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The Official Krystal Thread ;)

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Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2007
I saw the actual line on her site that said she was voicing characters for Brawl. the link to this supposed leak was posted on Kotaku before she took the line down, so I'm sure thousands of people probably saw it. I still think that the fact that she has to take that info down so quickly is telling. I believe that Krystal is playable, and by now, Sakurai must be aware that many people saw this "leak" on the internet before it was hastily attempted to be covered up.

If I was him, I'd take full advantage of a "leak" and reveal something to keep the hype flowing continously, and pump up the popularity even more. the fact remains that, despite how annoying fanboyism is, it nevertheless is important to cater to them. Nintendo is a business after all, and Brawl is a consumer product. More fanboys = more units sold, and more units sold = $$$.

if you think about it that way, every character confirmed is a revenue booster.

So he should go ahead and reveal Krystal already. and Ridley. and Olimar. and everybody else that was high on the list. the consumers and their $49.99 each will it to be so.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
R.M.B. were else?
I saw the actual line on her site that said she was voicing characters for Brawl. the link to this supposed leak was posted on Kotaku before she took the line down, so I'm sure thousands of people probably saw it. I still think that the fact that she has to take that info down so quickly is telling. I believe that Krystal is playable, and by now, Sakurai must be aware that many people saw this "leak" on the internet before it was hastily attempted to be covered up.

If I was him, I'd take full advantage of a "leak" and reveal something to keep the hype flowing continously, and pump up the popularity even more. the fact remains that, despite how annoying fanboyism is, it nevertheless is important to cater to them. Nintendo is a business after all, and Brawl is a consumer product. More fanboys = more units sold, and more units sold = $$$.

if you think about it that way, every character confirmed is a revenue booster.

So he should go ahead and reveal Krystal already. and Ridley. and Olimar. and everybody else that was high on the list. the consumers and their $49.99 each will it to be so.
not all at once though, hype is something you must manage at a steady pace. too much info kills it, but just the right amount, keeps it at a high point.si i think they will announce one of the characters people talk the most about, then waita bit before the next one.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Now, I never done any voice acting in anything before, but I am pretty sure that voice actor doesn't have a "blast" just saying one line and then that's it. Of course, this could just be her saying this to make me feel happy since I told her that I like Krystal's voice and stuff.

I doubt she would say that Knuckle Joe was a blast to do if I asked about him instead haha.

So yeah, that's one of the email I made my assumption on her not being an AT. Since AT only have one liner usually (all of the AT I saw at e4all have like one grunt noise) and just make a noise for their hit, I doubt that she will say she have a blast doing that.
she didn't specify that it was for this game... she just said Krystal is a blast to do... could be Krystal from any game... in fact, she probably talks a LOT more in the SF games themselves.... I doubt she had a blast doing all of Krystal's yells, grunts and screams


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
she didn't specify that it was for this game... she just said Krystal is a blast to do... could be Krystal from any game... in fact, she probably talks a LOT more in the SF games themselves.... I doubt she had a blast doing all of Krystal's yells, grunts and screams
She could. . . .seems like a fun thing to do (a script full of only grunts, yells, screams and a full words sounds fun to do to me. VERY expessive for the VA. . . get to yell and scream all over the place).

And her web-site pulling the brawl stuff supports the PC theory even more IMO (it's my personal 3/4's confirmed seal. . . a VA was the 2/4s confirmation for me).
Why would they care that a female list being the VA for a confirmed character, a confirmed AT and a unconfirmed AT/ NPC from a scene of a short movie?

The only way this would be important enuff to take down is if it spoiled something important (a character) or if they REALLY don't want to let people know who does Zero's voice in smash imo.:p

Ferro De Lupe

Smash Lord
May 12, 2006
Shawnee, OK
So he should go ahead and reveal Krystal already. and Ridley. and Olimar. and everybody else that was high on the list. the consumers and their $49.99 each will it to be so.
Actually, going by your business point, the best person for them to reveil next is Michaiah. FE:RD comes out on Monday.


Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007
I have a feeling that while Krystal might not be the next char to be revealed, she will be the next newcomer revealed.

Krystal might even be top tier stuff man!

Lemon Drop

Smash Lord
May 16, 2006
Sorry I'm late but I haven't checked this forum for about a month. Besides the website of the Voice Actor confirming she is in, and then taking it out, what else have we found out about Krystal?

