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The Official Krystal Thread ;)

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Smash Master
May 23, 2006
he had no idea what he was talking about. I mean, Luigi is still almost a sure win, but this guy doesn't prove anything except that he's an idiot.
Well someone at Nintendo said this character tahts been in the last to smashs is going to be in. . . enuff for me. . .don't care how much the guy appears to know (as if Luigi would be cut. As good as confirmed).

Also, jigglypuff doesn't count as a female, she made it in because she was the most popular pokemon besides pika at the time of SSB.
I count both (which is why I came to that lable for her). She is by fare more of a "female figure" who is also popular on Pika scale. There for she is a "important/ popular female figure of the series".

And love interests should not make it in; female protagonists should.
Thats why I said "Important female figure of the series" and not "love interest". Kal just assumed I meant that.


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
Thats why I said "Important female figure of the series" and not "love interest". Kal just assumed I meant that.
How does that work for Metroid? Samus is the main character, and important female figure. So it should have went to Ridley, then started over for Zamus, since it went through two games to get Samus and Zamus.
But I supose it could have went
Main Character : Samus
Sidekick : Samus is too **** for a sidekick
Important female figure: Zamus?
Villain: Ridley

Somethings not right there.

On Topic: I like how over the weekend, we got nowhere as far as krystal discussion goes. Though, for almost 400 pages without a confirmation is pretty good but we've discussed everything except what color her eyes will be in brawl. There seriously isn't much to talk about until we get her update. I do feel certain that the next newcomer we get will be her, except there are two vets that deserved to be confirmed. (Poor Falcon and Luigi). So Maybe in like 2 weeks we'll get her update...maybe

Kal aMari

Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2006
Dunno. The last update was quite awesome. I don't know if they'd include several awesome updates a week. =P

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Gender shouldn't matter so much as importance really.

And before naysayers get started on "she's just another wingman... or wingwoman I guess"

She was tremendously important to Adventures (and would have been even moreso had they not moved her to damsel in distress from main character)


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2006
On the blue planet next to the sun, can't miss it!
I'm not really a big fan of Krystal and I'm too lazy to look through the past few pages... but has any one here seen this?:


Apparently that's Krystal's voice actor's website. If that's true, Krystal is definately in the game. Either as an AT or a playable character.

Okay, first of all, I HOPE TO GOD Above she's not an AT, that would make me one sad panda.

Anyhow, She is the female protagonist AND the love interest.

Before you all start your engines, let me just say a few things.

1. Peach doesn't kick butt, Krystal does.
2. In Twilight Princess, Zelda lumbers around like an idiot, Krystal fends for herself.
3. Peach is in no way helpful, Krystal is a telepath, which makes her helpful.
4. Neither Zelda or Peach could be considered a main protagonist. Krystal can

With that said I think her chances of getting in are about %80

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Okay, first of all, I HOPE TO GOD Above she's not an AT, that would make me one sad panda.

Anyhow, She is the female protagonist AND the love interest.

Before you all start your engines, let me just say a few things.

1. Peach doesn't kick butt, Krystal does.
2. In Twilight Princess, Zelda lumbers around like an idiot, Krystal fends for herself.
3. Peach is in no way helpful, Krystal is a telepath, which makes her helpful.
4. Neither Zelda or Peach could be considered a main protagonist. Krystal can

With that said I think her chances of getting in are about %80
Keep in mind that I'm a Krystal supporter but:

Peach has had her oen game in which she was the main protagonist.

So has zelda... it sucked, it's non cannon and it's non-nintendo, but she's had one. And in almost every zelda game, zelda is the female protagonist.

Krystal ALMOST was the main protagonist of a game, but it was never released. Krystal was still a female protagonist in Adventures but was less so than zelda is in most games. In every subsequent game, she's just another wingman.

Don't get me wrong, I love Krystal, but zelda kicks her butt in deservedness to get in, and so does peach for that matter


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2006
Keep in mind that I'm a Krystal supporter but:

Peach has had her oen game in which she was the main protagonist.

So has zelda... it sucked, it's non cannon and it's non-nintendo, but she's had one. And in almost every zelda game, zelda is the female protagonist.

Krystal ALMOST was the main protagonist of a game, but it was never released. Krystal was still a female protagonist in Adventures but was less so than zelda is in most games. In every subsequent game, she's just another wingman.

Don't get me wrong, I love Krystal, but zelda kicks her butt in deservedness to get in, and so does peach for that matter
Your argument is flawed in the fact that both Zelda and Peach are already confirmed.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Your argument is flawed in the fact that both Zelda and Peach are already confirmed.
um... I really don't know how to respond to this post.

