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The Official "Megaman in SSBB" Topic!


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
The newest megaman doesnt have to necesarly be the one in brawl, if that were the case we would get the ZX or star force megaman, believe me I dont want them NEAR this game, The ONLY megaman that would make sense if he were would be the original blue bomber...

besides he was part of the NES era, I would be surprised if he wasnt in...

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
I support Megaman for Brawl. If capcom gets a go in Brawl, Megaman would obviously be their rep. Megaman is their flagship series and probably has the most fans out of all their remarkable characters.

Since the returning characters are getting their updated makeovers, Megaman X would be the obvious choice, but hey, you never know.

I think Zero would have to be the best partner. If he does get in, I'd like to see his original version because it would go together with the Megaman X model and just feels like it fits better into Brawl than the MMZ one.

As for attacks, I'm sure most of his moveset would have to be made up since Megaman can't just have a sliding attack and some blaster moves for his moveset. A variety of physical moves would fill those up nicely, and even some other kind of special attacks for his "B Moves" and maybe his smash attacks as well.

The final smash would probably be a big blast or something like that, just like Samus's final smash. I'd like to see something creative done with it, but I can't really picture much done with his final smash.
all the truth...almost original NES megaman costume style would be more nostaglic i guess

The newest megaman doesnt have to necesarly be the one in brawl, if that were the case we would get the ZX or star force megaman, believe me I dont want them NEAR this game, The ONLY megaman that would make sense if he were would be the original blue bomber...

besides he was part of the NES era, I would be surprised if he wasnt in...
if they put in ZX or NT warrior battle network gayness over-the-edge-anime megaman bull**** in this game...i will break my Wii (which i currently dont have) and shove the broken fragments up the capcom exec's brown eye


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
all the truth...almost original NES megaman costume style would be more nostaglic i guess

if they put in ZX or NT warrior battle network gayness over-the-edge-anime megaman bull**** in this game...i will break my Wii (which i currently dont have) and shove the broken fragments up the capcom exec's brown eye

how about a new mm sig Stryks? you can come out of retirment, jordan did ;) [/begging]

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
I don't know, I would accept original or X, as long as he's in.
Those are the only 2 I'd except at a minimum
no argument here

New Discussion!, costume color changes...

Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Black, Purple... Discussion Concluded!
yellow looks awful on megaman IMO. red should be a Zero costume (see? i do know some megaman stuff ha-HA *as Will Smith used to say*). i dunno what to say about the others

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
your image links didnt show up at all, Bluebomber. or it must be gayass firefox incompatibility issue again. dammit firefox lol. anyway anyone else think yellow wont work for megaman?


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
its yellow with blue for the electricty/pikachu one. i'll try one more time

EDIT: try using IE if firefox doesn't work cuz it works fine for me and my friends comp

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
dammit SWF. i can only see the links if i try to quote you Bluebomer. i tried the links and got a 404 error, guess ill try to picture what youre talking about then

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
is it me or is this thread dying? like its only me, Bluebomber, Wizzlecoff, Stryks for the flaming, and the occassional smash n00b. we really need some more support. and yes wliderman2313, megaman would be perfect for this game

lemme know if you fix em


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
is it me or is this thread dying? like its only me, Bluebomber, Wizzlecoff, Stryks for the flaming, and the occassional smash n00b. we really need some more support. and yes wliderman2313, megaman would be perfect for this game

lemme know if you fix em
i'm hoping its just the calm before the storm when Mega Man is announced

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
how confident are you that he'll be in? and im 1 post count behind you so you better respond quick


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
Personally i don't think Megaman's blaster should charge like Samus's. I say he should shoot his energy like a gun and makes a foe flinch like Falco's blaster. Oh and i also think he should look like his more retro look.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Megaman 4 Brawl?

Seeing as how Sonic might be in, why not?

Mario vs. Sonic vs. Megaman = teh t!ts.