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
I have a feeling that while Krystal might not be the next char to be revealed, she will be the next newcomer revealed.

Krystal might even be top tier stuff man!
definitely could have potential.. all the females in Melee ranked high and so did space animals... she's both... and marth ranked well because of his long sword among other things... she's got a long staff so that could be her too.

And if her B-moves are good... well, who knows?

But it is, of course, FAR to early to predict such things... it would be great if all characters were about equal IMHO, but I'd take Krystal being too good over too bad


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
Wait, did she do krystal in other games? She could be talking about that.

And yes, Charoo's sig costume is good. Could you post a pic that isn't squished?
just click on the quote. I linked it to the person who drew it. And yes, I did ask the person for permission to use the picture.

on a side note, as my friend warned me, no one was going to take it as a good news because it's better to speculate. This is why I didn't want to spot anything until the last email that I'm still waiting.

She is also definitely talking about brawl because I asked her about it and then the email afterwards too. She still reply to me with brawl in her mind.

krystal for brawl


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2007
so, is anybody going to say they have a "good feeling" about Krystal for tonight's update, since its seems like every day somebody says they have a "hunch" or a "gut feeling" about it happening.

As always, I hope something does happen tonight, especially because we didn't have a new character update last week. Chances are there will be one sometime this week.

Tobias Amaranth

Smash Apprentice
Sep 1, 2007
Round Rock, TX
Krystal Predictions

Eff, I lost my draft. Stupid internet... *retypes with crappier verbage*

Personally, I think Krystal will be in her original Adventures outfit... Is what I'd like to say, but truth of the matter is that that's actually fairly unlikely. It's also unlikely that, in a common sense situation (Krystal with her staff, since yes, it -is- HER staff) that she would use the Assault or Command outfits. So the most likely solution would be to create a new outfit for her that's more Starfox-team looking, like Fox's outfit (designed on like that in the past, myself) But it would likely not be quite like that. Who knows. All in all, I'd say a new outfit is most likely, then much less likely, her Adventures outfit.

Why the lack of faith in them using it? Take her loincloth and throw in a free formed camera. Does anyone remember the whole Peach fiasco from Melee? Take that dress and open it up. Yeah, people are immature, but that's how it would likely be. Now, that's not saying they can't change it, perhaps make it a true loincloth and add thick cloth between the legs, but it's definitely going to be a limiting factor. However there are only two situations where they would be able to even avoid that issue in the first place.

#1: They no longer use the 'first version' character trophies.
#2: They consider Krystal's 'first version' to be her Dinosaur Planet outfit.

Either way, they will have the same loincloth predicament. I know it may seem like a perverted thing to worry about, but that's the sort of world we live in, and overall, that's the sort of company Nintendo is.

Of course, I definitely HOPE for the Adventures Krystal outfit, I think it's got far better design to it. It's got a triangle theme all throughout, and is very well thought out. Krystal's design has gotten consistently worse over the past few games. I mean, PINK?? And I thought they couldn't do any worse with the Assault outfit. Ah, but I'm biased, I think too much into practicality so that's why.

As for her moveset, I agree that the staff is the best way to go. Any other direction and it's taking possible moves from other Starfox characters. And for FS, either something with telekinetics, or with the Dinosaurs or Krazoa would be most fitting.

Anyway, enjoying the conversation and debate on here over the last 20 pages or so. Keep it up guys.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
i still say it's going to be a mix of all, if not just Assult and Command, like they did for Fox (except his was 64 and command)

i don't care, as long as the staff is implemented

Krystal for brawl

Tobias Amaranth

Smash Apprentice
Sep 1, 2007
Round Rock, TX
Well perhaps we can get Kursed instead. Krystal has a lot of outfits, to be honest. The helmet-and-ascot version of the Command outfit, the Starwolf version (that's almost the same, it's missing the helmet but that's about it), the Kursed outfit, Adventures, DP, Assault.... And then the one I made (Armada) that a lot of people like. Not that that one's actually an option *laughs*


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Eff, I lost my draft. Stupid internet... *retypes with crappier verbage*

Personally, I think Krystal will be in her original Adventures outfit... Is what I'd like to say, but truth of the matter is that that's actually fairly unlikely. It's also unlikely that, in a common sense situation (Krystal with her staff, since yes, it -is- HER staff) that she would use the Assault or Command outfits. So the most likely solution would be to create a new outfit for her that's more Starfox-team looking, like Fox's outfit (designed on like that in the past, myself) But it would likely not be quite like that. Who knows. All in all, I'd say a new outfit is most likely, then much less likely, her Adventures outfit.
I mostly agree. A new, COMBU out-fit seems more likely.
I think that only because she has a mass of out-fits yet only the oldest relates to her staff.