I argue that two characters surpass Krystal in chances of being confirmed and... they are confirmed. Just as I argue that they deserve.... and you say that the argument fails.... :confused::laugh::confused:


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
Before you all start your engines, let me just say a few things.

1. Peach doesn't kick butt, Krystal does.
2. In Twilight Princess, Zelda lumbers around like an idiot, Krystal fends for herself.
3. Peach is in no way helpful, Krystal is a telepath, which makes her helpful.
4. Neither Zelda or Peach could be considered a main protagonist. Krystal can
umm lets see;

1.) Peach does kick "butt" and her downsmash will back up my argument..... Or Brawl wise her enlarged turnips mixed with the mid-move air catch will.
2.) Zelda never does anything, thats why we have Link, who ***** anyone who threatens Zelda. Link would have to go on wellfare if Zelda started fending for herself.
3.)Peach is helpful! Why do you think Mario keeps coming back to save her? Her "rewards" are enough for Mario, period.
4.) Zelda has a whole chain of games named after her, after about 5 games, that equals a main protagonist. Peach has her own game, which makes her the main protagonist of her own game.

I'm still extreme pro-Krystal, but don't hate of the other ladies of Smash. ;)


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2007
nah I bet it'll happen when you least expect. Although tonight might be a good prediction... perhaps that potential character leak will force Sakurai to release an update on her sooner? wonder what's taking so long...

as it stands, Krystal fans will already have waited longer than: Ike fans, Lucus fans, Diddy Kong fans, Sonic fans, and Dedede fans...


Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2007
Smryna, TN
im tired of waiting!

and i'll be honest i think zelda deserves the spot more then Krystal but i dont think peach does because she always seem to be a useless character except in one game where she could hover...


Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2007
Smryna, TN
hey dont hate because i think peach is the most annoying character to come from mario series! lol but still nowhere close to the most annoying charatcer ever!!!!!!!


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2007
im tired of waiting!

and i'll be honest i think zelda deserves the spot more then Krystal but i dont think peach does because she always seem to be a useless character except in one game where she could hover...
maybe, but that's a mute point, since both Zelda and Peach are already in the game

I just want to see Krystal soon- she's one of the most blatantly obvious, if not the most obvious choice, out of possible newcomers that haven't been confirmed yet, to make a great character from a gameplay standpoint. perfect potential for a new and original set of moves (especially because there is no other smash bros character who uses a staff), a popular character, and has a readily existing backstory.

I trust that sakurai is the calibur of game designer who would not be blind to this.


Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2007
Smryna, TN
yeah my opinion doesnt really matter! lol

but Krystal would be a totally uniqure character! but the only problem would be that Krystal never fought with the staff in the games and that may be the only existing discouragement for sakurai....but saying that, it seems like he is a smart enough game designer to not be able to create her with her staff! lol


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
How does that work for Metroid? Samus is the main character, and important female figure. So it should have went to Ridley, then started over for Zamus, since it went through two games to get Samus and Zamus.
But I supose it could have went
Main Character : Samus
Sidekick : Samus is too **** for a sidekick
Important female figure: Zamus?
Villain: Ridley

Somethings not right there.
Well heres the formula again

"Main character
Side kick/ Rival/ look alike or different version to the main character
Important female figure of the series
Villian of the series"

Series like LoZ, Pokemon and Metroid don't have side kicks for their main character so thats when the "different version to the main character" comes in in the form of Y Link, Pichu and Zamus. So in other word Zero is Samus's "different version".;)

Important female is a case by case thing. I feel that important female, side kick or different version to the main character and Big boss can be moved around like in the case of Kirby and SF (Kirby/ MK and D3 = Main/ side kick-rival and villian. Fox/ Falco and Krystal= Main/ Side kick and female seeing as Wolf is a costum).

Kal aMari

Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2006
I'd just like to point out that, while Zelda's Adventure sucked, Wand of Gamelon wasn't that bad, actually. If you can get ignore the horrendously bad "cutscenes." *shudder*

I don't think there's an equation you can plug a game series into and get an exact list of who's making it into Brawl in what order. It's different for each. You can't eat at an Italian restaurant and claim all noodles taste the same.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
I'd just like to point out that, while Zelda's Adventure sucked, Wand of Gamelon wasn't that bad, actually. If you can get ignore the horrendously bad "cutscenes." *shudder*

I don't think there's an equation you can plug a game series into and get an exact list of who's making it into Brawl in what order. It's different for each. You can't eat at an Italian restaurant and claim all noodles taste the same.
I never said that you can get a exact list of who will or will not get in;)

I was just listing the roles that seem be a recurrence when one series gets more than one character. It's kinda like. . . .like assumeing that if ONE character from a series gets in that it's going to be the main character of said series.