Personally i don't think Megaman's blaster should charge like Samus's
That would suck if they made him a Sam clone. >_<

And yes, make him look like in his earlier games, not that Megaman X junk.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
That would suck if they made him a Sam clone. >_<

And yes, make him look like in his earlier games, not that Megaman X junk.
samus clone is impossible. and i think you meant the new megaman battl nt warrior 4-year old bull**** they have now. X and classic look are pretty good


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Yeah, that's what I meant.

I meant they SHOULDN'T do the char models from those crap GBA/DS titles--those Battle Network warrior ones. Yuck.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
how confident are you that he'll be in? and im 1 post count behind you so you better respond quick
lol sorry got caught up playin ssb64
tough question to ask, i think it solely is dependent on Capcom. I know Nintendo would gladly welcome mm to the game its just a matter of Capcom's approval. The creator of MM recently stated that a franchise is never dead at Capcom and an appearance in Brawl would certainly be the perfect platform for the revival of classic MM. Even though it seems kinda high, i say a 75% chance.

Personally i don't think Megaman's blaster should charge like Samus's. I say he should shoot his energy like a gun and makes a foe flinch like Falco's blaster. Oh and i also think he should look like his more retro look.
he MUST be able to charge to make him true to his character. to differentiate his charge from Samus, just allow him to charge while moving, but if hit the charge is disrupted. You would also have to hold the b button to keep the charge

Yeah, that's what I meant.

I meant they SHOULDN'T do the char models from those crap GBA/DS titles--those Battle Network warrior ones. Yuck.
For a mega man hater, you sure do know what your talking about

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
lol sorry got caught up playin ssb64
tough question to ask, i think it solely is dependent on Capcom. I know Nintendo would gladly welcome mm to the game its just a matter of Capcom's approval. The creator of MM recently stated that a franchise is never dead at Capcom and an appearance in Brawl would certainly be the perfect platform for the revival of classic MM. Even though it seems kinda high, i say a 75% chance.
oh nice thats really good then. so at leastthe megaman creator has been following up with brawl that the public know about. *sigh* if only Sega was the same way
he MUST be able to charge to make him true to his character. to differentiate his charge from Samus, just allow him to charge while moving, but if hit the charge is disrupted. You would also have to hold the b button to keep the charge
agreed. samus is far different.
For a mega man hater, you sure do know what your talking about
trust me, i doesnt take much to hate zx battle network nt warrior or whatever the hell its called. havent even played them or watched the lame tv shows and i already know i dont want to. megaman x series however just looked straight up cool and ive always wanted to play it. megaman legends looked fine but the PC port got a terrible rating of 3.6/10 (none other than those bass_tards at gamespot). however just to be safe ill wait for MM64 on VC

dj asakura

Smash Ace
May 13, 2006
Peoria, IL
i think that regardless of which megaman makes it in (and by which i mean original or x only, any other megaman would be crap imo) he should play like he did in that game.

i can imagine his jump being similar to falco's, as in, easy SH but keep the normal jump a little lower since MM can't jump to high. let him shoot 3 shots at a time or charge it fully, but it can all be done on the move (make it less powerful though since that's sorta cheap i guess) and i'd love to see the wall climb but that'd be horribly broken.

MM would be a sweet character no doubt and i really hope he makes it in. he's my top pick for new character right after Zero (from MMZ series though)

consider me a part of this now, i've been coming to the brawl forums a lot more lately


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
For a mega man hater, you sure do know what your talking about
Yeah, I guess so.

All I know is, my friend used to have Megaman X collection or something for PS2, and I played it w/ him a few times and it was good.

