least in my area, the answers are
and yes
its the same reason as any other fighting game. there is no perfectly balanced fighting game. why not everybody flock to the same character? why not always chose the best char? you have the highest chance of winning. its the same with melee fox. why didnt everybody flood to him? hes the best. or yun from SF3. why didnt everybody flood to her? she had no bad matchups...
yun, is a males name, do i have to post a picture of him for you?
and simply, ppl didnt flock to yun because Mk is the best to a greater extent than yun was.
and people didnt flock to fox, because MK is the best to a greater extent than fox was
also, if you tried to play fox(or falco) and didnt know what you were doing... you got your @$$ handed to you in an incredibly timely fashion, since everybody in the game had amasing combos that only worked on fox and falco


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
you must be confusing me with yourself, you are the one that somehow says that everything you say is backed up by everyone with out giving sources.
Because I can't be expected to give sources to everything I say. It'd take me hours to write a single post. You never source yourself either, Mr. Kettle! What I say is, most of the time, common knowledge. Just because you don't know it doesn't mean it isn't.

Walk into any Competitive SF3:3S environment and ask them and they will tell you I'm right.

Also, this: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=5539242&postcount=3673
However, you seem to be unable to comprehend just how ****ing that is to your credibility.

Smash (especially Brawl) tournaments are not traditional flat-stage fighters, where the only factors are the character choice and the player ability. The rules are different; a conbo that worked when a character was strong often doesn't work when he takes damage. Stages can be counterpicked. Simply staying on the stage is the only factor, making HP (in the form of percentiles) secondary to simply staying 'in the battle."
And you do not think this is all factored in when we argue theoryfighter, write Tier Lists and match-up charts?!

Of course it is. A 60:40 should be statistically the same in Brawl as in any other fighter! You can argue that our perception of the match-ups are wrong, but this is just ridiculous.

I really don't care how much you insist it be compared to traditional competitive fighters on the issue of banning, because it is a non-traditional game. We have Pokemaniacs in our mists who thought Wobbuffet made the game "unfun" and banned it.
Stupidest reason ever and invalid.

I imagine members of this type also argue in Smash issues. There are people who view the game like any other fighter in this issue, but then you have an entirely different group who thinks the "metagame should be fun." A middle ground is necesary.
Smash is different, thus Smash should never have to go by past precedences or be compared to other games? Or only when it helps your side of the argument?

Also, read above, this line of reasoning is hogwash.

Do not compare Smash to traditional fighters, lest you want scrubs to use the "Pokemon" arguement, in which the metagame appears to be expiremented in.
The Pokémon rules are apparently changed on whims, experimented with to "maximize fun" and other BS. It's not an example anyone should follow.

Without games to compare it to, the rational that MK is overcentralizing is more powerful, the arguement that 60-40 was not enough of an advantage in the past dies, and an MK ban is more reasonable.
BS, BS , BS.

Destroy this arguement if you must (I'm sure you can), but please don't say "60-40" against everyone is not enough of an advantage. Many of us (myself included) don't care about precedent in this matter, we are more interested in what's best for the metagame, reguardless of standards used in "other" fighters.
What is best for the metagame? Caving into pressure (whine)? If enough people whine and quit instead of trying to take Meta Knight on with the several characters who stand a pretty good chance against him, we should ban him?

60-40 isn't even that hard a matchup. It's perfectly reasonable. But in Brawl, the ones with 40-60s choose to whine instead of working hard to achieve victory.

Heck, don't even call Smash a fighter, its WAY too different. You might as well call Halo a fighter.
See above.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
yun, is a males name, do i have to post a picture of him for you?
and simply, ppl didnt flock to yun because Mk is the best to a greater extent than yun was.
and people didnt flock to fox, because MK is the best to a greater extent than fox was
also, if you tried to play fox(or falco) and didnt know what you were doing... you got your @$$ handed to you in an incredibly timely fashion, since everybody in the game had amasing combos that only worked on fox and falco
if i went up to a random person who has no knowledge of the SF series and asked them if yun was a male or female, what would be thier answer?

and from what i've heard, yun is worse then MK. MK actually has around 3 neutral matchups, while Yun arguably only had 1

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
He can be as good as we allow him to be.
Understood. However, he can continue to get better without becoming "Too Good"?

