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The Official OMG Tonight Prediction Thread


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2006
Lancaster, PA
I'm feeling dead straight filler updates until E for All next week. It sets up on what, thursday? Let's see...

- Item: returning items, such as the Warp Star, don't seem to warrant updates on their own unless there's a new feature added to them. I see an AT or a Pokéball.
- Special Moves: either Sonic or Lucas. Wouldn't surprise me if Sonic came coupled with his Final Smash.
- Stage: one of the two or three unknown stages we saw in the two new trailers. There's the predicted Metroid, Ice Climber, and Luigi's Mansion stage.
- How to Play: shedding light on the mysterious diving drop kick showcased by both Zero Suit Samus and Sonic? Or, an update surrounding the possibility of multiple taunts and character entrances.
- Game Mode: we're pretty overdue for a Subspace "content" update. Aaannd...
- Character: a veteran, perhaps on the day of E for All's opening. The obvious choice would be Captain Falcon. A surprise addition to the demo roster?

Nothing too overpowering or eventful, but I'd be nice and happy seeing those updates leading up to E for All...

P.S., playing with HTML is fun.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2006
Lancaster, PA
I thought this thing was going on for a few days? Doesn't that mean we'll get something good tomorrow?

Though, don't get your hopes up to high now people. :p
Rumor is that the US conference is happening tonight.

But I haven't seen a single source for it yet, and I'm sure it'll be the same news that we've already heard, even if there is one.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
If Nintendo misses the Christmas Rush, nothing will EVER save them, that would just be entirely ********.
This is why I think the release date, as many others, will be December _____, 2007.

End Game

Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2007
Nothing can beat Sonic...im just going to be disappointed with whatever follows this update...can't help it.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2007
Chicago, Illinois
If Nintendo misses the Christmas Rush, nothing will EVER save them, that would just be entirely ********.
This is why I think the release date, as many others, will be December _____, 2007.
To miss the Christmas rush would be... bad.

So I, too, think it will be early December for North America


Smash Cadet
Aug 27, 2007
Im so Glas Sonics finally in Brawl, I didnt doubt it but it still came as a shock when it happened. I stared in numberd silence for a several long minutes, absorbing and reabsorbing this bit of information. I'm kinda worriec about the release date for brawl though. I think that they are selaying the game to implement multiplayer online co-op, and it may or may not take long, I dont know how ong these things take. Does anyone know how long it takes to add a feature to the video game and then make all the discs for sale. Im sure they'll fix it soon. I'm also sure that due to E for All, we will see a few more new characters, maybe all, although I think Sakurai might keep a few secrets hidden deep in the game that might take a month or longer to uncover, after all, the only reason that he did decide to reveal the secrests on the website anyways was ecaue when it got on the internet, people would do it anyways, so he made it better by tantalising us with tidbits. Its very torturous and fun (is torturous a word?) in order to ease us all into the revelations and spoilers. We really owe Sakurai for going above and beyond. But now I'm wondering about new third-party characters. Sakurai said that one to two more besides snake. I'm wondering if there might be more. If it's only one, I'm all for Geno. But if there might be more, does anyone think there's a chance for

Ryu from Street Fighter

Liu Kang or Scorpion from Mortal Kombat.

Those are two very popular fighting game icons, and Sakurai is very smasrt and deceptive, he could be trying to trick us, after all, I could't imagine how Sonic would feel in Brawl, but after watching the minute video, it feels like a dream come true. I also like the way that his spindash works compasred to jiggly puffs roll out. The roll out bounces off the first target, while sonics spindash steamer rolls through everthing, sending enemies flying. What do you guys think?


Smash Cadet
Aug 27, 2007
My official guess for tomorrow is a return of GAnondorf, with TP look and completely new fighting style incorporating his sword. He may be much faster because in melee he was only made slow due to being a clone of the quick Falcon, to make their movesets more diverse. Of course, it could be that they keep him simliar and make he a slow character, I have a feeling he's gonna be heavy for sure.

As for Liu Kang, I don't know how much western games influence Japanese gamers like Sakurai, but if they can put in Snake, they may be able to put in Liu Kang, just take out the bood and guts and zombie look, turn his dragon fatality into hid final smash and so on. I think he's in the back of the line however concerning Geno and Ryu.


#1 Super Grimer!
Aug 24, 2004
Well since we've seen Sonic's moves in the vid we might get his move-set.
Bragging about Sega's soundtrack being rehashed for Brawl is another point.
A Sonic stage...? Perhaps.

Whatever it is, I'm banking on them continuing with the Sonic theme. Or maybe even explaining why the Dec. 3 release date has been removed from the site.


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2007
Ok, Sonics moves. Cool.

Although, I kinda dislike the fact that his Side and Down special are basicley the same thing =_=

Also the spring is usable by oponents. Hmmmm.


Smash Cadet
Aug 16, 2007
all we need now is his neutral B. I have no idea what it will be. Sonic is kinda a plain character, just runs and spins. Even his Up-B is just an item.....


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2006
Hmm. Very nice moveset so far. Neutral B is still up for grabs.

...**** curious what that kick was in his opening video, now. Originally,I thought it'd be his down B, but now that it's not.. what the heck could it be?

And I just noticed something. Sonic is able to attack after he does his Up B.

Look back at the movie. On Sky World, you see him use the spring move, and then immediately do what looks like an up-air INTO that downward kick move. Hmm.. wonder if that means he'll be able to Up B more than once.. or if that kick is some kind of special tactic people have now that they can do to quickly land themselves on the stage.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2006
Lancaster, PA
I'm feeling dead straight filler updates until E for All next week. It sets up on what, thursday? Let's see...

