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The Official OMG Tonight Prediction Thread


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Well, that kinda sucks...

Delayed, but hopefully it will be even better than they planned. I'm hoping this isn't a Twilight Princess, seriously.

And with all this extra time, who knows what updates we'll get. I doubt we'll be getting many double and triple updates with so much time to spare now :|

But enough *****ing, I was watching the playable version videos and it does look nice.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 18, 2007
New Zealand
It's great that you can now take screenshots whenever you want now, it was stupid to have a separate mode where nothing unexpectedly funny could ever happen. =/


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2007
Delusional, sure. But a girl can dream, can't he?
Identity crisis? :p

Also, for those that didn't believe the release date. http://press.nintendo.com That's where Nintendo puts press releases, and one from the 11th (I'm aware that it's now the 12th, and the site shows the new release date) has the upcoming titles and shows Brawl at Feb10th. Research, people....

Snapshots are cool... they're not mindblowing, but it's small touches like this that push great games into legendary status, since stuff like this (and the trophy picture-taking mode) are just asking to be used creatively by fans.

What do you guys think that blurred pic is?
My utter guess is editing the picture... adding/subtracting stuff... or splicing various photos together.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 22, 2006
Atl, Ga.
^^I think it might be a play button for video clips. There has to be some kind of video recording feature if we're going to be taking all these funny pictures. Who can pause the game at the peak moment of hilarity every time? Play button.


Smash Cadet
Aug 27, 2007

Liu Kang Mortal Kombat
Ryu Street fighter
Geno Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Wolf-Link/Midna Twilight Princess
Birdo Super Mario Bros 2

Stage Bosses:

Ridley Metroid Series
Twlit Dragon Twilight Princess
Smithy(?) Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars


Smash Ace
May 21, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Really good update today.

Snapshots are awesome this time. Good to know you can pause it and take the shot.

And good to know you can do it in 4 players. From what I remember in Melee was that 4th player had to sit out and press Z for the others, we always missed the perfect opportunity.

And I believe when we took a snapshot with the pause screen we got the screen and the buttons too.

This will be awesome, it looks like we can even choose the angle, and take the shot.

Plus we could make our own sigs, or sprites if you want to get really technical. If you have a SD card and a memory card reader, i'm sure it'll work, it does with photos and movies, back and forth between the two.

But this is awesome, and what I wanted touched upon.

Snapshots/Camera Mode for me was one of the flaws I can remember in Melee, probably the only one if I can remember actually.


Smash Cadet
Aug 27, 2007
I never really got into photographing, seemed like a hassle. Of course that was when they had a special mode for it you could only use it on. Now that thay made it easier, say if yo u pause and you realize you made a good photo, no need to duplicate, just snap it there. I tihnk Ill use it more

Lemon Drop

Smash Lord
May 16, 2006
Pretty neat now we can take screen shots when paused. Thats one all the funny things happened.

Wasn't Zelda playable in the Demo? No one seems to confirm Shiek as part of Zelda's moveset.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2005
Chicago, IL, USA
Zelda wasn't playable this time, but I hope she will be at E for All. Her omission seems really suspicious, like they were not ready to confirm or deconfirm Sheik, or perhaps there's something else they don't want revealed as of yet. My boyfriend has suggested that perhaps Zelda's final smash is a Twilight Princess spoiler, but I think that game's been out long enough :) I really hope they do some definitive Zelda updates soon.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Vault 101
Erm. February. Ah well. *prays for Demo released on Wii*

5-Day Forecast:

Monday: Crawling AND Lucas's Special Moves
Tuesday: Capt. Falcon OR *insert random Vet. here*
Wednesday: Music AND Norfair
Thursday: Subspace Content
Friday: Olimar

Also, I think this will be the end to our strand of Newcomers...
3 Weeks = 3 Newcomers. Sadly. *prays to God this week is Olimar*


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
So...all in all there were seven characters that are confirmed in the game that weren't playable in the demo...the Zelda one does strike me as a little odd, but...

I wonder how hard it would be to snag a copy of that demo >.> <.<


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007

I wonder how hard it would be to snag a copy of that demo >.> <.<
I doubt any of us will ever play it...

Also, I know this week as been Uber, what with Sonic, the trailers, A demo, but the real issue here Sinn, is this: Did you claim "A girl and dream, can't he?

*Cough* :laugh:


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
for Monday's update....

- Sonic's Final Smash (Super Sonic!!!)

-a much needed update on Subspace Emmisary

- a veteran character confirmed such as Mewtwo or Captain Falcon (**god Sakurai, what is takiing you so **** long to confirm Mewtwo?!**)

-some kind of bonus game mode

-a new pokemon pokeball revealed

-maybe some info on Brawl demo or E for Everyone Event


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
With the delay, it seems that the updates might be a lot slower. That's kind of depressing.