What makes you think he's the only one who's going to become better? As he learns to battle all other characters, all other characters will learn to battle him. If a way to battle him exists, it will be found. Why will Meta be the only one to improve?
Again, understood. However, here's my answer to the bolded:

The simple fact that most people are switching to Meta Knight, just to win.

We won't ban him 'til he reaches that point. We cannot ban him on speculation.
So, referring to my Pi comparison, Meta Knight could literally be = 3.149 (9 repeating infinitely), and still, a ban would be unwarranted?

Then we can't ban him just because he's over-centralizing the game. Those people will probably flock to the next best thing once he's banned, anyway.
I think most people are going againt this due to how the "next best thing" in Brawl has more flaws than Meta Knight (if MK even HAS flaws). I know you were talking about Marth as well, but I'm pretty sure Marth has several weaknesses that Meta Knight scoffs at.

I don't even play Meta Knight. I play him, like, once every 2 months. I don't even like him.


I'm going to conclude that the issue here is how subjective MK's qualities are, as well as Brawl as a whole, which differentiates what we belief to qualify for a ban.

From what I make of it, you say that Meta Knight shouldn't be banned until there is no reasonable chance for victory from any other character. Please correct me if I'm wrong; I want to be as accurate as possible.

From my personal point of view (I'm sure others would agree to this), it's not only that single concept that warrants a ban on a character.

Overcentralization of a single character, to me at least, is also "Good Enough" to merit a ban. Popularity isn't bad, nor should it alone be enough to ban a character, but when you have a character who is popular, and "so good" that he can beat any other character outright (thus becoming popular through his "goodness"), then I believe that some action should be taken to, at the very least, weaken this overcentralization.

Then again, I kinda made this up as I went along, so I'm pretty sure overall, that my argument is flawed and overall, weak.


lol, started Pg. #251

I'm Celebi! :D


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
Smash (especially Brawl) tournaments are not traditional flat-stage fighters, where the only factors are the character choice and the player ability. The rules are different; a conbo that worked when a character was strong often doesn't work when he takes damage. Stages can be counterpicked. Simply staying on the stage is the only factor, making HP (in the form of percentiles) secondary to simply staying 'in the battle."
This is correct but how does this change the criteria concerning a ban?
Just because the gameplay is different does NOT change the criteria for a ban.
if you read Sirlin he does not just pertain to fighters, much of what is said pertains to ALL competitive games.

Just because Smash is not the same as another fighter does not change this fact.

Looka t yugioh and magic the gathering.
Now look at SF2 and SF3.
the criteria that govern what needs to be banned and what does not get banned is the same. The METHODS change yes, but the criteria that constitute the ban have not changed in the slightest.

I really don't care how much you insist it be compared to traditional competitive fighters on the issue of banning, because it is a non-traditional game. We have Pokemaniacs in our mists who thought Wobbuffet made the game "unfun" and banned it. I imagine members of this type also argue in Smash issues. There are people who view the game like any other fighter in this issue, but then you have an entirely different group who thinks the "metagame should be fun." A middle ground is necesary.
wobuffet completely breaks the game when he comes out your example failed.
A more popular example would be tyranitar.
Either way what do you think it still broke down t?

how much does this pokemon break things when it enters play.
Wobbuffet was the type of pokemon where the best possible outcome was where you knocked out wobbuffet AND your own pokemon.

That is terrible.
Do not compare Smash to traditional fighters, lest you want scrubs to use the "Pokemon" arguement, in which the metagame appears to be expiremented in. Without games to compare it to, the rational that MK is overcentralizing is more powerful, the arguement that 60-40 was not enough of an advantage in the past dies, and an MK ban is more reasonable.
Any argument is more powerful when you remove the evidence provided by an argument opposing it.
The very idea criteria of banning MK is based on those examples prior to smash and the criteria still remains the same.
Destroy this arguement if you must (I'm sure you can), but please don't say "60-40" against everyone is not enough of an advantage. Many of us (myself included) don't care about precedent in this matter, we are more interested in what's best for the metagame, reguardless of standards used in "other" fighters.