- Item: returning items, such as the Warp Star, don't seem to warrant updates on their own unless there's a new feature added to them. I see an AT or a Pokéball.
- Special Moves: either Sonic or Lucas. Wouldn't surprise me if Sonic came coupled with his Final Smash.
- Stage: one of the two or three unknown stages we saw in the two new trailers. There's the predicted Metroid, Ice Climber, and Luigi's Mansion stage.
- How to Play: shedding light on the mysterious diving drop kick showcased by both Zero Suit Samus and Sonic? Or, an update surrounding the possibility of multiple taunts and character entrances.
- Game Mode: we're pretty overdue for a Subspace "content" update. Aaannd...
- Character: a veteran, perhaps on the day of E for All's opening. The obvious choice would be Captain Falcon. A surprise addition to the demo roster?

Nothing too overpowering or eventful, but I'd be nice and happy seeing those updates leading up to E for All...

P.S., playing with HTML is fun.
One down. ;)

We've had a red update every single day this week. It's almost impossible that tomorrow will be another one.


Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2006
Reading, UK
@psyniac wow i keep seeing people from england that arent involved in the UK threads O: get there quiickkzz under regionals and come to SmashGT ^__^

Prediction for tomorrow, either sonics final smash, or maybe a stage


Smash Cadet
Aug 27, 2007
Another possible character could be TP wolf link with Midna riding on back. It makes more sense in a way than WW Link. (although I still hope and think that WW Link will be in Brawl)

Melee Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time: Adult LInk and Young Link
Brawl? Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: Normal Link and Wolf LInk (With Midna)

Those who think that Midna won't be in because of the Bridge of Eldin Stage should look again, the bridge just falls from the portal, not acually showing Midna


Smash Cadet
Aug 27, 2007
Also I'm guessing that Doctor Eggman has a minor chance of appearing in the game during Sonic's stage, which I'm gonna guess might be the first stage of the sonic games, emerald ilses. It'd work like this, 5 mins into the fight, the boss music comes on and he sidles into the arena in his helicopter/floating device thingy and attacks people with bombs or robots or something he can throw. He'd be like Birdo albeit not a digital sprite and more of a nuisance, such that he may only go away if he is defeated, and then the stage will revert to the beginning music, starting the process all over again. Or he could be an assist trophy. I'd like him to be a character (moreso chadow) but the way Sakurai talks about it, I don't think they'll implement more than one character from third party series.


Smash Cadet
Aug 27, 2007
Maybe when they make Super Smash Bros 4, which they should start on right away when brawl has been out for a few months, I don't wanna wait another seven years. I understand what Sakurai means when he says the sequel process isn't that easy, so all the moer reason to start it quicker, with more charcters, new move and advanced gameplay improvements. But I'm getting ahead of myself, SSBB will do well for sure (I'm predicting it will outsell Halo 3). But even the last one did well and they made us wait so long, its insane for the fans.

Also, anyone else think there might be 50+ chracters? They do it in games like street fighter v.s. "insert name" I think, And there's definetely possiblities. I thinks some moves will be recycled, some modified and some pasterd together from other peoples move. OF course, with time and creativity, they could divversify many if not all. But I want a large character number.


Smash Cadet
Aug 27, 2007
At the least over 45, it sont diminish the game, just makes it much more difficult to master
Anyone cuessing which characters might be broken? I know peach and fox were in the last game, but they changed all that, I think. They're less pwerful and big characters won't get stunned when pulling off powerful moves, so if the fast characters don't move out of the way, there gonna get it hard


Smash Cadet
Aug 27, 2007
The reason there might be the wolf version of Link in Brawl is because in melee they made old and kid link, alternate versions of the same character from the same game. TP Link and Wolf LInk are alternate forms of the same chracters of the same game, just alot more so


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Viridian City
This needs to be done. I agree. I want to see what her Down B is. Sheik or no Sheik?

Well I kinda saw today's update coming but I would have liked a double update with his final smash too.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 2, 2007
I have this feeling that it will be Sonic's final smash tonight...I'm not that happy about Sonic...

I really do hope they do show Zelda's final smash. That would be awesome.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 25, 2007
Virginia Beach, VA
First of all, woot, the forums are back! (Although they seem slower to me...I'm sure it's just my crap Inspiron though ;))

Tomorrow: Newcomer - Angry Mob

Why Angry Mob? Sadly, the Brawl release date has been pushed back, it's now February 10th, 2008. (check kotaku.com for sad confirmation) I'm not gonna come close to judging, since I've never made a potentially awesome video game before, but I'll post my thoughts...I'm sad, obviously, because we won't be playing Brawl for another 2 months.

But there are a few reasons to be happy.

1. This one is kinda anti-climactic, because it means more updates on the site, and this thread's gonna be alive longer. lol

2. Personally, I've always admired Nintendo for how they say "screw the money and the potentially massive holiday sales, we want to make a masterpiece." I'm perfectly fine with a better game in the end, with all the examples of rushed crap games in the past. Kudos to you, Nintendo...even though half of these boards are probably about to explode, you remain honest.

3. I need more time to finish my Final Fantasies anyway. ;)

Just trying to keep the thread vibe positive, I'd be sad if I saw 5000 posts that said "OMFG THIS SUCKS!!1!!"

*activates shield*

My serious prediction for tonight?...I think Sakurai will attempt to console us...maybe another newcomer?


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Viridian City
Tomorrow he will probably announce the new release date and explain why it was pushed back.
He better gives us something to to make up for this..but I think that is why we got Sonic..
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