If another 3rd party character is revealed, when do you think it will be? It makes sense to wait longer for the next bombshell, but on the other hand, it looks like all the 3rd Party characters might be revealed close to each other. They might want to get the 3rd party characters out now, so it will be well known. Plus, with all the E for All stuff, it might be good to announce it soon. Hmmmm.....


Smash Cadet
Aug 27, 2007
geno, for sure, but im really hoping for some surprise characters that werent hinted on, like liu kang and ryu, they're fighting game gold


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
Copy + Paste from the Megaman thread:

Okay, I've been thinking this over and rolling around the possibility in my head and I've decided upon something. I feel pretty confident and would like to make the following prediction:

Next week, on Wednesday, Megaman will be revealed to be a playable character in Brawl.

I believe this for many reasons that I don't feel like going into at the moment. So, if I'm right, well, that would just be dandy. I want to be able to quote myself for bragging points.


Smash Cadet
Aug 27, 2007
I think megaman has a good chance, I just really hope SAkurai was lying to us or at least playing coy when he said one to two third party characters. Its definetely gonna be Geno up first though. And they wont release a new character for a while, tehy gotta make it stretch to fit the new release date, so they're gonna make it even more sparce than before. Should take a few weeks. Anyone else wanna see Ryu from street fighter or liu kang from mortal kombat?


Smash Cadet
Aug 27, 2007
Thats true, plus they with the increased time to work on the game, it will be easier to add extra characters (including third party). I was reading on an onlie artical however, that pit is hollow and goes flying, sonic is hard to control because of his speed, the easiest character to master was diddy kong and the gameplay was the same as melee. I dunno, but that sounds wrong to me. The gameplay should be ten times better, sonic should be a killer character with practise, as with everyone else almost to an even par, although there will be those ones that outshine the restm and who ever it is, it should not be diddy kong. I'm just hoping that whoever wrote that article wasnt a smash fan and doesnt really know what hes talking about. I wanna feel refreshed and enthralled when I play brawl, as a totally new experience, not doseages of nastalgia.


Smash Ace
May 21, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I think megaman has a good chance, I just really hope SAkurai was lying to us or at least playing coy when he said one to two third party characters. Its definetely gonna be Geno up first though. And they wont release a new character for a while, tehy gotta make it stretch to fit the new release date, so they're gonna make it even more sparce than before. Should take a few weeks. Anyone else wanna see Ryu from street fighter or liu kang from mortal kombat?
I believe Ryu would have a better chance than Liu Kang.

Liu Kang isn't as important to Mortal Kombat series these days, and the Mortal Kombat has taken a turn for the worse ever since.... I think the downfall was the movie sequel Anihilation. Could of been Mythologies... i'm not too sure. I usually find Scorpion or Shang Tsung as the main characters most of the time in Mortal Kombat series these days.
On another note Mortal Kombat is way out of context compared to Smash Bros.

Streetfighter on the other hand has a better chance. But not as good either.
However if Capcom was approached I believe Sakurai would approach for Megaman first. As Megaman is more recognisable to the Nintendo world and fits with the mascots deal. Megamn vs Sonic makes more sense to me than Ryu vs Sonic. If he is allowing 3rd party assists though and Capcom comes around I see Ryu as the first assist trophy. Either that or Zombies.

Also I haven't seen a Streetfighter game in ages, have you? I believe Capcom have left this with the past, or the arcade world. It's all Resident Evil and Megaman these days, from what I see.


Smash Cadet
Aug 27, 2007
I believe Ryu would have a better chance than Liu Kang.

Liu Kang isn't as important to Mortal Kombat series these days, and the Mortal Kombat has taken a turn for the worse ever since.... I think the downfall was the movie sequel Anihilation. Could of been Mythologies... i'm not too sure. I usually find Scorpion or Shang Tsung as the main characters most of the time in Mortal Kombat series these days.
On another note Mortal Kombat is way out of context compared to Smash Bros.

Streetfighter on the other hand has a better chance. But not as good either.
However if Capcom was approached I believe Sakurai would approach for Megaman first. As Megaman is more recognisable to the Nintendo world and fits with the mascots deal. Megamn vs Sonic makes more sense to me than Ryu vs Sonic. If he is allowing 3rd party assists though and Capcom comes around I see Ryu as the first assist trophy. Either that or Zombies.

