Smash Master
Yea, attacking Pikmin will be fun.Its life...But I do agree with that guy. Ill kill any Pikmin I see. Lulz.
Formal Apology
I Formally Apologize to all whom I have told that Captain Olimar stood no chance what so ever of being a playable character in Brawl. To all those who have Supported Captain Olimar, I sincerely Apologize. I did state that if there was a WTF character (like Game and Watch was in Melee) he would be it, but I never really believed it.
It seems like the little demon spawn of a Drunk Sir Miyamoto has actually come through. Congratulations, little guy.
And I'm somewhat surprised that you thought Olimar stood no chance. I always imagined you more open minded than that. I always knew he had a chance.
I don't think that "he doesn't deserve a spot" really constitutes as a valid or reasonable arguement at this point. That arguement was crippled once the ICs showed up, and now is totally nullified and ***** with PT and Olimar.If it was any other newcomer I wouldn't "*****"
Uh... yeah. LOTS of people thought he wouldn't be in Brawl. Myself included. I don't see how he deserves a spot in Brawl. He's only been in 2 games that weren't that popular. They were pretty OK games but, by the second one it lost all purpose/pressure basically (no time limit).
I did not expect Olimar and frankly didn't want him. And now that I see him and what the description says: Olimar mains are going to have fun trying to do Smash attacks without pikmin when they're in a tight situation vs a fast person.
Ground Dependant = Bad. Especially when the whole game is going aerial.
I'll say this much though. He's definitely the new "Game and Watch". Very Unique.
And yes, it does seem that Olimar is going to have a hard time due to his dependency to being grounded. Hopefully he'll have an above average aerial game without the Pikmin. I also don't like the sound of "short lived" and "scattering" Pikmin. "Symbiotic" doesn't sit well with me either.