A long time ago I was flipping through channels on the 'tube, and I watched about 2 minutes of Megaman NT warrior before puking out of my own skull. >_<

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
i think that regardless of which megaman makes it in (and by which i mean original or x only, any other megaman would be crap imo) he should play like he did in that game.

i can imagine his jump being similar to falco's, as in, easy SH but keep the normal jump a little lower since MM can't jump to high. let him shoot 3 shots at a time or charge it fully, but it can all be done on the move (make it less powerful though since that's sorta cheap i guess) and i'd love to see the wall climb but that'd be horribly broken.

MM would be a sweet character no doubt and i really hope he makes it in. he's my top pick for new character right after Zero (from MMZ series though)

consider me a part of this now, i've been coming to the brawl forums a lot more lately
cool beans. and your physics behind megaman's movement seems sensible enough
This is spam, no joke:
Bluebomber, don't even bother worrying about it, Del Money has a knack for sneaking up behind people and stealthily taking the title of more posts than them. It's what he does. >.>
thats how i roll

Yeah, I guess so.

All I know is, my friend used to have Megaman X collection or something for PS2, and I played it w/ him a few times and it was good.
so RDK has more experience will Megaman and Sonic than we realize...the truth COMES OUTTTTT
A long time ago I was flipping through channels on the 'tube, and I watched about 2 minutes of Megaman NT warrior before puking out of my own skull. >_<
i suffered the same fate
Yea, that show sucks. I do like the Battle Network games though. They are a little better than decent.
i wanna say "WHAAAAAAA?" but i havent played them so i cant


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Originally Posted by Wizzlecroff
Yea, that show sucks. I do like the Battle Network games though. They are a little better than decent.

i wanna say "WHAAAAAAA?" but i havent played them so i cant
I do believe they were for the GBA/DS, which makes them almost negligible...

Plus, there were so **** many of them--the Battle Network ones.

And the names sucked, too. They had like five parts to it, not to mention "color" editions reminiscent of Pokemon.


so RDK has more experience will Megaman and Sonic than we realize...the truth COMES OUTTTTT
Lol...I've embraced it.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
La di da~

Neutral B: Megaman charges as long as B is held. As he charges, the effects of the charge can be seen on the outside of his amour, and energy seems to be collecting in to him. He can run, jump, and use A attacks while charging, at his normal capacity, but can’t use any of his specials. Once B is released, he’ll send out a blaster shot, and the strength of said shot will be dependant on the charge. If there is none, it will be like a super scope shot. If there is half charge, it will be like a laser shot. If it is fully charged, it will be slightly weaker than Samus’s full charge shot, and with less knockback.

Forward B: Megaman kicks a metallic soccer ball, that appears next to his foot. The ball does good damage, and has medium knock back. It’s hard to aim since it moves up, rather than forward, but it will rebound off platforms, causing it’s trajectory to change. While bouncing between platforms, it has the potential to score multiple hits as well. When kicked, the soccer ball will never fall to the ground, unless rebounded, and will just fly off the top of the screen. Megaman’s kick can also hurt, if the opponent is to close.

Up B: Megaman turns red, gains the rush jet, pauses for a bit, and then jets upwards with a uppercut. The uppercut is like a semi circle (though not so round) so it has poor horizontal recovery, but it’s vertical recovery is very high.

Down B: Megaman points forward, and Rush is warped down right in front of him.
After making a bark, Rush will try to tackle the closest enemy that is in his line of sight. He runs at a normal characters running pace, and leaps at the opponent. After this is done, Rush will warp out. If there is no enemy, Rush will just sit there with a confused look on his face, and his head will open up, creating a holographic question mark. If the player presses Down B before Rush’s bark is over though, Rush’s mouth will open up like a canon, and he will stay in the spot he was summoned. Pressing down B will make Rush fire a shot equivalent to a charge shot, but with more knockback. Rush will stay in this spot in canon mode, but will disappear after about 10 seconds if not commanded to fire, or if he takes the equivalent damage as a crate. If Megman jumps on Rush, he will gain a super jump, and Rush will automatically disappear.

