Ok, the details I know for sure so far are:
- I will be working on Friday so we will leave Friday evening. Please meet me in Akron that day at around 7:00pm. (we should discuss the exact location in Akron though)
- I'm planning on us getting to the venue/hotel anywhere from 12:30am-2:00am assuming travel goes smoothly and weather is decent, from which point I will immediately shower and sleep...lol
- I plan on staying until Grand Finals are finished on Monday (if they're hype enough and not like Pound 4 Melee Jiggs dittos...), and assuming the event finishes early in the day like the schedule says, we should easily be leaving before 2pm.
- I'll get you back to Akron around 7-8pm (tentative as previously stated) on Monday, take Shugo home afterward, and bada-bing, Pound 5 be done.