And I think that PITT is a good example of how up-skirt-friendly outfits can become normal in a transition.


My answer to this problem. . .. center fous the DP out-fit, throw in alil spandex, keep the tribal like looks with a SF team twist WITH a loin cloth skirt and throw on some tiny daisy duke shorts.

Tobias Amaranth

Smash Apprentice
Sep 1, 2007
Round Rock, TX
*laughs* I'd need a bit more detail and reference to get my artist friend to draw that. I think that's a good challenge. He knows how much I love Krystal so he'd probably do it for me. He also did a fantastic rendition of the Assault outfit that actually looked somewhat decent. He'd probably be willing to create a 'work safe' outfit that uses her triangle tribal look as a base. But I also doubt most of Nintendo even realizes that that was the core theme of her design. The clasps of her bra and tail bands, her shoes, her loincloth, her jewelery, everything about her was triangle-themed just about, with a few exceptions for variety. IMO it's actually perfect as is, but again, as you pointed out with Pit there, it just likely won't fly. :< *sigh* And remember the rumor that the T rating was because of her outfit? It was listed as animated blood but such a thing was never found *laughs*


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2007
Well perhaps we can get Kursed instead. Krystal has a lot of outfits, to be honest. The helmet-and-ascot version of the Command outfit, the Starwolf version (that's almost the same, it's missing the helmet but that's about it), the Kursed outfit, Adventures, DP, Assault.... And then the one I made (Armada) that a lot of people like. Not that that one's actually an option *laughs*

wow. we talked about her outfit a really long time ago... as I mentioned like a hundred pages back, I think her Cornerian pilot one was the best outfit, as it was reminiscent of SF64. I still like the one I drew (also posted a hundred to several hundred pages back.)

Actually though, I still like the Adventures one, and regardless anything that's the one they should use, because it fits with the staff. I really don't care about the concern over certain non-players doing other things with the camera in the game... what is there to get excited about, its a bunch of pixels...

maybe Nintendo doesn't really care THAT much, since the when it comes down to it, the people who bought the game for those reasons still BOUGHT the game- which is another unit sold for Nintendo..

anyway, back to Krystal, yes I hope she gets revealed, and soon because it is tiresome to keep waiting... when she's revealed I can finally stop staying up for these updates, since I figure that after Krystal, as my #1 most wanted character, every other update isn't so important that I can't wait until morning...

Tobias Amaranth

Smash Apprentice
Sep 1, 2007
Round Rock, TX
I can sympathize with hoping she's revealed soon. I must say, she's the only update left that I actually am concerned about. However, I'm just really afraid I'll be disappointed. I'm -extremely- faithful to her original design, and despise that they essentially removed her tattoos from her design (evident in Command, HORRID art in that game) as well as almost all of her white. *sighs and shakes head* Ahem, anyway, I fear for the update as much as I look forward to it. I'm guessing Wednesday or Thursday and have heard others guessing the remaining days of this week. It won't be long, that much is certain.

As for staying up, meh I do that anyway.

Oh, and btw, it was only about 15-20 pages back that you talked about the outfit last. That's why I brought it up again.

So, Krystal's chances of being revealed this week just went up IMO. Also, fluffy tail at the end of that video, makes me think they could still do her justice. A shame her head model changed from Adventures, makes it less likely to use that model, it'll look, well, TOO good next to Fox's ;P


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
I'd just like to point out, that today's video didn't have any pausing moments where Fox's intro name would be, like DK and Diddy had in their video. My guess is that Fox already has ANOTHER stage before this one - probably teamed up with another SF-team member.

Tobias Amaranth

Smash Apprentice
Sep 1, 2007
Round Rock, TX
I'd just like to point out, that today's video didn't have any pausing moments where Fox's intro name would be, like DK and Diddy had in their video. My guess is that Fox already has ANOTHER stage before this one - probably teamed up with another SF-team member.
Maybe so, but that points more towards Falco than Krystal, considering it's instand Arwing piloting. If it points to Krystal then I don't want it to be so :p
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