Final Smash: Mega will jump into the air, and shoot a flurry of fully charged shots in multiple directions. These shots will be more aimed towards the ground, and forward, rather than upwards. They have better knock back than normal fully charged shots, and they are rapidly fired with no charge up. The con with this though is that Megaman still can take damage (even if he won’t flinch) and is open from the back.

dj asakura

Smash Ace
May 13, 2006
Peoria, IL
to be honest, with as many movesets for MM as i've seen, i dont like anyone's upB, overB or downB

and its not that i dont think people are thinking about MM as a whole, i just cant figure out a legit move for them (i just dont like the idea of MM stopping to tell something to help him...)

edit: pieman that wasnt directed and you and wasnt ment to hate on you, its just a personal thing


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
to be honest, with as many movesets for MM as i've seen, i dont like anyone's upB, overB or downB

and its not that i dont think people are thinking about MM as a whole, i just cant figure out a legit move for them (i just dont like the idea of MM stopping to tell something to help him...)

edit: pieman that wasnt directed and you and wasnt ment to hate on you, its just a personal thing
Uhh...Okay? I just make movesets for random character topics is all. =/

And I think that Megs should have that soccer ball though, as that's one of his few non-RM moves. Everything else is just charge shot or Rush, which are not exclusive to one game. I was pretty happy with my moveset, except for the FS, which I think I could have done better with more work.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006

to be honest, with as many movesets for MM as i've seen, i dont like anyone's upB, overB or downB

and its not that i dont think people are thinking about MM as a whole, i just cant figure out a legit move for them (i just dont like the idea of MM stopping to tell something to help him...)

edit: pieman that wasnt directed and you and wasnt ment to hate on you, its just a personal thing
yeah now that you mention it, i wanna see a really good special B moveset for megaman right ****ing now
I think I will make a list... I did for wolf. I try to think with originality and balance in mind.
please do, i need something concrete and believable (and pieman you did fairly well IMO)


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
Nice moveset Pieman , but your down B is way too complicated. I agree with your with upB but he needs to use more of the emeies powers he collected from his games.

Here's my moveset from a while back

Been bored, so here's my hope for mega man's moveset:

Classic Mega Man

B Moves

Up+B- Rush jet adaptor from MM6, Mega Man turns red and has boosters on his back. He gets about 1-2 Secs of rocket boost.

Left/Right+B- shoots the tornado projectile ( same from MvC2) or crash bomb (can't decide) until he kills an opponent. then he takes their b ability like kirby. whenever you press forward+B you do the new attack and temporarily change color(only when doing the move) You can tuant to remove the power

B-mega busters, can shoot a maximum of 3 pellets at a time (just like the NES games). Can move while charging, but once b-button is released charge is released. (This makes him play like in his games and also makes his shots different from samus)

Down+B-Rock ball comes out, push forward-A to kick(only Mega man can kick it and only one ball at a time)

Ground A Moves

A-jab punch (MvC2); combo is jab, jab, rock ball kick
Dash+A-shoulder block
Down+A-Mega Man slide
Up+A - regular uppercut (MvC2)
Left/Right Smash+A-same a Samus from N64
Up Smash+A- sho-ryu-ken (hope i spelled that right) (shooryuken?)
Down Smash+A-sweep kick

Air A Moves

A-rock ball kick in air
Up+A-Bicycle kick
Forward+A- jump kick
Back+A-spinning back hand with his buster (think similar to C.Falcon on N64)
Down+A-mega man turns his body completely upside down and fires a medium charged blast straight down (move sends opponent straight down)


Forward-same as MvC2

Backward-throws opponent behind him and backhands him with his buster

Special-giga crush or hyper mega man from MvC2

Entrace-teleports down (just like all of his games)

Taunt- does his winning pose after he defeats a boss in his games (raises his buster arm and smiles with the shine coming off his helmet)

Intangibles- like a previous poster in this thread said, mega man must recover quickly, thats how he was in his games and he should stay that way
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