Not saying that the list ends here (I personally think Toad, a generic character breed like Yoshi in the Mario series, will get in even thouh it doesn't fit the main list) just saying that these are the roles that seem to be fulled when series in smash get into the 2s/ 3s and 4s in characters.


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2007
obviously, nobody can't tell who's officially in until they are in, but I'm still thinking that Krystal wouldn't be an AT, judging by the way ATs have been revealed. So far it seems like 1 AT per franchise, I don't believe any of the franchises have gotten more than 1 AT so far (with the exception of pokeball pokemon.) Starfox has already had an AT revealed for it, so I'd assume any more Starfox characters would probably be PCs.

also, Starfox has to get at least 1 more rep, it its really true that no franchise will have fewer reps than it did in Melee.

I do think that if Falco gets in over Krystal, he better be a helluva lot different than Fox, because that's the only way he'd be a more justified rep than Krystal. If he's just a clone again, and gets in over Krystal, that would suck and be a complete waste.

Keep in mind I'm not saying

Krystal > Falco,

I don't even want to try to make the above comparison
I am merely saying:

Krystal > clone Falco

because let's face it, almost everyone would take an original character over a clone, given the choice.

I don't think its unreasonable to hope for 3 reps from Starfox, probably not 4, but 3 is definitely within the range of possibility.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
i dont know...telekinesis(sp?) on Halloween sounds good, and Krystal use that so maybe Krystal but Ridley has a good chance!
I don't think they celebrate haloween in japan do they?

so do you really think we'll have a themed release today? maybe, but IDK


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
Well heres the formula again

"Main character
Side kick/ Rival/ look alike or different version to the main character
Important female figure of the series
Villian of the series"
Oops, my bad.... uhhh Ridley for Brawl....
I don't think they celebrate haloween in japan do they?

so do you really think we'll have a themed release today? maybe, but IDK
"Halloween in Japan

In Japan O-Bon festival celebrates the memory of the dead relatives. Food and water is placed in front of photos of the dead. Bonfires and lanterns light the spirits' path back to earth.

O-Bon celebrated by some people from July 13-15 and others from August 13-15, O-Bon gets its name from the Sanskrit word for "to hang upside down." It refers to a legend about a Buddhist monk who, deep in meditation, was able to "see" his long-dead mother hanging upside down in the Buddhist equivalent of hell. This was her punishment for having eaten meat during her lifetime - a Buddhist taboo - and refusing to repent of it. The monk was holy enough to go to hell and buy his mother's passage to Nirvana with some of his own excess goodness."
sorce: Halloween In Japan
Wow Krystal Support Thread is getting alot of Views and Posts. Well I support Krystal, shes a great and obvious choice to me but, is she the most supported so far?

Edit: thats not confirmed yet.
Welcome to the Krystal Thread Tennis

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
my point... even their haloween like holiday doesn't fall on haloween... hence the useless update


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
yeah I agree, No spooky update for us on Halloween, except maybe..... *dramatic gasp* another delay.

Oh yeah, and I spent literally ALL night on my new sig. This thread should be proud of the homage to *the* staff!


Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2007
Smryna, TN
yeah i like that! lol but Krystal seems like the most supported, unconfirmed, female character... i heard that somewhere but is it true?

and was anyone here part of "project Krystal in Brawl"


Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2007
Smryna, TN
yeah that is two new characters in a row we are due a vet.

i wanted to be. but i was to late. it was an "at least 1,000 person" petition to nintendo requesting Krystal in brawl. they got a responce saying that nentindo had read it and was thinking hard about putting her in and very well may. sounds promising


Smash Ace
Oct 26, 2004
Atlanta, Georgia
I have a feeling Krystal will be announced next week due to the whole Alesia fiasco. in no way do I support Krystal but this is my hunch despite my desperate feelings for Geno.


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
yeah that is two new characters in a row we are due a vet.

i wanted to be. but i was to late. it was an "at least 1,000 person" petition to nintendo requesting Krystal in brawl. they got a responce saying that nentindo had read it and was thinking hard about putting her in and very well may. sounds promising
Do you have a source for that? Not that I don't believe you, but it would be interesting to read.
I have a feeling Krystal will be announced next week due to the whole Alesia fiasco. in no way do I support Krystal but this is my hunch despite my desperate feelings for Geno.
I don't think things like that effect who gets revealed. Look at the Luigi thing that happened awhile ago, and still no Luigi
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