Heck, don't even call Smash a fighter, its WAY too different. You might as well call Halo a fighter.
Too bad cause its true. Mk goes 60:40 against everyone. big whoop.
What does 60:40 mean?
You have to work 1.25x as hard as the opponent in order to even things out.
That is not significant enough to warrant a ban because the requirement to overcome such a gap is very small.

The arguments stated calling for MK's ban are steeped in the criteria for a ban that governs MANY other games.

Smash may be different.
but so is
Guilty Gear
melty blood
magic the gathering.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
i think its funny that yuna says dont ban MK on the slim chance that if we ban him for popularity, than we will have to ban any other characters that become just as popular.

but his arguement against the ban is based on the chance (which is just as slim) that if we keep him in tourneys, something will be found to beat his brokenness


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
60:40 in Brawl is the same as a 60:40 in 3S.
They both take every aspect of the game into account when finding each match-up.
Saying Brawl has stages/gimping is stupid.
There's a reason we aren't playing Brawl on a flat level with invisible walls at each end, and conversely, we aren't playing Street fighter on a floating platform.

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
Then we're back to 3D fighters. Smash is a 2D-3D hybrid. It looks mostly 2D but plays mostly like a 3D fighter (yes it does).

MK gimping Marth on FD's lip is tantamount to Ivy ringouting people from halfway across the stage in Soul Calibur III. But nothing in that shows how Smash is so different that a 60-40 in Brawl is so much different froma 60-40 in, say, SCIII.

When we write our match-ups, we analyze them down to the smallest matter. We then gauge the speculated win ratio in the match-up. We do this from as objectively and analytic a stadpoint as possible. Thus, in a perfect world, a 60-40 in SCIII would be the same as a 60-40 in Brawl.
Woah, you're arguing something totally different that what I was saying. See, this is what I meant when I said you misread me. I was saying that the BAN CRITERIA for other fighters don't equate to what we should use to ban. I said nothing about matchups or anything during this particular line of thought. Other games require complete dominance as a criteria for banning because of the requirements for winning (depleting a health bar). Remember, I'm talking about traditional 2D fighters, because they share the most in common with Smash. Smash, however, does not require a character to be overpowered in a physical sense to be overpowered in a general sense because of the gimp system.

Why even bring it up as an argument if it's so invalid it should only be used when it's "absolutely necessary". And I personally disagree on it. Banning someone for mere popularity is bad and is a bad precedence.
Who said it was 'so invalid it should only be used when it's "absolutely necessary" '? You using the words 'so invalid' is dishonest because you're the only one implying its invalidity; I certainly didn't. I said it was perfectly valid... in certain circumstances. Isn't that how everything is? Very few things in life are valid choices in every circumstance... well, except Meta Knight, that is.

Everyone flocking to someone else and that someone dominating the results? I could see it happening.
It's happening now. Of course it could happen again.

The SBR doing it for the wrongs reasons is still the wrong reasons. Argue it as if you're defending the SBR's decision to ban MK with criteria 2, then.

What makes criteria 2 so viable a criteria and not total hogwash?
Because of over-centralization. That's it. Over-centralization is altogether bad for competition because it stifles creativity and creates stagnation. If our aim is to create the most competitively viable atmosphere and keep the game alive, then if the metagame is becoming over-centralized, action must be taken. If Meta really over-centralizes the game that much (or if ANY character does), then steps must be taken. If that means banning, so be it.

This has nothing to do with this situation and is a strawman and you know it.

It's more like:
Give the power to jail people at will to a group of trained lawmen and you will have justice system. Give it to the ignorant masses and you might get chaos.

You still have to argue the validity of criteria 2.
I did up there, and it's not strawman just because you say it is. I proved why it isn't already. You only took what I said and made another (just as valid, I might add) analogy. Different wording, same message: dangerous things become not dangerous if handled correctly/in the right hands.

Also, you guys are moving too fast for my tired ***. I might just take Ciero's advice. :laugh:

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
Yuna -

What part of "You might as well call Halo a fighter" escaped you Yuna? At least Halo has normal physics and HP in a traditional sence.

Also, we have precedent for banning thing to make them fun. Don't you just love how Pokemon is technically as much precident as other fighters? /sarcasm/

It burns me up to say it, but Pokemon IS a precedent. They have no worse a ban arguement than you on precedent. You only get away with it because "fighter" is the closest term to what Smash Bros is. Kinda like PONG is most closely a sports game than it is most other genres because it is "supposed" to be like ping-pong.