Also I haven't seen a Streetfighter game in ages, have you? I believe Capcom have left this with the past, or the arcade world. It's all Resident Evil and Megaman these days, from what I see.
Yeah, they really haven't shown any new street fighter games in a while. My friend told me that it was a asian superstition that four was a bad luck number because it looked like one of their symbols for death, so they'd try to improve on the third than actually make a fourth. I think it has something to do with internal disagreements within the country, because it seems pretty profitable and a good series. Ryu should be in, I've never seen megaman in games much, he has a good chance, but I think it would be better with Ryu. Liu Kang, although he comes from a gory game, is essentially a good character that may stand a chance due to the fact that snake, a violent videogame character, was able to be toned down to appear in brawl. Liu kang isnt popular these days but for the majority of the past he was, which is why he'd be a good first cadidate, although I don't mind scorpion, folowed by sub-sero, raiden and then shang tsung. I think this series has the worse chance however. MK had gone off the grid this year for video games and word is that they wont show up till next nov, 2008. capcom I supposed is likely, only if Sakurai is lying to us,(which I really hope he did, to keep secrets from us, I dunno, do you think he would? he's pretty sneaky) and there are more than 2 3rd party characters (because Geno would be first, too popular, and I don't know why. I mean, I played SMRPG:LOTSS, but I didn't anticipate his popularity). They put old school characters in smash easily, like ice climbers and pit, so ryu still has a good chance even if his series is dead. I think he would have a better chance than megaman, although I dont know how many people like megaman comparatively


Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2007
Ellenwood, GA
I predict Megaman on wednesday. I'm not pretending like I have inside info or anything, but I just found a crap load of what could be evidence.

I have been doing a whole lot of research on this on the internet and have been constantly keeping up with the Articles that are shown on Google.

First, a while back maybe like a little under a year that Mega Man's creator, Keiji Inafune, is working on an un announced Wii Title:


I had thought at one point that this title was Zack and Wiki, but it is not because there are different people developing it.

This is an old article and no one hasn't heard anything since. As we know, Sega has been working with Nintendo with the development of "Mario and Sonic at the Olympics" Now that relationship and by the demand of the fans, Sonic is now a character in SSBB.

As we have it on Wikipedia, Rushan S. (2006-08-17). Sakurai and Miyamoto Comment on Sonic's Popularity. Nintendo Wii News. QJ.NET. Retrieved on 2007-08-04. “Nintendo hopes that Snake's appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl will encourage other publishers to allow their characters to join the Smash Bros. line-up, and is already actively negotiating for the rights to include at least one other non-Nintendo character.” While this article at least confirms there will be at least one more, which could be Sonic, I have read through message boards and such that there may be at least one more.

On Capcom's website, there was an interesting message given with all question marks. While I haven't found a person to crack the code, some people have manage to find the last word could be "Brawl" and the fourth to last could either be Rockman or MegaMan or the fourth and fifth word from the beginning could be Mega Man if you want to say it is two words:

Also, there is a recent interview with Gamespot and Inafune talking about Mega Man's 20th anniversary:


So we know that Inafune is working on a Wii Title, and given by the date of the article, it could be safe to say that he has been working on Super Smash Brothers Brawl along with Konami, Sega, and Nintendo all along. And since the anniversary is coming up on December 17th, we could potentially expect to hear the news soon if what I am saying has some true validity in it.

If anyone can support my theory with facts, please post it or say what you think.


Smash Lord
Jun 11, 2005
It will be something from the demo. Norfair, Super Sonic, some assist trophy, ect.


Smash Cadet
Oct 14, 2007
i think he will have just a crap load of updates that we found out in the demo. like nofair, the final smashes and most of the items.


Smash Ace
Oct 13, 2007
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the Capcom website "prepare yourself" teaser is most likely the announcement of a new game, a PS3 game.


Sven from Capcom said:
Some guy said:
Capcom is losing fans. They obviously don't care for their PS3-owner fans.
Let's see how they feel at the end of next week about us.

Soon afterwards the countdown teaser was put up on their website...


Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2007
Ellenwood, GA
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the Capcom website "prepare yourself" teaser is most likely the announcement of a new game, a PS3 game.


Soon afterwards the countdown teaser was put up on their website...
Oh, that might be true. I really don't care for Megaman or frequently visit that website, I just found that on Gamefaqs yesterday and thought it could mean something.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the Capcom website "prepare yourself" teaser is most likely the announcement of a new game, a PS3 game.

Soon afterwards the countdown teaser was put up on their website...
Capcom is actually supposed to be revealing a bunch of new stuff next week, not just the "prepare yourself" announcement. So, I wouldn't be surprised if a PS3 game is revealed sometime next week. One thing I do know is that this "prepare yourself" announcement has to be something relating to Megaman. The date, October 17 2007, actually marks the 20th anniversary of Megaman, so the announcement must be something to honor Megaman's anniversary.

This coupled with other things leads me to believe that Megaman will be revealed on Wednesday as I said earlier in this thread.
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