Shadowlink -
Also, nothing 60-40's EVERYTHING in the Yu-gi-oh world. Even cards the are banned go even with other banned cards.

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
I just wanted to say I like how people are saying 'flock to the next best thing' as if Marth (I'm assuming, since that was Yuna's argument way back when) is the only 'next best thing'. As far as I know, there are at minimum 2 'next best's, and realistically, about 4-5 'next best's.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Understood. However, he can continue to get better without becoming "Too Good"?
Yes. But not by much. Because eventually he will become "too good" if he keeps on becoming better and better.

Again, understood. However, here's my answer to the bolded:

The simple fact that most people are switching to Meta Knight, just to win.
And? That's popularity speaking.

So, referring to my Pi comparison, Meta Knight could literally be = 3.149 (9 repeating infinitely), and still, a ban would be unwarranted?
If you did something that wasn't actually illegal but 1.000 people hated you enough to call for your arrest and a life sentence, would it be valid to jail you for life?

I think most people are going againt this due to how the "next best thing" in Brawl has more flaws than Meta Knight (if MK even HAS flaws). I know you were talking about Marth as well, but I'm pretty sure Marth has several weaknesses that Meta Knight scoffs at.
But arguing that a character doesn't have to be unreasonably hard to beat to be banned, if the 2nd best is good enough to win entire tournaments without MK around and everyone good flocks to them, they will be the new character to dominate tournaments both in numbers and placings.

It'd be the same, not "too good", but still dominating and stagnating the metagame. Since everyone good plays them, everyone else cannot compete.

From what I make of it, you say that Meta Knight shouldn't be banned until there is no reasonable chance for victory from any other character. Please correct me if I'm wrong; I want to be as accurate as possible.
Yes. You can debate me on what is "reasonable", though.

From my personal point of view (I'm sure others would agree to this), it's not only that single concept that warrants a ban on a character.

Overcentralization of a single character, to me at least, is also "Good Enough" to merit a ban. Popularity isn't bad, nor should it alone be enough to ban a character, but when you have a character who is popular, and "so good" that he can beat any other character outright (thus becoming popular through his "goodness"), then I believe that some action should be taken to, at the very least, weaken this overcentralization.
Banning him due to popularity when he's not even "too good" is bad. This is my opinion and I will argue it. You can disagree, but you will not convince me without compelling evidence (if such evidence even exists).

i think its funny that yuna says dont ban MK on the slim chance that if we ban him for popularity, than we will have to ban any other characters that become just as popular.
Stop lying/strawmanning/writing fiction with your mouth/rewriting reality to fit your argument.

but his arguement against the ban is based on the chance (which is just as slim) that if we keep him in tourneys, something will be found to beat his brokenness
A blatant lie as I've never once said anything that even remotely resembles this. With the other thing you could see it if you squinted and were half blind. This is just pure bovine manure.

Your credibility just keeps taking it in the shorts.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
We have Pokemaniacs in our mists who thought Wobbuffet made the game "unfun" and banned it.
This is entirely false. Wobbuffet was banned because he was BROKEN. AS. HELL. Allow me to prove why:

-Arena Trap skill
Enemies can't switch out. Forces them to attack.

Enemy is now forced to use that same attack for the next 2-5 turns.

-Counter/Mirror Coat
OHSHI- Watch as your pokemon is now forced to beat themselves to death and nothing can be done about it!

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Also, this: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=5539242&postcount=3673
However, you seem to be unable to comprehend just how ****ing that is to your credibility.

Stupidest reason ever and invalid.
The Pokémon rules are apparently changed on whims, experimented with to "maximize fun" and other BS. It's not an example anyone should follow.
1 your right i dont get it what is that supposed to prove about me, i said azen was forced to use against Lee
you said the same thing
i agreed and than said that the base factor, the only thing that matters is that it says lucario/MK next to azens name
yes i did say "all i know" but i wasnt expecting to be taken literally. it just meant this is the most important thing.
2. because YOU say so right?

3. im sorry are video games not about having fun now. we wouldnt be doing it for money if it wasnt fun, theres tons of things any of us can do that pay more than smash so dont say that tourneys arent supposed to be fun
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